This benign blessing of “Shri Bala Chandrika” have enabled me to Serve the astrological fraternity as a result of which, I am presenting now again in quick succession, a long needed treatise, for the first time on “Arudha System of Prediction” in English.
While studying further I came across the following paragraph which drew my attention to the study of Arudha system: (From “My Experiments with Astrology-1926 to 1936” by late Dr. B.V. Raman (pages 206-207).
Importance of Arudha
“We next visited Pandit Satagopalachariar as Gandhi Astrologer” as he was also known and who was widely advertising his service. One day we just walked into his house at Tiruttani and wanted to know what methods he employed to give astrological predictions. He was surprised at what he called my “audacity” in questioning an elderly astrologer of his eminence as to the methods he employed for predicting events. In 1933 I had three questions to this astrologer remitting one rupee. I had got answer for all the three questions. For the question whether I would be successful in the examination, his answer had been just one word “doubtful”. There was no astrological explanation whatsoever. Ever since I had been waiting for an opportunity to accost the astrologer. “How would you answer questions when they are put to you? I am myself a specialist in astrology and I want to know more from you”. He was not pleased with my question, but said “on the basis of Arudha.” I told him about having sent questions to him two years ago and how without giving any astrological reasoning he said “yes” or “no”. I also explained to him-of course it was highly improper on my part to have spoken in this vein to an elderly person-the importance of Shad balas, etc., and how mathematically astrology was the basis for all predictions. Finally I revealed to him that I was the grandson of Sh. Suryanarain Rao. We parted as friends. He was no doubt a great scholar.”
After my book on “Nadi Astrology” was sent for publication I started collecting material on “Arudha” from various books. I collected two chapters No. 29 and 30 from B.P.H.S. which are exhaustive and useful. They are the main basis of this book. Simultaneously, I started collecting verses dealing with ‘Arudha’ from Deva Keralam and Bhrugu Nadi. After my return from the USA (end of April 1999), I started writing the book seriously and, before the end of September 99, the present book was sent to the publishers for their processing.
Thanks are again due to late Dr. B.V. Raman for writing above paragraph showing importance of “Arudha” which induced me to write a full-fledged treatise on the subject for the use of astrological fraternity for further and deeper search.
America’s Visit:
Since writing this book “Arudha System of Prediction”, I have had opportunity of visiting America with my daughter Smt. Kailasben from No-vember 98 to April 99. The American Council of Vedic Astrology (ACVA) invited me to deliver four lectures at the sixth International Symposium held during November 12-17), 1998 at Sedona, Arizona (U.S.A.). As Keynote speaker and as Guest of Honour, my four lectures broadly covered the following subjects:- 1st lecture-“Astrology in India” (from 9 to 9.45 A.M., 13-11-98). 2nd lecture- “Introduction to Ashtakavarga system (from 11 a.m. to 12.30 P.M.-on 14-11-98). 3rd lecture- “Nadis in Vedic Astrology” (from 7.30 P.M. to 9.45 P.M. on 14-11-98). 4th lecture-The Navamsa in Vedic Astrology (from 10.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M.) on 17/11/98 barring lunch hours.
The American Council of Vedic Astrology-presented to me “Lifetime Achievement Award” on 15-11-98 at 10.15 P.M. for my numerous contributions in the field of vedic astrology at this sixth International Symposium in presence of many astrologers from various countries.
At that time, the Sun (Karaka of fame) was transiting through sign Tula, my Lagna Arudha Pada; the Moon in Kanya and Venus-Mercury in sign Vrischika creating a Shubha-karatari yoga to Lagna Pada, Jupiter and Ketu having 9th house aspect on Lagna Pada from the 8th house and Saturn aspecting the same Pada from the 10th house and Rahu and Mars being posited in the 11th house from the Lagna Pada.
A strange coincidence: when the great honour was conferred on me, transits and aspects of planets with reference to Lagna Pada play an important role in prediction with reference to my horoscope.
Literature on Arudha system: Venkatesh in Deva Keralam (3) has referred to some unique and novel uses of Arudha system at two places: (1) Deva Keralam (3) p 97 verse 3016:- He has made a novel use of Arudha from the Chandra lagna i.e. If the Arudha Pada of the 12th house reckoned from the Moon, is occupied by malefic planet..........” Similarly, all the remaining Padas counted from the Moon be made use of.
(2) Deva Keralam (3) P-49-Verse 2655:-He has considered the number of S.A.V. Bindus obtained by the Arudha Pada sing of the 9th house. Native will prosper and be famous from such number of years denoted by the number of bindus in Bhagya Pada. Similarly number of S.A.V. bindus obtained by the remaining Bhava Arudhas be made use of for predictive purposes Bhava Arudhas be made use of for predictive purposes promised by those Bhava Padas.
Some novel uses of Lagna pada and the Padas of the remaining eleven houses as mentioned in Deva Keralm (Chandra Kala Nadi) and Bhrugu Nadi are given in this book for study and further research. Venkatesh has made use of these techniques in about 150 verses. So also Bhrgu Nadi referred to Arudha system in a about 130 verses. All these, about 280 verses have been rendered into English with copious notes and relevant charts wherever possible or necessary, and have been arranged systematically in various chapters.
In the first volume no. XCIII (with original Sanskrit text) of Deva Keralam, Shri T.S. Ranganath Sharma writes in introduction (p.xii) that the present text of Achyuta comprising of about 9152 verses, is only one fourth (1/4) of the original Granthas treating all 150 Nadiamsas. So also Bhrugu Nadi Jyotisham-original palmleaf manuscript Granth script Adyar Library, Chennai, shelf No.9, the present volume containing about 8250 verses in Sanskrit, is one of such 4 volumes. If I had the honour of going through about 36,000 verses of Deva Keralam and about 32,000 verses of Bhrugu Nadi, at least 1000/-(one thousand) verses dealing with ‘Arudha system’ would have been collected. One has to be satisfied with about 280 Verses only, so far collected.
The general rule and its exceptions given for calculating Arudha Padas in Chapter I are corroborated by horoscopes given from Deva Keralam and Bhrugu Nadi Texts, in various chapters. Readers can well go through those charts illustrated from both Nadis and be satisfied with veracity of the rules given by Parasara (B.P.H.S. chap. 29vs-4-5).
A careful study of this book would not fail to tell the research student that many verses collected from Deva Keralam and Bhrugu Nadis on utility of Bhava and Graha Arudhas may not be located elsewhere in the standard texts.
The Arudha pada system is a peculiar one in which degrees of planets, Vargas of signs, mathematical calculations etc..... are not considered. Only the natal chart is enough. The predictions promised by Lagna Arudha, Bhava Arudha and Graha Arudha take place during the currency of those planets in their dasas.
This predictive system is freely used in Nadi texts, as against its absence in standard texts.
I have tried best to give due exposition to the original principles and believe that I have succeeded to some extent in throwing illuminating light on Arudha system. Yet, there may be some shortcomings out of my ignorance, in not correctly extracting the true meaning of Sanskrit (terms) verses into English. In such an event, I would crave the indulgence of the learned and broad-minded readers to forgive me on such count of failures or misrepresentation.
Any suggestions or comments regarding necessary additions or comments regarding necessary additions or comments regarding necessary additions or improvements to be made in this work shall be gladly received and considered for future editions. (God willing!!!).
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