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765 Notable Horoscopes

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Author: Raj Kumar
Edition: 2010
ISBN: 9788170821014
Pages: 412
Cover: Paperback
8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
510 gm
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Book Description

About the Book

Great savants of astrology have enunciated various rules theories & hypothesis about various permutation & combinations of planets in a native’s chart. The 12 houses represent the journey of a native from the cradle to the grave. No two natives are identical even the twins differ. Why & how it happens is to be understood & explained by an astrologer. The basic rule is to proceed from known to unknown to understand the highly complex treatises. This necessitates the availability of a large number of horoscopes on which the various tools of astrology can be tested & understood.

The book provides this basic necessity of large number of keen students & research scholars of astrology. This book provides horoscopes of nine divine deities of different religions and 756 horoscopes of different natives of different nations. 415 native out of them are alive as on date. To facilitate proper identification the charts of natives are given in alphabetical order. To facilitate further separate index have been given Lagna wise and profession wise. Total numbers of vocations have been identified as 27. Each horoscope gives longitudes in degree & minutes birth details of the native balance dasha at birth date & mode of death where applicable & available and few important events of each native. The scholars can derive much more useful information from the data given in the book. It is expected that large astrological fratemity will welcome the book in its present form.


About the Author

The author is a mining engineer from Indian School of mines now known as IIT Dhanbad. He has put in 28 years of service in the army as an engineers officer. He is a Jyotish Acharya from Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan. For a long time he has been pursuing astrological studies as a keen student. His researches reflect his analytical approach to go into the details as an engineer and then he put them across frankly as an Army officer.

The author has earlier written books on Prashna: A Vedic Approach Vargas: A Vedic Approach, Charisma of Trika Houses, Astro Remedies: A Vedic Approach, Finance & Profession: A Vedic Approach, Longevity: A Vedic Approach and Charisma of Upshya Houses which have been received well by the astrological fratemity.



Astrology has two main spheres of activities. The theoretical aspect covers various rules, hypothesis, yogas etc. as propounded by great savants of astrology over the ages. The practical aspect covers astrology as applied to analysis of natives' horoscope to convince & substantiate individuals about the efficacy of various tools of astrology as known to them. So the proficiency of predictive astrology is not complete without reference to both the above aspects. A keen student/ researcher of astrology will require a large number of horoscopes to test and apply various principles of astrology to ascertain their utility. This book provides this essential aspect for the benefit of keen students/ researchers and also for interest of general readers.

Every individual, society or nation respects celebrities. Only some persons are gifted such qualities by nature which make them attractive/ repulsive to others. Then there are persons who find their way to success/ failure passing through unusual events. The analysis of their horoscopes makes an interesting study. Cartyle wrote," The history of the world is nothing but the study of great men". Therefore this makes them useful for general readers as well.

This book is a compilation of over 750 horoscopes that have excelled in various fields of life in different countries at different times. This has been a gigantic task with various problems attached. Firstly there is a definite lack of exact & authentic birth details available. Secondly in many cases, more than one set of birth details of celebrities are in circulation. Thirdly, at least in India, people are averse to their name & details being mentioned in any book (this has forced me to change the original names in some cases but keeping birth details intact). Fourthly, due to different Ayanamsa being used in various cases, there could be some difference in longitudes of planets/ Lagna. Lastly I have not met most of the natives personally and have compiled details based on various books, magazines or Internet. In view of the above, I will request the readers to bear with me any variation, if & when they notice and I will leave it to the readers to judge the truth for themselves.

In this book the birth chart of important natives are given in alphabetical order giving date, time & place of birth with balance of Vimshotri dasha at birth in year- month-days: date & mode of death where applicable& available alongwith some important characteristics/ events of the native. This will facilitate correlation of the astrological principles and significations of characteristics/ events that occurred in a native's life on account of planetary positions. The birth chart indicates planets& Lagna (written in brief) alongwith their longitude in degree & minutes. The divisional charts like Navarnsha/ Dashamasha are not given to ensure brevity. However it is presumed that with the help of longitudes indicated, a student of astrology can work out relevant divisional chart where needed.

