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Beads of Sermons (Set of 7 Books)

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Author: Yogeshwaranand Paramahansa
Language: English
Edition: 1995
Pages: 1098
Cover: Paperback
8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
1.20 kg
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Book Description

About the Book

This book is an English rendering of Yogiraj Shri Yogeshwaranand 27 discourses, delivered on various occasions, on Yoga in its historical perspective and on human life and its complexities. They embody the wisdom that our sages of yoga preached and Maharaj ji has explained it in simple and easily understood language.

What Maharaj ji has expounded in these discourses are eternal truths which are as much relevant today as they were in ancient times. The great merit of these discourses is that they contain advice which can be easily put into practice by people without any change or break in their work-a-day life.

This book should prove an invaluable guide for all those who are spiritually inclined and aspire to give meaning and content to their life and strive to invest it with peace and happiness.

About the Author

Yogiraj Brahmarshi Shri Yogeshwaranand Paramahans, formerly known as Brahmachari Vyas Dev ji, left his home at a tender age of fourteen in search of knowledge and self-realisation. The young Brahmachari spent the early years of his life in the study of Sanskrit and mastering the scriptural lore. He then, followed the path of ancient rishis of the Himalayas and practised the most difficult tapasya and yogic sadhana while continuing the search of real guru who could lead him to the final goal. He came across a number of ascetics about whom one reads only in the scriptures but his search came to an end only when he met Avadhoot Swami Atmanand ji, who had then returned from Tibet.

By constant and dedicated practice of meditation he experienced various types of Samadhis, some of them lasting for several weeks which culminated in his gaining knowledge of self-realisation, origin and dissolution of cosmos and the goal of human existence. The esoteric knowledge which used to pass from guru to disciple through personal relationship and which sometimes required not only a whole lifetime but several lives, has now been set down, at the behest of his guru, in his books.

Volume VII


In this seventh part of the lecture series, his holiness Shri Gurdev Swami Yogeshwarananda Saraswati, has put forth 27 lectures from his lotus like mouth which has been divided into two parts for the convenience of the Sadhakas aspirants and for saving the treatise from becoming too extensive. Here those subjects have been given more importance that are predominantly related to the life of a house holder (grhasta). The stage of a house-holder viz the grhastashrama is not restricted to being a place for merely experiencing worldly joys and sorrows but shouldbecome the temple for acquiring philosophical learning, wherein the aspirant experiences the truths of life and considers those to help promote his sadhana(aspiration) and not to obstruct it. The problems of life give people the strength for the sadhana, generate detachment and handling and facinf the difficulties inspire him to perform sadhana. Therefore the aspirants who are house-holders(grhasta) should not consider themselves unworthy for yoga or tatvagyan(knowledge of the ultimate principle). If they carry on their life thinking themselves to be pursuers of the path of spirituality, then this knowledge is for them also.

We hope this treatise will guide the wise aspirant on the right path like a beacon; this alone is our intent.


In this seventh part of the lecture-series, there are 27 lectures on various subjects, filled with great essence and profound scholarship. Man is afflicted with faults and therefore there is no progress in his sadhana. What are these faults. What are the means of removing them? This has been discribed in the first sermon. Disease makes the body old and weak but the body of the aspirant should be endowed with excellent health as a means of accomplishing the four sumrnom bonnums of life(purusharthas) is described in the secound sermonllecture. What is the position of atma (soul) and paramatma(supreme being) are situated in the body and cosmos is discussed in the third and fourth sermons. People have several illusions and misconceptions regarding birth. Where does the soul go after death; how does birth occur; what are the effects of samskaras, how is man affected by samskaras and what goes out from the body at the time of death? All this has been described from the fifth to the tenth sermons.

What are the means neccessary to set the mind at peace, which are those obstacles which snatch away the peace of mind and make the mind fickle, what is the solution to remove those obstacle, what is the use of action (karma) in life, can man contemplate liberation despite bound by actions? All this can be seen in the accomplishment of Karmayoga. In samadhi yoga one can know about the transformation of mind and body due to knowledge(guas) (dhyana) and supper consciousness (samadhi); what the aspirant becomes due to this and how should the sadhana of the aspirant be like. Man is replete with love and devotion. He needs the grace of the lord for staying away from faults and forwarding off obstacles. How should one worship him(the lord) what is devotion, what is love, what is truth, how should these be incorporated in one's life, can be read in the sermons on devotion of God and the nature of devotion. The magnitude of change that worshipping God and the Brahman brings in ones life is described in the Prayer to the Lord.

The focus of all these sermons is on making life perfect. Without perfection in life there can never be progress in one's sadhana. Limitations and faults make man hollow. Sadhana is the only thing that fills up this hollow and makes man feel complete. It is then that man experiences the proximity with God. It is the very aim if sadhana to make life complete, removing emptiness and filling it with the grace of lord and Godliness. This only is libration from the bondage of life and this can be accomplished by man even while following his duties as a house-holder.

