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The Aphorisms of Shri Ramakrishna (An Old And Rare Book)

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Item Code: HAB234
Author: Kanti Kumar Sen
Publisher: Firma KLM Private Limited, Calcutta
Language: English
Edition: 1998
Pages: 257
Other Details 8.5x5.5 inch
Weight 374 gm
Book Description

Since 1000 AD when I was twenty six years of age, I have been associated with Bur Math. In July, 1932 I spent a few days in the Math when, in the course of discussion I told the Revered Mahapurushi (Swami Shivananda, a direct and close disciple of Bhagawan Shri Ramakrishna), The words of Thakur (Shri Ramakrishna) are lying scattered here and there. I am compiling them together in the form of a book which I intend to dedicate to your name if you permit me, shall embark on this work. He was very much delighted at my words and said. will benefit to a great extent the people in general if such a book is produced. The more Thakur's words are spread, the better for mankind. Finish it quickly. I again asked for his permission to dedicate the book to his name. He said, "Well, do it if you so wish. At this time I showed a portion of the book already written to a monk belonging to the Math. He went through the pages and said, The book is going to be very good. But if you write it in a classified form it will be better. had not received that advice from him, the book would not have been so popular today.

It is true that the impermanent body of Shri Thakur has been destroyed but it is quite certain that the nectar-like words flowed from his divine lips will lead the mankind suffering from the blazing fire of materialism and worldly attachments to the domain of Truth and Peace. The messages He has presented to the worldly people as well as to the men of renunciation at different times, on the topics of Knowledge, Devotion and Action have not, so far, been arranged in an orderly manner. I have, therefore, undertaken to compile the present book with the conviction that the reader will be able to draw a deep and clear idea in his mind on a subject if he comes across various discourses on that particular topic, grouped together in a single chapter. For the benefit of those who wish to take refuge in the nectar-like words of Shri Thakur regarding them as the only belonging in their journey of life; for those who, in the absence of holy company, wish to live constantly with these maxims; for those, who wish to study them as their spiritual practice and for those who wish to wear them constantly as a necklace, the aphorisms of Shri Thakur have been compiled together in this book.

For convenience of reading, the aphorisms have been classified into a few groups. Moreover, it will appear to be quite unique if one reads all the words of Shri Thakur on a particular topic in a sequence. Attempt has been made to keep conformity between the different classes of messages, but it has not been possible to maintain an absolute accuracy in this regard as the words have been spoken in different contexts and with different people.

The nectar-like words of the Holy Mother, Shri Shri Sarada Devi have been added as an appendix at the end of the book. This has surely enhanced the value of the book.

Some of the paragraphs in this book give hint to parallel ideas contained in Shrimad Bhagavatam and Shrimad Bhagavat Gita. The numbers (1) and (2) given at the end of a paragraph indicate this. The relevant verses from Bhagavatam and Gita have not been appended, lest the volume of the book is increased beyond proportion. If the reader feels it necessary he is requested to find out the verses from the particular scripture.

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