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Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies (For Students and Practitioners)

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Author: K. Nishteswar
Publisher: Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan
Edition: 2009
Pages: 398
8.5 inch x 6.0 inch
700 gm
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Book Description

The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimated that 80% of the populations of the developing countries roly on traditional medicines, mostly plant drugs, for their primary health care needs.

Medical plants as a group compromise approximately 8000 species and account for around 50% of all the higher flowering plant-species of India. The Indian systems of medicine have identified around 1500 medicinal plant, of which 500 species are mostly used in the preparation of indigenous formulations

The knowledge accumulates since time immemorial about the medicinal plants (herbs), which have been used as either “Rejuvenators” or “Healers” for the purpose of maintaining positive health or for the cure of different diseases was preserved in the old manuscripts. Everyday millions of people in the Third world are using herbal medicines because they believe in them.

It is know fact that India too has a tremendous wealth of medicinal plants. The Indian Materia Medica is more extensive than their counterparts from the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Babylonians, Persian,s Chinese and Arabians, In India westerner introduced modern system of medicine during British period. They brought their own Materia Medica and there was further amalgamation and use of new medicinal plants. However, they very fact that the indigenous system of india Ayurveda survies all trials and tribulations through centuries bears enough testimony to the efficacy of this Indian system, which is evident from the contributions made by western scientists like William Jones Fleming, Ainsile, Roxberg, Drury, Hooker, Warring, dymock.

Warden, Hooper and George Watt. Col. R. N. Chopra started a project at Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine and published a useful and informative volume on indigenous drugs of India.

Unfortunately, however, apart from sporadic attempts by a few reputed in investigators systematic efforts to explore and exploit this valuable potential has been lacking. Real progress in this field could only come through intensive inter-disciplinary work involving organic chemists, pharmacologists and clinicians practicing modern and indigenous system of medicine.

During the last three decades research on Indian herbs picked up momentum as the developed countries are evincing keen interest on safe and effective herbal medications for refractory conditions like Arthritis, Diabetes Asthma, Hypertensions, Obesity, Kidney Stones, peptic ulcer etc. the review of research carried out during 20th century and post independence period reveals that the herbs described in ayurvedic material Medica are possessing significant pharmacological actions as well as therapeutic value.

As for example:


1. Anxiolytic -Tulasi( Ocimum Sanctum)
2. Anti-anginal -Arjuna (terminalia Arjuna)
3. Hypocholesterolemic -Guggulu (Commiphora Mukul)
4. Anti –Hypertensive -Jatamamsi(Nardosachys Jatamansi)
5. Diuretic -Apamarga(Achyranthes aspera)
6. Hepatoprotective -Katuki(Picrorhiza Kurroa)
7. Anti-arthritic - Nirgundi (vitex Negundo)
8. Anti-ulcer drug -Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza Glabra)
9. Aphrodisiac -Kapikacchu (Mucuna Pruriens)
10. Anti-Cancer -Bhallataka(Semecarpus Anacardium)
11. Anti diabetic -Bijasara (Pterocarpus Marsupium)
12. Immuno-Modulators -Sdheshsnfhs (Withania Somnifera) Guduchi (tinospora)

Most of the Ayurvedic drugs are utilized in crude form. But the trends is changing. Reacting to this situations vyas committee has clearly stated “Quite often the ‘Aurvedic Research’ is used toadeater the analysis of Ayurvedic herbs and drugs, in modern laboratories, by those who explore the possibility of isolating some useful and active therapeutic agents for the purposes of enlarging the allopathic pharmacopoeia. It is also being applied to clinical trials of Ayurvedic drugs in the Allopathic hospitals, with a view to test their efficacy for rejection or acceptance thereof by the Allopathic doctors.

