Colors of Clarity: How Gemstone Hues Influence Chakras

(Viewed 1675 times since Dec 2023)
“Behold the form of me in various kinds, in various colors.” - Bhagavad Gita

Gemstones and Chakras:

This field of wellness and healing has recently gained so much popularity that it has, in a way, shaped the concept of spirituality. It is mainly concerned with the state of harmony between the aspects of the mind, body and soul that sustain an individual and seeks to keep this harmony at all times within each of these spheres.

The concept of seven chakras inside the human body constitutes one of the fundamental notions about the essence of energy flow. Because of this, these centres contribute greatly towards our physical, mental, and spiritual health; therefore, the appropriate balance must be ensured to maintain good health.

Interestingly enough, gemstones were used thousands of years ago to restore the balance or equilibrium of chakras. Every stone corresponds to the color of each Chakra, thus helping to unblock the energy flow and bringing healing.

In this article, we shall dive into the world of gemstones and their mysterious relation with our chakras. This article will explore various colors linked to each Chakra and the stones you can use to balance them.

The origins and importance of chakra colors

Do you know that chakras date back to ancient Indian tradition? The references to such chakras go even further to the most ancient written Indian tradition we know of — the Vedas, dated from 1500 to 500 B.C. However, the Vedas provide no information on who discovered them as this was already a part of the tradition.

Later, the chakras were mentioned as psychic energy centers in the Yoga Upanishads (around 600 B.C.) and Patanjali's Yoga Sutras (around 200 B.C.). This explains why the concept of chakras has remained popular in many yogic teachings.

Although the chakra systems and their link with jewels can be traced back to ancient times, using colored jewels to re-balance chakras as we practice today is a modern-day occurrence. Christopher Hill supposedly introduced it in the 1970s and described his version of the chakra system in his book "Nuclear Evolution".

The Spectrum of Chakra Gemstones

Our body is a landscape of seven main chakras located along the spine and spread up through the top of the head. These chakras serve as dynamic energy centers, each vibrating with a distinct frequency and color:

Root Chakra (red)

Sacral Chakra (orange)

Solar plexus Chakra (yellow)

Heart chakra (green/pink)

Throat chakra (blue)

Third eye Chakra (deep indigo)

Crown Chakra (These particular colors attributed to various chakras are certainly not random.

They are deeply associated with color theory and represent particular energies and wavelengths inherent in every Chakra. It is believed that various gemstones with different colors can aid in harmonizing and strengthening each Chakra's energy. Let's have a look at this vibrant connection:

Root Chakra: The pillar of strength and health.

The root Chakra, portrayed by the intense red color, is placed at the base of the spine, which comprises the basis for our basic instincts and survival skills. These grounding and stabilizing qualities are essential because it is through them that we foster our primordial strength, our core life force.

This is represented by the color red, which symbolizes life, power and, in fact, the basis of our physical entity. Surprisingly, plants exposed to red light have been found to grow at least four times faster than normal rates observed under the sun conditions in laboratory testing.

This phenomenon signifies the strong effects of red on growth and vigor. Ruby, garnet, red jasper, coral, and bloodstone are the key gemstones linked with the Root Chakra. 

Sacral Chakra: The Cradle of Creativity and Vital Energy

The Sacral Chakra is located near the spleen. This Chakra is pivotal in fostering emotional stability and igniting the spark of creativity. Gemstones like carnelian, fire opal, and orange jasper are revered for their ability to balance and invigorate the Sacral Chakra.

These gemstones stimulate creative energies, awaken passion, and promote emotional equilibrium, thus enhancing one's capacity to relish the pleasures of life. The blend of red and yellow of the orange color is linked to personality and wisdom.

According to the old texts, This blend facilitates the mastery of emotions and the cultivation of self-control. In healing, orange is a crucial color for maintaining health and vitality. Its warm, positive, and stimulating nature significantly impacts the vital processes of assimilation and circulation, which are crucial for regulating food intake.

The primary attribute of the Sacral Chakra is Energy, and gemstones associated with this Chakra include Carnelian, Fire Opal, and Orange Jasper.

