Kubera - the Treasurer of the Gods and King of Yaksha

(Viewed 11445 times since Jan 2022)

Kubera holds a variety of titles within Hinduism, most notably being the god of wealth and riches. He is also regarded as the god of fertility, a tutelary household spirit, the protector of sailors, and God of the dead. In the Satapatha Brahmana, he is the lord of thieves and criminals, and these are but a few different titles he possesses.

Despite having various titles and responsibilities, he is often associated with having a lesser role in Hindu mythology in relation to other deities. However, this does not mean that Kubera does not have a rich history and importance within the mythological realm of the Hindu tradition. One of the main reasons that Kubera is not regarded as being a prominent deity is due, in part, to the lack of images and monuments dedicated to him.

When he is depicted in images, which mostly come from the Himalayan regions, Kubera has a large potbelly and he holds a mongoose that vomits jewels when he squeezes it. Another way he is depicted is as the guardian of the north and is portrayed as a dwarfish figure with a large paunch, holding a money bag or a pomegranate. He is also sometimes depicted riding on a man, which makes him unique in relation to other gods, who usually are mounted on animals.

Kubera is a lokapala or “world guardian”, deities who are usually illustrated as being mounted on animals such as elephants, whereas Kubera is described as being a naravahana or “one whose mount is a man”. Although Kubera is regarded as a god in Hindu mythology, he is also often depicted as a demon. The classification of Kubera being a demon, therefore, cause some discrepancies in his physical appearance, with some illustrations of him depicting a more hideous, monster-type figure.

In these portrayals, Kubera is described as being a pot-bellied, three-legged, one-eyed dwarf with eight snaggle teeth. He is also often illustrated as having ugly, black skin, again with a potbelly and is heavily jeweled, sits cross-legged, and holds a purse.

Despite these unsightlier physical attributes associated with the demonic side of Kubera, many depictions of him offer a gentler, appealing visual of the god, illustrating him with gold-colored skin and studded with gems, a visual representation of his role as the lord of wealth and prosperity.

Kubera and Lakshmi Tanjore Painting | Traditional Colors With 24K Gold | Teakwood Frame | Handmade | Made in India

Kubera’s lineage can be a bit confusing, as different sources and literature state different familial lines. In the Artharvaveda, Kubera is said to be the son of Vaisravana. In the Mahabharata, he is the son of Vaisravana and Idavida, and brother of Visravas; this is further complicated by the Puranas, which states that Kubera was born to Visravas and Ilibila (Williams 190).

He also has a half-brother named Ravana, who is the notable demon in the RamayanaKubera also has a wife, named Hariti and a daughter named Minaksi, who becomes one of Siva’s wives. He also had a son, named Nalakubera. In addition to his family, Kubera had a few close companions. Kubera is usually accompanied by two friends named Yaksa and Yaksi. He is also associated socially with Charvi, Danava, and Rambha.

According to most accounts, Kubera is said to reside in a palace in the country of Sri Lanka. However, Kubera does not live there permanently, as he is driven out of his palace and the country by his power-hungry half-brother Ravana. The relationship that Kubera and Ravana have with one another does not prove to be very hospitable and cooperative, as they are often depicted in feuds with each other.

7" Brass Kubera Statue | Handmade Sculpture | Made in India

This hostile relationship ultimately causes Kubera to relocate to a residence on Mount Kailasa, which is also home to other deities, such as Siva. Kubera is most notably known as being the lord of riches and wealth, which includes the resources and elements that are contained within the earth. As the ruling god of wealth and riches, Kubera is responsible for possessing and distributing the wealth, as well as guarding the earth’s treasures.

He is granted the power to move the earth’s riches from one place to another, and he often brought gems and precious metals near the surface during the rule of righteous kings and hid them during times of wickedness. Kubera exercises this power over the elements when he sides with Rama in the war between Rama and Ravana, Kubera’s half-brother.

Kubera decides to align himself with Rama, rather than be loyal to his brother because Ravana dethrones and exiles Kubera from his palace in Sri Lanka. Ravana does this in order to try and win himself a queen and kidnaps Rama’s wife, Sita, causing there to be a war between the two men. Rama wages war on Ravana for the actions taken against Sita, and by the end of the feud, Rama is victorious.

