Aphrodisiac Therapy: Vajikarana Tantram

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Item Code: IDF446
Publisher: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office
Author: Prof. (Dr.) Gyanendra Pandey
Language: English
Edition: 2019
ISBN: 8170801680
Pages: 484
Cover: Hardcover
Other Details 10" X 7.6"
Weight 1.03 kg
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Book Description


Chapter I Concept 1-26
Vrsya - Vajikarana 3
Attributes of Semen 4
Aphrodisiac 4
Objects of Aphrodisiac Therapy 5
Application of Aphrodisiac Therapy - Purification of Body 5
Textual Sources: Vajikarana in Brhattrayi 6
Role of Aphrodisiac Therapy 6
Constant Use of Aphrodisiac 6
Three Types of Vajikarana Drugs 6
Vajikarana as Rasayana 7
Various Sex Stimulating Factors: Aphrodisiacs 7
Sexual Enjoyment Needs Virility and Youthfulness 8
Use of Aphrodisiacs Before Coitus 8
Beneficiaries of Aphrodisiacs 9
Effects of Aphrodisiacs 9
Process of Producing Strength 9
Achievement of Sexual Potency 10
Pervasion of Semen 10
Existence of Semen in Body 11
Eight Kinds of Sexual Act 11
Erotic articles and Conditions - Sex Stimulants 11
Different Seasons (Rtu) and Sex 12-13
Sex Stimulant Factors 13
Phenomenon of Sexual Intercourse 13
Satisfaction of Lust by Aphrodisiacs 14
Unwholesome Articles for Aphrodisiacs Administration 15
Phenomenon of Body Strength, Sexual and Procreation Power 15
Correlation of Physical Strength and Sex 15
Variation in Virility 16
Recommendation of Potential Recipes 17
Role of Purificatory Measures 17
Post-Coitus Conduct 18
Coitus By Old Man - Adverse Effect 18
Woman - Best Aphrodisiacs 18
Beloved Sweet - Spoken Wife as Great Pleasure 19
Childless Man 21
Attraction of Child 21
Purification Process Before Aphrodisiac Therapy 22
Six Pleasures - Obedient Son 22
Climax of Genital Pleasure - Woman as Limit 22
Prognosis of Impotency 24
Effective Administration of Aphrodisiacs in Purified Body 24
Restriction of Coitus in Evening 24
Persons Needy For Aphrodisiac 25
Utility Suitability and Administration of Aphrodisiac 25
Means, Source and Media of Vajikarana 26
Conditions for Application of Aphrodisiac - Causes of Sexual Incapability 26
Various Types of Impotency