In our mythology, great importance is given to the figure of 9. The human body is conceived as temple of God. There are nine ways to obtain God's grace through Navadha Bhakti. There are nine gateways to this body temple through which nine planets hurl down various aspects of life. The wise ancient sages observed that the above nine planets are related/ controlled by 27 constellations. Every one of us is subjected to constant electro-magnetic bombardment from these 27 constellations & nine planets, while we live in the sea of electro-magnetic waves.27 can be brought to single digit 9, which correspond to nine human systems- cardio- vascular, skeletal, muscular, nervous, respiratory, digestive, excretory, endocrine and reproductive systems. There are nine aspects of life (Nava Rasa) as propounded in literature. Nine is also represented by seven primary colours(VIBGYOR) and infra-red & ultra-violet. In Vedic culture 108 (12X9) also has a great importance as the rosary for worship has 108 beads. Therefore in the beginning of the book I have mentioned nine divine horoscopes. These are not normal horoscopes but are powerhouses of energy that control Kaal (Time) and have provided guidance /inspiration to millions of their devotees in their time of distress/ need. I salute each one of the nine divine deity with great reverence & faith with the humble request to always bless me and all readers of my books. For the same reason, I have included a total of 756 Horoscope which not only works to single digit 9 (756 = 7 + 5 + 6 = 18 = 9) but is also a multiple of 108 (756 = 108 x 7).

Apart from the alphabetical index, the book also provides the profession wise (As per their fields of main activity) and Lagna wise index to facilitate the readers for futuristic study. The author is grateful to Dr Sanjeev Singhal who gave the idea to write this book and to my granddaughters Monil & Ishita singhal for their constant inspiration & for providing help of Internet. I would have loved to include the bibliography, but the sources of compilations are so many that it makes it very difficult. However I do appreciate the help provided by my friends-Mr Krishna Kumar & Col AK Singhal for their valuable contributions. I do admit that there is nothing original in this book; I have simply compiled the relevant data. I also acknowledge the help & support of Mr Narendra & Saurabh Sagar in timely bringing out this book.

Let the "Vighna Vinayak" energise the contents herein and remove all the obstacles/ problems of the readers. I do hope that my present submission will be useful to keen students & researchers and will be appreciated by august readers and astrological fraternity, as has been the case of my earlier writings. I will request the august readers to let me know about their views and my mistakes/ omissions so that I can correct them in next edition.




