There was a time when Ayurvedic scholars recited verses of Agangahrdaya daily, as part of their routine. This no doubt enhanced their edge in auto updating of knowledge. This edition is primarily meant for recital of verses, which helps the students in the ensuing decades of their professional service.
The varying alternate versions found in many commentaries now available are analysed by the editor and the apparently most accurate version is included in this edition of the text of SItrasthana of A.Hihigahrdaya. A good index is given in the last pages which assist the reader to find the exact verse for a particular word referred. The font and its size are eye friendly and are incorporated after due research.
This volume is prepared after meticulous scrutiny of the text portions of five important commentaries now available - Sarvarigasundara of_Arunadatta, Ayurviiclarasayana of Homadri, hirdayabodhika of Sriclasa Panditar, Saeilekha commentary of lndu and VN‘yapradipika commentary of Parameevara Dvija. It is incon-ceivable that a treatise so popular has so many alternate versions (pathabhedam). However, in this edition, at places, apparently the most appropriate and popular version of the text is projected. Seriously differing alternate versions are also incorporated (with foot notes). Admittedly, the versatality of these versions generate different numbers in different commentaries for a particular verse.
Let me take this opportunity to thank Mr. V.M.Bhaskaran, Mrs Neethu Sijo and Dr. Prabhitha for earnestly working round the clock to select the most suitable terms from various commentaries available. I also thank Dr.M.Prasad for providing me a professional quality MP3 audio version of the Sutrasthana.
The encouraging support I got from the Academy is the singular factor for bringing out this second edition. In this edition the text is further scrutinized to zero error perfection indicating alternate version of verses. The index is further widened so as the students can identify targeted verses at ease.
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