Ayurved and Yoga are Complimentary Science. They both have been originated from India and Vedic Culture. They are the Two sides of the coin known as Health. Both these sciences understand the human body with the same language of Triguna, Panchamahabhuta, Tridosha, Agni etc. It is Our experience of Last 50 years of practice, that if both these sciences are used for healing, the response is quicker and long lasting. In this book we have included over 100 common diseases, their causes, simple home remedies and easy to do Yoga procedures. However it is better to learn the Yoga procedures from Guru or the Master and if the symptoms are not relieved, also better to see the Ayurvedic consultant.
Dr. Subhash Ranade is one of the foremost experts on Ayurveda. He is the chairman of International Academy of Ayurved in Pune, India. He is a leading academician and physician in the field of Ayurveda and is also the author of about 145 books on Ayurveda and Yoga. These books have been published in Marathi, Hindi Malayalam, and 13 other languages. He has worked as Prof. and Head, Dept. of Interdisciplinary School of Ayurveda and Prof. and Head, Dept. of ayurveda Pune University and Principal of Ashtang Ayurveda college, Pune, India Since 1981 he has visited all the five continent and 68 countries and has conducted hundreds of Ayurveda courses for medical practitioners in Europe, Canada, USA, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Russia and Japan.
Dr. Sunanda Ranade is leading Ayurvedic Gynecologist and Nutritionist. She has vast experience of Ayurvedic practice and teaching of last 47 years. She has done clinical research work for 12 years. At present she is Vice-Chairman of International Academy of Ayurveda in Pune, India, Dr. Sunanda Ranade has all the five Continents and 68 countries for the propagation of Ayurveda and has given consultations to thousands of Women and Children. She is also the Author of several books on Ayurveda which has been published in Marathi. English and Spanish languages.
In this book in Ayurveda section we have described more than 100 common diseases that are observed in day-to-day life. These diseases have been explained according to Ayurvedic understanding and Western medical science concept also.
We have described proper diet, simple herbs that are easily available in India and Western countries, various food substances and receipes, home therapies that can be done by every individual and easily available Ayurvedic medicines. The dose of medicines and their vehicle, wherever required, have also been explained.
We kindly ask the readers to use first home therapies and herbs for treating ailments. Then try Ayurvedic prepared medicines only for few days. If they do not give the positive result, then immediately consult Ayurvedic physician.
We have written this book for common individual and hence we have avoided complicated scientific terminology but at the same time, necessary explanation for prevention and treatment of each disease has been descried.
In our practice of last 40 years, we have always used Ayurveda and Yoga therapy for treating various diseases. It is our experience that when both these therapies are used jointly, they give quick and long-lasting results because Yoga and Ayurveda both have common origin of Vedic science and both se the same terminology for understanding the anatomy and physiology of human being, i.e., sira, snayu, dhamani, dosha, dhatu, mala, agni, ojas etc. Yoga has been understood by using Western anatomy and physiology, this study has limited purpose. But science of Yoga is used through the knowledge and the terminology of Ayurveda, it is much more useful. Hence students of Ayurveda should study and practise Yoga and vice versa.
Hence it was decided to write this book describing Yoga and Ayurveda therapy for common diseases. We are sure that readers will be benefited by this unique combination and they can treat common diseases and keep themselves healthy.
In the Yoga section we have given yoga programmes for each disease comprising yoga postures, pranayama, and meditation, etc. which are found very useful by our patients.
We have also given modifications of various practices that suit certain type of patients depending on the severity and duration of their health problem and their ability to perform those practices.
These programmes may appear similar or same in certain diseases, because the number of safe yoga practices is relatively less and many of them are found useful in several disorders.
It is always better to start with a very safe programmes and depending on the proficiency and grasp about doing the practices, additional practices that are little harder than before can then be introduced.
We do not make tall claims that yoga practices are panacea for all diseases. It is surely very useful for the promotion of positive health, prevention of stress-induced disorders and an important adjunct to the main line therapies as per Modern Medicine and Ayurveda.
As commonly believed, there are no medicines like yoga exercises that exclusively work on specific organs or areas of the body. For best results, we like to take body, mind, intellect, emotions and spirit into account while designing a programme for a particular patient. The programme is flexible enough to accommodate variations in individual responses.
Readers are advised to carefully read, understand and follow the instructions given under Dos and Don'ts about Yoga Postures and Practices before they start following a particular programme according to their individual health problems.
We have purposely spelled different words related to yoga practices as we pronounce them, because large majority of readers are not aware of the conventional format of spelling those words.
We have placed photographs after the description of yoga exercises.
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Acupuncture & Acupressure (202)
Gem Therapy (23)
Homeopathy (498)
Massage (22)
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Therapy & Treatment (165)
Tibetan Healing (132)
Yoga (41)
हिन्दी (1127)
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