Chapter II Ideology 27-100
Complications of Avoidance of Aphrodisiacs 29-30
Sole Purpose of Marriage - Progeny 30
Adverse Effects - Coitus 30
Excellent Progeny 30
Object of Sexual Intercourse - Progeny 30
Family Life as Axis of Life 31
No Sex - Ideal Life Periods 31
Coitus in Harmful ways - 32
Restrictions of Sexual Intercourse with Old Woman 32
No Sex Harmful for Woman 33
Bath - Promoter of Libido 33
Virility for Sexual Enjoyment with Handsome Woman 34
Woman (Pramada) - Form of Liquor (Sura) 34
Satisfaction of Coitus 34
Extent of Sex Desire in Woman 35
Prolong Sex Desire in Males 35
No Satisfaction with Wife 36
Wife as Best Medicine 36
Wife as Best Friend 37
Wife Playing Multiple Role 37
Respect of Woman 37
Kama: Sex Desire 39
Astanga Maithuma: Eight Kinds of Sexual Behaviour 40
Mechanism of Sexual Urge - Schematic Illustration 41
Kama: Visaya - Sensual Pleasure 42
Amarakosa - Visaya 42
Key Role of Rasanendriya (Tongue and Taste) in Sensual Control (Indriya Nigraha) 42
Rasana and Jitendriya 43
Satisfaction of Sex Desire with Wife 44
Kama: Love of Opposite Sex 45
Love Fuels Kama 45
Kama, Mara and Arch 46
Indriyanigraha for Life Excellence 49
Astanga Yoga for Ideal Life: Patanjali Contribution 49
Pleasure in Renouncing Visayabhoga: Viyoga Sukha 50
Sex Fire: Kamagni 51
Attitude of Sexual Desire 51
Woman and Poison 52
Attitude for Sexual Indulgence 52
Sexual Activities by Nature 52
Lesser Indulgence in Coitus 53
Real Satisfaction from Sexual Association 53
Oversex Depriving Vision 54
Psychic Inability in Kamatta (Lascivious Grief) 54
Stringing Art of Woman 54
Kamaja Vyasana: Sexual Enjoyment as Addiction 55
Miserable Addictions Include Sexual Pleasure (Kamajagana) 55
Pramadamada 56
Sexual Excitement - Blindness 56
Sexual Passion - Lack of Knowledge 57
Post - Sex Attitude Volatile 58
Sex Desire's Unsatiability 60
Attachment (Sanga) Causes Destruction (Sarvanasa) 60
Destruction Through Attachment With Sensual Object - Schematic Illustration 62
Kama Overlays Brahma Jnana 62
Kama - Enemity with Jnana 62
Seat of Kama 62
Mama - Power, Status and Control 62
Raga (Kama) - Obstacle in Yogic Plan 62
Kama - Gate of Hell: Naraka Dvara 63
Trividha Sukha - Threefold Pleasures 63
Lustless Life Leading to Brahma Nirvana 64
Striving for Kamabhoga (Lust) 64
Addicting Kamabhoga 64
Demonic Attitude Invokes Kama 64
Adhering Scriptures (Satradesa) for Austeritics 64
Senses Stretching Man 65
Sex Urge Supersedes Overall 65
Woman's Youth Ends by Delivery 65
Indriyanigraha as Dharma 66
Attachment with Sensual Pleasures 66
Evil of Visaya (Kama) 67
Sexual Enjoyment Execration 67
Solitude Exciting Sex 67
Stimulation of Sexual Urge: Kama Vikara Janana 68
Sexual Inculcation Deludes Intellect 68
Unwiseness of Lustful Man: Urvasi - Pururava Love 69
Thread of Progeny: Vamsa Tantu 70
Significance of Grhasthasrama: Vedic Appreciation 71
Young Life Back Old Age 71
Esanatraya: Three Pursuits of Life 72
Marriage for Progeny 73
Three Major Sins: Papatraya - Sex with other Woman 73
Woman as Mother 74
Consequences of Sinful Acts - Illicit Sex 74
Brahmacarya: Celibacy as a Whole 74
Significance of Brahmacarya 75
Urdhvaretasa Brahmacari 76
Naistanga Brahmacarya: Absolute Celibacy 76
Astanga Brahmacarya: Eightfold Celibacy 77
Two Conducts and States of Man - Kama on Brahmacarya 77
Benefits of Brahmacarya: Great Achievements of Celibacy 78
Brahmacarya as Vrata 81
Brahmacarya Grants Longevity 82
Seminal Preservation Supports Life 82
Significance of Semen 82
Passionate Sedition of Erudites 82
Disassociating Women in Lustful Thoughts 83
Semen Ejaculation Without Coitus 83
Avoidance of Lonely Living with Female Relatives 83
Three Pearls Incite Everyone 84
Passion, Mind and Misconduct: Kama, Mana and Anacara 85
Similarity of Humans and Animals - Sex 86
Upsetting Brahmacarya in Married Life 87
Sexual Intercourse During Rtukala 87
Coitus with Wife - Brahmacarya in Family Life 88
No Sexual Intercourse During Menses 88
Sleep and Sexual Urge 88
Sensual Balance Induces Sleep 89
Menstruation Period and Sexual Behaviour 89
Unfit Conditions of Wife for Sexual Intercourse 91
Sex in Gestation and Dentinition Period 92
Censuring Woman with Extra - Marital 92
Wife as Friend in Household 92
Miserable Life of Prostitute Woman 93
Neglectin of Beautiful Wife 93
Compulsive Change in Woman Attitude 93
Woman Earning Disrepute for Immortality 94
Neglection of Woman by Man 94
Woman Losing Importance After Sex 95
Youth for Sex Pleasure 95
Avoiding Mischivious Woman in Night 96
Handsome Lady - Wholesome 96
Company of Opposite Sex 96
Young Girl Promotes Vitality 97
Bath Stimulates Sexual Urge 97
Woman Purification Through Menstruation 98
Purified Woman: Faithful Wife 98
Discipline for Wife 98
Climax of Sexual Pleasure 98
Psychological State of Sexy Man 99
Compulation of Duty 99
Sole Objectives of Compulation 99
Crucial Impact of Passion 100
Great Ideology


