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Advanced Protocols in Dravyaguna Practical

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Author: Dr. Dillip K.Jani and Dr. Bipin Sawant
Language: English
Edition: 2013
ISBN: 9788176373029
Pages: 362 (10 B/W Illustrations)
Cover: Hardcover
10.0 inch x 7.5 inch
810 gm
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Book Description
About The Book

The book is facilitating various modes of leaning and documentation practices in Dravyaguna by considering Global attention towards Dravyanguna and Ayurveda in current scenario. The systematic protocols discussed in this book will not only make the students one-to –one understanding of the subject but also prepares for forthcoming challenges raised by the scientific communities of present era. The formats and supporting information mentioned in this book create an Academic and Research culture for both the student and the teachers and will be fruitful for achieving an adorable stage for Dravyaguna.

About The Author

Dr Jani completed his Post Graduation (M.D.) from Dr. B. R. K. R. Govt. Ayurveda College, Hyderabad achieving Academic Gold Medal and PhD from prestigious university of Pune’, Maharashtra. At present, he is Associate Professor & Head, Department of Dravyaguna of GJP-IASR and SGPAH & MH, New Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand which is affiliated to renound ‘Gujarat Ayurveda University’, Jamnagar. He is also In-charge of Research Cell of the Institute and Management Representative for ISO 9001-2008 Certification of GJP-IASR and SGPAH & MH. He is having more than 10 years experience which includes above 800 hrs of theory, 250 hrs of practical and more than 800 hrs of clinical. Experimental Research experience in Dravyaguna/Ayurveda. Apart from this he is a part of more than 15 International, National and Institutional Research Projects. He is focused professional with insight into various aspects of Educational, Clinical, Fundamental and Conceptual validation Research Industry, Formerly, he was ‘Research Associate’ in ‘Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (CSIR), Hyderabad, Govt. of India under the research Project ‘Herbal Based Preparation for Degenerative Metabolic Disorders-Diabetes, Arthritis and Heaptitis Herbo Print-NMITLI. He also participated in “Development and their Pharmacopoeial Standards”, sponsored by Department of AYUSH (ISM&H). He published more than 35 Research Papers in National/ International peer reviewed Journal and conferences. He also published two books and attended more than 50 National/ International conferences/seminars. He is a member of Editorial Board and reviewer for some peer reviewed International Journal.

Dr. Bipin Sawant
Dr. Sawant (M.D.), belong to Goa and currently holding the post of Associate Professor at G.J. Patel Institute of Ayurvedic Studies & Research, new V. V. Nagar Anand, Gujarat. He has qualified U.G. from Gomantak Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya & Research centre, Shiroda, Goa, in the year 2005. He completed PG in the Dravyaguna Vijnyan from S. D. M. College of Ayurveda, Udupi, Karnataka, in the year 2009. The Author was awarded with Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade Pattabhisheka Award 2009 “An Academic Excellence AWARd” for securing 1st place in Final MD (DRavyaguna) Examination conducted by RGUHS, Bangalore, Karnataka. The author has researched on Photo-pharmacological studyoin Zornia gibbosa span during his P.G. studies under the valuable guidance of Dr T. Bairy, Head Dept. of Dravyaguna, SDMCA, Udpi. The Author has also contributed in the field of Article writing, Seminar presentations & participation in various drug surveys/herbal camps. The author has expertise over drug Identification by means of field botany and plant History.


It is a matter of great pleasure that ht sincere efforts of Dr. Dilip Jani and Dr. Bipin Sawant have come out as a simple & self-explanatory book entitled “ADVANCED Protocols in Dravyaguna Practical”. Both the authors have successfully compiled & also have generated vital information and formats for conducting the various training program/activities of Dravyaguna in and off the field.