Ms Anchal Gupta & Aamir Khan 1
Advani LK & Agrawal PK 2
HH Aga Khan IV & Akbar The Great 3
Ms Rai & Akhandanand Swami 4
Dr Akhilesh Kumar & Albert Scheweizer 5
Alleender II Russia & Alok Jewellary maker 6
Ms Margaret Alva & Amar Nath, Engr 7
Ambani Anil & Ambani Dhirubhai 8
Ambani Mukesh & Dr. Ambedkar BR 9
Amit Jeweller & Amjad Ali Khan 10
Maa Amritanand Devi & Ms Amrita Pritam 11
Dr Amritya Sen & Anand Mulkraj 12
Anandmai Maa & Ms Anglina Jolie 13
Ms Anita Arora & Annadurai CN 14
Ms Annoinette Marie & Dr. MS anu 15
Ms Aradhana Kaur & Armstrong Neil 16
Arjun Singh & Ms Arundale Rukmani 17
Ms Arpita Air Hostess & Arun Sharma 18
Ms Asha Bhonsle & Asharam Bapu 19
Ashish Kumar & Ashok Kumar actor 20
Ashok Kumar-Engr & Ashwani Kumar 21
Ms aung Sui Kui & Aurangazeb Mughal King 22
Aurobindo Ghosh & FM Ayub khan 23
Ayyar Seshadhri K & Azad Chandrasekhar 24
Azharuddin Mohd & Ms Azmi Sabana 25
Bachhan Abhisek & Bachhan Amitabh 26
Bachhan Harvansrai & Baikoli Pandit 27
Baird JM & Bajaj Jamunalal 28
Bajaj Rahul & Bankim Ch Chatterji 29
Bansi Lal & Bandarnaike SWRD 30
Ms Bandarnaike, S & Ms Bannerji Lalita 31
Bansal Arun & Bansal TN 32
Basu Jyoti &Beattel John Lenon 33
Beck Julius & Benker Borris 34
Beethovan Ludwig & Bell, AG 35
Bernard Shaw George & Ms Besant Annie 36
Bhagat Singh & Bhajan Lal 37
Bhandari MC & Bhanjdeo LN 38
Bhargava V & Bhaskaranand Swami 39
Bhattacharya (IAS) & Bhattacharya Prof. Engg. 40
Dr. Bhava Homi J & Ms Bhutto Benezir 41
Bhutto ZA & Dr. Briender Prasad 42
Birla GD & Birla JK 43
Birla KK & Birla K. Manglam 44
Blair Tony & Bob Mankie 45
Borg Brojan & Bose Dr. Jagdish Ch 46
Bose Subhabh Ch & Bradman Don 47
Brezne L & Brij Bhushan 48
Ms Britney Speats & Bush George Jr 49
Carter Jimmy & Castro Fidel 50
Ms Catherene Zeta Jones & Chaitnya Mahaprabhu 51
Chandra Kant Engr & Chandra Sekhar ex PM 52
Chandra Sekhar DGM&
Chandrasekhar Samanta
Chandrasekhar Saraswati &
Chandra Swami NC Jain
Chappel, Greg & Charan Singh 55
Charat Ram & Charlies I King 56
Charles Prince & Charles de Gaulle 57
Charlie Chaplin & Chawla AK (IAS & Engr) 58
Chaudari Ajay & Chauthala OP 59
MS Chawla Kalpana & Chekhav Antone 60
Cherio Count lewis Hamon & Chiang Kai Sek 61
Chaidambram P & Chinmayanand Swami 62
Chirac Jacques & Ms Chitra 63
Dr. Choudhry S & Ms Chris Evert 64
MS Chritie Agatha & Churchil Sir W 65
Clinton Bill & Ms Clinton Hillary 66
Coppernicus N & Ms Curie Marie 67
Curie parie & Curzon Lord 68
Dadhtich Sushil & HH Dalai Lama 69
Dalmia Rk & Dalmia Vishnu Hari 70
Das AK & Dr. Das Bhagwan 71
David Scott & Daya Nand Saraswati 72
Daya Shankar & Deen Dayal Upadhyay 73
Deepak Gupta & Ms Deepika Singhal 74
Ms De Shobha & Desmugh VR 75
Des Raj Gupta & Dev Anand 76
