How To Clean and Maintain Handcrafted Metal, Stone, and Wood Statues?

To have handcrafted artwork in your home is a dream for any art lover. The search for the perfect pieces to adorn your interior is an ongoing quest, taking you from local markets to online collections of statues and craft works. But your journey for the best statue and interior decoration does not end with finding them and bringing them home.

Rather, another, more important phase begins- that of maintaining your handcrafted collections once they are in your home. The collectors and connoisseurs of art know that the task of cleaning and maintaining an artwork is a real challenge, especially because they are made from metals, woods, and stones that undergo aging, wear, and tear, loss of surface luster, and softening of details over a period of time.

While an antique look adds value to the art, it is important to see that time does not affect your prized collections too much. In this article, we will focus on the methods and tips for maintaining metal, stone, and wood statues and art pieces. From simple tricks such as dusting regularly to the items that should and should not be used in cleaning a piece, this is your perfect guide to prolong the beauty and life of artworks.

Decorative Pieces of Brass Figurines

Brass is a blend of copper and zinc, and a preferred material in traditional Indian statues, idols of Hindu gods and goddesses, ritual items, and home decor. Though a durable metal, brass is prone to oxidization and loss of shine when regularly in contact with water, dust, air, and light.

How to Clean Brass Statues?

👉 Sacred icons of Hindu gods and goddesses are often cleansed through the ritual of Abhishekam, where they are bathed with Panchagavya (five types of purifying liquids), through which the icon is completely cleaned. However, once the ritual is completed, it is important to wipe the icon thoroughly, removing any moisture, using a clean cloth assigned for ritual purposes only. Keeping the moisture away is one of the best and easiest ways to ensure that your brass statues maintain their shine and beauty.

👉 For brass decor and ritual items, you can use lemon juice and baking soda mixture, dip a cloth in it, and cover the metal item with the paste. After 10 to 15 minutes, clean the brass item with lukewarm water and wipe it completely with a clean and soft cloth.

👉 If the brass artwork has some rigid and dark spots, you can use the commercial cleaner available in the market but do not use it daily or regularly, to avoid abrasions

👉 For polishing the surface of brass pieces, you can use brass polish or make your own mix of flour, salt, and vinegar to apply on the piece and then wipe it with a clean and dry cloth.

Panchaloha or Bronze Figurines Crafted since Ancient Times

Bronze or Panchaloha statues have been crafted since ancient times, as idols, ritual articles, and decorative pieces. These are preferred for their long life and antique appeal that comes from the greenish patina that covers the surface and corners of bronze pieces, but if left unchecked, this patina can cause corrosion or permanent damage to beautiful bronzes.

How to Clean Bronze Statues?

👉 A simple way to keep your bronze collection clean is dusting with a soft cloth or duster with gentle bristles to avoid any dust buildup.

👉 You can use mild soap or bronze cleaners available in the market but do not overuse them as too much chemical is not good for the metal.

👉 Just like any other metal, after cleaning the bronze statues and art pieces, wipe them all over and ensure that there is no moisture left.

👉 Do not use sandpaper or any other such harsh material to polish or clean the surface of the metal or remove any dirt or buildup. You can use oils such as coconut in cleaning and polishing the surface, in small quantities and clean any excess oil once the process is done.

👉 If like many other collectors, you love the green patina buildup that gives bronze an antique look, then no polishing is needed. In case you want to remove patina from bronzes, take a soft-haired toothbrush, dip it in coconut or olive oil, and rub the areas you want to clean. Once done, wipe the statue with a clean cotton cloth to remove extra oil and viola, the bronze will be polished and lustrous as new!

Traditional Indian Wood Carving Statues

Traditional Indian wood artists pick woods from trees that are durable, termite, and insect-resistant, have a beautiful natural color, and are ritually pure. These woods include teakwood, rosewood, sandalwood, mango wood, camphor wood, cedar wood, shivani wood, etc. However, when compared to metal and stone, wood can be prone to damage caused by the elements.

Wooden statues and wall panels, when in contact with light, dust, rain, and moisture for long periods can degrade rapidly, and thus, the first step in maintaining a wood art piece is to avoid keeping it in the outdoor area, in direct sunlight, in areas where rain and moisture are common.

How to Clean Wood Statues?

👉 Regularly dusting can be helpful, especially when your wooden statues and artworks are protected from any other source of damage.

👉 Natural oils can be applied with soft clothes on the wooden art pieces regularly, to give them a soft shine and to avoid any cracking in the wood. Let the wood soak some oil before wiping the off with a clean cotton cloth.

