Vedic Astrology is an old Indian science that helps clear up doubts about planetary movements and positions with special emphasis on time and its impact on people and different elements on the planet. It can be traced millennia back. Early Vedic astrology was just given the development of planets regarding stars, yet later on, it began including zodiac signs also.
As per Vedic astrology, there are 27 heavenly bodies composed of 12 zodiac signs, 9 planets, and 12 houses with each house and planet addressing some part of human existence. Contingent upon when an individual is conceived, the 12 signs are circulated among the 12 houses and 9 planets are set in different houses. Vedic astrology is only deciphering the significance of these courses of action as it applies to people and different elements. Vedic astrology (Jyotisha) has three fundamental branches:
☛ Siddhanta (Astronomy) : Applied astronomy to astrology
☛ Samhita (Mundane astrology) : Comprises everyday astrology, foreseeing significant occasions connected with nations, for example, war, earth shudders, political occasions, Astro - meteorology, monetary positions, electional astrology; house and development related matters (Vaastu Shaastra), creatures, omens, and signs and so on.
☛ Hora (Predictive astrology) : This fundamental branch has several sub-branches-
☛ Jaatak Shaastra / Hora Shaastra (Natal Astrology/horoscope): Individual horoscope
☛ Muhurt or Muhurtha (Electional astrology) : Choosing a suitable time to begin an activity to get maximum benefits from it.
☛ Swar Shaastra (Phonetical astrology) : Name & sounds based horoscopes
☛ Prashna (Horary astrology) : Predictions based on the time when a question is asked by the customer.
☛ Ankjyotisha / Kabala (Numerology) : Numbers based astrology
The most effortlessly alluded distinction between the two lies in the technique for estimation of the Zodiac. Vedic astrology utilizes essentially the sidereal zodiac (in which stars are viewed as the proper foundation against which the movement of the planets is estimated), but most Western astrology utilizes the tropical zodiac (the movement of the planets is estimated against the place of the Sun on the Spring equinox).
This distinction turns out to be just perceptible over the long haul, after the course of a few centuries, because of the precession of the equinoxes. Synchronically, the two frameworks are indistinguishable, with simply a shift of the beginning of the ecliptic longitude by around 22 degrees or days, thus resulting in the positioning of the planets in the past sign in Western outlines around 80% of the time.
Our future is closely connected to two things, as per the Vedas: predetermined destiny and unrestrained choice. Predetermined destiny alludes to the different circumstances we experience throughout everyday life, while unrestrained choice is how we respond to them through thought and activity. All in all, our predetermined destiny is made by our freedom of thought. The Vedas talk about 4 objectives that human existence has- dharma, artha, kama, and moksha.
☛ Dharma can be fundamentally characterized as the method of direct development most favorable for one's profound development. Satisfying dharma brings importance, reason, and distinction to an individual's life.
☛ The Kama interprets it in a real sense as "want," and alludes to the requirement for tangible and emotional satisfaction. All creatures, here and there or another, are searchers of happiness, and ought to run after such bliss without hurting themselves or others.
☛ Artha, however, interpreted as "objective" or "purpose," is all the more explicitly connected with the procurement of riches or conviction that all is good. To encounter the satisfaction of achieving one's objectives, an individual prioritizes the essential assets of riches to do such.
☛ Moksha stands for freedom and alludes to a spiritual change in an individual until they are finally free from the continuous cycle of birth and passing.
Vedic astrology is the guide to our karma. It permits us to more exactly comprehend our temperament and fate to explore our lives in satisfying these four objectives. At last, be that as it may, it's tied in with aiding us in our profound advancement to accomplish the last objective of moksha.
☛ Jyotisha /Vedic Astrology must be learned thoroughly by an expert Guru. Because mere self-studying will create more doubts. So GURU is a must.
☛ Some good Institutes or colleges might be joined.
☛ Online or Distance Education could be availed of.
☛ Good Books like Laghu Parashari etc could be read to learn about the Fundamentals of Astrology i.e. About 9 Planets, 12 Zodiac signs, 12 Houses, and 27 Nakshatras.
☛ Make separate books for planets/zodiac/houses/Astro math etc. and each day’s learning must be noted down in books.
☛ 2–3 YouTube Beginners Lessons on the YouTube channel could be subscribed to.
☛ Meditation and Pranayama must be done every day. Just reading is not enough, but assimilating whatever is read and own logic too must be applied.
Yes and No. Vedic Astrology is hard to learn when one wants to reach the “last mile of the prediction”. Learning Vedic Astrology could be irresistible for a few especially, beginners. This is due to the vast areas that this subject has to offer.
Not only the number of concepts that one must understand but it is also expected for them to remember various significations of about 9 Planets, 12 Zodiac signs, 12 Houses, and 27 Nakshatras. Vedic Astrology is not difficult to learn if one is strong at fundamental concepts. Once, if he is familiar with the basics of astrology and cosmic science, he would get an overview of reading a horoscope very easily.
The Vedic system is more accurate because it has remained intact for years and the foundation of the Vedic system is the knowledge used in modern astronomy about any astronomical phenomena occurring within the system. So let's take pride in our Vedic system! Vedic Science and Vedic Astrology holds almost all the answers that people may have in the future, such as its power and pureness.
Even Vedic Astrology (KP Astrology) is an improvement over the predictive wing of Vedic Astrology. KP Astrology was developed in the last century by famous Indian Astrologer Prof KS Krishnamurti. KP System (Indian Astrology) is known for the best and most accurate predictions. However, no profession is 100% fool-proofs. Errors are natural and occur.
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