What are the Different Types of Buddha Statues and Their Meanings?

(Viewed 18397 times since Mar 2023)

Buddhism, the way of life shown by the Enlightened One gained popularity in India due to its simple yet profound understanding of life. It gave the laity the philosophy of the Middle Path which could be followed by anyone to change their lives. People congregated in huge numbers to listen to the Buddha speak, multiplying the number of his followers inside and outside the Sangha.

However, after the Mahaparinirvana of the Buddha, the nature of Buddhist followership changed. The religion traveled to lands beyond the Indian subcontinent among people who had heard of the Buddha and his divine lessons and were eager to walk the path. These newly enrolled members of the Sangha needed to visualize the celestial persona of the Buddha; they needed to “see” the form to reach the formless.

Symbols for the Buddha- the wheel of Dhamma, the Bodhi tree, and the empty throne were not enough for them. Thus to fulfill the devotional requirements of the followers, Buddhism began creating a category of artworks, mostly depicting Buddha in different stages of his life and various states.

These statues were inspired by the tales around the otherworldly characteristics of the Buddha and his teachings and represent a blend of the spiritual and artistic prowess of Indian artists. Let us take a look at some of the most popular depictions of the Enlightened One through the different types of Buddha Idols and the meaning behind them.

Exploring the Symbolism of Buddha Statues and A their meanings

                  11" Tibetan Buddhist Lord Buddha Head In Brass | Handmade | Made In India

1. Buddha Head

Exuding peacefulness with its features, a Buddha head is one of the most commonly used icons of the Buddha in home and office décor. Small and portable in size, a Buddha head holds oceans of wisdom within it, since it signifies the abode of enlightened consciousness- the head.

Signs of a divine being- the ushnisha (cranial bump) and urna (tuft of hair between eyebrows), along with half-closed eyes that symbolize a balance of inward and outward consciousness, perfect nose and gently curving lips provide a Buddha head with all the necessary features to make a heavenly Buddha statue.

                    22" Buddha Bust on Pedestal In Wood

2. Buddha Bust Idols

Buddha’s torso- his neck with three lines similar to a conch shell (one of the 32 signs of a Mahapurusha or Great Man) and his wide and sturdy shoulders are added to the Buddha head to make a Buddha bust statue.

A Buddha bust presents the spiritual qualities of the Buddha through his head and his royal character through his robust chest and shoulders. A balance of gentleness and command, a Buddha bust highlights the perfection of Enlightenment, which makes a person rise above all metaphysical and material realms, as the supreme ruler of both of them.

                    Tibetan Buddhist Deity Standing Buddha

3. Standing Buddha

Historically, standing Buddha statues represent the high point of Buddhist art. With the divine body of the Buddha sculpted entirely, covered in monastic robes whose layers are beautifully delineated and a perfect balance between movement and stability, a standing Buddha is a visual and mystical gift for your space.

From his journey from his palace to the grooves of Bodh Gaya, and from his first sermon to thousands of others across the country, the life of the Buddha is replete with examples where standing and walking toward a place marked a great event. Standing Buddha statues play with the themes of movement and stillness through the physicality of the Buddha, creating mesmerizing examples of art.

                          16" Tibetan Buddhist Thinking Buddha In Brass | Handmade | Made In India

4. Thinking Buddha Idols

The Buddha in a solemn mood, underlined with his thoughtful facial features and posture which usually involves his head resting on one of his legs, while the other is folded under it are the signs of a Thinking Buddha statueThinking, or rather contemplation is one of the basic and potent tools in Buddhism, used by a practitioner to attain questions to many metaphysical queries, finally achieving an enlightened state.

Critical thinking is nurtured in Buddhism to realize one’s inner potential, a reminder of which is a Thinking Buddha statue. By placing this icon in your space, you are constantly reminded of being in a state of total awareness, one of the prerequisites of spiritual awakening.

            36" Large Fine Quality Buddha in Dhyana Mudra | Handmade

5. Meditation Buddha or Buddha in Dhyana Mudra

The gesture of meditation- both hands placed in the lap and the Buddha seated in the Padmasana or lotus postures are the indicators of a Meditation Buddha. A simple and blissful representation of Siddhartha’s quest to become the Buddha, a Meditation Buddha statue releases tranquility from its form.

