(Viewed 801 times since Mar 2024)
“There are perhaps no days of our childhood we lived so fully as those we spent with a favorite book”- Marcel Proust

And is not this true? The times sure have changed with children having a favorite video game or animated movie before they have a favorite book, but many of us remember the joy of opening a new book, fresh from the bookstore and letting its words and pictures welcome us in a world of wonder.

The local bookstores, Wheeler shops at railway stations, hawkers with books, and book fairs- a huge world has grown around reading and readers in modern times. Scientific researchers too have suggested that reading or what is called “creative bibliotherapy” has positive effects on our minds.

Undoubtedly, inculcating reading as a habit at a young age in your child and children around you can be a fruitful thing for their mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, nourishing them to become a more well-rounded human being as they grow up. Here is a list of five reasons why children should read books, and why reading as a hobby will always be in vogue.

1. Reading Instills a Good Habit 

With their busy routines and technology taking over many aspects of our lives, parents in modern times are worried more than ever about giving their children a beautiful childhood experience, with the ideal balance of learning and fun. Amidst the ill effects of screen time and reduced outdoor time as compared to the earlier days, reading becomes a great habit for children, allowing them to develop a routine and learn to focus as they enjoy their favorite stories unfold through comics or novels. Children who are introduced to books by their parents at an early age become avid readers and remain life-long learners.

2. Books Make for a Great Brain Food

Young minds are impressionable. With a variety of sources- good and bad available online, books picked by the parents allow for indirect supervision of what the child is consuming while letting the young readers enjoy their books in their personal space. Vivid tales of culture, travel anecdotes, fantasy, and mythology presented in many bestselling children’s comics and books make for an amazing brain food, nurturing their developing minds and making sure they grow up to be emotionally and intellectually rich individuals.

3. Story Time Brings the Family Together

Remember the stories of our Dadi and Nani (grandmothers) during our summer vacations, when the whole family used to gather around them to listen to the beloved grandmas weave tales of intrigue and fun? Stories have always been a thread tying people and families together. By introducing children to a specified “family-reading time”, modern parents can ensure that they keep a certain amount of time aside for family bonding and learning together, where elders and children can have comforting infotainment.

4. Reading Boosts Creativity

Every renowned author that you interview will tell you that they were a bookworm from their early days. Spending time with the imaginary worlds of books gave them the essential push and raw material to grow into famous and award-winning authors. A seed of regular reading sown in their childhood reaped huge benefits. It goes without saying thus, that reading is a great creativity booster for young minds. By allowing them to pick their favorite genre and enjoy the company of their books, parents can rest assured that they are nurturing today the writers and creatives of tomorrow!

5. Books instill Good Values and Morals 

In India, we have a historical tradition of moral stories for children, grownups, kings, and sages from the early times. Legendary tales of Panchatantra and Hitopadesha are loved by readers of all ages even today, as treasure troves of enchanting stories that carry value education, integral for the development of children.

Allowing young readers to choose their books, and spend time with them, will help in nurturing morality and good values that these stories contain within their minds, and at their impressionable age, they will grasp life-long lessons of goodness, humanity, kindness, and wisdom, which will ensure they grow up to be intellectually and emotionally intelligent individuals. 

The reasons listed here are just the tip of the iceberg on why kids need books. The importance of reading for children can never be stressed enough. From their personal growth to the nourishment of interpersonal bonds between kids and parents, from knowledge and vocabulary to comprehension and creativity, reading books is one of the rare activities that have only good things to offer.

So, pick a book today and get immersed with your child in the mesmerizing world of words! Looking for the perfect children’s books online? Visit Exotic India Art, where there is a collection of handpicked stories from all over India and the world, books on language, regional stories, folklore, and classics in Hindi, English, and regional languages, waiting for young readers to discover them. 

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