In the regional publication of WHO entitled "Herbal Medicine for Human Health" the author Dr. R.R. Chaudhury quotes that "even if the pharmacological activity resides in one plant, it is possible that there are two or three compounds in that plant extract which, together, induce the therapeutic activity. The ap- proach of extraction testing and further fractionation only de- crease the effectiveness of all fractions rather than concentrating all the activity. It has been shown that in approximately half of the plants the activity increases as further fractionation is carried out. However, in the other half, activity decreases as further frac- tionation is done. Scientists at half a dozen pharmaceutical houses have spent an enormous amount of fine and money trying to track down that is alkaloid, which is responsible for the blood sugar lowering or hypoglycaemic effect of a plant Momordica charantia. The fresh aqueous juice of this plant-the vegetable known as bitter ground-is being used by thousands of diabetic patients all over the world. Yet, all attempts to demonstrate in which one compound all this activity resides have failed because the activity in all fractions gets less and less instead of demon- strating enhanced activity in one extract or fraction. The full pharmacological effect will decrease or even disappear if further extraction and fractionation is carried out. Even at the state of laboratory and clinical testing, there are still other pitfalls which one must be aware of. It is now fairly well recognized that a medicinal plant may need to be administered with other sub- stances in order to exert its therapeutic effect. If three plants are given together with black pepper or jaggery or honey, it is pos- sible that every constituent in this combination has a specific effect. The second plant may be potentiating the effect of the first plant and the third plant may be preventing the toxicity of the second plant. The jaggery, honey or lack pepper may be re- leasing the activity of the first plant. In a situation such as this it would be futile to try and determine, by pharmacological screen- ing-in dogs or cats or rats-which plant actually possesses phar- macological activity. As we have seen, there may never be such plant acting alone. Even if the pharmacological activity resides in one plant, it is possible that there are two or three compounds in that plant extract, which, together, induce the therapeutic activity. The approach of extraction, testing and further frac- tionation, which has always been used, will not help. Further extraction and fractionation will only decrease the effectiveness of all fractions rather than concentrating all the activity.

The traditional approach of the following ten steps consists:


  • Identification of the plant reportedly in use.
  • Collection of the plant.
  • Transport of the plant to the research laboratory.
  • Storage.
  • Preparation of extracts for testing.
  • Administration of the extracts to animal models.
  • Identification of the active or more active extract.
  • Further fractionation of the active extract.
  • Identification of the active principle chemical structure.
  • Synthesis of the active substance.

Dr. U Ko Ko, Regional Director, WHO, expresses his views about whole drug administration as follows-modern science is founded on the belief that knowledge, as it progresses, accumulated new and improved concepts driving ot the old and the fallible. It prides itself on being objective ad rigorous, yet it fails to recognize that there can be other systems of thought. Phyto therapy ,or herbal medicine, believes in the harmonious view that “the whole plant is greater than the sum of its parts. “Some of the wonder drugs of modern medicine have their roots in indigenous medicine.




