3 Books on Meditation by Swami Krishnananda

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Item Code: HAX977
Author: Guruji Krishnananda
Publisher: Manasa Light Age Foundation, Bangalore
Language: English and Hindi
Edition: 2018,2019,2021
ISBN: 9789381033029, 9789381033296
Pages: 116
Weight 210 gm
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Book Description
3 Books on Meditation by Swami Krishnananda
How to Meditate
Descent Of Soul
Practising Shambala Principles
How to Meditate
About the Author

Guruji Krishnananda was the direct Disciple of Maharshi Amara (1919-1982). He taught Meditation learnt from his Master from 1988 to 2012. He established The Study Centre for Spiritual Realities in 2006 and began The Light Channels World Movement in 2008.

Manasa Foundation, an organisation established by Guruji in 1988 continues to disseminate the knowledge brought down by him and guide meditators based on his teachings.


There is a Higher Intelligence operating at different levels of Existence. We can always establish contact with this Cosmic Intelligence from our human level and gain knowledge about the mysteries of Life and Creation. We can understand the causes of our suffering and bondage and then move towards Liberation. We can discover our nature and origin. We can grow and evolve. More than anything else, we can live this life better by learning and fulfilling the purpose of this Life. But we have to establish a contact first.

Many Masters were able to establish this contact earlier and gain Knowledge and Freedom. Tb v were not ordinary men but the best that ever walked on this earth. They were not content with their personal achievements and wanted to help others also. By the experience of their struggle, they devised simpler ways and techniques and passed them on to others. Whenever a problem arose or a shortcoming was noticed, they modified the ways and developed new techni aes. Thus, a science was born - The Yogic Science. These Scientists are known as the Rishis. The seven leaders amongst them are known as the Sapta Rishis.

Thousands of years passed. Generations of humanity lived and died, passing through the cycles of good and bad periods. The techniques had to be modified to suit the different periods. Knowledge had to be interpreted and re-interpreted periodically to newer generations. The work grew huge, involving elaborate preparation and experimentation. And more than this, communication had to be maintained. The human beings had sunk into the lower planes of existence from where they could not communicate with the Rishis in the higher planes. A long life, with the communication totally cut off in the lower planes, led them to believe that the Reality was only what their senses perceived. That a strong person should help the weak and a man with Knowledge should enlighten the ignorant is an unwritten law. And the Rishis could not sit quiet. They had to build up the channels of communication with their lost tribe, to guide. So, they sent down their brethren to the human plane to live, communicate and guide. Again, they maintained their links with these agent Rishis, monitored the changing conditions on earth and brought down further Knowledge and Help from the still Higher Divine planes whenever they were required. Thus, a huge network of Rishis or the Agents of the Cosmic Intelligence was developed and is operating now.

All Knowledge is available in the Cosmic Plane. All knowledge of the past, present and future, the knowledge of Meditational Science, the knowledge of Physics, of Medicine, of future space ships and satellite towns etc. Whenever the times demand, the necessary Knowledge is brought down by Rishis like Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Einstein and others.

When the Rishis live amongst us, we usually do not recognise them. Only time and glory bring them to light.

** Sample Pages**

Descent Of Soul
Guruji Krishnananda

Guruji Krishnananda was the direct Disciple of Maharshi Amara (1919-1982). He taught Meditation learnt from his Master from 1988 to 2012. He established The Study Centre for Spiritual Realities in 2006 and began The Light Channels World Movement in 2008.

Manasa Foundation, an organisation established by Guruji in 1988 continues to disseminate the knowledge brought down by him and guide meditators based on his teachings.

**Contents and Sample Pages**

Practising Shambala Principles
Back Of The Book

Maharshi Amara (1919-1982) received the Shambala Principles in 1980.

Guruji Krishnananda, his disciple, received more details about them in 2006.

Is Shambala a myth or a reality?

For years, people have been wondering about the existence of Shambala, venturing to locate it in mountains and deserts and also claiming to have found it, sometimes. But Shambala has remained an ever-fascinating distant goal, beyond the human reach.

Maharshi Amara (1919 - 1982), my Guru, had visited Shambala astrally many times. He had met the ruler of Shambala and the prominent personalities living there during the Astral works that he carried out under the guidance of the Rishis from the age of twelve till his end. He knew the life in Shambala by his direct observation. He knew the extraordinary aspects of the life there, as also its secrets. But he did not reveal them, bound by the discipline and laws of the work of the Rishis that goes on unknown to us. He explained to us that the world was not yet ready to know the truths about Shambala and that was why Shambala remained out of bounds. When we raise the levels of our purity and be ready to understand, accept and live the ways of Shambala, it will open its doors, reveal all its secrets and share all its splendours. Amara advised us to meditate and prepare.

During his talks, Amara spoke about some extraordinary aspects of life in Shambala, perhaps known to others, which were not many but amazing and important. Important, because we are advancing into a New Age. In a not so far off future, we should be living in a world free of violence, corruption and all imperfections of the dark age we have just passed through, when we would become eligible to reach the heart of Shambala. Amara had explained to us that the whole world would become Shambala. What little Amara spoke about Shambala should inspire us to prepare ourselves fast. We need not wait till the New Age gets established. We can establish the New Age within us first without waiting for it to manifest itself outside. For me, this is not a dream. I know that this will be a reality because I know that the Rishis and many Light Workers are working hard towards this goal.

**Contents and Sample Pages**

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