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Unveil Truths of your Life Told by the Lines of your Palm

Thousands of years ago, a great Hindu sage by the name of Valmiki, in India, began writing a 567 paged book filled with teachings and inscriptions of his knowledge on male palmistry. What began in Valmiki’s temple, traveled across China, Tibet and even to parts of Europe. This was then practiced by Anaxagoras. The renowned philosopher, Aristotle is said to have found a doctrine on palmistry on Hermes’ altar.

He believed that, "Lines are not written into the human hand without reason." It was then brought forth to Alexander the Great who used palmistry as a means to determine the character of his officers. Ever since, the art of palmistry has developed and made a name for itself across the world impacting the lives of many.

In simple words, palmistry can be described as the art of interpreting the physical attributes of the palm to reveal distinctive personality traits as well as predictions of the future. While there is much dispute, modern palm readers believe that it is extremely important to analyze both the left and right hands.

The submissive hand of the individual tells of their personality traits and characteristics, while their dominant hand reveals how these traits and characteristics are put to use in daily life. When combined, they both reveal how these two interpretations determine an individual’s potential and their use of it. Another important aspect of palmistry is the shape of a person’s hands.

Their shapes are commonly attributed to the four elements: fire, earth, air and water. Upon identification of these shapes, the mounts and lines of a person’s hands can be identified, which in turn, can reveal truths about major areas of their lives. The lines of a person’s hands account for their future predictions about their lives. 

Benefits of palmistry

Much like astrology, palmistry helps you identify the right direction to proceed in life. It helps you make the right decisions by showing your future.

If you’re unsure of where your life is heading, what your purpose in life is, palmistry can help you identify areas in which you can grow and succeed and reveal to you, your purpose.

It can also help you unearth hidden talents and spark creativity and innovation in you.

Palmistry can also help you let go of past difficulties and challenges by helping you unlock truths about your past life and challenges.

By revealing opportunities, palmistry can help you combat unproductivity and help you clear your mind.

With the power to reveal your future, palmistry can help you stray away from misleading life situations and steer you towards the right path. 


Q1. Is palmistry a legitimate form of science or is it an art born out of speculation?

Dating back to hundreds of years ago, palmistry as a discipline of astrology has existed for a long time, with extensive knowledge on the subject readily available. The speculations regarding the reliability of this discipline stems from the fact that palmistry uses intuition to deliver readings, however its authenticity is a reliable truth.

Q2. Does palm reading differ from region to region?

Yes, palm reading differs from region to region, for instance, Indian palm reading varies from palm reading present in the West. This discrepancy in readings occurs due to the difference in various cultures across the world and how these cultures influence traditions.

Q3. Can we learn palmistry?


Yes, Palmistry is easy to learn and requires no knowledge of other fields of study, although knowledge of astrology could be helpful as there is a close connection between traditional palmistry and astrological theory. Also known as Cheiromancy, this age-old occult science can be described as the art and science of foretelling the future and discovering oneself through a thorough examination of the palm.


A palm reading usually involves analyzing the shape and texture of one’s hands, the formation of fingers, lines, and markings on the palm, and certain mounts on the palm. Through a study of these features, a good palmist will be able to describe clear facts regarding the past, present, character, career, marriage, impending dangers, and much more.

Q4. Who is a famous palmist in India?


The renowned palmist, Astro Arun Pandit is a specialist in reading palms and birth charts, with his dominating skills and impressive mind, one can consult him needing a better idea about the potential that his life encircles. He is an expert in foretelling what the future beholds.


The master of palmistry, Astro Arun Pandit said, “People trust me with such faith and compassion, I feel like I’m not just helping them but guiding their life towards the right path. People perceive such confidence after getting their queries solved. It is a deep emotion seeing another person holding such a belief in you.” According to the famous Astrologer, people often seek confirmation because they believe in the supreme power of Astrology.

Q5. Which is the best book for palmistry for beginners?


☛ Brand new book ‘Universal Hand Analysis’- a complete guide to modern palmistry. Author Magda van Dijk-Rijneke. With the newest findings about palmistry.


