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Ayurvediya Kriya Sarira: A Text Book of Ayurvediya Physiology (According to the Syllabus of Central Council of Indian Medicine)

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Publisher: Chaukhambha Publications
Author: Dr. Yogesh Chandra Mishra
Edition: 2008
ISBN: 9788189798079
Pages: 496
Cover: Paperback
8.5" X 5.5"
480 gm
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Book Description

Natural wholesomeness of the body, mind and spirit is called health. The contact of life with unpleasantness is called disease. Improvement in health status of the population has been one of the major thrust areas in social development programmes of the country. The approach of health sector development in the country has not been sufficiently integrated with Indian Systems of Medicine. The hazard of modern medicines is attracting the scientists to search an alternative, system being safe and harmonious and they are turning towards Ayurveda and Yoga globally.

Ayurveda literally means the science of life. Being an applied science, Ayurveda aims to understand the individual & cosmos as well. To contemplate the evolution, dissolution and entity of the universe along with salvation or liberation are the summum bonum of the philosophy. Our seers postulated many facts and Ayurvedic classics became the repository and the compendia of Caraka & Susruta came into being in aphoristic style but a number of views were applied in Ayurveda, which were observed in the Philosophy.

Ayurveda has got its own philosophy and under that great umbrella, cosmogony & Cosmology, theory of Panca-mahabhua, Dosa-dhatu-Mala siddhanta, theory of Rasa-Guna-Virya-Vipaka Prabhava, Tastes – its combination & permutations along with the origin of disease and alike material is admonished.

To understand the theme of Ayurveda, preserved in the ancient texts, one has to be familiar with the maxims (tantrayukti), defects of treatise (tantra-dosa) inclinations (tacchilya), base of meaning (arthasraya) and devices (kalpana) as they are very helpful in textual meaning and scientific exposition. Some basic principles and devices are also included from the Grammar, Poetics, Philology and Phonetics.

Prof. Dr. Yogesh Chandra Mishra, the author of the present book "Ayurveda Kriya Sarira" is an eminent scholar, a distinguished professor, devoted to Bhartiya Sanskriti and an authority on the subject. He has systematically arranged the subject in a continuous series of sections, which follow each other as a link in its part of a complex subject. The book is a boon to those who cannot understand Sanskrit or Hindi and find it difficult to follow the original Sanskrit literature.

I congratulate the author for writing this book, which people are searching to know more about Ayurveda. May Almighty bestow upon him the strength and potentialities so that he may continue his writing work for the benefit of the society.

About the Book

The present work 'Ayurvediya Kriya Sarira' by a well known scholar and author of repute Prof. Dr. Yogesh Chandra Mishra, is a complete and comprehensive treatise, which deals with the various physiological aspects of human body. This is the first book is English which deals with the subject in all completeness and clarity, covering the various unique aspects of Ayurvediya Sarira Kriya Vijnana and also points out where it differs from the modern physiology. The 'Swasthya' according to Ayurveda is not mere the balanced state of a few physical and chemical entities as the happiness of manas and atman is the precondition of the holistic health, but the modern medical science does not accept the role of the soul atma (Soul) in health and treatment.

The another problem is regarding the translation of technical terms. Ancient Ayurvedic treatises are available in Sanskrta language and the exact translation of all the words in English or in any other language is not an easy task as the power and meaning of the words may differ according to their practical use as abhidha, laksna and vyanjana, decoding (not only translation) of the various terms used in various references is an important but somehow a difficult job. The author has tried his best successfully on both of the points.

The book, no doubt, will prove as most useful asset to the U.G. and P.G. students and research scholars of Ayurveda. It will also prove helpful to all those, who are interested to peep in the basic fundamentals of the science as well as the art of living known as Ayurveda.

The author, being a senior professor in the subject of basic principals of Ayurveda, with a good background of sanskrta language and philosophy, the book bears a rare blend of conceptual authenticity, linguistic clarity and philosophical based scientific temper. No doubt, it is an unique attempt to fill the gap in the field of Ayurvedic literature.