All the markers of a Mahapurusha endowed to the Buddha are delineated with a tasteful perfection in a Meditation Buddha. These idols are often installed in a monastery or home and the meditators sit in front of it and visualize the statue glowing with the aura of the Buddha. Through this practice, people attempt to inherit the qualities of the enlightened one and attain oneness with the Buddha within.

               33'' Buddha In Bhumisparsha Mudra With Life Story Engraved | Brass Statue

6. Buddha in the Earth Touching Gesture or Bhumisparsha Mudra

In the last stages of his spiritual voyage to enlightenment, Buddha’s wisdom gained was challenged by Mara, the demon of desires along with his army. Mara laughed at the Buddha and questioned his claim to be an enlightened being by trying to disturb him through sensory pleasures and threats.

But the Buddha was unmoved. At last, to silence Mara, the Buddha gently touched the earth, calling upon the goddess Earth as the omnipresent witness of his enlightenment. Buddha’s transcendental wisdom was proven and Mara was defeated. Since then, the statue of the Buddha in the Earth touching gesture has been associated with the triumph of his wisdom over worldliness and an artistic announcement of his universal might.

        Large Size Preaching Buddha Seated on Double Lotus -Tibetan Buddhist

7. Preaching Buddha

With his index finger meeting the tip of his thumb, the Preaching Buddha holds his hand in the gesture of teaching or Vitarka mudra. The statue symbolizes his first sermon and the eternal tradition of preaching that followed him, disseminating his profound ideas across the world.

Draped in the monastic robes, imparting his wisdom to his followers, the Buddha either has his other hand in the gesture of meditation, placed on his lap or holds a begging bowl in his hand, signaling the formalization of the ascetic life under the Buddhist Sangha.

                       23" Mahaparinirvana Reclining Buddha (Tibetan Buddhist) In Brass | Handmade | Made In India

8. Resting Buddha or Mahaparinirvana Buddha

Buddha lying peacefully, almost smiling meditatively in statues is the representation of Mahaparinirvana of the Buddha, his final journey from the world. The Buddha according to Buddhist tradition asked Ananda to prepare his couch for him, on which he laid with his head to the north, his arm supporting his head, a picture of peaceful acceptance of death as a truth of life.

Those unaware of Mahaparinirvana as a powerful symbol in Buddhism call these statues sleeping Buddha statues, however, the reclining icons of the Buddha are a materialization of the Buddha’s message of complete fearlessness, even in the face of death. Attachment leads to fear and pain, and total detachment from all things including life itself is the key to achieving pure wisdom.

                             12" Superfine Black Stone Crowned Buddha with Multi Gemstone

9. Crowned Buddha Statues

Buddha’s Sambhogakaya or his celestial body is visualized in the crowned Buddha icons, popularized the world over by the ornately sculpted Nepalese representations of the Buddha. Adorned with royal ornaments, brocaded clothes, and markers of a Mahapurusha, the crowned Buddha statue underlines Buddha’s quality as the Chakravartin or supreme ruler, not because of his prowess on the battlefield, but because of his enlightened mind which placed him above all the terrestrial rulers.

Crowned Buddha idols are rich in aesthetic features and craftsmanship, making them a favorite of Buddhist followers and collectors of refined art across the world.  Statues of Buddha are used for a variety of purposes by the initiated Buddhists and people who look up to his life as a guide to higher levels of existence.

A Buddha statue is often placed in one’s space for the calmness and serenity it radiates, attracting such qualities in your life as well. Buddha’s idol is also employed as a focal point for mediating- for sitting in front of his form to instill similar virtues in ourselves.

Placing a creative Buddha representation in your home or workplace is believed to bring a sense of balance to the space. To go through a handpicked collection of the best Buddha statues online, visit Exotic India Art now, and get yourself a heavenly Buddha idol, full of calmness and profound truths of life.

Key Takeaways

  • Buddha statues can vary in their posture, mudras (hand gestures), and facial expressions, each conveying a specific meaning.

  • Some common Buddha statues include the meditating Buddha, the teaching Buddha, the laughing Buddha, and the reclining Buddha.

  • The meditating Buddha statue represents inner peace and enlightenment, while the teaching Buddha statue symbolizes the dissemination of knowledge.

  • The laughing Buddha statue is associated with good luck and abundance, and the reclining Buddha statue represents Buddha's final moments before passing into parinirvana.

  • The choice of Buddha statue can depend on personal preference, cultural significance, and intended purpose.

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