Chapter III Drugs 102-157
Aphrodisiac Formulations: Vrsya Yogas 103-154
Receipes 103-144
Saradi Vrsya Yoga 103-105
Vidaryadi Ghrta 105
Pippalyadi Pupalika 105-106
Tiladi (Utkarika) Yoga 106
Vidari Yoga 106
Godhumadi Yoga 106
Amalaka Yoga 106-107
Tilabastanda Yoga 107
Madhuyasti Yoga 107
Kulirasrngi Yoga 107
Payasya Yoga 107
Dadhisara Yoga 107
Iksurakatmagupta Yoga 108
Uccata Yoga 108
Svadanstradi Yoga 108
Pippalyadi Ghrta 108
Anda Prayoga 108
Masa Yoga 109
Satavari Yoga 109
Vrddhasalmali Yoga 109
Laghusalmali Yoga 109
Asvattha Yoga 109
Vidaryadi Yoga 110
Masa Yoga 110
Atmagupta Yoga 110
Nakrandadi Yoga 110
Svayamaguptadi Yoga 111
Uccatadi Yoga 111
Atmaguptadi Yoga 111
Vidari Curna 111
Amalakadi Curna 112
Goksuradi Curna 112
Matsyamamsa Prayoga 112
Masadi Utkarika 112
Bastandasiddyha Paya 112
Pippalyadi Pupalika 113
Vidari Yoga 113
Amalaka Yoga 113
Vrsya Masa 114
Masadi Yoga 114
Catakanda Prayoga (Lepa) 115
Nilotpaladi Lepa (Prayoga) 115
Tila - Goksura Yoga 115
Kusumbha Taila Yoga 115
Krkalasa Mudrika Prayoga 115
Vanyasukaradastra Prayoga 116
Sarpasthi Prayoga 116
Surandadi Yoga 116
Marjarasthi Prayoga 116
Ustrakantaka Prayoga 116
Vajikarana Ghrta 118
Some Non Vegetarian Receipes: Samisa Yogah 119
Vrsya Mahisa Rasa 119
Brhmani (brnhani) Gutika 119-120
Vajikarana Pinda Rasa 120
Vrsyanda Rasa 121
Vrsyamamsa Yoga 121
Vrsya Mamsa 122
Some Other Recipes 122
Vrsyakukkuta Mamsa Prayoga 122
Samisa Rasa Ghrta Prayoga 122
Saramuliya Content 123
Sara - Based Formulations 123
Iksu as Aphrodisiac 123-124
Iksuvikara as Vrsya (Sugarcane Products - Aphrodisiac) 125-126
Iksuvarga 126-129
Utility, Effect, Attributes and Consuming Modes etc. of Iksu (Sugarcane) 127-129
Iksu as Kamavana: Sugarcane as Cupid's Arrow 129
Various Others Recipes  
Vrsya Pupalika 132-133
Vrsya Sastikaudanam 133
Vrsya Ghrtam 133-134
Vrsya Dadhisara 134
Brnhani Gutika 134-136
Vrsya Mahisa Rasa 136
Vajikarana Pindarasa 136
Vrsyamasa Yoga 137
Vrsyamasa Rasah 137
Vrsyakukkuta Mamsa Prayoga 137
Vrsya Mamsa 137
Vajikarana Ghrta 138
Vrsya Pupalikadi Yoga 138
Vrsya Ksira 139
Vrsya Ghrtam - Jivakadya Ghrta 139
Sastikadi Gutika 140
Apatyakari Sastikadi Gutika 140
Apatyakara Svarasa Yoga 141
Vrsya Pippali Yogah 142
Vrsya Madfhuka Yogah 142
Vrsya satavari Ghrta 143
Mandali Godugdha Prayoga 143
Ksirausadha Yogah 144
Jivaniya Gana - Dasemani (Vitaliser) 144-145
Sukrala - Sukrajanana Dasemani (Semen Promoter) 145
Brnhana Dasemani (Nourishing etc.) 145
Balavardhana - Balya (Body Tonic - Strengthpromoter etc.) 146
Ksirasanjanana - Satnyajanana (Galactagogue) Milk (Ksira - Payah - Dugdha etc.): 146
Excellent Aphrodisiac 147
Milk - Based Recipes: Further Processing 147
Vrsya Ausadhasiddha Ksira Yoga 147-148
Combination of Milk, Honey and Ghrta: Virility Promoter Articles 148-149
Vrsyamamsa Gutika 149
Vrsyotkarika 149-150
Vrsya Gutika 150
Apatyakara Ghrta 150
Vrsyamasadi Pupalika 151
Vrsya Pupalika Yogah 151-152
Vrsya Mahisa Rasah 152
Vidaryadi Gavya Yoga 153
Masdaparnabhrta Ksirayoga 153-154
A. Masa - Excellent Aphrodisiac 154-155
B. Galactopathic Ideology of Aphrodisiac 155-156
Contribution of Brhattrayi: Aphrodisiac Therapy at a Glance