Chapter - 1
Athato Ayurveda jijnasa (Introduction to Ayurveda)1-13
Ayurveda-a complete science of life 1
Ayus and Ayurveda 2
-Definition of Ayurveda 2
-Objects and scope 3
Ayus-Definition and synonyms 4
Sarira-Synonyms and utility of knowledge 5
Kriya sarira-its utility 7
Kriya & karma 8
Karma 8
Purusa-types of 9
Parmatma or parama purusa 9
Ativahika purusa 10
Caturvinsatika purusa 10
Prana 11
Pranayatana 12
Chapter - 2
Athato-deha Jijnasa
(Introduction to human body) 14-22
Sadanga sarira 14
Six parts of the body 14
Tridosa-the base of body and mind 14
Saririka and manasa dosa 15
Rakta dosa (?) 15
Dosa and pancamaha-bhuta 16
Inter-relation of triguna and tridosa 16
Loka-purusa samya 17
Dosa-dhatu and mala 19
Constituents of the body and their classification 22
Chapter - 3
Sarira prakrti (temperaments) Prakrti and vikrti of ayus23-54
Important triads of life 23
Tridosa-the main physio-phathogenic factors 25
Vikara karitva and vyadhijanaktwa of dosas 26
Prakrti and vikrti (samkhya view) 27
Physical body constitution and prakrti 28
Types of prakrti 30
Samadhatu prakrti 31
Kaphaja prakrti 31
Pittaja prakrti 32
Vataja prakrti 33
Dwidosaja prakrti 35
Manasa prakrti 35
Kriya kala-various stages of dosas 36
Sancaya 38
Prakopa 39
Prasara 40
Sthana-sansraya 42
Vyaktavastha 44
Bheda 45
Vrddhi and ksaya of dosa 47
Chapter - 4
Garbhavakranti sarira
(Embryology) 55-82
Garbhotpatti 55
Formation of sarira 56
Factors responsible for fertilization (Garbhotpatti samagri) 57
Stri-purusa samyoga 58
Sukra sonata samyoga prakriya (Process of fertilization)59
Cetanadhatupravesa 62
Inheritence of qualities of purva janma 65
Role of panca bhutas in the development of garbha 66
Sources of different factors of the body 68
Pitrja bhava 69
Matrja bhava 69
Rasaja bhava 69
Atmaja bhava 70
Sattvaja bhava 72
Satmyaja bhava 73
Development of embriyo 73
-Six parts of body 75
-Mahabhutika development of the body 75
-Formation of the various organs of the body 76
Development of the foetus 78
Monthly development of the foetus 78
Dauhrda 80
Chapter - 5
Tridosa paricaya (General introduction to vata, pitta and kapha) 83-116
Pancabhuta and tridosa 83
Dhatu, dosa and mala83
Tridosas-three groups of action85
Tridosa-an imaginary concept or existing factors86
Tridosas-biological elements88
Dravya-the constituents of sarira88
Attributes of dosas89
Tridosa-a brief description91
Role of drugs on dosas95
Tridosas-move and remain in whole body96
Peculiarity of dosas98
Utility of dosas in treatment99
Role of dosas in aetio-pathogenesis of disease100
Measurement of tridosas in body101
Dosa and kala (time) relation103
Another connotation of kala and akala104
Kala and akala mrtyu105
Kalaksepa prakopa105
Predomination of dosa and kala105
Kala and age108
Kala and its annual division108
Physiological effects of kala on the body109
Rhythm of tridosa v/s six seasons110
Seasonal rhythms and health111
Variation in the serial of rtus112
Yamadanstra (unheathly days)113
Sadharana kala114
Dosa and agni114
Dosa and kostha115
Chapter - 6
Vata dosa vijnanam 117-144
Vata dosa 117
Vata dosa nirukti117
Vata dosa v/s external vayu118
Actions of normal vata119
Vata-the cause of sensory stress121
Vata-responsible for physical development and activities122
Main functions of vata dosa125
Qualities of vata dosa127
Samanya karma of vata129
Types of vayu and their actions130
Site of vata dosa in the body132
Prana vayu133
Udana vayu137
Mechanism of phonation (vak pravrtti)139
Samana vayu140
Vyan vayu142
Apana vayu143
Other five types of vayu144
Chapter - 7
Prana vayu and respiration145-189
Qualities of vayu dosa145
Actions of vayu dosa145
Prana vayu-actions and site146