Solar Plexus Chakra: Utilizing the Forces of Intellect and Volition.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is believed to be significant in bringing confidence, personal power and force of character. It casts an astonishingly bright yellow glow, perfectly complementary to yellow gems, including citrine and tiger's-eye. These gemstones are revered for the elevation of self-confidence and personal empowerment and aid in attaining one's objectives and dreams.

Other yellow gemstones, such as topaz and amber, are regarded by many scholars as the most aligned with the Solar plexus Chakra due to their warm and vibrant shades. The yellow represents high intelligence, wisdom, intellect, and positive energy.

It helps to relax the nervous system, providing equilibrium and balance. Our 'solar plexus chakra' is often described as our 'internal sun' that acts like a brain to our nervous system and always needs to remain in proper balance. Indeed, the yellow colour serves as a balancer, specifically whenever orderliness is interrupted within the solar chakra plexus.

The Solar Plexus Chakra's main quality is 'Intellect,' reflecting its significant role in mental clarity and cognitive strength. Key gemstones that resonate with the Solar Plexus Chakra include citrine, topaz, and amber.

Heart Chakra: A Refuge of Peace and Tenderness

This vital energy center, Heart Chakra, is filled with gorgeous shades of green and pink. It is commonly regarded as an avenue for healing love and compassion, enabling people to embrace peace and harmony. The heart Chakra survives on the love vibrations of rose quartz and emerald gemstones, which ensure total health.

Many green gemstones closely resonate with the Heart Chakra, with each stone having its different vibration. This category comprises emerald, green tourmaline, malachite, jade, chrysoprase, diopats, peridot, aventurine, moss, and green agate, respectively. Green, the harmonization of yellow spirit and blue soul, represents the balance.

These two elements form a strong power spanning the physical and religious worlds. Green's essence lies abundantly in nature's fat landscapes, which repairs one tired nerve and gives birth to another. It is the equilibrium between mankind's worldly aspirations and their spiritual evolution.

The Heart Chakra's fundamental quality is 'Harmony and Sympathy', reflecting its central role in emotional balance and interpersonal connections. Some of the key gemstones associated with the Heart Chakra include Rose Quartz, Emerald, Green Tourmaline, Malachite, Jade, Chrysoprase, Dioptase, Peridot, Aventurine, Moss Agate, and Green Jasper.

Throat Chakra: A Voice of Clarity and Inspiration

According to many people, the Throat Chakra, located in the throat area, is the home for communication and expression. This Chakra is very potent for blue gemstones such as lapis lazuli and aquamarine, which are reputed to boost frankness and true speech.

Several blue gemstones are aligned with the Throat Chakra, each contributing to its unique vibrational energy. Sapphire, lapis lazuli, blue topaz, aquamarine, turquoise, and chrysocolla are some gemstones that resonate with inspiration, devotion, the infinite, and spiritual aspirations.

The color blue, in itself, has a calming and uplifting effect that induces peace and relaxation. The Throat Chakra plays a crucial role in expressing our thoughts and feelings. It serves as the hub of verbal expression and enables our inner spirit to find its voice, allowing us to communicate.

Third Eye Chakra: Gateway to Intuition and Higher Consciousness

The Third Eye, or Pituitary Gland Chakra, is a fascinating center of intuition and mental clarity between the eyebrows and radiates deep indigo. This Chakra is closely associated with indigo-hued gemstones like amethyst and sodalite, which enhance intuition, provide clarity, and heighten mental awareness.

These qualities facilitate a deeper connection with one's inner wisdom. The Third Eye Chakra resonates with various indigo stones, including indigo sapphire and azurite. Indigo, as a color, represents the mystical juncture between the tangible and the transcendent, embodying spiritual attainment, self-mastery, and wisdom.

By supporting the awakening of the third eye, which governs both our internal and external vision and serves as a portal to our subconscious, indigo can unlock long-hidden memories of the soul and act as a bridge that links the finite with the infinite.

Furthermore, it is instrumental in purging negative elements from our consciousness, paving the way for the development of higher faculties and guiding our inner journey toward cosmic enlightenment. In therapeutic contexts, this color and its associated stones are invaluable in treating mental disorders and enhancing cognitive and philosophical research.

The Third Eye Chakra's predominant quality is "Intuition," underscoring its essential role in fostering inner knowledge and understanding. 