Chapter IV Formulations 159-300
Srngarabhram 161-164
Abhraka Bhasma, Vajrabhraka and Efficacy 164-167
Abhraka: Potent Aphrodisiac 167
Preparation of Kalyanasundarabhra Rasa 167-168
Purandara Vati 168
Tarunananda Rasa 168-171
Sulocanabhram 171-173
Samasakara Lauha 173
Nagarjunbhra Rasa 173-175
Vidangadya Lauham 175-176
Pramehacintamani Rasa 176-177
Brhat Kamacudamani Rasa 177-178
Mehantaka Rasa 178-179
Vangastakam 179-180
Svarnavangam 180-181
Madana Kamadeva Rasa 181-183
Viryastambhaka Lepa 183
Devakusumadi Vati 183-184
Silajatvadi Vati 184
Silajatvadi Yoga 184-185
Mehakunjara Kesari Rasa 185-186
Candraprabha Gudika 186-188
Pancamrta Parpati: Queen of Aphrodisiac Drugs 188-190
Candrakanti Rasa 190-139
Brhat Kasturi Bhairava Rasa 192-193
Nagarjunabhra 193
Sutikanta Rasa 193-194
Tamrakalpa 194-195
Brhad Rasandra Gudika 195-197
Svarna Parpati 197
Raja Vallabha Rasa 197
Nrpativallabha Rasa 198-199
Brhat Jvarantaka Louha 199
Abhravatika 199-201
Brhat Ksayalekesari Rasa 201-202
Vangadi Yoga 202-203
Trailokyacintamani Rasa 203-204
Candramrta Lauha 204
Kancanabhra Rasa 205
Caturamrta Rasa 205-206
Kasturi Modaka 206-207
Trinkantakadya Modaka 207-208
Vanari Vatika 208-209
Goksuradi Modaka 209-210
Triphaladi Vati 210-211
Godhumadya Ghrtam 211-213
Gudakusmandakam 213-215
Rativallabhamodaka 215-217
Bhallatakadya Taila 217
Asvagandha Tailam 217-218
Pallavasara Tailam 218-219
Arjakadi Vati 219-220
Nagavallyadya Curna 220-221
Kamesvara Modaka 221-222
Mopharava (Leha) 222-225
Salmali Ghrta 225
Mehamihira Taila 225-227
Satavari Ghrta 227-228
Brhat Kusmandavabha 228-230
Kamadeva Ghrta 230-232
Amrtaprasa Ghrtam 232-233
Chagaladya Ghrtam 234
Madanatailam 234-235
Asvagandha Tailam 235-237
Asvagandha (dya) Ghrtam 237
Satavari Ghrtam 237
Brhat Chagaladya Ghrta 238-241
Brhat Candanadi Tailam 241-243
Kamesvara Modaka 243-246
Asvangandha Ghrta 246-247
Kamagni Sandipana Modaka 248-250
Khandakamrakam 250-252
Mrtasanjivanisura 252-254
Dasamularistra 254-258
Sri Madananda Modaka 258-265
Madana Modaka 265-267
Methi Modaka 267-268
Mahakamevara Modaka 268-272
Brhat Bhallatakavaleha 272-274
Draksasava (Brhad) 274-275
Mahasugandhi Taila 275-277
Asvagandhadya Ghrtam 277
Bilva Taila 277-279
Amrtaprasa Ghrta (dvitiya) 279-280
Vrsyayogah: Aphrodisiac Recipes 280-281
(Vajikarana Prayoga) 1-6  
Svadanstradi Ghrtam 281-282
Vrsyatam Sneha - Catuhsneha Anuvasana Basti: Aphrodisiac Enema Recipes - Quadruple Fatty Combination 282-284
Baladi Yamaka Anuvasana Basti 284-288
Aphrodisiac Enemas: Vrsya Snehabastimiruha 288
Sarpiguda - Sarpimodakah 288-289
Vayuchaya Surendra Taila 289-290
Pugakhanda (Aparah) 290-292
Phalakalyana Ghrta 292-294
Brhat Satavari Ghrtam 294
Satavaryadi Ghrta 294-295
Cyavanaprasa 295-298
Enlistment of Yogas (Formulations)  
Part I: Rasa Yogas - Group A (1 to 26) 299
Group B (1 to 33) 299
Part II: Ausadha Yogas - Group A (1 to 28) 300
Group B (29 to 55)


