Astrological analysis has two components. The first id the deducation of likely trends in the life of a native. This determines the basic promise of horoscope. The second, and more important , is to determine the time when the relevant events, according to the promise, would happen. The first part requires astrological knowledge & calculations etc; while for the second part great perception, synthesis, intuition and divine help are required.
Astrology is basically the art & science of deciphering the characteristics & impulses gathered by various planets by their position/ movement and their synthesis/vibrations which they receive and then imparts on the native. Essentially one has to understand planets-their relationship with houses. Signs & Nakshtra and their roles as lords of sign/houses, Nakshtra or its their natal position or standard specific points like natal Moon, natal ascendant or dasha lords. This not only helps in understanding the basic promises, but the timing of their fructification as well.
The author is a mining engineer from "Indian School of Mines" now known as IIT Dhandad. He has put in 28 years of service in the Army as an Engineers' officer. He is a Jyotish Acharya from Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan. For a long time, he has been pursuing astrological studies as a keen student. His researches reflect his analytical approach to go into the details as an engineer and then he put them across frankly as an Army officer. The author has earlier has written many books.
Vedic astrology can be understood and practiced only if one has full faith in the theory of rebirth and of Karma of previous lives. Our present birth is an effect of the causes that has already taken place in past or previous lives. Every human life is a story of fructifications of Karmas of past lives. One's Karmas are treasures which are safeguarded according to the divine law. In right time, Time draws the karma-doers towards itself. Honour & dishonor, gain or losses, rise or fall, all these are the results of Karmas of previous lives. Stage by stage, after they are enjoyed or suffered, they are exhausted. There is no way that one can escape the fruits of his Karmas. Karmas recognize its Doer just as a calf recognizes her mother cow, even in a herd.
Every soul is a 'divine fragment' with a long past history behind it. They were sent forth into matter by an act of God to gain experience and grow in wisdom. The whole universe is divided into three regions- subjective universe of the 'Self', objective universe of 'Not-self 'and the body, where the self is brought into relation with not-self. Every part of it is ruled by the heavenly bodies in accordance with their positions in the zodiac at birth, since it is unique for any native and is not alterable during his life time. Astrologically these are represented by the planets and the Nakshtras. The impacts from 'Not-self' are poured upon us from the heavenly bodies, upon the growing body from conception to birth and upon the self conscious human beings from birth to death.
The mortal part of a native consists of four centers- (a) The Moon representing body at epoch corresponding to ascendant, (b) The soul and the breath of life to Sun giving Prana & vitality, (c) Ascendant & its lord through Mars giving astral links and (d) Jupiter, the symbol of the future & power to expand & divide the body cells. The soul is planetary in characteristics, but it allies closer with Nakshtra than with the signs/ houses. All of us in our present state of evolution are dominated by the mundane houses and the sense of 'self' very strongly. A native thinks "I am happy or I am miserable or I am weak/ strong"; when the truth is that planetary forces from outside, by their impact on his body, calls for an answer and his consciousness automatically responds, which he feels originates from within him. He does not have sufficient wisdom to discriminate between the ideas & thoughts within him and those impressed upon him by vibrations/ impulses coming from heavenly bodies.
The nature of planetary influences on the natives depends upon the basic characteristics of the planets themselves, the position they occupy at the time & place of birth of the native & their present positions and the vibrations/ impulses they receive from other heavenly bodies related to them. A Vedic astrologer does not consider the planets as inert objects of different chemical compositions. They are living, spiritual force-centers with their presiding deities. The Vedic astrology has a distinct role to play in providing peace, stability, confidence & hope to everyday human relationships. The planets are positive forces which triggers the occurrence of certain activities. These are causative impulses. The planets impart specialized energy substances, but their causative forces are modified by the radiations coming from signs, Nakshtras and other heavenly bodies.'
Vedic astrology considers nine planets for predictive purposes. These are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. The activation process is linked with seven planets, while Rahu and Ketu represents the Karmic impediments, we all must confront. The nine planets are not only linked with certain unseen powers, it is the higher powers themselves which govern planetary influences. One has to accept also the reality of non- physical forces and their impact on human life. These forces may no longer conform to the visual perception by physical senses, but guide the destiny of human beings as well as earthly events. Thus the astrology is a well coordinated system of spiritualj.divine science.