☛ By Cheiro : Cheiro has 4 or 5 books- Guide to the Hand, You and Your Hand, Palmistry for All (more or less the same). ‘Palmistry for All’ is freely available on Project Gutenberg. Start with Palmistry for all or Language of the hand then for advanced knowledge.

☛ By William Benham - “The Laws of Scientific Hand reading “ is the most comprehensive book on palmistry.

Another thing Benham’s book contains is both real-life and hand-drawn images whereas Cheiro’s predominantly hand-drawn images.

Q6. How can I study palm?


☛ Choose a Hand : it's important to analyze both the left and right hands. The non-dominant hand reveals natural personality and character, while the dominant hand shows how these traits have been actualized in practice. Together, they reveal how a person is utilizing their potential in this lifetime.


☛ Identify the four major lines : The folds and creases of the palms - referred to as lines, are used to form narratives and predict future happenings.


1.) Interpret the heart line

2.) Examine the headline

3.) Evaluate the lifeline

4.) Study the fate line


☛ Determine the hand shape - Examine the hand and finger size.


☛ Look at the mounts : Fleshy areas called mounts and plains are related to different life themes.

Q7. Which are the good books for Indian Palmistry?


Start learning palmistry from the book, “Palmistry for all”, by Cheiro. It is one of the simplest books available out there free of cost.


The Benham Book of Palmistry: The Essential Work


Introduction to Palmistry- Know the Significance of Lines on the Palmistry


☛ Improve Your Life Using Palmistry by NARAYAN DUTT SHRIMALI


☛ Practical Palmistry by Keiro


☛ Sun Signs and Palmistry (Astro-Palmistry Based on Sun Signs) - BY M. H. K. SHASTRI AND LAXMI


Palmistry Made Easy by Fred Gettings


☛ Palmistry - Sutra & Siddhanta BY VINAY ADITYA


☛ The Marvels of Palmistry BY GOPAL SHARMA SHASTRI


There are so many books available in the market on Indian Palmistry.


Chandra pant (author name)


Gopesh Kumar Ojha (author name)


Dayanand Verma (author name)


J. P. Singh (author name)

Q8. What books should I read to become a good palmist?


 “The Art and Science of Hand Reading”, by Ellen Goldberg is one of the best palmistry books on the market. The Author, Ellen Goldberg, studied palm reading for four decades. This book is a compilation of all that she’s learned along the way.


A Little Bit of Palmistry: An Introduction To Palm Reading – by Cassandra Eason


The Secret Code on Your Hands: An Illustrated Guide To Palmistry – by Vernon mahabal


Palm Reading for Beginners: Find Your Future in the Palm of Your Hand – by Richard Webster


A handful of Stars by Helene Saucedo


Hands: A Complete Guide to Palmistry by Enid Hoffman


The Palm Reading Guide by Frank C. Clifford


The Art and Science of Hand Reading by Ellen Goldberg and Dorian Bergen


Q9. What do I need to study if I have to learn palmistry?

Choose an expert palmist, a book, or an online or degree course. Write down all learning on one side of a book. Take a detailed impression of every observed hand and draw it out. Paste these outlines on the other side of the book, and observe and write down findings of the outline of the hand. At first learn the outer palms, not the lines.

Study the boundaries, and size of about 100 hands. After this study, then move to the study of lines. Then move from the joints to the palm, the front and back sides of the palm. Observe the thumb and other fingers and the palm itself. Avoid telling misfortunes like –death. May tell clues without hurting.

Q10. Which is the first palmistry book?


Several thousand years ago, the Hindu sage Valmiki is thought to have written a book comprising 567 stanzas, the title of which translates into English as The Teachings of Valmiki Maharshi on Male Palmistry. From India, the art of palmistry spread to China, Tibet, and to other countries in Europe.

William John Warner, also known as Cheiro, was the most well-known palmist of his time. He was also regarded as the “Einstein of Palmistry.” He learned his skills in India and utilized them to launch a career as a palmist in London, according to his memoirs.