Chapter V Herbals 301-331
Aphrodisiac Drugs 302-315
A. Plant Group  
Part I: 1 to 97 302-310
Part II: 1 to 310-315
B. Mineral Group: 1 to 33 315-316
C. Animal Group: 1 to 35 315-316
Part III - Selected Drugs: Aphrodisiac - Clinical Pharmacology 317-328
Vajikarana Ganas: Aphrodisiac Drugs Groups 328-329
Agrya Dravyas: Vrsya - Efficacious Drugs (I-IV)


Chapter VI Morbidity 334-404
Kamajvara: Passion - Afflicted Fever 335-336
Treatment of Kamajvara 336-337
Kamonmada 337-338
Excessive Indulgence in Sexual Intercourse 338
Rajayaksma - Tubercluosis Caused by Dhatuksaya 338-339
Vyavayaosa 339-340
Vyavayasosopacara - Line of Treatment 340
Pathogenesis: Yaksma - Sukraksaya 340
Pratilomaksaya; Loss of Semen 340
Vyavaya Sosa: Excessive Coitus 341
Manisfestation of Yaksma - Overindulgence in Sexual Coitus - Schematic Illustration 342-343
Klaibya: Impotency 343-344
Four Types: Caturvidha Kalibya 344
Schematic Projection - Impotency: Klaibya 345
Seven Types: Saptavidha Klaibya 345
Schematic Projection 345
Seven Kinds of Impotency - (Textual) 345
Detail of Diagnosis 345-347
Diagnostic Features: Types of Impotency - Klaibya 347
A. Bijopaghataja Klaibya 347-348
B. Dhvajbhanga Klaibya 349-352
C. Jarajanya Klaibya 353-354
D. Sukraksayajanya Klaibya 354
Prognosis of Impotency: Klaibya - Sadhtasasdhyatva 354
Various Kinds of Sexual Impotency 355
A. Asekya 356
B. Sougandhika 356-357
Jara 357
Jarajanya Klaibya 357-358
Causes and Prodormal Characteristics of Jara 358-359
Featrures of Jara: Senility 359-360
Prognosis of Jara 360
C. Kumbhika 360-361
D. Irsyaka 361
E. Sandha 361-362
F. Dviretakliva 362
G. Pavanendriyatva 362
H. Samskaravaha 362
I. Mandavegalpaharsa 362-363
J. Vakri 363
K. Irsyarati 363
L. Vatikasandha 363-364
Impotency and Sin 364
Other Types of Sexual Impotency and their Characteristics 364
1. Manasa 364
2. Pittaja 364
3. Sukreksayaja Klaibya 364
4. Medhrarogaja 365
5. Upaghataja 365
6. Sukrastambhaja 365
7. Sahaja 365
Management of Klaibya - Role of Vajikarana Therapy 365-366
Aphrodisiac Formulations 366
Administration: Vajikarana Prayoga 366
Allied Diseases: Sex and Fallax 367
Organic and Functional Morbidity - Conduct and Behavioural Act  
Avapatika: Form of Paraphymosis 367
Madhukosa Commentary 367-368
Bhoja View 368-369
Line of Treatment 369-370
Parivartika 370
Major Complaints of Penis: Trauma - Abhighata  
Penile Traumatic Ailments 370
Niruddha Prakasa: Phismosis 371-373
Management of Ailment Afflicting Fallax 373
Complaints Involving Glans Penis: Sisnamani Vikrti 373-377
Parivartika and Avapatika 373
Niruddha Prakasa 374
Other Authorities: Diagnosis and Treatment 374
Nivrtta - Nivrttamani 375
Specific Complaints of Seminal Involuntary Ejaculation 377
Sukrameha: Spermatorrhoca and Spermaturia 377-379
Seminal Emissionary Spermatorrhoea 380
Sexual Misconduct: Principal Base 380-381
Causative Factor 382
Disease Profile 382
Extreme Disappointment - Sexual Incapability 383
Management of Sukrameha 384
Line of Treatment: Cikitsa Sutra 384
Early Rise: Better Safety - Seminal Fall 384
Wholesome and Unwholesome Articles and Conducts 358
Hitahitaharavihara - Sukrameha