SECTION 1: Single & Simple Herbal Recipes for Common Diseases  
Introduction 1
Jwara (Fever) 2
Atisara (Diarrhoea) 5
Pravahika (Amoebiasis) 6
Arshas (Piles) 6
Grahani (Sprue/IBS) 7
Bhasmaka Roga (Zollinger Ellison Syndro:ne) 7
Visuchika (Cholera) 8
Krimi (Helminthiasis/Worm infestation) 8
Pandu-Kamala(Anaemia-]aundice) 9
Rajayakshma (Tuberculosis) 10
Raktapirra (Haemorrhage) 10
Kasa (Bronchi tis) 10
Aruchi (Distaste) 11
Chardi (Vomiting) 12
Trishna (Thirst) 12
Hicca(Hiccough) 13
Shwasa (Breathlessness/Asthma) 13
Swara-bhanga (Laryngitis) 14
Unmada, Apasmara & Murccha (Psychosis & Epilepsy) 14
Daha (Burning Sensation/Neuri tis) 15
Arditavata (Bell's Palsy/Facial Paralysis) 15
Gridhrasi (Sciatica) 15
Vatarakta (Gout) 16
Urustambha (Disc prolapse syndrome) 16
Manya-stambha/Griva-sthamba (Cervical Spondylosis) 16
Amavata (Arthritis) 16
Shoola (Colic) 17
Udavarta (Flatulence, Retention of Urine etc.) 18
Hridroga (Heart Diseases) 18
Gulma (Abdominal Tumours) 18
Mutrakrcchra(Dysuria) 18
Ashmari (Urolithiasis) 19
Prarneha (Urinary Disorders) 20
Medoroga (Obesity) 20
Karshyarwa (Emaciation) 21
Udara Roga (Ascites & Enlargement of Organs 21
Like Liver & Spleen) 21
Shotha (Oedema) 22
Vriddhi (Hernia) 22
Galaganda (Goitre), Gandamala & Apachi 22
(Cervical Lym p haedini tis) 23
Shleepada (Filariasis) 23
Vidradhi (Abscess) 24
Vrana (Ulcer) 24
Agnidagdha- Vrana (Burns) 25
Bhagna-vrana (Fracture) 25
N adi-vrana (Sinus) 25
Upadamsha (STD) 25
Kushta (Skin Disorders) 27
Sheetapitta (Urticaria) 27
Amlapitta (Gastritis) 27
Visarpa (Erysipelas) 27
Snayuka-vrana (Guniea Worm Infestation) 27
Sheetala (Viral Diseases) 28
Kshudra Roga (Minor Ailments) 29
Mukha Roga (Oral Cavity Diseases) 29
Karna-Roga (Diseases of Ear) 29
Nasa Roga (Nasal Disorders) 30
Netra Roga (Eye Diseases) 30
Shiro Roga (Diseases of Head) 31
Pradara Roga (Female Bleeding Diseases) 31
Garbha-nivarana Yoga (Contraceptives) 32
Soma Roga (Urinary Infection) 33
Vandhyatva-haraandPumsavana-kara 33
(Sterility Therapy and Therapy for Male Progeny) 33
Prasuti Roga, Garbha & Yoni-Roga (Purpeural Diseases) 33
Anartava (Amenorrhoea) 34
Bala-roga (Diseases of Children) 34
Vishadhikara (Anti-dotes of Poisons) 35
Vajikarana (Aphrodisiacs) 36
Rasayana(Rejuvinator) 36
Nidra-nasha(Insomnia) 37
SECTION 2: Research Profiles of Indian Herbs & Herbo-Mineral Formulations  
Introduction 62
Lifestyle Diseases: Ayurvedic Research Perspective 65
1. Urolithiasis 67
2. Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy 68
3. Liver Diseases (Viral Hepatitis) 68
4. Arthritis 69
5. Diabetes mellitus 70
6. AIDS 70
7. Psoriasis 71
8. Peptic Ulcer 72
9. Obesity and Lipid Disorders 73
10. AyurvedicAnti Malarial Drug: Ayush-64 73
11. Ischemic Heart Diseases (IHD) 74
12. Bronchial Asthma 74
14. Kshara-sutra in Management of 75
Anal Fistula (Bhagandara) 75
Ayurvedic Metallic Preparations: 77
Nephrc-protecrive but not Nephrotoxic 77
AyurvedicAnti-cancer Drugs 79
1. Gunja (Abrus precatorius) 79
2. Shirisha (Albizzia lebbeck) 80
3. Saptaparna (Alstonia scholaris) 80
4. Rohitaka (Amoora rohitaka) 80
5. Kajutaka (Anacardium occidentale) 80
6. Sitaphala (Annona squamosa) 80
7. Shatavari (Asparagus racernosus) 80
8. Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) 81
9. Shallaki (Boswellia serrara) 81
10. Arka (Calotropis procera) 81
11. Devadaru (Cedrus deodara) 81
12. Dhattura (Datura rnetel) 81
13. Dugdhika (Euphorbia hirta) 81
