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Aryan Miscellany the Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira

Author: Usha, Shashi
Language: (Text, Translation and Detailed Notes)
Edition: 2004
ISBN: 8170820561
Pages: 416
Cover: Paperback
8.3" X 5.5"
520 gm
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Book Description


There is probably not one subject which is so ill-understood, which so many people pretend to know, and on which so many are prepared to express on opinion, as the subject of Astrology. The Indian proverb truly says that there is no man who is not a bit of a physician and an astrologer; and it is equally true that there is no subject which is so ill-understand as these two. The fact is that the broad medical and astrological principles are so many that everybody out of necessity learns a few of these, but experiences a difficulty in mastering all of them.

It would be interesting to note the various subjects with which astrology is confounded. Persons with well-developed intuitions are often found to make correct predictions of events. The Yogis are persons of this description. Their peculiar knowledge is certainly not the result of any study of astrological works. We also find another class of men who imitate these men and also make striking statements. Birmingham gold is often taken for sterling gold; German silver for pure gold is often taken for sterling gold; German silver for pure silver; and we have a variety of inferior stones, white, red and green that are often mistaken for diamonds, rubies and emeralds. The world is full of this dual character of things. Every department of true knowledge has its inferior counter part and so we have a number of men woman, possessing no occult powers, but securing the help of few elemental spirits, practise imposition on the ignorant public. But the world is not without a touchstone to detect the hollowness of their pretensions: these men will give you a few correct particulars regarding remote past events, a great many particulars regarding present events, one or two particulars regarding the immediate future, and no particulars at all about the distant future. We have known these men and test the truth of their statements. These men pretend to be astrologers. Some of them carry no books at all and make amazing statements touching past events in prose and verse in an extempore singsong fashion and without the least effort, even thought the questioner is a perfect stranger; while others show you some huge antique cadjan book and pretend to read from its pages. This was exactly the way in which questions were recently answered by the Brahmin astrologer who pretended to read from the pages of the works of the Great Bheemakava we are sure that his intelligent friends never had a look into the book to see whether what was read out was really written there, and if so, whether the writing was not a fresh one. IN all these cases the astrologer, if he one at all, doggedly refuses to allow others to look into his book; for, he says, he is not permitted by the book deity to do so! There are a more wonderful man in India all around. They pretend to read from the works of Bhrigunadi Nandikesware etc. Such astrologers are making vast sums of money. The statements they make are really puzzling ones. But for these and the way in which they are made, the utter want of preparation and the like. We should have been inclined to discard the element of the help of the elemental spirits. Let those who would object to this, examine the matter and then pronounce an opinion.

Nothing can be more funny than to find young men especially, taking up astrology as their first subject of attack in their public utterances. It is a subject to which they pay little or no attention except for purposes of ridicule. To all your questions how do you prove this statement and how do you prove that their one ready reply is that their common sense tells them so. They forget that common sense is a sense which changes in its nature as one advances in one's study, and it changes so much that the common sense of one age is different from the common sense of another age, the common sense of one nation or of one individual is different from the common sense of another nation or of another individual. Where proof is advanced by a few, it is equally interesting to examine it. The proof is that such and such astrologers made such and such predictions and that the predictions have failed – and ergo, astrology is no science! It is evidently taken for granted that the astrologer was really learned in the science, and that there were not those numerous errors of data to mislead him.


