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A Catena of Buddhist Scriptures From The Chinese

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Publisher: Sri Sadguru Publications
Edition: 1989
ISBN: 8170301831
Pages: 436
Cover: Hardcover
8.7" X 5.7"
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Book Description
From the Jacket

The Buddhist Canon in China, as it was arranged between the years 67 and 1285 A.D., includes 1440 distinct works, comprising 5586 books. But these form only a fractional part of the entire Buddhist Literature. The present books is divided into parts. In the beginning the book contains an informative introduction.Part I contains Legends and Myths which includes-The origin of the rivers; The Navel of the earh; The Habitable world; the four great continents; on the Karma that leads to birth in these worlds: On the causes of the earthquakes; on the eight cold Hells; on the abode of the king Yama. The superior Heaven; The thirty tthree heavens; the occupants of the Heaveans; General summary;The collective Universe; The extent of the different systems of the worlds; on the length of time called a Kalpa; On the kalpa of perfection; on the various tiers of the world; on the names of the great numbers used in Buddhist books; Lgend of Sakya; Origin of the Sakya family; Memoirs by Wang Puh; the various scenes of Sakya teaching; his methods of teaching ; the various developments of his doctrine; the eternity of his law; his successors; the epitome of Buddha's life. Part II deals with Buddhism as a Religion-The necesity of meditiation; Buddhism as a atheisitic system; as a nihilistic system;The Nirvana-The character of Nirvana; Chinese definitions; the discussion found in the Mahaparinirvana Sutra.

The Sutra of the Forty-Two Sections, The Pratimoksha, The Daily Mannual of the Shaman., The Tian T'ai School of Buddhism. Part III is on the Scholastic period-General division of the Buddhist development; Translation of Sutras. Part IV. Mystic period-Definition of Mysticism; the convent at Nalanda; the worship of Kwan-yin; Part.V. Decline and Fall-Naga worship.

In the end the book contains Additional Notes, General Index, and Index of Proper Names, arranged Phonetically.


Of the translations found in this book, several have already appeared in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society.Having revised these and added others to complete what I conceive to be the cycle of the Buddhist development, I now publish the entire series as a contribution toward a more general acquaintance with Buddhist Literature in china.

The Buddhist Canon in that country, as it was arranged between the year 67 and 1285 A.D., includes 1440 distinct works, comprising 5586 books. But these form only a franctional part of the entire Buddhist Literature which is spread throughout the Empire. And yet of all this we have been content, hiththerto, to remain profoundly ignorant. It is difficult to understand how we can claim, under these circumstances, to have any precise idea as to the religious condition of the Chinese people, or even to appreciate the phraseology met with in their ordinary books. Our first duty, surely, should be to turn our attention to the study of some portion at least of these extensive Scriptures.

I could have wished that this subject had been taken up by some one more competent than I am to do it justice, or at least by some one possessed of better opportunities than I have, for thoroughly investigating it. In the absence of any promise of such an event, however I have compiled the present work and now publish it.

The Book itself represents the result of some years of patient labour. I am solely responsible for the defects and errors which will be found in it. If it deserves any commendation, that also I shall gratefully accept for myself, as my re-assurance after many misgivings.But in any case I have found my reward in the delight which the study itself has afforded me, and the insight which I seem to have gained into the character of one of the most wonderful movements of the human mind in the direction of Spiritual Truth, such as I trace in the History of Buddhism.