Devegowda HD & Ms Devna Agarwal 77
Dharmendra & Dhirendra Brahmchari 78
Dhoni Ms & Dhyan Chand 79
Ms Diana Princess Digant 80
Digvijay Singh & Dilip Kumar 81
Ms Dimple Kapadia & Dinesh Kumar 82
Dinesh Sharma Prof. Dinkar Ramdhari Singh 83
Disney Walt & Ms Divya Gupta 84
MS Divya Tripathi & Doyle AC sir 85
Dravid Rahul & Dr. Dukhan Ram 86
Edouard Monet Painter & Edward VIII 87
Eichmann Adolf & Einsteen Dr. Albert 88
Gen Eisenhover DD & Eknath Saint 89
MS Elenor Roosevelt & Ms Elizebeth II Queen 90
Ms Elizabeth Taylor & Elliot TS 91
Faiz Mohd & Fakir Mohan Senapati 92
Fakruddin Ali Ahmed & Dr. Farookh Abdulah 93
Farouk Ex king Egypt & Fateh Singh Farmer 94
Femandes George & Ms Florence Nightingale 95
Forbes Steve & Ford Gerald 96
Ford Harrision & Ford Henery I 97
Ford Henery II & Fortunate Girl 98
Dr Freud Sigmund & Fox Micheal 99
Galib Mirza & Gambhir A Lt Col 100
Ms Gandhi Indira & Gandhi Mahatma MK 101
Ms Gandhi Maneka & Ms Gandhi Priyanka 102
Gandhi Rahul & Gandhi Rajiv 103
Gandhi Sanjay & Ms Gandhi Sonia 104
Gandhi Varun & Ganguli Saurav 105
Garg Anil, Brig & garware BD(Abba Saheb) 106
Gates Bill & Gauquelin Michael France 107
Gaur Kabir & Gaurav GM Hotel GP 108
Dr. Gaurav Paediratic & Gavaskar Sunil 109
George VI British King & Ghosh PK FCI 110
MS Dr. Ghosh Sharmila & Gill KPS 111
Gill Ms & Giri V V 112
Girish Karnard & Gladstone William 113
Gobind Singh Guru & Godse Nathuram 114
Goel Manish & Goenka RN 115
Goenka RP & Goethe Johann Germany 116
Golwalkar Ms & Gopalachari CR 117
Gorbachev M & Gorki Maxim 118
Goswami Arun & Govil Ashutosh 119
Govil NP & Govil Sunil 120
Ms Graf Steffi & Gragary Pack 121
Gormyko Andrey & Dr. Guha Dk 122
Guha Sammer & Gujral IK 123
Gulati Rishi & Gulshan Kumar 124
Gulzar & Gupta PK 125
Gupta RK & Dr. Gupta Ratan 126
Ms Gupta Ritu & Dr. Gupta SP 127
Handa Ashok & Hardy Thomas 128
Harish Carpenter & Harish Ch. Bhartendu 129
Harshad Mehta & Dr,, Harsh Vardhan 130
Ms Hasina Wajed Shaikh & Dr. Hedgewar KB 131
Heinrich Himmler & Helmut Kohl 132
MS Hema Malini & Hemmingway E 133
Hillary Edmond & Hirohito King of Japan 134
Hridesh Ch. Aggarwal & Hrishikesh Mukherji 135
Hritik Roshan & Hitler Adolf 136
Hudda Bhupinder Singh &
Hussian King of Jordan
Iftikhar Mohd Chaudhari & Dr Ms Ila 138
Imran Khan & Inder Singh 139
Ms Indirani Teacher & Ms Indu Goel 140
Ishwar Ch Vidyasagar & Islam Nazrul 141
Ms Ismita Grover & Issac Newton 142
Jackson Andrew & Jackson Autumn 143
Jackson Michael & Jagjivan Ram 144
Jain Adesh CA Jain AL 145
Dr. Jain rajesh & Jain rajiv MR 146
Jain Sk Col. & Jain Shanti PD 147
Jaipuria Sitaram & Jain Saran 148
Jain Vineet & Dr. Jain Vishnu 149
Jai Shankar PD & jaisurya Sanat 150
