Man has always been curious to know what life has in store for him and catch a glimpse of the future. It is precisely because of this reason that the science of astrology with its numerous branches has traversed continents, journeyed countries and has spread all over the world. The markets today are flooded with books on this subject. However, most of these books are neither simple enough to be understood by a layman nor comprehensive enough to guide the pundits. Bhrigu Samhita has been written keeping these factors in mind.
This book is a condensed version of the original Bhrigu Samhita authored by the great Sage Bhrigu. The principle that the book follows is that the mystery of the whole human life is hidden in the nine planets of a horoscope. Thus to discover the events in the life of a native, it is important to ascertain the effects of every planet. It is with this foundation that every ascendant is described in the book.
Dr. T.M. Rao (Turaga Madhusudhana Rao) was born on July 3, 1927 at Guntur in Andhra Pradesh. He did his B.Sc. (Hons) and M.Sc. (Research) from the Andhra University at Survey of India as a Gazetted Officer in 1948 and retired as Director in 1985.
Though he had keen interest in Astrology, he could pursue this only after his retirement in 1985. He started his professional consultations in 1987 in the Twin Cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. He developed interest in Medical Astrology and started giving his opinions on health matters in 1997 to the different patients who were undergoing treatment in the various Corporate Hospitals. The Open International University for Complementary Medicines, Colombo conferred upon him D.Sc. in November 1997. he got several titles from different Astrological Associations and Bodies as well. He has authored two books Marriage Matching Astrologically and Astrology for Layman published by Pustak Mahal, New Delhi, which have received wide appreciation from all over India and abroad. He has also published a book Muhurta and Allied Topics on his own by getting financial assistance from Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam, Tirupati.
As the term samhita connotes 'compilation', it cannot be expected to be an original work. Its business is to condense many Shastras. It, therefore, includes details of many subjects found in varied works. The samhita in astrological parlance is nothing but an encyclopaedia of astrological and other aspects of human interest. It is also mundane astrology with many scientific topics and other subjects in which human beings have an abiding faith. Hence, the samhita can rightly be termed a work of social science, for social science has reference to and explanation of almost all the aspects of social life and those that have a human appeal.
Varamihira expresses his indebtedness to ancient sages like Kapila, Garga, Kasyapa, Atri, Bhrigu etc; for according to him, a country that does not posses a good astrologer is damned. A good astrologer must be an all-rounder. Though there is no dearth of books available on predictive astrology in this world, which are grand in their own way, most of them are neither easy to the satisfaction of general public not comprehensive enough to satisfy the experts. So keeping this in view, Bhrigu Samhita has been invoked. The primary view of this book is that because the mystery of whole human life is hidden in the nine planets of a horoscope, it will not be possible to discover the events of the whole life of the native till the effects of every planet is not clearly known without which the complicated science of astrology cannot be simplified. It is with this foundation that every ascendant is described in the book.
The book gives very valuable hints on how to find out the character of a native, his moral inclination, and his fortunes and misfortunes in various walks of life. It also provides useful information with regard to longevity and prosperity of the native, his parents, brothers and children. This will enable any amateur or professional astrologer to predict with accuracy the future of the native and to form an opinion as to how a planet is disposed in a particular nativity.
. In the course of writing this book, several publications were referred to and I have endeavoured to present in this book the essential principles culled out from various standard and published works.
The author is highly grateful to Pustak Mahal, New Delhi, who showed their keen interest in publishing this book.
Back of the Book
Bhrigu Samhita is an astrological classic written by Maharishi Bhrigu in the Vedic Period. This was the first treatise on predictive astrology which formed the basis for further research and analysis.
This book is a concise version of the original Bhrigu Samhita. It is specially written to cater to the needs and interests of both laymen and experts. It provides valuable hints on how to find out the character of a native, his moral inclination, and his fortunes and misfortunes in various walks of life, it also imparts useful information with regard to longevity and prosperity of the native, his parents, brothers and children. Self-explanatory content well-segregated into various chapters would enable not only a professional astrologer, but also an amateur to predict with accuracy the future of the native and form an opinion as to how a planet is disposed in a particular nativity.
The author, Dr. Shanker Adawal, is a professional in the field of telecommunications. He is presently working for one of the Fortune 500 Indian companies at a senior position. Did his MBA and PhD, and worked with Multinationals in India and abroad, before joining his present assignment. He has traveled extensively both in India and abroad. He also has keen interest in Human Rights.
He got interested in astrology when he was young, did his Jyotishacharya, and has been doing his research in this field for over three decades. His desire and aspiration to share the findings of his research and the new dimensions which can be given to the science of astrology, prompted him to attempt to put details in the form of a book so that the readers can take advantage of the same.