Contents Volume I


1 During Meditation One Becomes Oblivious of Space, Time and Material Pursuits 1
2 Understanding Soul Through Good Deeds, Right Knowledge and Meditation 5
3 Do Actions Bring Forth Their Own Results or is it God that Wills the Results? 9
4 Mastery Over Knowledge of Brahma (Creator) 12
5 Can Omni-present Consciousness be Envisioned  
  in the Skull or in the Heart 17
6 Vision of God by Means of Knowledge, Deeds and Worship, Operating Through 'Pranas' (Vital Air) 21
7 Self-Realisation Through "Prana" in all the three Human Bodies 24
8 The Shortest Path to God - Peace of Mind and Bliss 28
9 Step by Step Knowledge of Objects and Soul - that is Knowledge of Nature and Human Kind 30
10 Role of Impressions of the Mind of Previous Births (Sanskars) in Bringing About Cycle of Births & Re-Births and their Complete Account as Given by Gradual Stages in Our Scriptures 33
11 Envisioning Soul with the Help of Inner Lights 38
12 Eight-fold Abnormalities that Afflict Sincere as Given by Gradual Stages in Our Scriptures 41
  Devotees, Worshippers and Yogis 41
13 To Envision Soul by Means of Divine Lights 44
14 Principal Ways to Acquire Super-Power and Bliss - Are Deeds Rewarded or Penalised on Re-Birth or in this Very Life 47
15 Enunciation of Universal 'Dharma' 52
16 Can 'Dharma' 'Arth' 'Kam' and 'Moksh' or 'Dharma''Arth' 'Gyan' and 'Moksh' Prevent Extreme Suffering 57
17 Prevention of Extreme Suffering 63
18 Work is a Must in Life. It is Work That Leads to Salvation 69
19 God Created This World, But After Creation, He Entrusted it to Human Beings. So Enjoy This World But Within the Framework of Spiritual  
  Knowledge and with an Attitude of  
  Non-Attachment 72
20 Is Their in Reality any Realm of Salvation 77
21 Attainment of Salvation 82
22 Attainment of Salvation (Continued) 88
23 Movement Within the Realm of Salvation -  
  Four Stages or Four Abodes of Salvation 92
24 Out of 4 Ways of Attaining Salvation - Principal  
  are Gyan & Non-Attachment (Vairag) 97
25 Science of Human Body and Inner Instruments 100
26 Is the Size of Soul Atomic or Larger or Equal  
  to the Size of the Body 105
27 Knowledge Mainly has Two Centres -  
  Forehead & Heart 109
  Search for Soul and God through the medium  
  of Light and Vital Airs ... Breathing in & out 1
2 Inter-action between the subtle divine lights of  
  Brahmrandhra (a point, like a hole, in the head)  
  and subtle body. 7
3 Knowledge of Self through interaction of  
  Knowledge, Intelligence and Imagination with  
  manifest or unmanifest Knowledge of  
  'Brahmrandhra' and Heart. 11
4 Visualising Soul and Divine Knowledge through  
  Various Means. 23
5 Enjoyment and Mind-impressions - their  
  Relationship and Means of Attaining Salvation. 27
6 Six Components of Eight - Pronged Yoga. 32
7 Control over mind and senses 42
8 To Acquire knowledge of Soul and God  
  through the medium of the element of Water  
  in the Body. 47
9 Visualising body, Soul and God through the  
  medium of Ten-Pronged Water element. 51
10 Worship of water element and envisioning of  
  Inner-self thereby. 56
11 There is a Ved Mantra which translates the Mind. 60
12 For a number of days we have been discussing the  
  question of worship of God through the medium of  
  water. Our conclusion has been just as air and fire  
  can be the medium of worship of God, so can be  
  the water. 65
13 May all be happy! May all be free from Want! May all  
  be good! May none have any sorrow! 70
14 Bondage and Salvation are natural. All proclivities cannot be  
  eliminated or destroyed. All 'sanskars' after they arise, get  
  dispersed, attenuated but remain dormant and ultimately  
  aggregate at the time of Doom and at the time of creation  
  they secure liberation. 79
15 Worship and knowledge of God through the medium  
  of 'Prabha' (Radiant) Water. 83
16 To worship and to visualise soul and God in the body  
  with the help of special properties of water and earth,  
  namely oiliness and perspiration and their genesis. 95
17 Experience in One's life of the pleasure of Heaven and  
  pains of Hell. The path of this life is paved by our deeds in  
  youth, our efforts to amass wealth, our struggle to achieve  
  power and finally the extent of our ignorance. 105
18 To attract subtle elements of smell and sound from a  
  distance during meditation. 110
19 Pleasure and Pain are inborn. No one can be immune from  
  them. Through meditation we can confine them. Visualising  
  soul through four kinds of meditational poses. 114
20 Virgin Lalita Devi's vision of Soul through Samadhi with  
  and without super-consciousness of thoughts and objects 118
21 To visualise Soul, through control on desires. 122
22 Control of mind-impressions through knowledge and  
  attainment of eternal salvation. 127
23 To visualise God and Soul through Knowtedge and Action. 131
24 Inactivity in God. 135
25 By means of self-realisation and vlsualisinq God through  
  'Samadhi', we can have access to salvation. 142
26 To visualise Soul and God by moving from gross objects  
  to subtle objects and with the support of past and present  
  self. 146
27   151


