Dramatis Personae Males Madhava The son of Devarata, minister of the king of Vidarbha, the Hero. Makaranda- His friend lover of Madayantika, sister of Nandana. Kalahamsak Madhava's seryant. Nandana A favourite of the king of Padmavati. Bhurivasu Minister of the king of Padmavati and father of Malati. Devarata Father of Madhava, and minister of the king of Vidarbha. Aghoraghanta A votary of Chamunda. The Sovereign of Padmavati (alluded to)
Females Malati Daughter of Bhurivasu, the Heroine of the play. Madayantika The sister of Nandana and Malati's friend who falls in love with Makaranda. Kamandaki- A Buddhist ascetic, Malati's governess. Lavangika Foster sister of Malati Sauda mini, Buddharakshita, Avalokita - Disciples of Kamandaki Mandariki An attendant of Kam., beloved by Kalahamsa. KapaLakundala A disciple of Aghoraghanta.
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