Astrological Terms
  Ch. Stanza
Agna (10th house) I 16
Akokere (Greek name for Makara, Capricorn) I 8
Ambu (4th house) I 18
Angles or quadrants, their strength I 19
Antyabha (Sign Meena, Pisces) I 8
Apoklima (the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12 houses from the ascendant) I 18
Aspects, planetary II 13
Astabliavana (7th house or setting sign) I 18
Astangata planets VII 2
Atimitragraha, very friendly planets II 18
Atisatrugraha, very inimical planets II 19
Benefic planets II 5
Benefic signs I 11
Biped signs, their strength I 19
Castes, planetary divisions of II 7
Centiped signs, their strength I 19
Chara rasi, movable signs I 11
Chaturasra, 4th and 8th houses I 16
Chatuspada rasi, quadruped signs   117&19
Cheshtabala, motional strength of planets II 19
Clothes, planetary divisions of II 12
Colours, planetary divisions of II 4&5
Colours of Zodiacal signs I 20
Common signs I 11
Dakshina rasis, Southern signs I 11
Depression signs and degrees I 13
Devas, planetary divisions of II 5
Dhatus or elements of the body, planetary division of II 11
Dik bala, quarterly strength of planets II 19
Dik, direction of planets II 5
Directions of planets II 5
Diurnal Day signs I 10
Drekkanas, their lords   111&12
Drishrti, planetary sight or aspect II 13
Duschikya, 3rd house I 19
Dwadasabhava signification of the 12 houses   115&16
Dwadasamsa, division of a sign into 12 parts I 6
Dwelling houses, planetary divisions of, parts of II 12
Dwipada rasis, biped signs I 19
Dyuna 7th houses I 16
Eastern signs I 11
Elements, dhatus, of the body, planetary division of II 11
Elements, planetary divisions of II 6
Exaltation signs and degrees I 1
Female planets II 6
Female signs I 11
Fixed signs I 11
Flavour planetary II 14
Foot, signs that rise with their I 10
Forms of the planets I 5
Forms of the planets   118to11
Friendly planets II 15to18
Garments, planetary divisions of II 12
Greek names for Zodiacal signs I 8
Guna, temper, planetary divisions of II 7
Heads, signs that rise with their I 10
Head and tail, sign that rises with its I 10
Hermaphrodite planets II 6
Hibuka, 4th house I 18
Hora I 9
Horas, their lords I 11&12
Houses, their lords I 6
Hridroga Greek name for Kumbha Aquarius I 8
Immovable signs I 11
Inimical planets II 15to18
Jamitra, 7th house I 18
Jati, Caste, of the planets II 7
Jituma, Greek names for Mithuna, Gemini I 8
Juka, Greek name for Tula, Libra I 8
Kala, time, planetary lengths of II 14
Kala bala, periodical strength of planets II 19
Kala purusha, planetary divisions of II 1
Kala purusha, Zodiacal division of I 4
Karmasthanam, 10th house I 18
Kendra, quadrants or angles, their strength I 17&19
Kourpya, Greek name for Vrischika, Scorpio I 8
Kria, Greek name for Mesha, Aries I 8
Kulira, Kataka, Cancer I 8
Lagna, strength of I 18
Leya, Greek name for Simlia, Leo I 8
Male planets II 6
Male signs I 11
Malefic planets II 5
Malefic signs I 11
Measurement of the Zodiacal signs I 19
Meshoorana, 10th house I 18
Metals, planetary divisions of II 12
Mitragraha, friendly planets   1115to18
Moola Trikona, signs and their lords I 14
Motional strength of planets II 20
Movable signs I 11
Movable and immovable signs I 11
Naisargikahala, natural, relative strength of planets II 21
Names, various, for planets II 2&3
Napumsaka graham, hermaphrodite planets II 6
Natural, relative, strength of planets II 19
Navarnsa, division of sign into 9 parts and their lords I 6
Neecha, depression signs I 13
Neutral planets II 17&18
Nocturnal (night) signs I 10
Panapara signs, 2nd, 5th, 8th & 11th house I 18
Papagraha, malefic planets II 5