Introductory Remarks-Importance of Chinese Buddhism-The Translation of the canon-comparison of the Chinese version with the Sanskrit-Works known only in china-The Vessantara Jataka-The intercommunication of East and West-customs and myths borrowed from Buddhism-The Divine method as traced in the history of Buddhism-Scope of the present work 1-9
Works consulted-The Swabhavika system of Buddhism-The Sun gem or Siramani-The opinions of Wang puh-The Buddhist Kosmos by Jinchau-the opinions of Wang puh-The Buddhist Kosmos by Jinchan-The meaning of Dharma in later Buddhist works-The origin of the work of Wang puh-Difference between northern and southern schools of Buddhism-The seven divisions of the work of Jinchau-The identity of mind and matter, according to the Swabhavikas-The Bhadra Kalpa-The meaning of the expression Sahalokadhatu-The origin of the name "India"-The continent of Jambudwipa-China considered as the "Middle country"-The superior reputation of India-The measurement of its position-The Mountain kings-Origin of Rivers-The Navel of the earth-The Wheel kings-Sanskrit letter-The pleasantness of climate-The Reasonable Medium-The Rishi or Genii-On Faith and Unbelief-karma-Necessity of watchfulness over ourselves.9-35
The four great continents-The southern continent-The eastern continent-The western continent-The northern continent-The superiority of Jambudwipa-On the Karma that leads to birth in these worlds-On certain signs at time of death-On the nine mountain girdles and the eight seas-On the causes of earthquakes-On the land of the Naga Rajahs-On the country of the Garudas-on the country of the Asuras-On the war of the Asuras with the Devas-On the bodily size of different beings-On the general names for Hell-On the eight Burning Hells-On the different degrees of punishment-On the eight cold Hells-On the different degrees of punishment-on the eight cold Hells-On the three frontier Hells-On emerging from the Narakas (Hells)-On the abode of king Jemma (Yama)-On the Pretas-On the Pretas-On birth as a brute35-68
The palace of the Sun-The palace of the Moon-On the varibale splendour of sun and moon-On the palace of the Star Devas-On birth in the paradise of the Devas-On the conduct leading to such birth -The thirty-three Heavens-The Karma that leads to birth in these Heavens-A consecutive account of the three worlds-The size and longevity of the Devas-The comparative lustre of the bodies of Devas and men-The relative purity of food-The three worlds and the nine earths-Respecting the Lord of the Devas-The Four divisions of Dhyana Heavens-The occupants of the Heavens-General summary-The five marks of decadence-On the way the heart generates the six modes of birth 68-100
The great chilocosm-The extent of the different systems of worlds-on the length of time called a Kalpa-On the Kalpa of perfection or renovation-On the Kalpa of establishment-on the Kalpa of decadence-On the Kalpa during which there is void-General summary-The various Buddhaa-kshetras-The pure lands of the eastern region-The pure land of the western region-On the true cause of birth in that land-A general summary of the subject-On the various tiers of worlds-On the names of the great numbers used in Buddhist books-Concerning the infinite expanse of the universe100-125
Origin of the Sakya family-Probably a northern race-Tombs of the Seyths-Modes of burial-Memoirs by Wang puh-Descent of Sakya-His horoscope-His early life-His conversion-His ascetic life-His enlightenment-His preaching-Conversion of Sariputra and Moudgalapoutra-The various scenes of Sakya's teaching-His methods of teaching-The various development of his doctrine-The conclusion of his mission-His death-His burial-Division of relies-The eternity of his law-His successors-The epitome of Buddha's life116-142
The character of this development-Its probable origin-The method of it-The idea of worship-The necessity of meditatio-Buddhism as an atheistic system-As a nihilistic system-Primitive ideas-The four truths-Gathsa-Gathas-Allusion to this subject in the Surangama Sutra-In the Pratimoksha-In the Mahapari Nirvana Sutra-Avadanas-The Goddess Merit and the Goddess Blackness-The young Brahman-The merchant-The poisonous tree-Pile of glth-The deep abyss-The tank-The wise minister-The broken charoit-The rich man's house-The poor man's want-The land tortoise-The Autumn moon-The sweet melon-The full moon -The Jusmonarch-The lamp-The dried up reiver-The destructive hail-The character of death-As a fire-As a deluge-As a tempest of wind-As a Garuda-As the trees on the river's bank-The power of Narayana-As the hypocrite-As the rain fall-As Mara-As the flattering minister.142-172
The character of Nirvana-Chinese definitions-The discussions found in the Maha pari Nirvana Sutra-With Basita-With Sena-With Kasaypa-With Purna(or, Purana)-With Vatsa-putra172-188
Comparison of this work with the Dhamma pada-Its historical position in China-Its ethical character-Definition of a Shaman-Capacities of a Rahat-Object of a religious life-Duties of a Shaman-Ten inducements to evil, and ten to good-consequence of impenitence-The rule of returning good for evil-The folly of reviling good-The nature of unselfish charity-The relative worth of godd deeds-The nature of unselfish charity-The relative worth of good deeds-The difficulties of a religious life-The method of advance-Definition of a good man-The character of an impure life-The illumination consequent on religious devotion-The supreme end of life-The impermanence of all around us-The character of faith-of self reflection-The pursuit of personal pleasure-The love of wealth-The character of Love-Sexual inclinations-Desire-Example of disappointed lust-The stream of life-Unbelief-Looking on a man-The destiny of lustful desires-The folly of mere bodily mortraction-The history of the lustful maid -The comparison of the "Good" and the "Bad"-Difficulties-The value of life-Obedience-Comparison of honey and the knife-counting beads-The comparison of the wearied oxen-The true worth of earthly dignities188-204