Ms jane Austine & Jayendra Saraswati 151
MS Jaylailtha J & Jethmalani ram 152
Dr Jha AN & Dr Jha Jayesh 153
Jim Jones & Jindal OP 154
Jindal Sudeep MR & Jinnah MA 155
Jordan Michael & Joseph R Engr 156
Dr Joshi Murli Manohar & Dr. Joshi Vasant 157
Jai Prakash Narrain & Ms Juhi Chawla 158
Ms Julia Roberts & Jyotibha Phule 159
Ms Kajol Devgun & Kailash Ch . Gupta 160
Kak PN & Kalaam APJ 161
Kamal Hasan & Ms Kanna Malabika 162
Kansi Ram & Kapil Dev 163
Kapoor Anil & Ms Kapoor Ekta 164
Kapoor Kareena & Ms Kapoor Karishma 165
Kapoor Raj & Kapoor Rishi 166
Kapoor Shammi & Kapoor Shashi 167
Kapoor SN & Karnakaran K 168
Karunanidhi M & Katiyal Anil 169
MS Katrina Kaif & Kaufman Andy 170
Kaul BM Lt. Gen & Ms Kavita 171
KD Singh Babu & Keats John 172
Ms Keerti & Ms Keller Helen 173
MS Kennedy Jackie & Kennedy John F 174
Kennedy Robert & Khalil Zibrahn 175
Khanna Rajesh & Khomeni Ayatollah 176
Khrushchev NS & Dr. Khurana Hargovind 177
King Martin Luther & King Stephen 178
Kipling Rudyard & Ms Kiran Bedi 179
Kirloskar Sl & Kishen Pvt Electrician 180
Kishore Kumar & Kissenger Henery 181
Kochhar Pk & Krishna Kumar 182
Krishnamenon VK & Krishnamurthy J 183
Krishnamurthy KS & Dr. Kumar Arunesh 184
Kumble Anil & Kutty Krishnan 185
Lahiri NC, Lal Bahadur Shastri 186
Lalit Kumar & Lalu PD Yadav 187
Dr. Lamba Vinay & Lara Brian 188
MS Lara Datta & Ms Lata Mangeskar 189
Lawrence Dh & Ms Lakshmi Bai of Jhansi 190
Leander paes & Lee Kuan Yew 191
Ms Lekha Saxena & Lenin V.I 192
Leo Alan & Lincoln Abraham 193
Dr Lohia Ram Manohar & Ms Lorren Sofia 194
Ms Ludgi & Shanti Devi & Luther KK 195
Madan Mohan Malviya &
Madho Singh of Jaipur
Ms Madhubala & Ms Madhuri Dixit 197
Ms Madona & Mafatlal Arvind 198
Mahajan Pramod & Mahanidhi Swami ISKCON 199
Mahesh Ch. Gupta & Mahesh Yogi 200
Maithai Sharan Gupta & Dr. Mandal Anil 201
Mandela Nelson & FM Manekshaw SHFJ 202
Manish (s &o MC) Singhal &
Manish (s & o NK) Singhal
Dr Man mohan Singh & man Mohan Singhal 204
Manoj Kumar actor&
Manoj Kumar Auto Dealer
Manoj Kumar MR &Mao Tse Tung 206
Ms Marilyn Monoroe & Marwhar Amit 207
Marx karl & Ms Mayavati 208
Maugham Somerest & Ms Meena Kumari 209
Meghanand Shah & Ms Mehta Ripu 210
MS Meir golda & Menon KPS 211
Milton John & MS Mirza Sania 212
Mohd Ali the Boxer & Mohinder singh col 213
Fm Montogmery & Morarji Desai 214
Gen Moshe Dayan & Mujib ur Rehman 215
Dr Muskesh B & Mukherji Ashutosh 216
Mukherji Shyma Pd & Mulayam Singh 217
Ms Mumtaz & Murari Bapu 218
Gen Musarraf Pervez & Mussolini B 219
Naidu Chandra Babu & Ms Naidu Sarojini 220
MS Naina Devi & nanavati KM Cdr 221
Nanda Gulzari Lal & Nand Kishore Justice 222
Napolean Bonaparte & Narayanan KR 223
Narayyan RK & Narainrao Surya 224