1 To observe four "Dharmas" (Righteous ways)  
  is a Tough task 1
2 Good Conduct is the Primary Virtue 6
3 To Envision Soul through 'Unmani', 'Shambvi'  
  and 'Shaktisanchalni' Poses 13
4 Vision of Sou! & God by means of knowledge,  
  action & worship 21
5 Envisioning God through the word "Pranva"  
  (Quality of God) 27
6 To envision God with the Aid of Action, knowledge  
  and worship and with the medium of sound and sky 32
7 Attachment makes for bondage but renunciation  
  leads ot salvation 37
8 Visualising Soul and God by means of vital airs  
  in the heart 43
9 To gain spiritual knowledge, you need a preceptor 47
10 Envisioning Soul and God through control of  
  inner desires. 51
11 To acquire spiritual knowledge by means of  
  meditation of various kinds 53
12 How to control the mind and senses and  
  how to self-investigate 59
13 Life depends on vital air 63
14 Philosophic exposition of Soul & God and also of  
  bondage and salvation 67
15 What are the marks and what should be  
  the conduct of a spiritually knowldegeable person 79
16 Various methods of self-realization, prior to  
  control of thoughts and imagination 87
17 There is a Ved Mantra (Yajur Ved 40-2) in which a  
  prayer has been addressed to God in which it has  
  been stated "May we live till the age of 100 years  
  years and die working (in harness)" 93
18 Are Bondage and Salvation implanted in our  
  Nature or are they sought for? 98
19 Visualizing objects by means of light of  
  "Brahmrandhra" 104
20 Self-Realisation by means of lights of mind  
  and intelligence 10
21 To Visualize God and Soul inside the body by  
  Means of light in "Brahmrandhra" 113
22 Self-Realization in "Brahmrandhra" with the aid of  
  Divine light of senses, mind and intelligence 118
23 The element of fire also sustains life 122
24 A description of the heavenly world 127
25 Only rare among spiritually knowledgeable can  
  follow the path of salvation 135
26 How to Envision God and Soul 140
27 How to gain knowledge of the shape of  


1 An analysis of our deeds and their results. 1
2 Is spiritual consciousness a merit or is it without  
  merit? what is the real image of salvation? 12
3 Relationship between material and  
  spiritual sciences. 29
4 Envisioning soul & god through worship and  
  spiritual knowledge. 33
5 To envision god through the medium of the five  
  elements 37
6 To survey important activities of the body made -  
  up of fire, air, light. 45
7 Materialistic and spiritual science. 52
8 How to overcome impressions of our actions  
  through special knowledge and to overcome  
  obstructions in the,'way of yoga. 58
9 To attain self-realization and salvation through  
  explicit vision and proof provided by sound. 64
10 Various methods for visualising mind and  
  intelligence and to comprehend their reality. 72
11 What is the nature of the power of 'kundallni'?  
  how can it be activated? how can we visualise  
  the soul with the aid of kundallni? (kundallni-  
  power is psychic power of the serpentine-nerve). 82
12 Visualising soul through vital air. 91
13 The primary object of human-beings is to acquire  
  knowledge of the soul and divinity. 96
14 Is soul, of mini or mega size? is it-self sustaining  
  or dependent on something else? 104
15 To acquire spiritual knowledge by means of  
  four kinds of yoga. 114
16 How hard to relinquish attachment 121
17 Relationship of soul and god with the universe. 131
18 Functions of senses and inner-instruments -  
  their nature and control 144
19 Destiny and self-effort - their relatioship -  
  comparative precedence and power. 150
20 Question- how is fate different from the  
  impressions of good and evil deeds that  
  are in evidence in modern lives? 159
21 The greatness of the sky and the soul-  
  difference between the two. the sky as the  
  medium for perception. 163
22 Comparison of god and the sky god is indivisible.  
  sky is divisible. 169
23 Introduction of indefinable divinity 176
24 The appearance of mind and intelligence: their  
  functions and business 184
25 in praise of celibacy (brahmacharya) 189
26 the dominion of cupid. how to enjoy passion  
  with discrimination and finesse. 196
27 How to control one's anger and passion. 203


