Not Another Story Book
Pick any English book on naksatra and all you will find is a series of descriptions and elaborations about the 27 lunar mansions and delineation of 27 types of people that make up this world! We would like to credit some recent works, the authors of which have taken the scholarly step of looking beyond these standard descriptions and bringing in a whiff of fresh air with something really wonderful which is also useful.
1. Sri Vamadeva Sastri (Dr. David Frawley), Fruits of Worshipping Each Nakshatra: Using material from the Taittiriya Brahmana III. 1.4 he speaks of the value of worshipping each naksatra while simultaneously bringing out their significations and utility in real life.
2. Dennis M. Harness, Ph. D. and Maire M. Masco, The Nakshatras of Vedic Astrology; Ancient & Contemporary Usage: An excellent book that opens with two new meanings for the word Naksatra. They write “The Sanskrit term nakshatra translates as ‘that which does not decay’ (na-not and kshatra-destructible). Naksha can also indicate approaching. To worship, to guard or protect. Tra is a suffix implying a tool or instrument. Thus, the nakshatras are themselves a means of worship.”
There are some good books but mainly in the vernacular languages like ‘Vaidik Naksatra Jyotisa’ (Hindi) by Sri Suresh Chandra Mishra or the brilliant two volume book ‘Janma Kundali’ (Odiya) by Sri Debaraj Pathi. Prash Trivedi has also written a fine book on ‘The 27 Celestial Portals’ but seems to have missed the 28th asterism Abhijit.
This book has been named Brhat Naksatra because we intend to cover everything taught in the tradition about naksatra (including our research after the passing of jyotisa guru Pt. Kasinath Rath) in it. In this initial volume we have avoided descriptive details about naksatra as these are already available in other books and will take them up in subsequent volumes Instead our approach is exactly as is taught in the tradition starting with the spata-loka mandala and the tri-loka mandala which brings out the first clear difference between the 28 and 27 naksatra systems under the first part. Thereafter we examine some of the naksatra groups like Tri-nadi chakra and the naksatra tattva where you would be amazed to see that the clue to understanding Leonardo’s Vitruvian man lies in the naksatra tattva. Puskara naksatra and Gandanta naksatra have been explained with the tattva so that the reasons for the dangers posed by them are clearly appreciated. Ample examples using the concepts help to cement them before we go to the well known navtara chakra and show new ways to use it including in relationships and family dynamics. The remedial measures taught are with very specific slokas and those who use vimsottari dasa frequently would do well to get acquainted with this.
Anybody using the Jagannath Hora software would be aware of the special naksatra in the 28 naksatra system but few really use them. We show their specific use not only in this chapter but also in subsequent chapters. For example, the placement of the Sun in Manasa naksatra can cause suppressed anger which can cause schizophrenia. Ample illustrations help to see the utility of these concepts. Thereafter the very basics of naksatra sight and their use – two systems have been brought out in this book while the others have been left for subsequent books where they are to be used more extensively.
Sula chakra: We did present a paper on this subject sometime back but then we only showed one hand i.e. the transit of the Moon at certain points. The sula chakra is far more important that just that – it is a tool by which we can pinpoint the exact naksatra the Moon will occupy when a person dies. In this book we cover the details of the sula graham and naksatra. The reader will realize the power of this trident of Sri Rudra. With this the first par of the book titled ‘Naksatra Chakra’ ends.
Naksatra Devata is not just about prayers and worship as has been made out by most authors till data. Either they do not know what to do about them (most likely) or they won’t share the secrets. The first chapters of this part deals with the Saptarsi naksatra which is used for timing the world events in the years, decades, centuries and millennium. Yes, jyotisa does have the finest tool to predict and unless we share these tools how will another Parasara be born in this world? With that hope and prayer that the knowledge develop to such an extent that the time would be ready for the incarnation of the seers, we open the naksatra knowledge of the great Odiya tradition of Parama guru Sri Acyutananda (incarnation of Sri Garuda) who foretold the event of a center stone falling, 300 years after his death, in the Jagannath temple following which the ‘veil would be removed’! And truly so, the lime coating on the Jagannath temple was removed after the event of a roof stone fell in the temple. Since 1999 the world is in the grip of Yama for a century and the tone was set during the decade 1999-2009. The Asvini Kumaras rush to heal the world in the coming decade 2009-19, so let us make haste and heal wounds before more blood and tears wet the earth.
There are very many uses of the Saptarsi (28 naksatra system) and what we have given is just the tip of the iceberg. You will know the real reasons for Sri Rama labeled as the Sun incarnation and Sri Krsna as the Moon incarnation. Also some details about Sri Narasimha as taught in the tradition, as mentioned. Knowing the devata is a tough job and this is where a bit of description comes in which is followed by Puranic lesions with copious jyotisa notes. In some ways this book is incomplete as we have covered only the first five (prthvi tattva) naksatras. Through your support and good wishes, it will take its final form in the years to come.
Sunya naksatra, Graha Janma naksatra, Antaranga-Bahiranga naksatra and Pata naksatra have been covered in this part of the book. There are many other aspects to cover in this part in the future. While almost all astrologer are conversant with their usage in Muhurta, we have shown how they are to be used in horoscopy. The effects of mrtyupada in sunya or the manner in which relationships become void due to sunya in natal charts have been demonstrated with ample illustrations. The birth naksatra of the planets themselves and their birth tithi cause some afflictions to accrue. For example the Janma naksatra of Saturn is Revati and people born in Revati shall feel his pinch. Similarly, people born in Dhanistha feel the eclipse of Mercury. Why is ekadasi so evil that even Jupiter turns his face away? Have you ever wondered why a ruby should be recommended for one born in Bharani naksatra? It maybe crucial for them to wear one and save themselves from Rahu. This is what we learn from the graham Janma tithi and naksatra.
