The ninety year old problem of quantum measurement in Physics involves the interaction of the mind and the quantum system. The nature of this interaction being unknown, has given rise to six different guesses. It is generally told that some of them are even bizarre! On the other hand, Niels Bohr made the hypothesis that mind is a quantum system and it was further developed by von Neumann and David Bohm. Somehow, their works have not been made use of by anyone to solve the quantum, problem. An attempt is made in this monograph to use this hypothesis on the lines of Vedanta, which does a holistic analysis of the mind and the intellect. It has led to a disarmingly simple solution of the quantum measurement problem.
Further as is clear from the appendices, this holistic approach of the monograph is sure to give rich and new ideas to researcher in many branches of science.
Vedanta is unique since it is the only subject which deals with the whole universe on the premise that it is one coherent system. Its simplicity is deceptive and its complexity is challenging. It looks falsifiable everywhere , but never falsified anywhere. Its infallibility is revealed by the commentaries of the great sankaracarya on the Vedanta texts, written when he was a lad of 16 years, which I took up for study 5 years ago. By a chance, I had an informal 8 hour opportunity to explain the basic ideas of Vedanta to group of good physicists at the Indian institute of science. Bangalore.
My grateful thanks to professor John Polkinghorne for his kind reply, which is presented here as the foreword. I thank Prof. M.V Satyanarayana for the preparation of the figures and Sr. Jayanth/Sri. Srihari for typing the manuscript.
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