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Siddhaprayoga Latika

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Author: Acharya Shri Gulraj Sharma Mishra
Language: (Text With English Translation)
Edition: 1992
Pages: 235
Cover: Hardcover
8.9" X 5.6"
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Book Description


For sometime it is being felt that the number of Ayurvedic Physicians who can treat the most difficult of ailments with the help of the ancient system of medicine is fast diminishing. Based on their vast experience of the treatment of such difficult and complicated cases, such Ayurvedic physicians could tackle cases with confidence and care. Today the number of such competent Ayurvedic Physicians could tackle cases with confidence and care, and such physicians can be counted only on fingers. Their tribe is fast disappearing. The treatment they prescribed his disappeared with their passing away. The world of Ayurveda has thus suffered an irreparable loss. The influence of modem system of to have lost faith in this system and confidence in themselves. The greatest harm to Ayurveda has been caused by the prolification of numerous companies manufacturing patent Ayurvedic medicines of questionable quality and due to their commission agents. Depending on these manufactures, the ayurvedic physician themselves make little effort to prepare genuine medicines themselves, resorting to the easy course of prescribing patented medicine The number of Ayurvedic physicians who undertake to manufacture their own medicines by phar-macoepial procedure is very few.

Under these circumstances, the effort of Shri Gulraj Sharma Misra at producing an authentic treatise "Shddha proyoga lalika" is most welcome. It is based on his vast experience of over 55 years, both in clinical and practical side. I am sure this book will prove of immense benefit to all practitioners of Ayurveda who desire to attain success in this profession.

The book is divided into 36 chapters and some 200 shlokas in Sanskrit. Easy to comprehend, it is written in simple "Anustup Chanda" so that it can be followed by graduates in Ayurved. Difficult Sanskrit words have been avoided. This book is based on Shri Gulraj Sharma's research experiences of over 55 years, particularly on difficult cases encountered in "pakvasa Hospital" attached to "Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya."

I am sure this effort pf Shri Gulraj, will be particularly appreciated by the students seeking to practice Ayurvedic system of Medicine.

The most significant feature of this book is that Vaidya Lal Chandra Jaiswal has rendered the translation of the book in a simple English, so that even an ordinary student can follow it and benefit from this book.



"The Science of Life viz. Ayurveda, has always been in existence and have been pepole who understood it in their own way" - obsered Charaka.

The same is true with Acharya Gularaja Sharma Mishra, the author of the present book. The book has a meaningful title as "Siddha Prayoga Latika" which claims to be a creeper as it were, that entombs different kinds of prover Kalpas on its leaves.

Vaidya Sharmaji born at Gaurera Village in Jaipur district of Rajasthan was benefitted by the patronage of scholars. His grand father was a great Sanskrit grammarian & astrologer, he was in touch with Sanskrit in his early childhood. Having acquired a full skill in grammar, philosophy and Sanskrit literature at famous learning centres like Jaipur, Varanasi and Kanpur.he became the Chief Editor of the "JINENDRA" weekly published from Nagpur. Here, he met Baidyabhushana Shri Goverdhana Sharma Changaniji who as an eminent preceptor, taught him Ayurveda. Later, he got the degree of Ayurvedacharya from All India Ayurvedic Vidyapeeth.

The auther was movedy the dynamic personality of his preceptor. This inspired him for establishing the Ayurvedic College and Hospital at Pakvasa Nagpur. As an eminent professor and Principal of the Institution, he worked with great zeal and made it one of the ideal institutions of Ayurveda in the country Now, there is a Research Institute also. The auther adorns the Chair of the General Secretary of the College, the Hospital and the Research Institute.

The testimony of his medical acumen may be had from the fact that he holds hororary degrees of "Vividha Vidyahurina, Vaidya Vachaspati, Ayurveda Shiromani, Chikitsa Chudamani, Kavyamanishi, piyushapani, and A.M.S. etc.

Besides, he was honorned by the Ceylon Government in presence of the first Prime Minister of India, Late. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru with an Honorary Degree of "Ayurveda Shiromani" conferred upon him by the All Ceylor Vaidyak Congress in 1962.

With such qualities and capabilities in the long service in the field of Ayurveda, the author has collected proven remedies that were found effective during his practice at the above mentioned hospital (pakvasa Nagpur).

The background for the authorship of this book has been revealed. The tide also seems quite appropriate having regard to the author’s collection of proven remedies. Eventually, this work composed of 2000 Sanskrit Verses resembles the traditional style of the triads of Ayurveda (i. e. Trayi- Brihat & Laghu). However, the Scholars hold the view that with this work, the Siddba Prayoga Trayi could have been completed if appended with the Siddhab- haisajya Manimala and Siddhabhaishajya Manjusha. The authors of Manimala and Manjusha are Shrikrishnaramji and Sbri Jayadevaji, both of whom-have made poetic collections of proven medicines in Sanskrit language. These books have been commented upon by the "Ujjwala" commentary in Hindi rendered by the most renowned physician Vaidya Shri Shivkaran Sharma Changaniji of Nagpur. Shri Changaniji 's prowess is known to all concerned with the Ayurvedic world. It is our great fortune that such an eminent scholar has given his lifetime experience in the shepe of this work.

It is a matter of great satisfaction that this book is followed with its English edition too. This will bring this valuable work to the notice of much wider world.

. The book, is well designed and beautifully printed It comprises 34 chapters i.e. flowers. It is my firm faith that the Latika or the creeper remains evergreen with permanent fragrance of its flowers which have been blossomed by a long time labour of the eminent author.