Naresh Kuamr & Ms Nargis Datt 225
Ms Dr Narinder Kaur & Narsimhararo PV 226
Natwar Singh K & ms Nazma Heptullah 227
Neeraj Gupta & Nehra Ashish 228
Nehru BK & Nehru JL 229
Neeraj Gopal das & Ms Nidhi Gupta 230
Nietzsche Friendrich & Nilkantha sarma 231
Nirala Surya Kant & Nren Chakravarty 232
MS Nirmala Devi Maa & Nitish Kumar 233
Nixon Richard & Noble Alfred 234
Nostradum Micheal & Nureyev Rudolf 235
Obama Barack & Oberoi SK 236
Oberoi Ms & O Henery 237
Omar Khayyam & Om Pal Singh 238
MS Om Vati & Osama Bin Laden 239
Oscar wild & Osho Rajnish 240
Pachouri Rk & Padukone Prakash 241
Pahwa Sp & Dr Paleria S 242
Palkhiwala Nani & Ms Palvi Gupta 243
MS Pamela Borders & Dr Pandey AP 244
Pandit Satich & Pandya Pranav 245
Dr Pankaj Arora & Panna Lal 246
Pant Sumitra Nandan & Ms Pareskh Asha 247
Parmanand Saraswati & Pasteur Louis 248
Patel Cs & Patel Sardar Vallabh Bhai 249
Pathak Arun & Pathak KK 250
Pathak DN & MS Patekar Medha 251
Pawar Biju & Patnaik Naveen 252
Pawar Sharad & Parvez Alam 253
Phalke Dada Saheb & Piccaso Peblo 254
Pilot Rajesh & Pitroda Sam 255
Dr. Poddar & Ms Pooja 256
Poonia A & Pooran Singh 257
Pope Benefit XVI & Pope Johan Paul II 258
Prabhakaran V & Prabhat 259
Prof. Prabhat Singh & Prabhupad Swami 260
Pradeep & Pradeep Gupta 261
Dr Prakash Agrawal & Dr Prakash Srivastava 262
MS Pratibha Patil & Pratul Sharma 263
Praveen Tyle & Ms Preeti Singhal 264
Prem Chand Munshi & Punnet Garg 265
Puneet Goel & Putin Viadmir 266
Dr Radhakrihnan S & MS Radha Madhav 267
Rafter Patrik & Rajendra Kumar 268
Dr Rajinder PD& Rajesh Agrawal 269
MS Rajinder Kaur & Rajeshwar PD 270
Rajguru Shaheed & Raj Kumar 271
Raj Kumar Lt. Col & Ms Raj Kumari 272
Rajnesh & Rajnikant 273
Dr Raj Pal Singh & Rakesh Kumar 274
Ms Rakhi Gulzar & Ramlingam Raju B 275
Raman BV & Raman Sir CV 276
Ramanna Maharishi & Ramarao NT 277
Ramanujam S & Ramchandran MG 278
Ramdas Samrath Guru & Ram Gopal Gupta 279
Ram Krishan Paramhans & Ram Pratap Singh 280
Ram Tirath Swami & Ranjan 281
Rao KN & Dr Ms Rashmi Sharma 282
Ratanjakar Sn Pt & Rath AK 283
Rath SN Pt & Ravi Elhence 284
Ravinder & Dr Ravi Sethi 285
Shri Ravi shankar ji & Ravi Shankar pt 286
Ravi Shastri & Ray Satya Jit 287
MS Reema & MS Reema tandon 288
MS Reeta Grewal & Rehman AR 289
Ms Rekha ganeshan & Ms Renu grover 290
Richard Vivian & Rishi Dr Maj Gen 291
Rockfellar John & Rodman Dennis 292
Roosevlet FD & Rousseau JJ 293
Dr Roy BC & Russel Bertand 294
Saddam Hussain & Ms Sadhna Gupta 295
Sagari Carl & Sai Baba of Puttapurty 296
Saif ali khan & Salman Khan 297
Sangma PA & Sanjay Dutt 298
Sanjeev Kumar & Sanjeeva reddy N 299
Santhanam R & Dr Saurabh 300
Savarkar Vinayak D & Scindhia Madhav Rao 301
MS Scindhia Vijaya Raje & Sehwag Virendra 302