Planets are called Grihas in Hindi that means a house or the one which is capable of receiving. The nine planets represent the celestial force centers which receive the vibrations/ impulses of various heavenly bodies like sign, Nakshtra etc that modifies the basic characteristics of the planets, before the same is imparted to the Earth and the natives on it. For predictive purposes, it is essential to realize that these signs, Nakshtra and planets are radiating centers which discharge their impulses into the vast 'energy conscious' field of operation. But none of these impulses affect us in their pure form. The impulses reaching a native must pass through his immediate environment which includes his past Karmas, state of evolution and will power. Hence the same impulse may have different effects on different natives at different times. The Planets and Nakshtras alone do not produce good or evil results; they only indicate the likely time for such events to happen. The real causative factor is the past Karmas done by the native.
Astrological analysis has two components. The first is the deduction of likely trends in the life of a native. This determines the basic promise of a horoscope or indicates as to what is in store for a native in different areas of life. The second, and more important, is to determine the time when the relevant events, according to the promise, would happen. The first part requires astrological knowledge & calculations etc; while for the second part, great perception, synthesis, intuition and divine help are required.
The concept of planetary dasha/ periods is unique to Vedic astrology, which makes it superior to all other systems. It enables an astrologer to fix the timing of fructifications of various events promised in a native's horoscope. Elaborate guidelines are there to work out the time period in which any planet will come into full play and thereby precipitate the occurrence of the events. At any given time the planets as dasha lords, would be governing the life of the native. To find the exact time, dasha is divided into main dasha, Antardasha & Pratyantar dasha and the period is further fine tuned by use of transit. A native is always in a dilemma what not to do and what to do and when to get auspicious/ desired results. The fear psychosis of future adversities urges him/ her to consult or study astrology. Basically one has to understand planets- their relationship with houses, sign & Nakshtra and their roles as lords of sign/ houses, Nakshtra or its subdivisions, as dasha lords or their day to day transit w.r.t to their natal position or standard specific points like natal Moon, natal ascendant or dasha lords. It is the basic characteristics of planets as modified by various impulses! vibrations which they receive and then imparts on the native.
In the first chapter, I have briefly summarized the importance, characteristics of basic ingredients required for proper understanding of any horoscope. It deals with lagna, Arudha lagna, houses, signs, planets, Nakshtras and role of Navamsha (D-9) & Amsha (D-12) in a native's life. It also deals with retrograde planets and Rahu & Ketu. The second chapter deals with role of planets as Karakas. A comprehensive list of Karakas for each house and corporal! non- corporal elements have also been given. The karaka is the key factor to a specific matter. They are of immense use in analysis of a chart and timing of events. No event can happen unless the karaka or/ and karaka factor of it is involved. How use of Arudha lagna makes it more effective has been explained and illustrated. The third chapter deals with role of planets as dasha lords. It is interesting to note how a planet! dasha lord becomes strong/ weak and what does it signify when it is strong/ weak. It also deals with dasha of retrograde planets and of Rahu/ Ketu. It also gives Awasthas of planets indicating their strengths/ weaknesses and affect results when as dasha lords. The fourth chapter deals with role of planets as lords of Nakshtra and Sub and their influence on results of planets and their timing of events. The fifth chapter deals with transit of planets, various transit phenomenon and how they affect the results and timing of events:
The subject matter is very exhaustive and important. I have tried to make it look simpler with the use of 21 tables and 32 illustrative charts. To ensure brevity, the subject has been discussed generally in point form and number of illustrative charts has been reduced, though several others have been referred to in the basic text.
In preparation of the present work, the author does not claim originality. In fact I have borrowed the ideas, principles and explanations given in many classics and works by some of the great astrologers. It is not possible to name all of them. However, I am indebted to the encouragement and blessings of Justice SN Kapoor, Shri AS Shukla and my teachers. It is now difficult to identify which ideas arose from where, but the final form has an identity of its own. I have not the least intention to offend any astrologer or the native of the illustrated charts. However, inadvertently, if it has occurred, I offer my unconditional apology. I realize my personal limitations and alone am responsible for any shortcomings, which may come to light.
I am thankful to Mr. Narendra Sagar for his suggestions and extra efforts to get it published on Priority. I am also thankful to my friend Mr. Krishna Kumar for valuable suggestions/ assistance at various stage of the work. I can never forget the contribution and inspiration of my ever enthusiastic granddaughters- Monil & Ishita Singhal, who have encouraged and helped me in computer/ internet related works for my astrological pursuits. I do hope this effort would be of interest and use to all those who find the subject engrossing. I would fail in my duties, if I do not show my gratitude towards those who have appreciated my earlier works.
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