Do you pay due attention to your eyes and your sight? Do you actively care for them? Or have you entrusted their fate to the Almighty?
A person's relations with others, his occupation, his personality, his life-style, his success and most other things in his life depend upon healthy, efficient eyes and good vision. Indeed, the eyes are invaluable. Caring for eyes should be every person's foremost responsibility.
Drs. Gala have pursued the specialised eye-care field of 'Visual training' for the last twenty years. They have helped innumerable people to improve their sight or to do away with glasses, through appropriate eye-exercises. The fourweek course for vision-improvement, offered by them, has proved immensely, popular with the public.
Topics like 'Care of children's eyes right from their childhood' , 'Good habits to keep eyes in good condition', 'Correct use of eyes', 'Exercises to strengthen eyes' have been included in this book. Each and every page of this book bears an unmistakable stamp of Drs. Galas' long experience in the field of specialised eye-care.
Salient Features • Illustrated and scientific imformationon ways and means to keep the eyes healthy throughout one's life. • Practical hints and suggestions on eye-care on almost every page. • Full-sized charts to test distant and near vision. • Faultless printing and reasonable price.
Dr. Dhiren Gala Dr. S. R. Gala Dr. Sanjay Gala
Dr. Dhiren Gala is a registered medical doctor practising holistic medicine, effectively combining the positive features of Homoeopathy, Acupressure/Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Magnet Therapy, Reiki Therapy, etc.
He has worked as a lecturer in visual sciences at the prestigious College of Optometry, Municipal Eye Hospital, Mumbai. H!2 h-as lectured on a variety of subjects (e. g., Eye-care, Acupressure, Magnet Therapy, Homoeopathy, etc.) at seminars organized by various institutions allover the country.
He has authored a number of health-related books, one of which is in your hands.
Dr. Dhiren Gala conducts short-term courses in (1) Acupuncture without needles, (2) Magnet Therapy, (3) Naturo-pathy, (4) First Aid and (5) Homoeopathy for laymen. He also conducts first-degree, second-degree and third-degree Reiki seminars. He offers all these courses not only at his own Institute in Murnbai (India) but also travels world wide to conduct teaching-cum-training programs. The objective of these courses is to impart such knowledge as would enable people to treat minor diseases on their own. These courses aim at converting people from passive spectators into active participants in matters of health.
The co-author of this book, Dr. Dhanlal Gala is a qualified Naturopathic and Ayurvedic physician. He has over thirty years' experience in treating chronic diseases through non-medicinal measures such as dietary changes, exercises and yogasanas.
Defects and diseases of the eyes have shown an alarming increase in recent times. An observation of kindergarten and primary school students immediately confirms the truth in the above statement. A large number of young children can be seen wearing spectacles. Among these, there are some whose vision is not improved much even by glasses. The reasons for such problems and their solutions need to be found.
Today, the layman is more conscious than ever before about his ocular health. Many people ask what shouid be done to keep the eyes in good condition and what precautions they should take to prevent ocular defects in their children.This book is meant for such persons.
Prevention is always better than cure. This book deals with prevention of eye defects and diseases. For treatment of existing ocular defects or diseases, a separate book is being prepared.
Opinions and suggestions will be gratefully accepted.
Of all the sense organs, the eye is most vital. Without sight, all the worldly gains and material achievement are of little use; the life becomes burdensome and meaningless. Eyes are invaluable.
Yet, what do we do to keep our eyes healthily and to maintain good vision? We do almost nothing. Most of us do not even realize that something can be done for the eyes. Indeed, we have entrusted the work of eye-care to the Almighty. If at all something wrong happens to our eyes or sight, we curse the fate, and little realising that it is the result of our own carelessness and apathy.
We save for the rainy day. We insure our life against disasters we ceaselessly try to obtain a good body, in which God resides. We cannot hope for good eyes without good health. 'Good eyes in a good body' is an apt idiom.
The advent of modern civilsation has necessitated the exaction of various type of work from our eyes. The eyes are excessively taxed. Our reading and writing activities continue unabated even during the late hours. Such incessant reading or writing deprives the eyes of their legitimate rest and relaxation. It strains our delicate eyes.
Advertisements have led some people to resort to the use of certain eye-drops or ointments. But it would be too much to expect anything really worthwhile of such drops. We should pay attention to the correct ways of using our eyes and develop such habits as would maintain the eye-health.
It is true that eyes are meant for seeing. But their excessive use must be stopped. At the same time, we should learn the methods to keep eyes and the body strong and healthy. Without good health, one cannot hope for good eyes.
Remember that roots of eye-troubles like cataract, glaucoma, retinal diseases, etc. are found in ill-health. If one wants to stay away from such troubles, one should care for one's body. Good health depends upon the right diet and vigorous exercise. One should continuously strive to maintain the powers of the digestive system at peak level. If the body along with the eyes is cared for, one can hope of perfect sight even in old age.
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