Paparasi, malefic signs I 11
Paschima rasi, Westren signs I 11
Pathona, Greek name for Kanya, Virgo I 8
Periodical strength of the planets II 19
Political divisions of the planets II 1
Positional Strength of the planets II 19
Purva rasi, Eastern signs I 11
Prishtodaya rasis, signs rising with their feet I 10
Purusha graham, male planets II 6
Purusha rasis, male signs I 11
Quadrants, their strength I 17&19
Quadruped signs their strength I 17&19
Quarterly strength of planets II 19
Rasis, Signs, names of I 4
Rasis, their lords I 6
Rikshasandhi, defined I 7
Ritus, planetary divisions of II 12
Rupa, shapes, of planets II 8to11
Rupa, shapes, of signs I 5
Sama graham, neutral planets II 16&17
Satru graha, inimical planets II 15to18
Seasons, planetary divisions of II 12
Shadvarga, 6 modes of the division of the ecliptic I 9
Shapes of the sings I 5
Shapes of the planets II 8to11
Sights or aspects of the planets II 13
Signs, names of I 4
Signs, their, lords I 6
Significations, of the 12 signs of Zodiac I 15to16
Sirsa-prishtodaya rasi, sign that rises with its head and tail I 10
Sirodaya rasis, signs that rise with their heads I 10
Southern signs I 11
Sthanba l a, positional strength of planets II 19
Sthira rasis, fixed signs I 11
Streegraha, female planets II 6
Stree rasis, female signs I 11
Strength of Lagna I 19
Subhagraha, benefic planets II 5
Sukha, 4th house I 18
Sutabha, 5th house I 18
Swakshetra houses and their lords I 6
Tails, signs that rise with their I 10
Tapas, 9th house I 19
Tavuri, Greek name for Vrishabha, Taurus I 8
Temper, of planets II 7
Toukshika, Greek name for Dhanus, Sagittari I 8
Triangular signs I 6
Trikona, 5th house I 18
Trikona rasi, triangular signs I 6
Trimsamsa, division of sign into 30 parts I 7
Tritrikona, 9th house I 19
Ubhaya rasi, movable ant' immovable signs I 11
Uccharasi, signs of exaltation with degrees I 13
Upachaya or improving signs I 15
Uttara rasi, Northern signs I 11
Vargottama, defined I 14
Vama colour of planets II 4&5
Varna, colour of Zodiacal signs, II 20
Vesi, 2nd house from the Sun I 20
Vesma, 4th house I 18
Western signs I 11
  Introduction vii
  Introduction of 2nd Edition xxix
  Astrology Terms xxx
  Foreword xxxix
I. Definitions and Elementary Principles (Zodiacal) 1
II. Definitions and Elementary Principles (Planetary) 20
III. Animal and Vegetable Horoscopy 32
IV. Nisheka Kala or the Time of Conception 37
V. Matters Connected with Birth Time 51
VI. Balarishta or Early Death 69
VII. Ayurdaya or the Determination of the Length of Life 77
VIII. Planetary Divisions and Sub-Divisions of Life known as Dasas and Antar Dasas 97
IX. Ashtaka Vargas 117
X. Avocation 137
XI. Raja Yoga or the Birth of Kings 146
XII. Nabhas Yogas 157
XIII. Chandra or Lunar Yogas 175
XIV. Double Planetary Yogas 184
XV. Ascetic Yogas 198
XVI. The Nakshatras or the Moon in the Asterisms 202
XVII. The moon in the several signs of the Zodiac 207
XVIII. The Sun, Mars and other Planets in the several signs of the Zodiac 212
XIX. Planetary Aspects 225
XX. Planets in the Bhavas 232
XXI. Planets in several Vargas 238
XXII. Miscellaneous Yogas 244
XXIII. Malefic Yogas 248
XXIV. Horoscopy of Women 258
XXV. Death 267
XXVI. Lost Horoscopes 275
XXVII. Drekkanas 290
XXVIII. Conclusion 302
A. Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa 306
B. Concept of the equal house (Bhava) Division and the role of the trinity in Navamsa 313
C. Major (Dasa) and Sub-periods (Antar Dasa) of the planets bases on the Method of Ansayurdaya 329

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