The book contains 700 Kalpas. In his 55 years clinical experience, the author has discovered the most effective remedies, out of which most of the recipes are based on textual formulations and the rest are his own experiences that found were successful in the times experiences that were found successful in the treatment of Particular ailment in question. The author has also given the emergency treatment for urgent requirements like Diarrhoea, Vomiting, Bronchial Asthema, Hiccough, Appendicitis, Heart disease, Jaundice, Sunstroke and Epliepsy etc. He has also prescribed the recipes for the chronic diseases like Udar Roga, Kustha,Yakshma, Grahani, Arsha, Unmada and Galganda etc.

I appreciate the work and congratulate the author for his commendable work.

. The nector of Ayurved is like the cow which is milked by the son of Kedarmala (the author of this book) who is in place of milk man and 'Santosh' (The only SOn of the author) is like the calf with whose help the milk which is the contents of this book is being milked for the benefit of Ayurvedic Physicians.

I hope that this work will be utilised more and more by the students, teachers. researchers and all the Ayurvedic people in India and abroad.




Manglacharanum 1-4
Self Discourse 5
Other specialities of a Physician 8
The Vitiation of doshas in different months 9
Vitiation of doshas in different seasons 10
Methods of different dosha suppression 10
Definition and preparation of manda Peya etc 10
Making manda etc. 11
Ratio of water in cooking cereals 11
Action of medicine with or without taking meals 11
Indication of transgression in begining of fever 11
Sadanga paniyam 12
Difference of dose in green and dried medicine 12
Some exceptions 12
Triphala 12
Trimada 12
Trikatu 12
Trayushana 12
Chaturushana 12
Punchkolam 13
Shadusanum 13
Trijatam, Trisugandhikam, Chaturjatam 13
Sarvottamum astagandham 13
Samanyama astagandham 13
Sarvagandham 13
Chaturbhadram 13
Kshirivriksha 14
Catwamalum. Puncamlumca 14
Puncangum 14
Lavan Pancacum 14
Dashmulum 14
Punctrinum Puncatrina mulamca 14
Asta Varga 15
Jivaniya gana 15
Kshar trayam 15
Panca gavyam 15
Definitions of measurements 15
Easy way to know measurements 17
Representative drugs in non availability of a drug 18
Selection of drugs (Dravyagrahana) 19
Rules for bhavana 20
First Chapter: Treatment of Jwara (fever) 22-45
Second Chapter : Treatment of Diarrhoea & Dysentry 46-54
Third Chapter: The treatment of Piles (Arsha) 56-64
Fourth Chapter: Treatment or Mandagni 66-76
Fifth Chapter: Treatment or worms (Krimiroga) 78-81
Sixth Chapter: Treatment of Anaemia (pandu roga cbikitsa) 82-88
Seventh Chapter: Treatment of Bleeding Disorders(Rakta Pitta) 89-92
Eighth Chapter: Treatment of Tuberculosis(Raja yakshama) 94-97
Ninth Chapter: Treatment of cough and Asthma(Swasa, Kasa) 98-102
Tenth Chapter : Treatment of Hiccough(Hikka) 103-104
Eleventh Chapter: Treatment of Vomiting (Chardi) 106-109
Twelth Chapter: Treatment of Vata vyadhisa(Arthritic diseases) 110-116
Thirteenth Chapter: Treatment of sypbilis & Gonor-rhoea (Upadamsha & saujaka) 118-121
Fourteenth Chapter: Treatment of Gynaecological Problems (Stri - Roga) 122-129
Fifteenth Chapter: Treatment of ear, nose & throat (Urdhwanga) 130-135
Sixteenth Chapter: Treatment of Itch & Ring worm (Dadru & Kandu) 137-140
Seventeenth Chapter: Rasayana & Vajikarana Treatment 142-149
Eighteenth Chapter : Treatment of diabetes (Prameha) 150-154
Nineteenth Chapter : Treatment of leprosy (KuStha) 155-162
Twentyeth Chapter: Treatment of small pox (Masurika Roga) 163-165
Twenty-First Chapter: Treatment or heart disease (Hridaya Roga) 167-172
Twenty-Second Chapter: Treatment of abdominal disorders (Udara Roga) 174-181
Twenty-Third Chapter: Treatment or acid dyspeptia (Amla pitta) 183-186
Twenty-Fourth Chapter: Treatment of shitapitta, Udarda, Kotha (Allergic disorders) 188-191
Twenty-Fifth Chapter: Treatment of epilepsy & insanity (Apasmaronmada) 192-195
Twenty-Sixth Chapter: Treatment of Paediatric disease (Bala Roga) 196-210
Twenty-Seventh Chapter: Treatment of Oedema (Shotha) 211-214
Twenty-Eighth Chapter : Treatment of heat stroke (Anshughata) 215-217
Twenty-Ninth Chapter: Treatment or Chudra roga 218-225
Thirtyeth Chapter: Treatment or urinary tract dis-ease (Mutra Roga) 226-231
Thirty-First Chapter: Treatment of anorexia (Arocaka) 232-236
Thirty-Second Chapter: Treatment of Galaganda & Gan- damala 238-242
Thirty-Third Chapter: Treatment of Vyamishra Roga (Miscellaneous Discease) 243-255
Thirty-Fourth chapter: Treatment of Shlipada & Arveda Disease (Tumors & Elephantiasis) 256-263

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