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Meet with one of the Oldest Systems of Medicine, Tibetan Medicine and Dive into its very Source

The Tibetan medical framework depends on Indian Buddhist writing (for instance Abhidharma and Vajrayana tantras) and Ayurveda. It is still widely practiced in Tibet, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Ladakh, Siberia, China, and Mongolia, and has very recently spread to parts of Europe and North America. It embraces the conventional Buddhist conviction that all sickness eventually results from the three toxic substances: greed, delusion, and repugnance.

Tibetan medication follows the Buddha's Four Noble Truths which apply clinical diagnostic rationale to ailments. The Four Tantras is a local Tibetan text integrating Indian, Chinese, and Greco-Arab clinical frameworks. The Four Tantras are accepted to have been made in the twelfth hundred years regardless today and are viewed as the premise of Tibetan clinical practice.

The Four Tantras is the other name for the text of the Secret Tantra Instruction on the Eight Branches, the Immortality Elixir embodiment. It thinks about a solitary clinical convention according to four viewpoints. Sage Vidyajnana explained their appearance. The premise of the Four Tantras is to keep the three bodily humors in balance; (wind rlung, bile mkhris pa, phlegm bad kan). 

☛ Root Tantra - A general layout of the standards of Tibetan medication, it talks about the humor in the body and their uneven characters and their connection to sickness. The Four Tantra utilizes visual perception to analyze prevalently the analysis of the beat, tongue, etc.

☛ Exegetical Tantra - This segment talks about more meticulously the hypothesis behind the Four Tantras and gives general hypotheses on subjects like life structures, physiology, psychopathology, embryology, and treatment.

☛ Educational Tantra - The longest of the Tantras is for the most part a viable use of treatment, it makes sense of exhaustive ailments and which humoral imbalance which causes the sickness. This segment likewise talks about their particular medicines.

Subsequent Tantra - Diagnosis and treatments, including the effectiveness of Tibetan meditation and purification of the body from the inside and externally with the utilization of methods like moxibustion, back rub, and minor medical procedures.

Some popular books on this subject are-

  1. Ashtanga Hridaya: The Ashtanga Hridaya in a real sense means "the essence of eight areas" that Ayurveda is isolated into, and is viewed as one of the best texts regarding the matter. It is said to have been composed by the incomparable Sage Vagbhata and is sequentially positioned after the likes of Charaka Samhita and the Susruta Samhita. Vagbhata is applauded for the refined style wherein he introduced his work. His work imparts a more significant number of similarities with the works of Charaka than Sushruta.

  1. Atharvaveda: The Atharva Veda is a Vedic assortment of spells, supplications, charms, and songs. There are prayers to shield crops from lightning and dry season, charms against venomous snakes, love spells, spells to heal a human being, etc.


Q1. What is Tibetan medicine made of?

Tibetan medicines comprise different plants and once in a while minerals. A few Tibetan prescriptions have more than 100 parts. In every Tibetan medication, a few composition ingredients treat the hidden ailment and others treat any incidental effects that might happen. Tibetan medication has generally utilized fragrant herbs. These herbs are normally endorsed in complex cures and contain aromatics including clove, cardamom, sandalwood, and myrrh.

Q2. What are the three principles of function of Tibetan medicine?

Like different frameworks of conventional Asian medication, and as opposed to biomedicine, Tibetan medication gives a particular meaning to wellbeing in its texts. To have great well-being, the Tibetan clinical hypothesis expresses that it is important to keep up with balance in the body's three standards of capacity (often interpreted as humor): rLung, mKhris-pa (bile), and Bad-kan (phlegm).