Marriage Story of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi

(Viewed 45543 times since Feb 2022)

Table of Content:

  • Introduction to the marriage story of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi

  • Birth and appearance of Goddess Lakshmi

  • Lord Vishnu's search for a suitable bride

  • The grand marriage ceremony of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi

  • The significance of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi's marriage in Hindu mythology

  • Conclusion and final thoughts on the marriage story of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi

Lakshmi, the goddess of material abundance and wealth is seen in pictures in Hindu homes adorned in a red saree, embellished accessories, seated on a Lotus flower. She is depicted as an anxious, idiosyncratic yet maternal Goddess, blessing her devotees and granting them their wishes. Her husband, Lord Vishnu is one of the three of the supreme Gods of the Hindu pantheon (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva).

While Brahma is answerable for the formation of the Universe and Shiva for annihilation, Lord Vishnu is the preserver of the Universe. This article will give us an insight into Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi’s love story. Let’s learn about Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi-

31" Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi (Large Statues) In Brass

Indra’s Indirect Role in the Event

The Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi Love story began not with the sudden encounter of Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi, but with Lord Indra. Indra was an exceptionally strong God. He was the lord of Heaven and the leader of the Gods. In any case, this got into his head which drove him to become presumptuous and rude towards others.

He owned a marvelous elephant, Airavatha. At whatever point Indra wanted to leave the heavenly realm, he would travel on Airavatha. On one of his trips away from the heavenly realm on his grand elephant, Indra met Sage Durvasa. Sage Durvasa was a strong and highly-respected sage.

As he was drenched in reflection the vast majority of the time, he encapsulated gigantic yogic powers; however, he had one downside. Sage Durvasa was extremely hot-headed and reviled people regularly. Sage Durvasa while venturing to the far corners of the planet had tracked down a fragrant festoon. The blossoms of the wreath never wilted and stayed new consistently.

He felt that the leader of all Gods definitely deserved something as rare as this. On seeing Sage Durvasa, Indra briefly welcomed the Sage without showing much respect for him. Back then, it was standard to recognize learned sages and give them due regard. Sage Durvasa didn't become irate at this. He gave over the festoon to Indra, who put it around his elephant.

The latter couldn’t stand the strong aroma of the garland and shook it off. This angered the Sage and he cursed Indra and his fellow Gods. Indra soon found out that like him the other Lords had started to lose their power. They were all very tired. The Asuras had found the golden opportunity to wage a war that the Gods lost, and had to flee their homeland, Devaloka. The Asuras crowned their leader, Bali as the king of the Devaloka.

The Creator’s Cure

Drained and discontent with their loss because of the Asuras, the Devas were happy to at last arrive at Brahma's place, Satyaloka. They recognized Brahma, told him everything, and requested an exit plan. Brahma was surprised. How is it that Indra could act so egotistically towards an honorable sage? Indra was dejected, miserably, wishing that he had never met Sage Durvasa.

He fell on the feet of Brahma and asked him to help the other Gods as he was mindful of the fact that they had been suffering for his misdeed. Lord Brahma understood that there was no use becoming furious at Indra any further and chose not to delve into it. He realized who could fix this. He assured the Gods that only Lord Vishnu could help them out of such a dire situation.

Lord Vishnu’s Innovative Idea

Vishnu went to Indra and said; ‘Just the Asuras can help you now… ' Indra snapped his head up. Even Brahma looked somewhat confounded. Vishnu smiled, 'Do you know the privileged insights that are concealed inside our incredible Ocean… '. Every one of the Gods shook their heads.

In those times there was a solitary sea moving through the whole world. It was an extremely profound sea, which had never been investigated that held the Amrita; Vishnu informed the Gods. All the Gods traded dazed looks. Amrita was a definitive beverage.

Any individual who drank Amrita could never bite the dust, or age and would turn out to be phenomenally strong. They required the assistance of the Asuras to break the perilous mountain Mandara and take it to the Ocean, to use it as a churner to procure the Amrita out of the ocean.

The Significance of Samudra Manthan in Hindu Mythology

Samudra Manthan (Churning of the Ocean)

Samudra Manthan was done to separate the Amrit (divine nectar) from the vast sea. The Devas and the Danavas participated in a back-and-forth challenge to extract the divine nectar from the sea bed to achieve long-lasting existence or immortality. If one managed to check out the Samudra Manthan according to the point of view of spirituality, then, at that point, it alludes to the course of reflection that one should go through to extricate all that looks for asylum in him/her.

A portion of the things that might emerge might be favorable while the rest might be detrimental. Subsequently, the stirring of the sea implies realization. If we somehow decipher what this arrangement of cooperation among the Devas and the Asuras as instructed by Vishnu implies, then, it focuses on the presence of evil to decide the worth of the good in us.

The Danavas were as essential as the Devas. Individuals who succeed in separating this good from evil, attain bliss. This bliss is Amrit. Goddess Lakshmi, seated on a lotus emerged from the sea while it was being churned. Back then, it was standard for a lady of eligible age to pick her own better half. This was called 'swayamwara'.

All the Devas, Asuras, and Gods were hoping that the beautiful Goddess would choose them. Goddess Lakshmi saw all the gathered Devas, Asuras, and Gods. But, the Dark God Vishnu with his wonderful sparkling eyes and a mischievous grin caught her attention. Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi had their eyes fixed on each other.

The Sacred Union of the Supreme Power

Lakshmi smiled once and garlanded Lord Vishnu, picking him over all the others. The Gods approved of the marriage of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. They all believed that she was simply the Goddess Supreme, who had appeared as Lakshmi to become Lord Vishnu's significant other - his power and his solidarity.

Subsequently, with extraordinary pageantry and show, Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi’s wedding was celebrated during the stirring of the sea. Known as Shreenatha (dearest of fortune), Vishnu then, at that point, put Shreevasta, the image of Lakshmi on his chest. Vishnu thereafter fought the powers of wickedness and played out his obligations as the gatekeeper of the world, and Goddess Lakshmi gave him her adoration and fondness and kept an eye on him as a dedicated spouse.

Looking for More Stories?

Are you enthralled by the love story of Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi? Want to know more stories like that of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi’s? If you want to know more about such mythological stories depicted in the most artful form, Exotic India is here to get you acquainted with a plethora of soulful handcrafted pieces.

Key Takeaways:

  1. The marriage of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi is a popular story from Hindu mythology.

  2. The story highlights the virtues of both deities, such as Vishnu's dedication and Lakshmi's love and devotion.

  3. The marriage is seen as a union of two powerful and complementary forces that bring balance and prosperity to the universe.

  4. The story also emphasizes the importance of performing rituals and making offerings to the deities to seek their blessings and grace.

  5. The marriage of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi is celebrated widely in Hindu culture through various festivals and rituals.

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