One can use gemstones such as amethyst, sodalite, indigo sapphire, and azurite to enhance the functioning of the Third Eye Chakra. These gemstones help enhance intuition, providing clarity, heightening mental awareness, and strengthening the connection with your inner wisdom.

Crown Chakra: The Pinnacle of Spiritual Enlightenment

The Crown or Pineal Gland Chakra is positioned at the top of the head and is associated with the colors violet and white. It is said to have a profound connection with gemstones like selenite and clear quartz, which are believed to enhance spiritual connectivity and consciousness and are thus considered essential in achieving deeper understanding and enlightenment.

Violet gemstones such as amethyst and fluorite resonate with the Crown Chakra. Violet is considered the highest point of spiritual mastery, representing light's most refined and subtle form. It embodies the highest aspects of our being, contrasting with the red at the base of the spectrum.

The vibration of violet is a harmonious blend of red (symbolizing matter) and blue (representing spirit), often resulting in transformative experiences. The shades of violet carry distinct meanings:

☛ Darker tones may indicate sorrow.

☛ Deep purple resonates with high spiritual achievement.

☛ Pale lilac suggests cosmic consciousness and humanitarian love.

☛ Bluish purple is associated with transcendent idealism.

The Crown Chakra is primarily associated with spirituality as a gateway to higher realms of existence and inner awakening. Violet stones are especially effective in healing practices for insomnia or mental disorders, offering relief and tranquility. Key gemstones associated with the Crown Chakra include Selenite, Clear Quartz, Amethyst, and Fluorite.

Balancing Science and Spirituality

In her thought-provoking work, "Healing with Crystals and Gemstones," Daya Sarai Chochron sheds light on the fascinating field of color science. According to her research, light comprises seven primary rays, each corresponding to one of the classical seven planets.

It is associated with the seven chakras within our bodies. In essence, color represents the differentiations of primal light, distinguished by varying rates of vibration. For instance, violet light has extremely short wavelengths, while red light has significantly longer wavelengths.

Imagine white light as a prism of spiritual energy entering through our aura. This light divides into seven distinct beams, each targeting a specific chakra or soul center within us. These chakras absorb unique currents of vital energy through their specific color spectrum, drawing from our physical surroundings and higher states of consciousness.

They act as ethereal conduits of colored energy, directly influencing our physical being through our thoughts and emotions. The principle of color healing is based on the molecular reactions prompted by light rays within the body's organs. When white light flows unimpeded into our chakras, it promotes health and equilibrium.

On the other hand, blockages in these energy centers can disrupt this flow, impeding the body's inherent capacity for self-repair. Recognizing that all matter, including the gemstones we explore, emits healing light is crucial to understanding this process.

Although the scientific community continues to debate the efficacy of chakra and gemstone therapies, the personal experiences and the profound meanings people attribute to these practices are a testament to their impact. Whether viewed as spiritual instruments or psychological aids, the influence of gemstones on human lives is undoubtedly profound and unique.

Conclusion: The Synergy of Energy, Color, and Wellness

Aldous Huxley, the esteemed British author and philosopher, once insightfully noted that color forms the core of our perceived reality. Gemstones, with their vivid hues, can be seen as physical manifestations of the profound impact of color on our perception and well-being.

The studies of exploration of altered states of consciousness reveal how colors, patterns, and existence can become more significant than spatial relationships and time, mirroring the deep connections people often feel with the colors of gemstones and their associated chakras.

Every gemstone, which reflects specific colors and carries specific energies, stimulates the activities in certain chakras, improving our physical, emotional and spiritual health accordingly. This has made us consider the color and pattern differently as if there is some deep connection between the energy systems within and the vitality of precious stones.

Therefore, the study of gemstones and their hues in relation to chakras is not just an exploration of physical properties but a journey into the profound impacts of color on our consciousness and reality, as beautifully encapsulated by many transformative tales.


1. Healing with Crystals and Gemstones By Daya Sarai Choron

2. Healing Powers of Gem By Dr Gopal Sharma

3. Gems: A Lively Guide for the casual collectors by Daniel J. Dennis Jr.

4. Gems Therapy by Mahan Vir Tulli

5. The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley

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