This book, the first of a series, gives an in depth study of the various permutations and combinations which can result in forecasting events so as to help both the astrologer and the native in getting to know of a system and principle which the traditional form of astrology does not clearly bring forth.
l am extremely grateful to my father Late Shri Kailash Chandra who had been the greatest influencer in my life and who taught me the first steps of astrology. He had done lot of research on the science of astrology and published a book on Venus. He has been the sole inspiration for me, as he was the person who was instrumental in initiating my journey through the world of astro-science and this has resulted in my attempting to pen down some of the research work initiated by him in the following chapters.
I was associated with him as a child while he was doing his research work. This is my tribute to him in terms of whatever knowledge I could gather from him as well as the other Gurus, the teachings of f whom have been of immense help in my research work which has culminated into writing of this book.
It would not have been possible for me to attempt something like this had l not had the unstinting and unwavered support of my mother Dr Krishna PhD., my wife, Renu, daughter Vrinda, relatives, friends and colleagues and l am thankful to one and all for all their time, support and perseverance.
It gives me immense pleasure to bring forth the second revised edition of my highly cherished work of Bhrigu Samhita, an ancient and unique treatise in predictive astrology. I was equally elated and feel ecstatic for having received encouraging as well as critical responses from the esteemed and avid readers. It deference to their valuable suggestions and also some ambiguity pointed by them, I have revised some part of the chapter on "Basic Astrology" and also brought about improvement and amplifications in certain parts of the analyses of various charts wherein the evolved principles which are specifically important in delineating horoscopes on the format of Bhrigu Samhita are further explained. This was done with a view to make the explanations more cogent in comprehend. This will also address the concern sown by the valued readers in some places of earlier narrations.
I reiterate that these findings were made by my father Late Shri Kailash Chandra Saxena and I have only attempted to put them in the right perspective. There is lot of research that needs to be done with Bhrigu Nadi system which is an ongoing process.
I am continuing the research and in the third edition I would bring out the link of rotating Jupiter with the star lords and sub lords, then co-relating it with the inner planets. Needless to say, with Saturn which executes the promises of all the planets.
It would not have been possible for me to attempt the second edition with out the un-wavered support of my mother Dr. Krishna Saxena, my wife Renu Adawal, my daughter Vrinda Adawal and relatives, friends and colleagues. I am also thankful to Saurabh Sagar for his support and perseverance. I owe special and sincere thanks to Mr. P.K. Vasudeva, a good friend of mine, who has helped by giving valuable inputs and editing this book.
This revised edition, I trust, will measure up to the expectations of one and all.
Before we set on to analyze a horoscope, I would like to put forth certain crucial principles specific to Bhrigu Samhita which are essentially to be borne in mind.
Brighu Samhita which is available in various forms and formats and also at different places, primarily talks about the results and periods which would come about to be good, prosperous or otherwise. In this book, I thought expedient to set out principles of prediction as a preamble which are based on a sustained research work carried out over the years and thus stand validated. However, I am open to receiving feedback from the esteemed readers which would help going deeper into these evolved principles and predictive techniques.
As a matter of fact, my efforts are the extension of the project initiated by my revered father. These prognostic principles are the culmination of results derived by their application on variety of horoscopes over the years. My endeavor had been to draw out principles through a focused research and have it validated through their application on various charts.
The leading principle is primarily based upon rotating Jupiter as an ‘Ascendant’. Jupiter turning round the twelve signs takes about l2 years. The longevity of the native shall essentially be analyzed forehand in a given horoscope before proceeding on to other predictions.
It became evident from our researches that Jupiter is the propellant of our life and soul. The native will have joy or grief only when it is signified by Jupiter. The other planets like Saturn, the ruler of profession, Venus the significator of marriage etc., and their results will fructify only, if supplemented by Jupiter.
It is observed that each planet plays multidimensional roles. For example, Venus represents wife, marriage, sex. Further, Venus with relation to Sun (significator of father) denotes mother in the native’s horoscope. Besides, Venus also signifies medicines and so on. The similar multifaceted significations are attributed by the other planets. The same planet confers positive and negative results in the life span of the native it changes its character depending upon the sign and the lordship coupled with the vibrations it receives from the planets posited in the other signs of the horoscope. Each planet, needless to say, has its own unique character which also influences the result and hence can not be ignored.
Although Jupiter is a prime planet defining an event and also Saturn speaks about livelihood of the native, we can not ignore Venus, Mars, Moon, Mercury, Sun etc., as they also govern specific aspects of native’s life. Also each planet represents a large number of living and nonliving factors in a life span.
There are certain books which speak about Karakas and make us understand the role of planets but our research and analyses of numerous horoscopes, helped us formulating and formatting of various combinations in reaching out to such results. I could have conveniently summarized the principles culminating from our research as a rapid reading book and perhaps with the fast life style this would have been more popular, but I do not want to do this. I have referred to those horoscopes which have combinations that one comes across many a times and tried to explain the events. This can be read by anyone having basic knowledge of astrology to discover a new dimension in the predictive astrology.