14. Tilaparni (Gynandropsis pentaphylln) 81
15. Chanchu (Heliotropium indicum) 82
16. Jati Qasminum auriculatum) 82
17. Vyaghra Eranda Oatropha indica) 82
18. Hapusha Ouniperus indicus) 82
19. Hastikarna (Leea macrophylla) 82
20. Dhamargava (Luffa cylindrica) 82
21. Kampillaka (Mallotus philippinensis 83
22. Nimba (Melia azadirachta) 83
23. Shigru (Moringa oleifera) 83
24. Karaveera (Nerium indicum) 83
25. Krishnajeeraka (Nigellasativa) 83
26. Gandha-prasarini (Paederia Ioerida) 83
27. Nagavalli (Piper berle) 84
28. Kalaya (Pisum sativurn) 84
29. Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica) 84
30. Ashoka (Saraca indica) 84
31. Katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa) 84
32. Bhallataka (Semecarpus anacardiurn) 84
33. Rakta Chitraka (Plumbago rosea) 85
34. Ash wagandha (Wi thania so mnifera) 85
35. Sadabahara (Vinca rosea) 85
Aphrodisiac Effect ofIndigenous Drugs a Myth or Reality? 87
Introduction 87
Treatment with Ayurvedic Drugs 91
KoshtashrayaKamala 92
Shakhashraya Kamala 93
( Halimaka 93
(Symptoms ofIncurable Kamala) 93
1. Devadali (Luffa echinata) 95
2. Neeli (Indigofera tinctoria) 95
3. Utpala (Nymphaea stellara) 96
4. Tulasi (Ocimum sanctum) 96
5. Bhumyamalaki (Phyllanthus Iraternus) 96
6. Pippali (Piper longurn) 97
7. Sankhapushpi (Canscoradecussata) 97
8. Katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa) 98
9.Arogyavardhini 98
Bhasmas (Mineral preparations-Calces) 99
Compound preparations 100
KoshthashritaKamala 100
RuddhapathaKamala (Sakhagata) 100
AyurvedicAmoebicidal Drugs 102
Acacia arabica Willd. (Babbula) 103
Alangium salvifolium (Linn. f) Wang. (Ankola) 104
Albizzia lebbeck (Linn) Benth. (Sirisha) 104
Asparagus racemosus Willd. (Sharavari) 104
Berberis aristata DC. (Daruharidra) 104
Centella asiatica (Linn.) Urban (Mandookaparni) 104
Cissus setosa (Barre bachchaali) 104
Clerodendrum infonunatum Linn. (Bharidira) 104
Coccinia indica Weight&Arn. (Bimbi) 105
Curcuma longa Linn. (Haridra) 105
Euphorbia hirra Linn. (Dugdhika) 105
Euphorbia tirucalli Linn. (Sehunda) 105
Ficus religiosa Linn. (Ashwarha) 105
Ficus recemosa Linn. (Udumbara) 105
Holarrhena antidysenterica (Linn.) Wall. (Kutaja) 105
Murrya koenigii (Linn.) Spreng. (Surabhinimba) 106
Myrica nagi Thunb. (Karphala) 106
Nigella sativa Linn. (Upakunchika) 106
Oroxylum indicum (Linn.) Vent. (Shyonaka) 106
Aegle marmelos Corr. (Bilwa) 106
Caesal pinia crista Linn. (Latakaranja) 107
Arogyavardhinivati &Ananda-bhairavaRasa 107
Herbal & Herbo Mineral Antacids &Anti Ulcer Drugs 108
1. Herbal Antacids & Anti-ulcer Drugs 109
(a) Amalaki (Emblica offlcinalis) Gaertn. 109
(b) Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.) 109
(c) Shatavari (Asparagu racemosus Wild.) 110
(d) Bhringaraja (Eclipra alba Hassk.) 110
(e) Vasa (Adhatoda vasica ees.) 110
(f) Narikela (Cocos nucifera Linn.) 111
(g) Kadali (Musa sapientum Linn.) 111
II. Herbo Mineral Antaids & Antiulcer Agents 111
Role ofIndigenous Drugs in Ischaemic Heart Diseases 113
Indigenous DrugswithAnti-anginal and 114
HypocholesterolemicEffect 114
IndigenousAn tihypertensiveAgents 116
Indigenous HypoglycaemicAgents 116
Utility ofIndigenous Drugs in Acquired 117
Immuno Deficiency Syndrome 118
Clinical Features of Aids 118
Aids from Ayurvedic Perspectives 119
Etiological Factors of Sosha 120
Symptomatology of Sosha 121
Indigenous Drugs Useful in Aids 121
Anti-inflammatory Ayurvedic Drugs 125
