(Viewed 2331 times since Oct 2022)

Telugu is a Dravidian language that is primarily spoken in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Studies have found the basis of this language to have its history associated with Sanskrit words. Telugu literature predominantly presents religious or devotional subject matter.

The poets and scholars from Andhra Pradesh translated epics such as the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the Bhagavat, and the Puranas that are considered the foundation of Vedic knowledge and lead us to higher consciousness to cultivate the real purpose of human life. The first Telugu literary work was the translation of the Mahabharata from Sanskrit to Telugu by Nannaya Bhattaraka, who is also known as Adi Kavi.

तेलुगु साहित्य का संक्षिप्त इतिहास अवं तुलनात्मक साहित्य : Brief History of Telugu Literature and Comparative Literature

Books are the basis of knowledge and the hidden treasure of Indian tradition and culture can be found in them. Exotic India avails to you its wide collection of handpicked Telugu books that capture timeless spiritual wisdom. Some of the great literary works that have been translated and penned down by great Telugu poets glorify many Hindu deities such as:

Devi Shakti – The Feminine Nurturing Energy

Shaktism is a part of Sanatan Dharma ideology which focuses on the feminine energy of the Supreme Lord. The feminine or external potency of the Godhead is considered to be the origin of all which is manifested within this material world. The external energy personified by Goddess Durga, the consort of Lord Shiva, is regarded as the mother nature that nurtures everything and everyone, inanimate or animate.

The shakti aspect is known as Prakriti and the Godhead is known as Purusha. Prakriti and Purusha are inseparable just as heat cannot be segregated from fire. Shaktism promotes the idea of Shakti or Devi being the controller and the source of all existence in this creation. She can create, maintain and annihilate any number of universes by her sweet will.

Goddess Durga as Mahishasura Mardini

Here at Exotic India, you will find several books that present the theology of Shakta tradition such as Srimad Devi Bhagavata Purana and Shri Durga Saptashati. These religious texts glorify Devi Durga and describe her victory over the demon Mahishasura (the victory of good over evil). The whole composition of Durga Saptashati contains 700 verses that are arranged into 13 chapters.

Devi Mahatmya is a part of Markandeya Purana, which was written by the great sage Markandeya. It describes Devi Durga as the Mahamaya potency which binds a living entity to the cycle of repeated birth and death, yet she opens the door of liberation (Mukti) for the devotees who are in search of the Absolute Truth. She guides them to the path of perfection as a loving and compassionate mother.

Lord Ram - The Embodiment of Dharma

India is the hub of all Vedic knowledge which is a boon to the spiritually deprived society. Sanatan Dharma teaches us the way to lead and live our life on account of religion. Whenever there is an increase in irreligiosity and a decline in religious practice, the Supreme Lord Himself appears in this world – states the Bhagavad Gita, the manual of life.

To re-establish Dharma among the spiritually blind people, Lord Ram appeared in Tretayug with His eternal associates. Lord Ram is none other than the Supreme Personality Godhead. His name, form, qualities, and pastimes are non-different from Him. He is the Absolute Truth and is worshiped among the Hindus.

23" Sri Rama| Lord Rama In Brass | Handcrafted In India

Lord Ramchandra set an example of the perfect King, son, friend, husband, and master. Even materialistic persons who are envious of the Supreme Lord fail to find any fault in the activities of Lord Ram. He was dutiful in every way and was the most beloved crown prince of Ayodhya, yet He went to exile in the forest for fourteen years and obeyed the orders of His beloved father, King Dasharath.

There are many important lessons that one can learn from His transcendental pastimes and all of them have been penned down for eternity in religious texts such as Sri Ramcharitmanas and Srimad RamayanRamcharitmanas was written in the Awadhi language by a great devotee of Lord Ramchandra, named Tulsidas. It is considered the greatest book in all devotional literature.

The great poet Tulsidas composed seven Kandas or episodes in Sri Ramcharitmanas; Baal Kaand (Childhood episode), Ayodhya Kaand (Ayodhya episode), Aranya Kaand (Forest episode), Kishkindha Kaand (Kishkindha episode), Sundar Kaand (Pleasant episode), Lanka Kaand (Lanka episode), and Uttara Kaand (Later episode). The first two episodes are the longest and constitute more than half of the work.

