(Viewed 8165 times since Mar 2022)

Hindu God Vishnu is the preserver and defender of the universe. His job is to return to the earth during adverse situations and re-establish the equilibrium between the good and the bad. Up to this point, he has incarnated multiple times, yet Hindus believe that he will be resurrected one final time before the end of this world as we know it. Hindu God Vishnu represents the preserver, the defender, and the sustainer of the world made by Brahma as well as the law of the Vedas.

When compared to other Hindu Gods and Goddesses, he was well known to have an exceptionally mature and kind nature. He is depicted as having blue skin and four arms, wearing expensive adornments, garlands, a wrapped skirt, and an enormous crown.

11" Bhagawan Vishnu Seated on Sheshnag | Handmade

In this article, you will be introduced to the world of Hindu God Vishnu’s heroic tales of his grand life. 

Decoding the Lord Vishnu

Lord Vishnu, the God of Hinduism is known as the provider of things. Let’s talk about the elements connected with Lord Vishnu and what they connote-

Sudarshan Chakra

The spinning weapon in the hand of Lord Vishnu means the strength of time. Time doesn't stop for you to present the open door of opportunity and each karma in the pivot of opportunity arrives back to you, regardless of whether as a help or a curse! The weapon additionally represents Moksha! Rather than enjoying a similar strategy for life; demise and birth, one ought to embrace everlasting honesty and truth.

13" Sudarshana Vishnu, With Narasimha On Reverse In Brass | Handmade | Made In India

Peacock Feather- The Mayur Chandrika

The Mayur Chandrika is the one we regularly notice on the head of Lord Krishna. The wonderful adornment means satisfaction and love. It additionally addresses the magnificence of the universe and its working. Mayur Chandrika additionally infers resolute and valiant uprightness.

33" Peacock Krishna Under a Blooming Tree with Cow In Brass | Handmade | Made In India

Koumadaki- The Mace

Koumadaki is what the Gada in the hand of Hindu God Vishnu is popularly known as. The weapon connotes pure insight and strength. Rationally, it depicts the force of time! The pyramidical shape of the weapon means the slow finish of information and edification of human life.

17" Gada (Mace) In Brass | Handmade | Made In India

Syamala- The hue of harmony

Syamala depicts dim blue. The skin complexion of Lord Vishnu is Syamala. The shading implies the delight of night and harmony. Dull blue or Syamala is a shade of uprightness and solidarity. It additionally talks about the embodiment of adoration and commonality.

Kaustav- The Gem

Kaustav is a valuable diamond worn by Lord Vishnu. The devout stone addresses riches and influence in everyday life. It additionally represents stability. Be that as it may, the genuine path of Kaustav is harmony and concordance in both the body and the brain.

Garuda- the kite

Garuda is known as the vehicle of Lord Vishnu. The giant bird depicts high goals in everyday life and flexibility to beat the challenges throughout everyday life. Garuda additionally implies promptness and diligence. The bird is additionally an emblem of cheerful readiness and agility.

17" Vishnu Seated on Garuda | Madhuchista Vidhana (Lost-Wax) | Panchaloha Bronze from Swamimalai

Serpent- the Sheshanaga 

The snake related with Lord Vishnu Sheshanaga infers persistence and dependability, in actuality. The giant snake additionally means eminence, power, and imperativeness in human life.

12" Bhagawan Vishnu Seated on Sheshnag In Brass | Handmade | Made In India

Conch- The Panchajanya

The conch in the hand of Lord Vishnu is known as Panchajanya. The Panchajanya means the triumph of odd and evil. It is additionally a clarion call to the Enlightenment of people- the refinement of the spirit and blessing of the psyche.

7" Conch on Tortoise In Brass | Handmade | Made In India


Lakshmi, the goddess of happiness and fortune among numerous different virtues is the dedicated spouse of Vishnu, the Great God of Hinduism. The earliest Vedic writing calls her Sri and she was later given the name Lakshmi. Her name was created from early Sanskrit and signifies "objective" and it "addresses the objective of life which incorporates common and spiritual success." Lakshmi or Sri is credited as the "mother of the world.

50" Large Standing Devi Lakshmi | Madhuchista Vidhana (Lost-Wax) | Panchaloha Bronze from Swamimalai

The heavenly goddess Maha Lakshmi otherwise called Shri is portrayed in the Vedas as the goddess of abundance, happiness, fortune, influence and she is also the encapsulation of affection and excellence. In her first manifestation, as per the Puranas, she was the daughter of the sage Bhrigu and Khyati. She was subsequently conceived out of the expanse of milk at the hour of its stirring known as Kshir-Sagara.