Ailments Affecting Genital, System and Function 387
Group A Eight Kinds of Ailments 387
Group B Ratija Roga: Venereal Diseases 388
S.T.D. - Sexually Transmitted Diseases 388
Group C Smaronmada: Insanity Caused by Love Failure 388-390
Dasa Dasah - Ten Phased Conditions 389
Group D Observation on Vaginal Morbidity: Sexual Behaviour 390-396
Relevant Yonivyapad: Selected Vaginal Diseases 391-396
General Epilogy 395
Line of Treatment 396
Prime Objective of Aphrodisiac Conception 396
Perfect Vagina 396
Yonikanda - Vaginal Tumour and Cyst 397
Schematic Projection - Female Vagina and Male Sex  
[Striyoni Tatha Nara Rati]  
Diseases of Women Genital and Their Relevance with Sexual Copulation 398
Yonisankocana- Yoni Gadhikarana: Constriction of Vignia  
Vaginal Constricting Therapy Against Lax Vaginal Condition 399
Various Drugs Formulae (1-18) 399-403
Drugs Useful as Vaginal Constricters (Yonisankocaka Ausadhi)


Supplement 406-438
Textual Experts  
Guhyaroga Vijnana - Science of Genital Diseases 407
Upadamsa: Sexual Misconduct 407-408
Various Diseases of Genitals 408-412
Therapy of Genital Diseases 412-416
Upadamsa: Samhitas 416-421
Sukradosa - Seminal Morbidities 421-425
Klaiby - Impotency 425-433
Sukadosa - Diseases of Improper Therapy for Elongation of Male Genital (Organ): Lingavrddhi Apakramajanya Vikara 434-438
Complications of Faulty Method of Elongating Fallax for Enjoying Sexual Life 434
Treatment of Sukadosa


Epilogue 439-458
I. Significance of Herbal Drugs in Aphrodisiac Therapy Padapa Ausdhi Vajikarana Mahatta 441
II. Vaginal Constricting Drugs Acting on Slacked Vagina Yoni Sankocaka Ansadhi Vidhana 441-442
Yonivisodhana: Cleaning Gynecic Organ 442
Purification - Sukratava Sodhana 443
III. Breasts Enlarging Drugs  
Stanavrddhikarana Ausadhi Vidhana 445-447
Excellence of Breasts: Stanasampat 448
IV. Schematic Projection - Aphrodisiac 448-449
V. Schematic Projection - Role of Aphrodisiac Therapy 450-451
VI. Schematic Projection - Aphrodisiac Drugs 451-452
VII. Schematic Projection - Vajikarana and Putrasana Aphrodisiac and Progeny 453
VIII. Sex Life of Couple  
Approach to Projection: Prime Aim of Aphrodisiac (Basic of Classical Sources - Samhitas) 454-458
IX. Sukrasara Seminal Essence Personality 458
X. Conduct of Husband and Wife Sexual Intercourse for Conceptions 458-460
Abbreviations 461


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