Original rules of the Buddhist profession-The Telesdhutanga rules-The "Four divisions"-The divisions of the Pratimoksha-Introductory Gathas-Preparatory questions-Commencement-The four Parajika rules-The thirteen Nissaggiya pachittiya rules-The ninety jachittiya rules-The four Phatidesaniya rule-The hundred sekkhiya rules-The seven "Mieh-Tsang" laws201-239
Verses to be said on awaking from sleep-On hearing the convent Bell-On rising from bed-On assuming the robes-On walking-On washing-On drinking water-On spreading out the mat-On entering the sacred precincts-On bowing before Buddha-On adoring a Tope-Other occasions mentioned in the Office 239-244
The priest chikai-His retirement from the world-The scene of his labours-His system of Doctrine-A recent account of his successors-A conversation respecting Buddhist belief-The meaning of production and annihilation in a Buddhist sense (jati and marana)-The book known as the Siau chikwan-The meaning of Chikwan-The introductoty verses-Means to be used-five external means-Observing the precepts-clothing and food-Dwelling place-Freedom from worldly concerns-Promotion of virtuous knowledge-continuation of the system of Tian t'ai-Chiding the evil desires-The lust after beauty-The lust after sound-The lust after perfumes-The lust of taste-The lust of touch-The misery consequent on indulging these desires-Casting away hindrances-The hindrance of covetousness-The hindrance of anger-The hindrance of sloth-The hindrance of restlessness-The hindrance of unbelief-Harmonising the faculties-Duties as to food-Duties as to sleep-Duties as to the regulation of the body, breathing and thinking-Adjustment of the clothes-Straightening the body-Position of the hands and feet-Cleansing the mouth-The four ways of breathing-Suppressing confused thoughts-Overcoming deadness-Destroying flightiness-Excluding excitement-Emerging from Samadhi-Cncluding verses244-282
General division of the Buddhist development-The Prajna Paramita Sutras-Pari Nirvana as defined in the Vajra-chedika Sutra-The condition of the Absolute-Difficulty of defining this condition-Quotations from christian writers-From Buddhist Sutras-Meaning of the word paramita-Chinese versions of the Prajna paramita-Comparative size of the works in question-The sinking or heart Sutra-The edition by Wutsing-tsze-The commentary by Taitheen-The aggrement of three sects-Illustration of arguments used by Wutsingtzo.273-282
The Maha Prajna paramita-hridaya Sutra-The Devata of the Sutra-The Rishi of the Sutra-The character of the argument-Concluding Dharani-The Surngama Sutra-Chineso name-Translated by paramiti-Commentators-Date-References to it in other works-Size of the work-Introductory sections-commencement of the argument-The seat of the mind and the eye-Argument with Prasenadjit-Existence of a soul-The true nature of Tathagata-The hallucination of the senses -The argument of "harmonious union"-The nature of the elements-The true character of phenomenal existence-The oneness of being and not being-Conclusion drawn from the madness of Yadjnadatta-The comparison of the cataract of the eye-The loosening of the knots and the return to the fundamental unity. 282-369
Definition of mysticism-The convent at Nalanda-Aryadeva-Rahulabhadra-The Western paradise-Amitabha-Origin of the myth-Signification of the name-Chinese explanations of it-Mystical meaning-Kwanshaiyin-The invocation of Amitabha-Virtue attending faith-Modes of worship-Result of faith-The Western Paradise-Work translated by Kumarajiva-Sanscrit name-Situation-perfection of it -Blessedness of its inhabitants-The worship of Kwanyin-Origin of this cultus-Probably derived from the ambiguous meaning of Samantamukha-Vagishwara Devi-The early worhsip of Avalokiteshwara-Translation of the Buddhist Canon in Ceylon-The cave Aloka-The Abhaya Vihara-The chapel called Bodhi-The island of pooto-names used in Nipal-Mystical aspect of the worship of Kwanyin-Reference to Kwanyin in the Surangama Sutra-In the Saddharma-Pundarika.370-389
Translation of the Manifestation(samanta) section-Origin of the name Kwanshaiyin-Results to those who invoke him-Protector against fire, water, robbers-Deliverer of those bound-Protector of merchants-Saviour from the power of lust-Patron of women-Reasons of Kwanyin's manifestation-Methods or expedients(upaya)-Offering of Akchayamati-Recitation of Gathas-The Liturgy of Kwanyin-Origin of this office not recorded-Published in the ming dynasty-Similarity in outline with Christian Liturgies-Possibly shaped after a Nestorian model-Imperial preface by Yungloh-Introduction-Mode of consecrating the Mandala-Rules for worshippers-The entrance-Hymn of incense-Oblation of flowers-Mystic hymn-Invocation, lesson-The Dharani-Humble confession-vows of repentance-Dismissal.389-410
Mystical Pantheism-Adoption of Tantra worship-Fusion with the sects-Sivite objects of worship-Chinese exposition of this development-The Dharani of Tehundi-The origin of this name-Another form of Durga-The idea of Georgi with reference to it-The mode of sitting-The position of the hands-The Gathas of Nagardjuna-The Dharani of the pure world-The Dharani of Majusri-The Dharani of Tehundi-The circle dharani-Gathas410-415
The character of this superstition-The sutra for asking rain -Its Sanscrit name-Translated into chinese by Nalanda Yasa-Age-Imperial preface by Kien Lung-The cause of its being published-Abstract of the sutra-Buddha's residence when it was delivered-The infinite number of Nagas-Their mode of worship-The address-The reply-The recitation of Dharani-Names of Tathagatas-Description of Naga temple-Conclusion415-423
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