Ricinus communis Linn (Earanda) 128
Balsamodendron mukul Hook. ex Stocks (Guggulu) 128
Tinospora cordifolia Willd. Miers. (Guduchi) 128
Oxalis corniculata Linn. (Changeri) 128
Vitex negundo (Nirgundi) 129
Boerhaavia diffusa Linn. (Punarnava) 129
Semecarpus anacardium Linn. (Bhallataka) 129
Cesalpinia bonducFeming. (Latakaranja) 129
Acorus calamus Linn. (Vacha) 129
Crataeva re!igiosa (Varuna) 129
Curcuma longa (Haridra) 130
Piper longum (Pippali) 130
Prernna obstusifolia (Agnimantha) 130
Prosopis cineraria (Shami) 130
Psoralea corylifolia (Bakuchi) 130
Hemidesmus indicus (Sativa) 131
In ula racemosa (Pushakaramoola) 131
Moringa oleifera (Shigru) 131
Nyctanrhes arbor-tristis (Parijata) 131
Nymphaea srellara (Kumuda) 132
Operculina rurpethum (Trivrut) 132
Ougeiniaojeinenis (Tinisha) 133
Paederia foetida (Gandha Prasarini) 133
IndigenousAntifertility Agents 135
1. Abrus precatorius Linn. (Gunja) 137
2. Argyreia nervosa (Burm. f.) Boj (Vriddhadaru) 137
3. Butea monosperma (Lamk.) Taub (Palasha) 137
4. Datura mete! Linn. (Dhanura) 138
5. Dendrophthoe falcata Linn. f. (Vriksharuha) 138
6. Nymphaea nouchali Burm. f. (Ralcrorpala) 138
7. Oryza granulata (Devdhana) 138
8. Strychnos nuxvomica Linn. (Vishamushti) 138
9. Ficus racemosa Linn. (Udurnbar) 139
10. Mangifera indica Linn. (Amra) 139
11. Musa paradisiaca Linn. (Kadali) 139
12. Ricinus communis Linn. (Eranda) 139
13. Azadirachta indicaA.Juss. (Nirnba) 139
Rasayana Drugs (Natural Antioxidants) 142
l. Shankapushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis) 143
2. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera Dunal) 143
3. Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa Linn.) 144
4. Mandookaparni (Centella asiatica Linn.) 144
5. Pippali (Piper longum Linn.) 145
6. Amalaki (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) 145
7. Bakuchi (Psoralea coxylifolia Linn.) 145
8. Tuvaraka (Hydnocarpus wightiana Blume) 145
9. Guggulu (Cornmiphora rnukul Hook. ex Stocks) 146
Role of Ayurvedic Drugs in the Management of Arshas (Haemorrhoids) 148
Hazards of Allopathic Anti-Diabetic Drugs & Safery of Ayurvedic Herbal Drugs 154
Ayurvedic Oral Anti-Diabetic Herbal Drugs . 1. Pterocorpus marsupium (Bijasara) 159
2. Momordica charantia Linn. (Karavella) 159
3. Azadirachta indicaA. Juss ( irnba) 160
4. Cinnamomum tamala ees. & Eberm. (Tejapatra) 160
5. Gymnema sylvesrre R. Br. (Mesha Shringi) 160
6. Eugenia jambolana Lam. (jambu) 161
7. Ocimum sanctum Linn. (Tulasi) 161
8. Phyllanthus fraternus (Bhumyamalaki) 161
9. Ficus racemosa (Udurnbara) 161
10. Ficus bengalensis Linn. (Vata) 161
11. Inula racemosa Hook. f. (Pushkaramoola) 162
12. Enicostema littorale Blume (Mamejjaka) 162
13. Salacia prenoides (Ponkoranti) 162
14. Murraya koenigii Spreng. (Surabhinimba) 162
15. Strychnos potarorum Linn. (Nirmali) 162
16. Aloe barbadensis Mill (Kumari) 162
17. Curcuma longa Linn. (Haridra) 163
Oral Hypoglycemic Herbo-Mineral Recipe 163
Chandraprabhavati 163
Herbal Bitters like Bitter Gourd, 164
Neem : Safe Antidiabetic Herbs 164
Use ofSunf1ower Oil Increases the Risk of Diabetes 165
Perennial Herb as Natural Sweetener 165
Ayurvedic Metallic Preparations  
Nephroprotective but not Nephrotoxic 168
Group-I 170
(Without Makaradhwaja pre-treatment control animals) 170
Group-II 170
(Pretreated with Makaradwaja) 170
Results 171
Utilitarian Values of Medical-Lore of Ramp a Agency,  
