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Traceback the Origins of Astrology through Dwelling Deep into the Original texts around Astrology

Several cultures have connected significance to astronomical occasions, and the Indians, Chinese, and Maya created elaborate frameworks for anticipating earthbound occasions from heavenly perceptions. In the West, the art of astrology most frequently comprises an arrangement of horoscopes implying to make sense of parts of an individual's character and foresee future occasions in their day to day existence in the light of the positions of the sun, moon, and other heavenly items at the hour of their birth.

Most expert astrologers depend on such frameworks. It can trace back its origins to calendrical frameworks used to foresee seasonal movements and decipher heavenly cycles as indications of heavenly correspondences. A type of astrology was rehearsed in the primary tradition of Mesopotamia. Vedāṅga Jyotiṣa is one of the earliest known Hindu texts on space science and astrology (Jyotisha).

Chinese soothsaying was expounded in the Zhou dynasty. Alexander the Great's triumph in Asia permitted it to spread to Ancient Greece and Rome. In Rome, it was related to "Chaldean insight". Mysterious references show up in the literary works of artists like Dante Alighieri and Geoffrey Chaucer and of dramatists like Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare.

All through the greater part of its set of experiences, astrology was viewed as an insightful practice. It was acknowledged in political and scholarly settings and was associated with different examinations, like stargazing, speculative chemistry, meteorology, and medication. The fundamental texts whereupon traditional Indian astrology is based are early middle age group of compositions, remarkably the Bṛhat Parāśara Horāśāstra, and Sārāvalī by Kalyāṇavarma. The Horāshastra is literature of 71 parts.


Q1. What are the four astrological signs?

☛ Fire Signs : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius : Just like Fire, fire signs will quite often be enthusiastic, dynamic, and fickle. Fire can keep you warm, or it can do extraordinary damage. While fire wears out rapidly without fuel to light it up, it can likewise recover its power from the cinders. A solitary flash can light a forest fire. Subsequently, fire signs should be supported and managed cautiously.

☛ Earth Signs : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn : Earth signs keep it cool. They are the "grounded" individuals in the world, the ones who bring us practical and remind us to begin with strong groundwork. On great days, they're pragmatic; to say the least, they can be materialistic or excessively centred around the outer layer of things.

☛ Air Signs : Gemini, Libra, Aquarius : Air signs are about activity, thoughts, and movement — they are the "undeniable trends." When a solid blast hits you, you can't resist the urge to move. While a few air sign individuals might be a little stupid by nature, others are as strong as a gravity-opposing G-force. Air signs bring everybody a much-needed refresher when things begin to get old.

☛ Water Signs : Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces : Natural, profound, and super touchy, water signs can be just about as puzzling as the actual sea. Like water, they can be reviving, or they can suffocate you in their profundities. These signs frequently have extraordinary dreams and fringe clairvoyant instincts. Security is essential to them — all things considered, water needs a holder, or it evaporates and vanishes.

Q2.  What are the 12 Astrology Zodiacs?

As a part of the Western branch of Astrology, and previously space science, the zodiac is separated into twelve signs, each possessing 30° of heavenly longitude and generally relating to the star groups of constellations: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

Q3. What is the original form of astrology?

Babylonian astrology is the earliest recorded organized system of astrology, arising in the 2nd millennium BC. There is speculation that astrology of some form appeared in the Sumerian period in the 3rd millennium BC, but there is not sufficient evidence to demonstrate an integrated theory of astrology.

The history of scholarly celestial divination is therefore generally reported to begin with late Old Babylonian texts (c.1800 BC), continuing through the Middle Babylonian and Middle Assyrian periods (c.1200 BC). Babylonian astrology developed within the context of divination. A collection of 32 tablets with inscribed liver models, dating from about 1875 BC, are the oldest known detailed texts of Babylonian divination.

Q4. Is there any evidence behind astrology?


Astrology is founded on understanding the positions of the stars, which seems like a scientific enough pursuit in itself. Astrology consists of several belief systems that hold that there is a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events or descriptions of personality in the human world. Astrology has been rejected by the scientific community as having no explanatory power for describing the universe.

Scientific testing has found no evidence to support the premises or purported effects outlined in astrological traditions. There is no proposed mechanism of action by which the positions and motions of stars and planets could affect people and events on Earth in the way astrologers say they do that does not contradict well-understood, basic aspects of biology and physics.

Q5. Is astrology a placebo?


Horoscopes make people feel better because of a psychological effect known as the placebo effect. The placebo effect is when the belief in a useless method makes a person feel better. It is the belief itself, and not the method, that causes the improvement. The placebo effect has been scientifically verified. On the other handsome say,’ no’. Studied in-depth, and applied with rigor, astrology is a worthwhile body of knowledge.

Astrology gives a clear-cut insight into one’s character, physical image, circumstances of life, etc., whether you believe it or not. Astrological predictions can give you 90% positive insight into good and bad traits of the existing or future character of a natus, and the future promises given by planets.

Q6. What was the original purpose of astrology?


Astrology has been the conscious attempt by humans to measure, record, and predict seasonal changes (natural environmental events such as famine and floods, tides, and rivers) and towards organizing a communal calendar by reference to astronomical cycles and systems. Farmers addressed agricultural needs with increasing knowledge of the constellations that appear in the different seasons.

This system of predicting and drawing connections between human experiences and the cosmos is what has become known as astrology. The original purpose of astrology, on the other hand, was to inform the individual of the course of his life based on the positions of the planets and of the zodiac signs (the 12 astrological constellations) at the moment of his birth or conception.

Q7. Who first believed in astrology?


It originated in Mesopotamia (c. 3rd-millennium bc) and spread to India. Ancient Vedic astrology is one of the most popular in India. Hinduism is founded on astrology. But it developed its Western form in Greek civilization during the Hellenistic period. One of the first astrologers to bring Hermetic astrology to Rome was Thrasyllus, who, in the first century CE, acted as the astrologer for the emperor Tiberius.

Astrology entered Islamic culture as part of the Greek tradition and was returned to European culture through Arabic learning during the middle Ages. At the beginning of the 17th century, great scientists such as Tycho Brahe, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, and Pierre Gassendi – all held astrology in high esteem.