Physical equipments used in activities of vata dosa147
Vata and manas relation148
Sira or head148
Heart, head and vata149
Functional anotomy of respiratory system150
Vayu mahabhuta and global air150
Importance of prana vayu and respiration151
Functions of respiration152
Respiration and prana vayu153
Swasana kriya155
Action of prana vayu-a wider base156
Prana and yoga157
Rate of respiration159
Pran & eradication of miseries162
Yoga in philosophy and Ayurveda164
Yoga-Caraka's view164
Sroto vikrti167
Pranavaha srotas and swasana sansthana168
Respiratory system Nabhi v/s heart176
Types of respiration178
Pranayama and respiratory volumes179
Pathological respiration180
Modified respiratory-movements180
Gadgada swara183
The first breath185
Marmas and respiratory problems187
Chapter - 8
Udana vayu and physiology of speech (vak pravrtti)190-197
Vak pravrtti (the phonation)190
Larynx-the voice box190
Glottis and epiglottis191
The process of phonatation191
Types of phonation192
Voluntary phonation192
Involuntary phonation193
Sabda-caraka's view193
Sabda-Nyaya darsana's view194
Swarayantra-diseases related to195
Prognosis and voice195
Normal and abnormal voice197
Chapter - 9
Vyana vayu and Raktanu-dhavana (The circulatory system)198-230
Vyana vayu198
Vyanavayu prokopa202
Hrdaya (The heart)203
Circulation of rasa and rakta dhatu207
Types of blood circulation209
Systemic circulation210
Pulmonary circulation210
Size and location of heart210
Chambers of heart211
Actions of heart chambers and valves213
Cardiovascular network in the body 214
Heart sound215
Circulatory system and Ayurveda216
Siravedha, A peculiarity of Ayurvedic surgery 220
Indications of sira vedha220
Sira and dhamani marma221
Hrdastha dosa (dosas related to heart)224
Avalambaka kapha and heart225
Sadhaka pitta and heart227
Pranavayu and heart 228
The dosas (vikaras of hrdaya)229
Chapter - 10
Nadi pariksa and rakta bhara (Examination pulse and blood pressure)231-275
Nadi pariksa231
Synonyms of nadi (pulse)234
Physiology of pulse234
Places for nadi pariksa 234
Mechanism of pulse formation235
Recording of pulse237
Length of the wave238
Clinical features of the pulse238
(1) Rate (gati)238
(2) Rhythm (laya)241
(3) Volume242
(4) Force or tension242
(5) Character242
(6) Condition of arterial wall242
(7) Temperature242
Types of pulses243
Pulse and Ayurveda250
Pulse in healthy stage 250
Effect of dhatus on the pulse250
Effect of dosas on the pulse251
Effect of ahara (diet) on the pulse252
Effect of vihara on the pulse253
Effect of various disease on the pulse 254
Prognosis and pulse256
Rakta capa (blood pressure)258
BP measurement and recording260
Variation in BP262
Low or hypotension264
BP and dosas268
High or hypertension269
Obesity and BP271
Phatho-physiology of carpulance272
Use of lavana and BP 273
Rasayana therapy and BP274
Chapter - 11
Ahara (The diet) 276-302
-Ahara and body nutrition276
- Utility of ahara278
-Types of ahara279
-Effect of rasa282
Rasa guna283
Types of tastes284
Discription of six tastes286
-Physological actions of some food articles290
-Most wholesome and unwholesome dietic article291
-Best and worst dietic items292
-Physical properties of dietic articles297
-Pancabhautic types of diets298
-Bhutas and complexion of pregnency302
Chapter - 12
Ahara vibhajana (components of food)303-355
Key terms303
-Elements and compounds with reference to diet304
-Components of diet305
-Quantum of dietary substance-nutrition306
-Diets and their activity307
Division and food material based chemical composition307
-Diet and natural urges307
-Suppression of hunger308
-Quantity of food material309
-Aharavidhi visesa-yatana309
-Rasa and dosa relationship310