(A.P.) in Primary Health Care 173
Study of Malia Sindoor Compound in Bronchial Asthma 1  
Essentials of Diagnosis 176
Methdos & Materials 178
Results 179
Effect of Simhanada Guggul &  
Maharasnadi Kwatha in Sandhivata 181
Methods and Materials 182
Results 183
Clinical-Pharmacological Studyof  
Abhayadi Modaka-a Herbal Purgative 185
Materials and Methods 187
Results 187
Onset of Action 188
Duration of Action 188
Adverse Effect 188
Umber of Stools Passed 188
Reidenrification of Herbs of Char aka's Dasaemani Ganas 189
Jeevaniya Varga 191
Brimhaneeya Varga 192
Lekhaniya Varga 193
Bhedaneeya Varga 193
Sandhaneeya Varga 194
Deepaniya Varga 194
Balya Varga 194
Varnya Varga 195
Kanthya Varga 195
Hrdya Varga 196
Trptighna Varga 196
Arshoghna Varga 197
Kushtaghna Varga 197
Kandughna Varga 197
Krimighna Varga 198
Vishaghna Varga 198
Stanyajanana Varga 198
Sthanya-shodhana Varga 199
Shukra-janana Varga 199
Shukra-shodhana Varga. 200
Snehopaga Varga 200
Swedopaga Varga 201
Vamanopaga Varga 201
Virechanopaga Varga 202
Asthapanopaga Varga 202
Anuvasanopaga Varga 202
Shiro-virechaneeya Varga 203
Chardi-nigrahana Varga 203
Thrushna-nigrahana Varga 204
Hikka-nigrahana Varga 204
Pureesha-sangrahaniya Varga 204
Pureesha-virajaneeya Varga 205
Mutra-sangrahaneeya Varga 206
Mutra-virarjaneeya Varga 206
Mutra-virechaneeya Varga 207
Kasahara Varga 207
Shwasahara Varga 207
Swayathuhara Varga 208
Jwarahara Varga 209
Shramahara Varga 209
Daha-prasharnana Varga 210
Sheeta-prashamana Varga 210
Udarda-prashamana Varga 210
Shula-prasharnana Varga 211
Angamarda-prasamana Varga 211
Shonitastapana Varga 211
Vedanasthapa Varga 212
Sanjna-sthapana Varga 213
Praja-sthapana Varga 217
Vayaha-sthapana Varga 218
Unidentified Drugs 219
Conclusion 219
Anti-Microbial & Anti-Viral Herbal Drugs 220
1. Achyranthes aspera Linn. (Arnaranrhaceae) 220
2. Acorus calamus Linn. (Araceae) 220
3. Alpinia galanga Willd 220
5. Azadirachta indica A. J uss (Meliaceae) 220
6. Berberis aristata DC (Berberidaceae) 221
7. Bryophyllum calycinum salisb (Crassulaceae) 221
8. Cassia fistula Linn. (Caesalpinaceae) 221
9. Cassia occidentalis Linn. (Caesalpinaceae) 221
10. Cucurbita maxima Duchesne (Cucurbitaceae)  
11. Curcuma longa Linn (Zingiberaceae)  
Cyperus rotundus Linn. (Cyperaceae) 221
13. Desmodium gangeticum DC (Fabaceae) 222
14. Emblica offlcinalis Linn. (Euphorbiaceae) 222
15. Hedychium spicatum Buch-Ham (Zingiberaceae) 222
16. Helianthus annuus Linn. (Asteraceae) 222
17. Hemidesmus indicus (Linn.) R. Br. (Asclepiadaceae) 222
18. Inula racemosa Hook. F. (Asteraceae) 223
19. Jasminum offlcinale Linn. (Oleaceae) 223
20. Lawsonia inermis Linn. (Lyrhraceae) 223
21. Leptadenia rericulata Wight & Am. (Asclepiodaceae) 223
22. Leucas aspera (Willd.) Spreng. (Lamiaceae; Labiatae) 223
23. Madhuca longifolia (Koen) Macb. (Saporaceae) 223
24. Mallotus philippinensis (Lam.)  
Muell. Arg. (Euphorbiaceae) 224
25. Melia azedarach Linn. (Meliaceae) 224
26. Mentha spicata Linn. (Lamiaceae) 224
27. Mesua ferrea Linn. (Guttiferae) 224
28. Mimusops elengi Linn. (Saporaceae) 224
29. Momordicacharantia Linn. (Cucurbitaceae) 224
30. Moringa oleifera Lam. (Moringaceae) 225
31. Murraya Koenigii (Linn.) Spreng. (Rutaceae) 225
32. Myristica fragrans Houtt. (Myrisricaceae) 225
33. Nardostachys jatamansi DC (Valerianaceae) 225
34. Nigellasativa Linn. (Ranunculaceae) 226
35. Ocimum americanum Linn. (Larniaceae) 226
36. Ocimum basilicum Linn. 226