శ్రీ రామచరిత మానసము: Sri Ramcharitmanas in Telugu

Although both Ramcharitmanas and Srimad Ramayana narrate the pastimes of Lord Ram, the mellow (rasa) that we get out of reading both is different. Ramayana is one of the two historic epics (the other one is the Mahabharat), that belongs to the genre of “Itihas”. It was written by Maharshi Valmiki in the Sanskrit language.

It consists of around 24,000 verses or shlokas and is divided into seven episodes or cantos namely Baal Kaand, Ayodhya Kaand, Aranya Kaand, Kishkindha Kaand, Sundar Kaand, Yuddha Kaand, and Uttara Kaand. These works depict the ideal character of Lord Ram who appeared as a human being to teach misguided people how to lead their life on account of spiritual values. The Sanskrit word Ram means “the one who gives pleasure” and thus anyone who hears or reads about Him receives the highest pleasure which is transcendental even to the three modes of material nature.

Lord Krishna – The Reservoir of Pleasure

Srimad Bhagavatam, the timeless wisdom, was spoken by Sukadev Goswami to King Parikshit in an assembly of sages on the banks of the sacred river Ganges. He narrated all the pastimes of Lord Krishna to the King that explain His form, qualities, and name. Srimad Bhagavatam is the ripened fruit of all Vedic knowledge and anyone who relishes it certainly achieves the highest perfection.

The very famous poet Bammera Potana translated this transcendental knowledge into his mother tongue Telugu which later became popularized as Potanna Bhagavatam or Srimad Andhra Bhagawat. Sri Potana’s level of devotion to Lord Hari was unmatched. He never desired anything material in reward for his prayers to the Lord, but only prayed for his deliverance from the cycle of births and deaths in this material world.

As revealed in Bhagavatam, the real purpose of human life is to surrender unto the lotus feet of Lord Hari and go back to His eternal abode and serve Him. Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead appeared on the earth in Dwapara yug to protect His dear devotees from miscreants and to give pleasure to them. According to Srimad Bhagavatam, a devotee can approach the Lord in five main rasas or mellows namely:

శ్రీ మదాంధమహాభాగవతము: Srimad Andhra Bhagawat - Potanna Bhagavatam in Telugu (Set of 2 Volumes)

☸ Shaanta Rasa (Reverence)

☸ Daasya Rasa (Loving devotional service)

☸ Sakhya Rasa (Friendship)

☸ Vatsalya Rasa (Parental affection)

☸ Madhurya Rasa (Conjugal affection)

This classic literature glorifies the Lord by describing His various sweet pastimes with the cowherd boys and girls of Vrindavan, Yashoda and Nanda Maharaja’s unending love for Him, deliverance of the demons by Him, His extraordinary power, and His Mathura and Dwarka pastimes. Potanna Bhagavatam is revered as the crown jewel of Telugu literature.

Regular reading of its verses can elevate you to the spiritual consciousness. Another renowned literature in the Telugu states is Sriman Narayaniyam which is the poetic form of the Bhagavat Purana. It was composed by a famous poet of Kerala, Melputhur Narayana Bhattathiri. Narayaniyama condenses the 18,000 verses of the Bhagavat into 1,034 verses that are categorized into one hundred cantos.

This masterpiece glorifies the Supreme Lord Krishna and is dedicated to His devotion. Lord Krishna is the Supreme controller and maintainer of all the living entities. He is the source of everything and possesses all the six opulences in full, all at the same time; wealth, knowledge, beauty, fame, renunciation, and strength.

37" Large Brass Lord Krishna Playing Flute Under a Tree

Read To Remember

Our glorious Vedas have always stressed upon constantly remembering the Supreme Lord’s lotus feet, which is one of the limbs of nine devotional services; Smaranam (remembrance). This is possible only when we engage our senses in reading or hearing His transcendental pastimes. These books allow you to taste the sweet nectar of the Vedas that have been translated into the Telugu language. Buy yourself one of these, and know the science of self-realization, for this, is the very purpose of human life.

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