Kubera, who remained loyal to Rama throughout the feud, is granted the responsibility of being the shepherd of all the precious stones in the world, as a reward for his assistance in the war against Ravana. Kubera was, therefore, allowed to dictate over these stones and control their movements, which meant he could determine who had access to them.

Among other roles and responsibilities that Kubera was attributed to as being the leader of the yaksas, creatures who dwell in the woods and forests and promote the growth of plants. It is understandable that Kubera would be well acquainted with the yaksas as they both have roles associated with prosperity, with the yaksas encouraging the growth of plans and Kubera being a symbol of richness.

The yaksas are depicted as being sharp and cunning, with a benevolent earthly temperament, which Kubera is depicted as embodying. Kubera exudes this temperament most notably through his physical appearance, which includes a potbelly, a common Asian motif for good luck, and more importantly, abundance. However, the yaksas also articulate a notion of ethical ambivalence, suggesting that they also possess a more corrupt, evil side.

This can be associated with Kubera’s more unethical approaches that cause him to not only be classified as a god but as a demon as well. Within Hindu mythology, Kubera is depicted as being a rather unforgiving god. In one particular myth in the Padma Purana, Kubera is portrayed as being a devotionalist, who had an abundantly beautiful garden that contained flowers that are utilized in daily temple worship.

Kubera had a hired gardener named Hemamali, who tended to the flowers every day. One day, Hemamali took a trip to Manasasaras, the lake of the gods, and forgot that it was his duty to get the flowers to Kubera for worship. Kubera waited all day at the temple for Hemamali, but he did not show up, which caused Kubera to become very angry. Hemamali was summoned to Kubera’s palace, where he was punished for his absence by being cursed as a leper.

To make things even worse, Hemamali was expelled from Kubera’s heaven, Alakapuri. This story illustrates some of Kubera’s less desirable personality traits, as he can be viewed as being an unforgiving and strict ruler. This can further demonstrate how he was often categorized as being a demon throughout different stories in Hindu mythology, as he could be a menacing and merciless god.

However, Kubera has a benevolent and softer side to him as well that is revealed through his more noble actions. Through his protective guardianship and distribution of the earth’s secret resources, he is seen as a paternal, manipulatable figure. He is also regarded as withholding the title of lokapalas, meaning he is a world guardian, as well as being a dikpalas, a guardian of the directions.

5" Kubera, The God of Wealth Seated on a Chowki in Brass | Handmade | Made in India

It is quite apparent that the Hindu god of wealth possesses many different traits and abilities. Kubera can be described as being a noble god, who possesses and distributes wealth and riches, protecting it from the less desirable, corrupt peoples of the world. However, he is regarded as having a more temperamental side showcasing a strict and menacing personality, which sometimes causes him to be depicted as a demon.

Because of these dichotomies, it is difficult to fully comprehend what Kubera looked like physically, as he is depicted in many different forms. It is also unclear as to what his familial lineage looks like completely. Despite these discrepancies, it is clear that Kubera was an important god in Hindu mythology.

References and Further Readings

Buswell, Robert E. Jr., and Donald S. Jr. Lopez (eds.) (2013) “Kubera”. The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Coulter, Charles Russell, and Patricia Turner (2000) Encyclopedia of Ancient Deities. Jefferson: McFarland and Company, Inc., Publishers.

Kinsley, David (1998) Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine: The Ten Mahavidyas. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited.

McLeish, Kenneth (1996) “Kubera”. In Myth: Myths and Legends of the World Explored. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Sutherland, Gail Hinich (1991) The Disguises of the Demon: The Development of the Yaksa in Hinduism and Buddhism. New York: State University of New York Press.

Wilkins, W.J. (2009) Hindu Mythology. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld (P) Ltd.

Williams, George M. (2008) Handbook of Hindu Mythology. New York: Oxford University Press.

Werner, Karel (2005) Popular Dictionary of Hinduism. Taylor and Francis E-Library.

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