Seshan Tn & Shah Rukh Khan 303
Shakepeare W & Sharif Nawaz 304
Sharma Nk & Sharma JN 305
Sharat Ch. Chatterjee & Sharon Ariel 306
Shatrughan Singha & Ms Sheila Dixit 307
Shivaji Chatrapati & Shivaji ganeshan 308
Shobhraj charles & Shukla VC 309
Simpson OJ & Singhal AK col 310
Singhal Aneesh & Singhal KK 311
Singhal NK & Dr Singhal Sanjeev 312
Singhal SIS & Singhdeo RN 313
Singh KP & Dr Singh SK 314
Singh CO & Dr sinha Achal 315
Sinha Pr & Sitarammiah 316
Ms Smita Patil & Ms Sneha Agrawal 317
Sobers sir Garfield & Sohrab Modi 318
Soizhenitsyn A & Srinath J 319
Sri Ram Shram & Dr Srivastava Sp 320
Stalin Joseph & Starkwhether charles 321
Stephen Hawkins & stevon Spiberg 322
Ms Subalakshami Ms & Subbarao Dv 323
Ms Subhashini Gupta &
Subhendu Das ISKCON
Sinramaniam C & Sukh Ram PT 325
Sukhija Mk & SunilDutt 326
Sunilgarg & Ms Surayya 327
Surendra Shastri Prof. Suresh Gupta 328
Surinder Kumar Lt Gen & Surya Prakash 329
Sun Yat San & Sushil 330
MS Sushmita Sen & Swami Swaroopanad 331
Tagore Rabindra Nath & Ms Tagore Sharmila 332
Tandon Purshottam Das & Tauqir Qazi 333
Tata Jameshed ji & Tata JRD 334
Tata Ratan & Ted Turner 335
Tendulkar Sachin & Ms Tenzing Norgey 336
Teotia Narottam & Ms Terresa Mother 337
Thackeray Bal & Ms Thyagraj Saint 338
Thukral As & Thyagraj saint 339
Tilak Bal gangadhar & Timur Laine 340
Tipu Sultan & Tito Marshla Joshiv 341
Tiwari ND & Tiwari RN 342
Tolstoy Leo & Tomar Bhupinder 343
Tomar Prdeep & Townshend Pete 344
Travolta John & Ms Tripti Gupta 345
Truman Harry & Trump Donald 346
Tuka Ram Saint & Tulsi Das Saint 347
Tushar Kapoor & Twain Mark 348
Twin Brothers & Tyson Mike 349
Uday Pratap Singh & Udit Garg 350
MS uma & Dr Uma Kant Singh 351
Umesh Krishnan & Untawalia NL, Justice 352
Upendra Nath Ashka & MS Urmila 353
MS Usha Pt & MS Usha Rani 354
Utkrash & uttam Kumar 355
Vajpaee AB & vajapyee Sameer 356
Ms Vani & Dr Varun Sarkar 357
Brig Dr ved Prakash & Ved Prakash farmer 358
Venkat raman R & Dr Verma PK 359
Ms Vibha & Victoria Queen 360
Victor Hugo & Dr Ms Vilku Kanwal 361
Vij Sk & Vinci Laonardo Da 362
Vinoba Bhave & Vinod K Goel 363
Vipul Gupta & Vishal 364
Viswanathan A & Visvesarayya S 365
Vivekanand Swami & Vivek Kaushik 366
wadiua Nusil & Wadiyar JC 367
Wadiyar Krishna Raja & Wagner Richard 368
Ms Waheeda Rehman & Washington George 369
Wells HG & Williams Prince 370
Williams Serena & Williams Venus 371
Wilson Harold & Woody Allen 372
Wood Tiger & Woodrow Wilson 373
Yash pal Singh & Yassar Arafat 374
Yeats Wb & Yeltsin Borris 375
Yogannad Paramhans & Yogendra PD 376
Zail Singh & Zakir Hussian Dr 377
Zia Ul Haq & Zumwelt Sr Admiral 378


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