Aushadh a (Dravya) is one of the three pillars of all the eight branches of Ayurveda. Dravyanguna is a branch which explains the properties & safe usage of treasure of dravyas especially of plant origin. The systematic and documentary exposure of the plants will make the scholar an excellent chooser of appropriate medicine for underline pathological conditions of the disease. The practices of noting down the observations/ experimentations/ documentations/etc are more crucial for the subject like Dravyaguna which are purely field-based experiment oriented.

The learning and teaching pattern designed in this book are really practical & user-friendly and seems to be a need of hour to built of dravyaguna in front of other parallel streams to be a need of hour to built a position of dravyaguna in front of documentation practices of Dravyaguna. The book clarifies theoretical aspects of Academic practical’s and also included the minute observations while conducting the field work. It is a time to adopt more systematic and planned pattern of teaching in Dravyaguna which may lead the students towards acquiritn perfect skills of identification & usage of medicinal plants. Such protocols will also be helpful to generate a uniform & standardized work-culture in Dravyaguna. Apart from these, the SOPs, guidelines, easy remembering took. Etc mentioned in the book will be useful for the student, teachers, industry and even building evidence-based Ayurveda community.

The authors need to be congratulated for this pioneering venture and it is hoped that many more books in this area will be brought out in future.


The popularity of Ayruveda increased in recent past and the entire globe started working on Ayurveda. Unfortunately before its acceptance the scientific community insists and learning of Ayurveda in academic. DRavyaguna is one of the major subjects in Ayruveda which deals with the quality (Pharmacological & Pharmacognostical) of drugs (Herbs/minerals / animal origin products, etc). Before administration of any drugs in the diseased condition the authenticity of material should checked otherwise the in the diseased condition the authenticity of material should be checked otherwise the ultimate goal of treatment can be vary. The knowledge of Dravyaguna is scattered in ultimate goal of treatment can be vary. The knowledge of Dravyguna is scattered in various Ayurvedic texts starting from Vedas and it seems to be a compilation of thoughts (concepts & principles) of different schools of Acharyas. All these thoughts are found to be correct and suitable to the theme of their own creations. It becomes prime responsibility of a teacher to convey this scattered knowledge to the students in a very systematic and organized way without any confusion and controversies. Generally, the teacher adopts their own methods based on their experiences to teach Dreayaguna in their classes. Unfortunately most of the methods are only limited to convey the traditional understanding of drugs without any experimental model or practical demonstration which only make the students to prepare for the exams.

By this book we are proposing various methods of teaching and learning of Dravyaguna with material to be studied and followed. These are designed in such a way that all these methods are practically demonstrated to gain face to face knowledge of Dravyaguna without any stress, and well organized pattern. We feel that the sample protocols presented in this book will definitely helpful to both teachers and the students of UG and PGs. We are not claiming that it must be implemented or the protocols mentioned are outmost perfect, but it is a spark we want to initiate which in future may give the well designed and standard material to the learner who will enjoy Ayuruved and Dravyaguna from the bottom of tier heart.

The material discussed here is related with the various issues of 1 Field study-Garden visit, Medicinal plant Tours, Sample collections, Ethnobotany study, Medicinal Plant Survey, etc.

Laboratory work culture-Macroscopic Study, Microscopic study, Dry Drug Study, Preservation, Storage, Herbarium preparation, Laboratory work culture , Laboratory safety, etc.

Clinical study-Ekadravy Chikitsa, Symptoms Grading, searching Ekadravya documentations in texts, case record planning and follow-up study.

Experimental study-Instruments Satndard operating procedures, various experimental protocols and procedures etc.

Explanation of critical terminologies-all the major terms coming across with the botany, taxonomy, plant anatomy, Ayurvedic meaning of typical symproms, etc.

There are more than 40 protocols which can become the part of practical work for the students of UG and PG. Important thing is that each protocol is given with an example for how to document the data. These protocols have capacity to engage the students throughout the year to complete 200 practical classes as designed by CCIM. There are more than 100 syptoms which are graded for assessment, there are more than 180 images which gives pictorial knowledge of described terms. There are more than 130 formats to document the compilation work equivalent to the International standard.