Qualities and actions of chemical bio-products-diet a bio-chemical consideration311
Quantity v/s quality of ahara312
Physical state and protien requirement312
Actions of protien diet312
Sources of protien 313
Protiens and amino acids 313
Recommonded sources of diet 314
Carbohydrates 315
Importance of carbohydrates in diet 315
-Types of carbohydrate 316
-Role of fiberous diet 316
-Sources of carbohydrates 317
-Requirement of carbohydrates 317
-Madhura rasa and carbohydrate 317
-Actions of sweet taste 318
-Collulose or fiberous food 319
-Symptoms of purisaksaya 319
-Saka v/s fibrous diet 319
-Sugercane products 320
-Honey-precautious for use 322
-Normal blood sugar lables 323
-Hyperglycemia v/s prameha 324
-Madhumeha 326
Fats (Snigdha ahara) 327
-Use of fat in therapy 328
-Ketogenosis 329
-Varieties of fat preparation in Ayurveda 329
Sthoulya (obesity) and problems 331
-Etiopathology of obesity 332
-Cause of over eating 334
Chapter - 13
Jala (water) 336-342
-Utility and actions 336
-Chohesion 337
-Fluid-a life saver 338
-Objectives of parenteral therapy 338
-Qualities and functions of water 339
-Apya characterstics of the body 339
-Guidelines for water intake 340
-Usahpana 341
-Types of water 341
-Use of hot water in fever342
Chapter - 14
Vitamins and minerals 343-364
Vitamins 343
-Classifications 344
Vit.-A 344
Vit.-D 345
Vit.-E 346
Vit.-K 346
Vit.-B complex347
Vit.-C 349
Defficiency problems 350
-Reckets, asteomalacia and phakka roga 350
Kwashiokor 350
Marasmus 351
-Beri-beri 351
-Pellegra 352
-Scurby 352
-Vitamins and agnis 353
Minerals (Khanija dravya) 354
-Calcium 354
-Potassium 356
-Sodium 356
-Chlorine 361
-Cobalt 362
-Copper (Tamra) 362
-Iron (Tamra) 362
-Phosphorus 363
-Magnesium 363
-Iodine 364
-Zinc (Yasada) 364
-Sclphur (Gandhaka) 364
Chapter - 15
Mukhagahwara and annavaha-srotas 365-376
(Mouth cavity and alimentary cannal)
-Tounge and taste 364
-Pronunciation of word 366
-Role of enzymes and dosas in digestion 367
-Ahara paka and dhatu paka 368
-Mahasrotas (alimentary cannal) 369
Mouth and buccal cavity
-Tounge 370
-Teeth 371
-Salivary glands and saliva 373
Chapter - 16
Ahara parinama 377-411
(Transformation of the food) 377
-Aharaparinamakara bhava 377
(Transformation of the food and relevant factors) 377
Usama and agni379
-Types of pitta and agnis 379
-Agni-its utility 382
-Agni-synonyms 383
-Vaisvanara agni 384
-Sadhaka agni 384
-Amivacatana 385
-Types of pacaka agni 386
Vayu dosa and pacana (movements in pacana) 387
Role of vayu dosa 390
-Movements 390
-Mastication 392
-Deglutition 392
Movements of stomach 394
Movements of intestine 397
Kledana (moisturezation) 398
Snehana (softening agents) 399
Kala (time) 400
Samayoga of ahara vidhi (Appropriate administration) 401
Ahara vidhi visesayatana (Eight specific factors regarding food) 401
-Viruddhahara 407
Aharamarga roga 408
Disorders of digestive systems 408
Deficiency problems of ahara 410
Chapter - 17
Yakrta and pacana kriya 412-428
(Liver and digestion-Yakrta (the liver) 412
-Functions of liver 412
-Gall bladder and bile 415
-Disorders of bile tract 416
-Jandice 416
-Kamala 418
-Kumbha kamala 319
-Halimaka 419
-Pancreas and acchapitta 420
-Pritiharini sira (hepato-portal circulation)422
-Pliha (the spleen) 424
-Plihodara 426
Chapter - 18
Dhatu paka and vividha nyaya 429-448
(Tissue nutrition-various theories)
Dhatu and methods of nutrition 429
Dhatu mala 431
Nyaya-an introduction (Tissue nutrition various theories) 435
-Ksira-dadhi nyaya 436
-Khale kapota nyaya 440
-Kedari kulya nyaya 442
-Ekakala dhatu posana 442
-Dhatu posana kala 445
List of reference books449-451
Alphabetical index 452-462
**Contents and Sample Pages**

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