In the first chart, I tried to explain in a manner as if I am seeking to understand the whole gamut and after running over good about twenty odd pages in this format, I went on to expound the principles relating to the effects of Jupiter’s rotation in a summarized form. However, I do not want my esteemed readers to rush straight t0 this page. In the charts ahead, we looked at the events which can take place with reasons and taking into account the role of planetary disposition influencing the results during each rotation of Jupiter. In addition, the role of each planet is also assessed through lord and its placement in 6th , 8th, 12th, 11th, or 3rd house etc. coupled with impact of retrograde planets. Rahu—Ketu axis also plays a significant role. Besides, three planets aspect may, on analysis, show that negative effects have been countervailed or negative planets rendered powerless. The results of placements and the event taking place are two different aspects which can easily be comprehended on going through the pages of this book. The advantage in this system is that one can check events and move forward with indications.
In some cited horoscopes, I have not indicated the position of the Moon which is not there in many "Leaves" of Bhrigu Samhita that I have come across. The Moon is important and as it travels fast and we have taken it in relation to the movement of other planets while predicting. One of the horoscopes dealt with over here, affirms the importance of the Moon for timing of an event. This is a horoscope of a person who seduced a girl in a temple. For this, the Sun., Venus and other planets make the design and ferments the urge but it is the Moon which covers twelve signs in just 30 days, entices the brain and such an event takes place. At other places, since conjunctions and conditions for and event to occur has been explained, the Moon may not figure over there.
In this book, the method of prediction has been redefined and simply basic principles have been explained. For predicting about the wife, father, grandfather etc., of the native, the relevant planets need to be rotated in relation to the potential depicted by Jupiter for forecasting probability of an event. The rotation of other planets can be taken for a year in one sign except Saturn (two and a half years) and Rahu and Ketu (for one and a half years). Also one must remember about living and non—living things. For example, Venus (a planet of love) signifies wife, relationship in profession, sex and lust, luxuries and is the one planet that adds value. Therefore, placement of Venus cannot negate all things neither its strength gives everything. This is the key which has been explained.
If principles expounded in this book are understood and when actually applied, it will test the water. Therefore we will go into degree-wise rotation in the principal house for Jupiter and do the same in signs for Jupiter and other planets. The superimposition of transit, which is necessary, has been applied while explaining events. This can be further worked upon to time the events by taking the concerned lords into account. This is a path forward and the book is in a form of a project which the readers will find it interesting. However, more explorations can be initiated by those having an aptitude for research.
This is a basic book on ground principles for understanding and is just the beginning and we need to build blocks and the details. I reiterate the fact that this is a research work which is tirelessly carried out by my revered father and as a student and an ardent follower of my father’s path; I have written this work for the benefit of this science in a fond hope that the other will take it forward.
With this background, you can go on to the first chart. An in—depth reading is necessary for proper assimilation of 50 pages that to follow. I have made genuine efforts to bring this book in a proper readable form and should there remained any spelling and grammatical errors, I may be pardon. I however, earnestly wish that readers will read this book constructively and gainfully and with open mind and will attempt to modify these principles duly backed by proper research and their apt application will help hugely the entire fraternity of astrologers.
We are aware that the man, by nature, is very inquisitive to know what the future has in store for him. The contents in Bhrigu Samhita satisfy that urge. It is a compilation of results based on predictive astrology to help average people cope with the pressures of life by learning how to become morally and spiritually strong and also the path they should to follow in their daily lives. Prepared from about five lakh horoscopes of different people, Maharshi Bhrigu made predictions of their current and future lives as well as the past. Each of these horoscopes was based upon the planetary positions of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Rahu (North Node of the Moon) and Ketu (South Node of the Moon).
Readers of the book will be able to understand the meaning and importance of the terms used in astrology, such as Birth chart, Horoscope, House, Zodiac, Rashi, Stars in motion, Sun, Planetary movements etc, in their everyday life. They will be able to cast a birth chart, create a horoscope, study the ascendance, beneficial and malefic influence of planetary movements and make predictions. The book has 25 chapters based on "Laghu Parashari' principles and written in the form of 42 Shlokas that describe basic rules, effects of planetary positions and their influence on a human being.
The original Bhrigu Samhita was written essentially for those well versed with astrology, this book has been simplified to help common people understand how to read a horoscope or make predictions.
Book's Contents and Sample Pages
Horoscopes (185)
Medical Astrology (49)
Nadi (39)
Numerology (53)
Original Texts (272)
Palmistry (50)
Planets (233)
Romance (36)
Vastu (118)
Vedic Astrology (87)
हिन्दी (286)
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