1 Changing Prospectives of Back-Ground 1
2 Synthesis of Materialism and Spiritualism. 11
3 The Sense of Hearing, its Origin & Control. 19
4 Sense of Touch & Control over it. 27
5 Control over the Senses of Touch and Hearing 33
6 Attainment of Peace of Mind & God Thkrough  
  Mantras. 44
7 Control over Sense of Sight. 51
8 Control over Sight & Its Relationship with  
  Spiritual Knowledge. 55
9 Sense of Taste. 62
10 How can we Conquer the Sens of Taste. 68
11 Control over the Sense of Smell. 73
12 Nature of Speech. 78
13 Control over Speech, Body & Mind . 86
14 Control over Actions of our Hands. 93
15 How to gain Control over Action of our Feet. 101
16 Action of Organs of Sex & Control over it by  
  Means of Self-Discipline. 109
17 Control over Sexual Desire by means of  
  Contemplation, knowledge & Renunciation. 115
18 How can we observe Brahmacharya. 121
19 Scientific expiation of Action of Guda  
  Indriya in Gross & Subtle Bodies. 129
20 Relationship between the Senses & Mind/  
  Intellect and their Co-ordination 136
21 Mind-its Working & its functions 142
22 Measures to control the Mind. 149
23 Satvik, Rajasik, Tamasik Tendencies of Mind  
  & their Control. 156
24 The Natural functions of Mind is to do  
  Righteous deeds 162
25 Exposition of the four Constituents of  
  Inner-Self 168
26 In Quest of Soul. 174
27 Realisation of Soul through Guru. 181


1 In praise of charity, arising from activity of mind and intelligence 1
2 In praise of attachment when involved with intelligence 7
3 In praise of love and attachment and their control 11
4 Mind and intelligence as the centre of sphere of activity and two compartments of human life 15
5 Four gate keepers of salvation 20
6 In praise of company of saints, sages and holy-souls 26
7 In praise of company holy people. Attachment and hatred are inborn 31
8 Duties of a faithful wife towards her husband and her rewards 37
9 In praise of attachment 42
10 Knowledge of god through the medium of intellect and mind - stuff 47
11 Envisioning the subtle body within 'brahmandra' and causal body within the heart and envisioning of soul through the medium of intellect and mind-stuff 52
12 Main methods for gaining knowledge of science - how to have feel of soul within "brahmandra" and "heart' through the medium of mind-stuff and intellect 58
13 To attain heaven and to reach the land of  
  Gods through self-understanding 63
14 External and internal righteous conduct 69
15 25 days 'discourse on spirituality for devotees from belgium 74
16 Delivered on 'guru purnima' day - july 20th,  
  1980 - on duties of a guru and his pupil 80
17 Difference between soul and god 87
18 Birth of nine kinds of tendencies in the mind  
  and their suppression 97
19 Sensual interview with soul and god when  
  tied up with mind's tendencies 104
20 The power of kundallni by promotion of life  
  breath and word 110
21 Ways for peace of mind and heaven on earth 118
22 The acquisition of knowledge of self and  
  salvation by the curtailment of all kinds of  
  desires 128
23 Youth, wealth, property, authority- all the  
  four are preposterous 142
24 food, sleep, fear, sex- all these four are  
  the same in men and animals 146
25 special knowledge is greater in man than in  
  animals 150
26 the birth of knowledge (gyan) and action  
  (karma) 155
27 permanency or otherwise of knowledge  
  (gyan) and action (karma) 159


1 Remunation of the six types of deficiencies 1
2 Health the means to Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha 6
3 Is there soul in this body ? 11
4 Is there God in the Universe or not? 17
5 Is rebirth based on our own choice or on some ones prompting ? 22
6 Is moksha (salvation) attainable only through teacher-student tradition? 28
7 Is wealth really the means of happiness ? 36
8 Is poverty alone the cause of misery ? 42
9 Can man become an animal in his next birth ? 47
10 What happens when gross body dies ? 51
11 Is there rebirth in reality ? 56
12 Can man score victory over egoism? 59
13 Importance of Kala or death and victory over it ? 62
14 Attainment of bliss through contentment 66
15 Peace of mind and the method to get it 69
16 The success of human life 73
17 Karma yoga - The path of action 77
18 Gyana yoga - The path of knowledge 80
19 Dhyana yoga - The path of meditation 83
20 Samadhi yoga - The path of super-consciousness 88
21 Prana the basis of life 92
22 Nature of God-worship 96
23 Truth is the greatest Dharma 103
24 Signs of the stainly person 107
25 Symptoms of ignorance 110
26 Worship of God 114
27 Prayer to God 117


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