37. Ocimum sanctum Linn. 227
38. Phyllanrhus urinaria Linn. (Euphorbiaceae) 227
39. Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex. Benth. (Scrophulariaceae) 227  
40. Piper betle Linn. (Piperaceae) 227
41. Piper cubeba Linn. f. (Piperaceae) 228
42. Piper longum Linn. (Piperaceae) 228
43. Piper nigrum Linn. (Piperaceae) 228
44. Plumbago zeylanica Linn (Plumbaginaceae) 228
45. Pongamia pin nata (Linn.) Pierre (Fabaceae) 229
46. Prunus amygdalus Barsch (Rosaceae) 229
47. Psoralea corylifolia Linn. (Fabaceae) 230
48. Punica granatum Linn. (Punicaceae) 230
Chemotherapy of Viral Infection 230
Ayurvedic Herbal Tranquillizers/Psychotropic Durgs 233
1. Hedychium spicatum (Shari) 235
2. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (Japa) 235
3. Jasminum sambac (Sumana) 235
4. Marsilia minuta (Sunishannaka) 235
5. Melia azadirachta (Nirnba) 236
6. Nardostachys jatamansi (Jatamamsi) 236
7. Ocimum sanctum (Tulasi) 237
8. Psoralea corylifolia (Bakuchi) 237
9. Boerhaavia diffusa (Punarnava) 238
10. Bacopa monniera (Brahmi) 238
11. Datura fastuosa (Dhattura) 239
12. Bambusa bambos (Vamsha) 239
13. Annona squamosa (Sitaphala) 239
14. Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) 239
15. Cassia fistula (Aragwadha) 240
16. Moringa oleifera (Shigru) 240
17. Acorus calamus (Vacha) 241
18. Apium graveolens (Ajamoda) 241
19. Bauhinia variegata (Kanchanara) 241
20. Canscoradecussata (Shankhapushpi) 241
21. Celastrus paniculatus (Jyotishmati) 241
22. Centella asiatica (Mandookaparni) 242
23. Convolvulus pluricaulis (Shankhapushpi) 242
24. Cyperus rotundus (Musta) 242
25. Erythrina indica (Paribhadra) 243
Study ofIndigenous Depilatories 245
Introduction 245
Methods and Materials 246
Results & Discussion 247
Acalypha indica Linn. : A Folk Lore Drug 248
Antifungal Activity of Alkanna tinctoria (Dineshvalli) 250
Introduction 250
Materials and Methods 250
Results 251
Discussion 252
Summary 253
Anti obesity & HypolipidemicAyurvedic Drugs 255
1. Agave vera 255
2. Cicer arietinurn 256
3. Allium cepa 256
4. Curcuma amada 257
5. Commiphora mukul 258
6. Mucuna pruriens 258
7. Picrorrhiza kurroa 258
8. Piper nigrum 258
9. Pisurn sativurn 259
10. Pterocarpus marsupium 259
11. Terminalia chebula 259
12. Myristica fragrans 259
13. Carum copricurn 260
14. Terrninalia arjuna 261
15. Allium sativurn 261
16. Linum usitatissirnum 261
17. Cymbopogon citrates 261
18. Trigonella foen um-graecum 262
19. Panax ginseng 262
20. Plantago ovata 262
21. Zingiber officinale 263
22. Embelia ribes 263
23. Emblica officinal is 263
24. Plumbago zeylanica 263
25. Tinispora cordifolia 263
26. Cyperus rotundus 263
27. Garcinia cambogia 263
Cholesterol level and Yogic training programme 263
Triphala: Anti-oxidant and Anti-cancer formulation 264
Modern Herbs in Current Clinical Practice 268
Arnica 268
Ginkgo 269
Silymarin (Silibinin) 271
St John's wort 0
Arogyapacha (Trichopuszeylanicus) 273
Traditional Medicine Leads to New Patents  
Ginseng 276
Modern Science and Ginseng 276
Noni 277
Safed Musali (Chlorophytum Borivilianum) 278
Kava (Piper methysticurn) 280
Basic Research on An ti -cancer Poten rial 284
Skin Rashes 286
Liver Damage Inciden ts 289
Ancistrocladus korupensis : Herbal Hope for AIDS 289
Artemisia absinthium (Wormwood) 290
Garciniac(lmbogia) 290
Section 3: EssentialAyurvedic Formulations for Common Diseases 294
Gastro-intestinal Diseases 295
Stomatitis 295