We are confident that neither the students nor the teachers will get weary while conducting these activities as documented. The documentary series of “Essential Materiaal for study-Pictorial look-Terminology-Sample Protocol-Example –Experiment’ becomes the heart of the book. We welcome all the comments not only from Ayurveda but also from allied fields to suggest us to make Ayurveda acceptable throughout the world.


2Field Safety Guidelines1
3Plant Nomenclature5
4Plant Identification10-83
l-Brief morphology38
2-Typical Family Characteristics60
3-Typical Individual Plant Characters80
5-Ethno-botanical Study84
6-Medicinal Plant Survey Protocol89
2Permission & Collection Ethics92
3Safety in the field93
4Commonly used equipments93
5Where to collect94
6How to Collect94
7Size of the specimen95
8Handling plants during collection95
9Pressing and drying the specimens95
10Drying observations96
11Chemical procedure for drying96
13Writing a final label on herbarium sheet97
14Other annotations97
2Arrangement of Dry Drugs99
3Preparation of Charts99
4Preparation of Photographs100
5Arrangement of Herbarium100
6Preservation of Wet Drugs100
7Protocols for Dry Drug Study123
1General Instructions to work in the Laboratory124
2Introduction-Macro-Microscopic study130
3General Instructions to take Hand Sections141
4CCIM/University enlisted drugs for Microscopic Study143
1Guduchi (Tinospora cordifoilia)-Stem144
2Asthishimkhala ( Cissus quadrangularis) -stem146
3Markandika (Cassia augustifolia)-Leaves 148148
4Vasa (Adhatoda vasica) -Leaves150
5Kumari (Aloe vera) -Leaves151
6Lavanga (Syzygium aromaticum)153
7Nagakeshara (Mesuaferrea)154
8Japa (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)-Flower156
9Dhataki (Woodfordiafruticose)-Flower157
10Pippali (Piper longum) -Fruit159
11Madanaphala tRandia spinosll)-Fruit161
12Vidanga (Embelia ribes)-Fruit163
13Mareecha (Piper nigrum)-Fruit164
14Eranda (Ricinus communis)-Seed166
15Kapikachchhu (Mucuna pruriens)-Seed168
Arjuna iTerrninalia arjuna)-Bark 169169
17Kutaja (Holarrhena antidysenterica)-Bark171
18Ashwattha (Ficus religiosat-Bsxs:172
19Punarnava (Boerhaviu diffusa)-Root174
20Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)-Root176
21Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica)-Root177
22Hingu (Ferula narthex)-Exudate179
23Guggulu (Commiphora mukul)-Exudate 180180
24Mocharasa (Salmalia malabarica)-ExudateI8I181
25Madhu -Animal Osigin182
26Ghrita -Animal Origin183
5Panchabhoutik Pareeksha184
6Varga Nirdharana186
7Other Experimental Study187
2Camera Lucida206
4Hot Air Oven208
5Moisture Content209
6pH Meter210
8Soxhlet Apparatus214
2Protocol of Compilation Writing217
3Content of the Compilation I218
Dissertation 218
2Supervisor I Guide:218
4Cover page218
5Title Page218
8Aims and Objectives219
9Review of Literature219
0Data collection219
12Analysis of Data219
13Interpretation of Data219
14Presentation of Data219
23Additional Plan221
4Ideal Dravyaguna Compilation Pattern
1- Guidelines for Compilation222
2- Outline of Compilation225
2Background of the Conventional Clinical Trials238
3Background of the Ayurvedic Clinical Trials238
4Assessment of clinical effects of Ayurvedic treatment on disease245
0Nature of Causative Factors for the Disease (Vyadhi Hetu)246
0Identifying Dosha-Avastha & Dravyaguna Applied Aspect246
0Vyadhi Avastha252
5Assessment through gradation of disease I Symptoms255
6Eka-Dravya used in Management of various diseased I diseased symptoms256
1Botanical Terminology305
2Plant Anatomy Terminology346
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