Antaranga-Bahiranga naksatra are the basis for the Astottari dasa and Sanjna chakra is one of the most useful tools in jyotisa. We have made some very fine pointed readings using the pata naksatra in horoscopy and share this in this book.
Dimba chakra of Pandit Dhundiraja and one system of Nara chakra has been covered in this part. The specific use of Dimba chakra in timing longevity has been shown in addition to its general use in delineating character. For example how can we say that Hittler was a chronic liar? We have various combinations like second lord (speech) aspected by Saturn (untruth), but then it is also aspected by Jupiter (truth) and joins Venus (sweet talk) and Mercury (smart talk) and an exalted Sun (straight talk) and is also in own sign and navamsa. So how can we say which among these combinations – liar, truthful, partial liar or lies sometimes, is going to prevail? The dimba chakra points at his buttocks indicating that he is a liar. The Nara chakra which has been taught in this book is to be used with ‘only Vimsottari dasa from Moon’ and by the time you finish this chapter you should be able to tell exactly which part of the body is going to be damaged (if at all) in case of violent deaths. Illustrations of Mahatma Gandhi and Pramod Mahajan have been given.
The naksatra purusa worship in the Vaisnava and Saiva traditions have been explained in some detail.
In this part we have only covered the teachings of Brahmarsi Narada, which is the correct traditional way to first start learning about the naksatra from the seers. We examine the placement Moon in naksatra and pada. Some traditional advise is also included which helps to further the understanding of things like kala sarpa and amrta yogas and how another naksatra can end up giving results instead of just the Janma naksatra.
Ten years back when we started to teach jyotisa in public forum, the astrologers behaved as if the word ‘arudha’ was a bad word, many wondering what we were talking about the others labeling it Jaimini Astrology. This was followed by charakaraka and karaka replacement and other concepts like marana karaka sthana, curses study, omens and nimitta sastra, dreams analysis through charts and many such topics which seem like an endless with the blessings of jyotisa guru Pt. Kasinath and the gayatri, we were able to lift jyotisa vidya in this world from the level of bhu loka to bhuva loka. In the next decade with the blessings of my diksa gurvi Sri Sraddhaprana we should be able to take jyotisa vidya from bhuva loka to svarga loka, the realm of the naksatra. With this solemn pledge we prostrate at the most holy feel of Sri Sarada Ma.
During the course of this work a fire caused considerable disturbance and proofing and editing had been hampered. In subsequent editions we will take care of this. Kindly overlook and forgive typos.
About the Book
Starting with the sapta-loka mandala an the tri-loka mandala, Tri-nadi chakra, this book examines the naksatra tattva where you would be amazed to see that the clue to understanding the Leonardo’s Vitruvian man. Puskara naksatra and Gandanta naksatra have been explained with ample examples. Divulging some secrets of the special naksatra the Sula chakra has been explained threadbare.
Naksatra Devata is not just about prayers and worship – Saptarsi naksatra is used for timing world events in the years, decades, centuries and millennium. The-real reasons for Sri Rama being Sun incarnation or Sri Krsna as Moon incarnation lies in the saptarsi.
Sunya naksatra, Graha Janma naksatra, Antaranga-Bahiranga naksatra and Pata naksatra have been covered along with sunya naksatra. Have you ever wondered why a ruby should be recommended for one born in Bharani naksatra? The answer is in the graha Janma naksatra. Antaranga-Bahiranga naksatra is the basis of Astottari dasa. The use of all this in horoscopy along with Sanjna chakra and pata naksatra is the hallmark of this book.
Dimba chakra of Pandit Dhundiraja and one system of Nara chakra has been covered in this part. By the time you finish this chapter you should be able to tell exactly which part of the body is going to be damaged (if at all). The naksatra purusa worship in the Vaisnava and Saiva traditions have been covered. The teachings of Brahmarsi Narada, for the placement of the Moon in naksatra and pada including some traditional advise.
With more than a hundred charts and more illustrations, this book not only reveals some of the most guarded secrets of Vedic Astrology but also lays a firm foundation for learning Naksatra sastra. In simpler words, what has been taught in this book will have references in classical literature but their use, especially in horoscopy has never ever been provided in any book.
Pt. Sanjay Rath is the founder of SJC and a researcher and translator of classical jyotish literature. He has presented papers at various conferences worldwide and is the author of many books including a translation of Maharishi Jaimini’s Upadesa Sutra and the all time classic “Crux of Vedic Astrology – Timing of Events”, that have revolutionized outlook on jyotish and accepted it as being essentially scientific. He is the editor of ‘The Jyotish Digest’. He is a director of SIVA and teaches at the Devaguru Brihaspati Center.
He is a graduate in mechanical engineering and was an officer in the Government of India (1990 Batch). He belongs to a traditional family of astrologers from Bira Balabhadrapur Sasan Village of Puri, Orissa. His grandfather, the late Pundit Jagannath Rath was the Jyotish Ratna of Orissa.
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