52" Large Devi Lakshmi | Lakshmi | Brass Statue | Handmade

She, being the wife of Hindu God Vishnu, is brought into the world as his life partner at whatever point he embodies. At the point when he showed up as Vamana, Rama and Krishna, she showed up as Padma (or Kamala), Sita, and Rukmani. She is as indistinguishable from Vishnu as information from the mind. He represents what is manly and she all that is ladylike.

The Bond between Narayan and Narad Muni

Sage Narada had gifts that he could show up anyplace, whenever, and wherever. He utilized these gifts and showed up in all yugas (satya, treta, and dwapara) now and then to spread the great word and help the poor. He navigated far-off universes (or planets) yet never went anyplace without a reason. He always made his entry by reciting the name of the Hindu God Vishnu (Narayana) and playing the veena (an instrument).

It is said that he was unable to stay discreet and along these lines fuelled plenty of contentions as he would uncover mysteries at an awful time or spread tattle. Thus he was frequently mixed up as a squabble monger and a busybody. His deeds regularly brought difficulty among divine beings, devils and men.

Lord Vishnu Tanjore Painting | Traditional Colors With 24K Gold | Teakwood Frame | Gold & Wood | Handmade | Made In India

When Narada asked Hindu God Vishnu, What is the significance of your Mantra? If it's not too much trouble, clarify exhaustively so that everyone can comprehend. Lord Vishnu, God of Hinduism, said I can't disclose to you the significance of this Mantra yet I can show you how significant it is. Then, at that point, Vishnu advised Narada to recite Om Namo Narayana in the ear of a worm.

Narada did as such and the worm promptly passed on. Narada went to Hindu God Vishnu and revealed what occurred. He asked coolly, Is that so? Repeat this with that butterfly that is perched on that bloom. Narada did as such and the butterfly fell dead right away. Narada got stressed and informed Lord Vishnu about this. He again asked, Is that so?  Narada got especially bothered and went to Lord Vishnu and told him, "Your Mantra is killing the creatures as well."

Transcendental Teachings of Narada Muni

Hindu God Vishnu answered, "Gracious, is it? Try the same on that calf."

Then, at that point, Narada asked, What is this? Do I need to repeat the Mantra and kill the unfortunate calf likewise ?"

Vishnu said, Do as I say.

The calf fell dead right away.

Narada felt unsettled at this point. He pondered internally, What do I do now?

He announced with regards to the occurrence to Hindu God Vishnu and he asked Is that so? Presently go to Kasi. The ruler of Kasi has been honoured with a child. You say this mantra in his ears. Narada ended up being especially stressed however he would have rather not ignored Krishna's words. He was wholeheartedly brought in by the lord of Kasi. He requested that Narada favour his child.

Narada began shaking yet some way or another gathered the strength and recounted the mantra in the child's ears. The child sat up and spoke, Oh extraordinary Narada, you have saved me in the entirety of my past births by articulating Om Namo Narayana in my ears. Have you not yet perceived the power of the Lord's name? Narada went back to Vaikunta and fell at the Lord's feet and told Now I have genuinely understood the power of your name!

The Protector of The World

Hindus see Brahman in different forms. Hindus love Brahman through both male and female divinities. Every Hindu worships their favoured Brahman, known as Ishta Devata. There are three principal male gods known as the Trimurti, and that signifies 'three gods'. The three fundamental male divinities are Brahma (who is connected to Saraswati), Vishnu (who is connected to Lakshmi), and Shiva (who is connected to Parvati).


10" Trimurti From Elephanta (Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha) In Brass | Handmade | Made In India

The three parts of the Trimurti address various pieces of the persistent pattern of samsara. First and foremost, Brahma is the maker. Vishnu is the defender. At last, Shiva is the destroyer. The various pieces of the Trimurti connect to three vital human characteristics or gunas which are:

tamas - ignorance

rajas - passion

sattva - goodness

Vishnu (also called the Pervader) manifests in numerous forms, to satisfy his job as defender of the universe. Hindus accept that there are ten incarnations of Vishnu and that, until this point, he has manifested multiple times. Many trusts that the 10th incarnation (known as Kalki) is yet to show up on Earth.

The Vishnu Purana, which is an itemized message about Vishnu, expresses that Kalki will show up toward the end of this current pattern of creation. He will hold a blade and ride on a white pony, and he will venture out to the four corners of the Earth to give out punishment and justice.

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