Dr. Rabindra Kumar Panda, the author of the present work is working at present as a Lecturer in the Department of Sanskrit, Päli & Prakrit, Faculty of Arts, M.S. University of Baroda, Gujarat. He has studied Sanskrit in both traditional as well as modern methods. He has received the degrees-Sastri, 1982, Sadashiva Kendriya Sanskrit College, Acharya, 1984 and Viṣiṣṭacharya, 1986, Sri Jagannatha Sanskrit University, Puri, Orissa with first class distinction securing Gold Medals, Prizes and Merit Scholarships. He is awarded Ph.D. in 1993 by the M.S. Uraversity of Baroda as a U.G.C. N.E.T. qulified candidate. He is engaged in active research in his specialised fields like Navya Nyaya and regularly contributing his research papers to esteemed journals of Indology. As a creative writer in Sanskrit he also contributes poems, stories and articles in Sanskrit to various Sanskrit Journals.
The present work is a critical and comprehensive study of four valuable philosophical works written in Navya-Nyaya style and method viz... Nyayamakaranda, Pramanamālā, Nyayadipavali and Nyayadipika of Anandabodha Yati, a celebrated Advaita dialectician (1150 A.D.), who has made substantial contribution to Advaitisim of Post-Sankara period. As Anandabodha has carved a niche for himself as one of the early path-finders in the field of Vedantic dialectics and it is undeniable that his works in general and his Nyayamakaranda in particular, provided the foundational ground work for future dialecticians of Advaita persuasion as well as their opponents from the streams of Dvaita and Visistädvaita, to build the edifice of interschool Vedantic dialectics, this work is a unique attempt in presenting an analytical exposition of Anandabodha's philosophy. It brings out a clear and systematic account of the life-history of this great philosopher and ontological, epistemological and soteriological aspects of his philosophy and dialectical methodology. The important philosophical tenets of Bhuddhists, Naiyayikas, Mimāmsakas and Sankhyas who are criticised by Anandabodha as opponents have been systematically studied and an appraisal of Anandabodha's criticism has been made in this intensive work.
Anandabodha Yati is the only significant Advaita Vedäntist of eleventh century. Amidst the sway of such great Naiyayikas like Jayantabhatta and Udayanācārya and of Mimamsakas like Sälikanatha, it is Anandabodha who keeps the flag of Advaita Vedanta flying and flying proudly. Out of necessity of his times, perhaps, he subjects Advaita tenets to regorous logic, and as a result, comes out with a classic import of Sankara's own position. He accepts the views of post-Sankara stalwarts also but not blindly. The logicality of his approach has also given him a freedom of views and an originality of thinking.
As the very titles of his seminal works, Śabdanirnaya of Nyayadipika, (commentary on Prakāśātman), Nyayadipavali, Pramānamālā and Nyayamakaranda suggest, he is almost a Naiyayika turned Advaitist. A study of his works would have required a grounding both in Nyaya and in Vedanta. That is, perhaps, why a good study of this significant author was still lacking. The present work of Dr. Rabindra Kumar Panda fulfils this long-felt need in an able manner. He himself is a good Nyaya-student turning to Advaita Vedanta and as such he was eminently qualified to undertake such a comprehensive study of this uniquely significant Vedantist. He has deservedly earned his doctorate on this study. Now, when his study is coming out in a book form, I am sure it will be received well by the scholars and be useful for further intensive research on these lines. I congratulate Dr. Panda and wish him well in his further scholarly pursuits.
I have great pleasure in introducing to the world of scholars the present research-work- "Anandabodha Yati: A Study fully accomplished by Dr. Rabindra Kumar Panda, Lecturer, Department of Sanskrit, Pali & Prakrit, M.S. University, Baroda.
The whole study is divided into nine chapters in which the author has succintly sketched biographical profile of Anandabodha, his ontological, epistemological as well as soteriological theories with all their details. While doing so Dr. Panda has furnished with the complete account and philosophical tenets found in both heterodox as well as orthodox schools of Indian philosophy followed by their criticism and evaluation skilfully presented by Anandabodha.
The present work which is both critical and comprehensive is based on Anandabodha's four recon- dite texts viz.. Nyayamakaranda, Pramāṇamālā, Nyayadipávali and Nyayadipikā studied meticulously by Dr. Panda who has illustrated the pertinent points by giving apt quotations from the several texts of celebrated authors belonging to ancient and medieval period.
Several thinkers and scholars like Citsukhācārya, Madhusudana Sarasvati, Appayya Dikṣita, Cându Pandita, Vedanta Deśika have been immensely in- fluenced by the versatile scholarship of Anandabodha as cleverly pointed out by Dr. Panda. He has also critically evaluated the contribution of Anandabodha profusely employing Nyaya-terms, syllosisms and dialec- tic methodology in order to refute the prima facie views and establish the main tenets of Advaita Vedanta.
The present work closes with bibliography and useful appendices comprising of a list of verses composed by Anandabodha as well as syllogisms, maxims (Nyayas) and epigrams contained in his works.
I know Dr. R.K. Panda for the last few years and am greatly impressed by his research acumen.
I hope that the present publication which sig- nificantly adds to the Indological literature in general and Advaita Vedanta in particular will be greatly appreciated by the scholars all over the world.
**Contents and Sample Pages**
Vedas (1294)
Upanishads (481)
Puranas (610)
Ramayana (836)
Mahabharata (331)
Dharmasastras (163)
Goddess (473)
Bhakti (240)
Saints (1295)
Gods (1272)
Shiva (341)
Journal (144)
Fiction (49)
Vedanta (329)
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