👉 You can use furniture polish available in the market or beeswax periodically. Always choose a wax that matches the color of the wood used in the statue, to ensure that the coating and polishing blend well and do not change the color of the wooden artwork. You can alternatively use turpentine for polishing wooden art pieces. After applying a thin layer of wax or turpentine, wait for 10-15 minutes and then rub the surface with a clean cloth to reveal an appealing sheen of the wood.

👉 In case a wooden statue or wall hanging is handpainted, use a slightly moist cloth and dry it with a clean cloth later, to avoid causing any erosion to the colors. Do not use industrial cleaners and avoid dampness around painted wooden art pieces to keep the colors intact.

👉 If there are minor scratches and etchings visible on wooden decor or furniture, you can use a walnut and rub it on the surface. The oil will go into the small cracks and will make them invisible, returning the wood to its perfect state.

Copper Sculptures – Sacred Ritually Important Metals

One of the most ancient and ritually important metals in the world and India, copper is used to make sacred idols of Hindu gods and goddesses, Nepalese and Tibetan Buddhist statues, and items of ritual and everyday use, along with contemporary artworks and home decor pieces.

How to Clean Copper Statues?

👉 The murti (idols) made for Hindu gods and goddesses used in rituals do not require any extra care. The abhisheka with purifying liquids and wiping thoroughly with a clean cloth is enough to maintain religious icons.

👉 Lemon juice and salt scrub can be used for cleaning ritual items made of copper and decorative pieces. This cleanses the surface buildup and brings the natural shine of the metal.

👉 Wax and lacquer can be applied on decorative pieces made from copper, to protect it from dust and debris, and moisture.

Cleaning and Maintaining Nepalese Copper Sculptures

Cleaning a Nepalese copper statue is a tricky art, since it is not only made with copper but has a coating of gold all over and is painted with traditional colors. The faces of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Nepalese copper statues are handpainted and are covered in a layer of gold that is prone to damage from human touch, dampness, and dirt.

👉 You can keep the Nepalese statues indoors because the interiors are best suited for these luxurious art pieces. Seasoned collectors of art keep Nepalese gilded copper statues in glass cases or inside cabinets and take them out only occasionally for dusting. Right placement can ensure that no extra care is needed for a Nepalese Statue.

👉 For polishing and cleaning, you can use a soft cloth dipped in oil and clean the entire statue, except the face of the idol. The paint on the faces of Nepalese statues should not come in contact with oil, dirt, or dampness. Do not touch the faces of the statues with unclean or sweaty hands, as this can cause visible damage to the fine details of the faces.

How To Keep Your Stone Statues Safe from Dust or Moisture?

Stones are embodiments of timelessness. Among all the materials, stones naturally stand the test of time. You can display stone statues and art pieces in your interiors as statements and can showcase them in your gardens or outdoors. However, there are some steps that you can take to keep your stone statues as beautiful as new and safe from dust or moisture-induced buildups.

👉 Dust and clean the stone statues regularly using clean clothes, water, and mild soap. Rinse the statues completely and then wipe them dry.

👉 Stones are reactive with acidic elements. So do not use lemon, vinegar, or any other industrial cleaners for stone statues, as this can cause unevenness and can cause damage to the surface.

👉 Use only soft clothes and avoid brushes or harsh materials. If you are keeping a stone statue outside, make sure to clean it regularly and polish it with stone polish or wax to give it a natural shine and protect it from pollutants, dirt, and moisture that can cause discoloration or wearing.

Wrapping It Up

The ancient artists were intelligent in their selection of materials. Whether metal, wood, or stone, each was chosen for its beauty as well as durability, as these naturally have a long life and do not need intensive care or costly treatment if kept indoors, in clean and dry places, and dusted and cleaned regularly. To ensure that the art pieces live the longest life possible for them, the tips shared above are enough.

For any further queries or treatment of issues that do not seem to go away with the above-mentioned steps, get in touch with a specialist who will help you get rid of the problem. Beyond this, the best way to ensure that your metal, stone, and wood statues remain aesthetically appealing, is always to purchase artworks and religious statues from a trusted and established brand.

Exotic India Art has been working with traditional artists and craftsmen from all over India, for more than 25 years and has handpicked their vast collection of statues and artworks that are beautiful and durable, so that the enchanting Indian heritage remains unblemished in your home for decades.

Sources From the Web - copper statues needs minimum,cause discoloration on the statue. a microfiber cloth or,rub it onto the surface. Spray statue with water,outside is warm and dry. Baking Soda and Lemon,working in a circular motion.

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