Dyspepsia &Anorexia 295
Gastritis (Hyperacidity) 295
Hiccough 296
Colic (Adbdominal Pain) 296
Peptic-Ulcer 296
Vomiting 297
Diarrhoea 297
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) 298
Dysentery 299
Jaundice (Hepatitis) 299
Ascites 300
InfantileHepaticCirrhosis 300
Amoebiasis 301
Gallstones 301
Constipation 301
Piles (Haemorrhoids) 302
Worms (Helminthiasis) 302
Cardio- Vasccular Diseases 303
Hypertension 303
IH D (Angina & MI) 304
Congestive Heart Failure 304
Respiratory Diseases 305
Asthma 305
Bronchitis (Cough) 305
Corryza (Cold) 306
Nervous System Disorders 306
Headache 306
Migraine 307
Sinusitis 307
Hemiplegia(Paralysis) 307
Bell's Palsy (Facial Paralysis) 308
Epilepsy 309
Sciatica 309
Musculo-skeletal Disorder 310
Lumbago (Backache) 310
Cervical Spondylosis 310
Arthritis 310
Uro-genital Disorders 311
Urolithiasis (Stone in Kidney) 311
Cystisis 311
RenalFailure 312
Prostate Enlargement (BPH) 312
Impotence 313
Infectious Diseases 313
Influenza 313
Mumps 313
Chicken Pox and Measles 314
Folariasis 315
Malaria 315
Skin Diseases 316
Leprosy 316
Burns 317
Chaffed Soles (Cracks) 317
Whitlow 317
Pediculosis (Lice Infection) 317
Warts 318
Corns 318
Boils 318
Tinea Versicolor 318
Scabies 319
RingWorm 320
Urticaria 320
Acne (Pimples) or Acne Vulgaris 321
Eczema 322
Psoriasis 322
Leucoderma (Vitiligo) 323
Wounds-Ulcers 323
Herpes Zoster 323
Gynecological Diseases 324
Leucorrhoea (Whi te Discharge) 324
Menorrhagia (Bleeding) 325
Miscellaneous Conditions (E.N.T. and Eye Diseases) 325
Vertigo 325
Psychosis 0
Insomnia 326
Anxiery Neurosis 326
Conjunctivitis 327
Toothache 327
Pyorrhoea(Gingivitis) 327
EarAche 327
Epistaxis 328
Tonsillitis 328
DiabetesMellirus 328
Anemia 329
Oderna 329
Cancer 329
T rid osha the 'Being' Theory 331
The Trio 332
The Origin 332
Varied Interpretations 334
Vata 334
Pi tta 335
Contribution of Ayurvedic Social & Preventive 339
Medecine to Comprehensive Health Care  
Prevenrive Perspective ofPanchakarma 344
Therapy in Comprehensive Health Care 344
Introduction 345
Five Levels of Prevenrion 347
Charaka's Scheme ofPrevenrion of Diseases 349
Ayurvedic Pharmaceuticals: Past & Present 351
Priority of Areas of Research 353
First Priori ry  
Secondary Priority  
List of Refractory Diseases for Which  
Ayurvedic Treatment is More Popular 355
List of Essential Formulations 357
Popular Ayurvedic Formulations  
Marketed Currently in India 3 61
Drugs Required in Bulk Quantities for Manufacturing  
Most Popular Ayurvedic Formu.lations 363
Drugs in Demand for Manufacturing  
Patent Ayurvedic Medicines 365
List of Medicinal Plants Identified for Cultivation 367
List of Herbs Mentioned in Vtzrious Herbal Recipes 369
1. Antacids & Anti-ulcer Drugs 375
2. Viral Hepatitis (Kamala 379
3. AyurvedicAmoebicidal Drugs 376
4. Drugs in the Management of Arshas (Haemorrhoids) 377
5. Anti-inflammatory Ayurvedic Drugs 377
6. Indigenous HypoglycaemicAgents 378
7. Herbal Tranquillizersl Psychotropic Drugs 379
8. Drugs in Ischemic Heart Disease 379
9. Indigenous Antihypertensive Agents 380
10. Anti-microbial & Anti-viral Herbal Drugs 380
1l. Anti-viral Drugs 381
12. AyurvedicAnti-cancer Drugs 382
13. Indigenous Drugs in Acquired Immuno-  
Deficiency Syndrome 383
14. Rasayana Drugs - NaturalAnti-oxidants 383
15. Aphrodisiac Effect ofIndigenous Drugs 384
16. Anti-fertility Agents 384
Bibliography 386
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