(Viewed 10832 times since Nov 2021)


One of the most significant gods in Hinduism is Brahma. In fact, Brahma is considered the first god and the creator among the three gods that comprise the Hindu triumvirate or trimurti. This Hindu triad also includes the gods Shiva and Vishnu. The god Brahma must not be confused with brahman, which is a spiritual, metaphysical concept and believed to be the supreme force that is present in all things.

However, these two are said to be closely intertwined. Hindu scholars suggest that the god Brahma actually originates from the concept of brahman and is the very personification or visible representation of the brahman principle. When it comes to the actual genesis of Brahma, there are two well-known narratives about his birth.

Bhagawan Brahma

According to some Puranas or Indian literature, at the dawn of the universe, water was first created, and in this water, the seed of brahman was placed. The seed then turned into a golden egg and it was from this golden egg, known as the Hiranyagarbha, that Brahma was born. However, according to other legends, Brahma was born from a lotus flower, which arose from the navel of Vishnu.

Composite Image of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh

Brahma is attributed to the creation of the universe and of all beings in it. It is said that Brahma gave birth to the Prajapatis, referred to as the eleven forefathers of the human race, and also to the Saptarishi of the seven great sages, in order to aid him in creating the universe.

Collectively, all these children of Brahma are known as the Manasputras. However, unlike any normal birth, these children were born from Brahma’s mind and not his body and are therefore also called his mind-sons. Along with all creation, Brahma is believed to be responsible for creating gods, demons, ancestors, and men, which are four types of beings.

Haloed Brahma-Brahmani

Brahma is said to have many consorts or wives, including Saraswati, who is the goddess of knowledge. As his wife, Saraswati also represents Brahma’s creative energy and all the knowledge that he possesses While known as the Hindu god of creation, Brahma is also associated with knowledge and the Vedas, which are the ancient holy Hinduscriptures. Because of this, Brahma is also known as the father of Dharma.

In Hinduism, Dharma is the cosmic law, the innate nature of reality, and the proper social order. Due to Brahma’s elevated status as a Supreme Being and the first god in the Hindu triumvirate, he is not often depicted in Hindu myths as a god in human form but usually described as an abstract idea of a great god.

Brahma, One of the Trimurti – The Three-Aspected Supreme (Large Size)

When it comes to the depiction of the god Brahma, he is portrayed as having four heads, with each head facing the four cardinal directions. It is said that the Vedas came from these four heads of Brahma. Along with the multiple heads, he is also depicted as a white-bearded man with a red or golden complexion, dressed in white, red or pink, as well as having four arms and hands.

38" Large Size Lord Brahma - The Creator of the Universe | Brass Statue | Handmade | Made In India

While many other gods are pictured holding weapons, Brahma doesn’t hold any type of weapon. Instead, his image is one that is clutching symbols of knowledge and creation in his hands. The Vedas, a mala or rosary beads that symbolize time, a sruva or ladle that represents the feeding of the sacrificial fire, and a kamandalu which is a utensil with water that symbolizes that from which all creation emits from, are the objects which Brahma holds.

While holding these symbolic items, Brahma is also frequently seen sitting on a lotus or perched on a vahana or vehicle in the form of a swan or goose. Aside from the four heads of Brahma being the source of the four Vedas, they also represent the four yugas or ages in Hinduism, the four varnas or social classes in the caste system, and the four ashramas or stages in life, among others.

In fact, some believe that the varnas actually originate from the different parts of Brahma’s body. While ancient Hindu texts considered Brahma as the primary or supreme god, as time has gone by, he has been largely eclipsed by Vishnu, Shiva, and other Hindu gods. Today, unfortunately, Brahma is not as popularly worshipped as other Hindu gods are.

Trimurti From Elephanta (Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha)

In fact, unlike Shiva, there is no specific sect in Hinduism that exclusively worships Brahma. Throughout India, there are also only a few temples that are specifically dedicated to Brahma. This is unlike the other two gods in the Hindu triumvirate who have thousands of temples in their honor. However, most temples that are devoted to Shiva and Vishnu also include images of Brahma.

So, while Brahma is greatly revered in ancient Hindu scripture, in the present day, he is not as widely venerated by Hindus. It is believed that an explanation for this could be because Brahma has accomplished his role as the creator. With all that he has created, everything is now in the hands of and is the responsibility of Vishnu and Shiva. Despite this, there is no questioning the significance of Brahma in the whole of the Hindu faith.

The Birth of the Universe According to Vishnu and Brahma

This calls for a story. Before there was any concept of time, there was no heaven, no earth and no space between. A wide, dark ocean rushed up against the barren shoreline. In the water was a huge cobra. The Lord Vishnu dozed in the unending coils of the serpent's body, being protected by the great cobra.

Vishnu did not experience any noise or movement while he slept because everything was so quiet and calm. The sound that we now recognise as Om started to quiver out of the depths. It grew and spread, filling the emptiness with its energy, and vibrations. The night ended; Vishnu awoke. Vishnu's abdominal button sprouted a gorgeous lotus blossom as morning broke.

The aide of Vishnu, Brahma, was seated in the center of the bloom. He waited for his order. It's time to start, Vishnu said to Brahma. “The world must be created”, Vishnu commanded. The waters were raised by the wind. The serpent and Vishnu disappeared.

Brahma Ji

Brahma continued to float and toss on the sea while enclosed in the lotus flower. The wind and the sea were calmed by him raising his arms. The lotus blossom was then divided into three by Brahma. He raised a portion of himself into the air. Another portion of the blossom was transformed into the earth, and the third portion yielded the skies.

The ground was empty. Brahma split himself in half to make a man and a female out of his loneliness, and from this all beings were born. Brahma began his job. He made grass, flowers, trees, and all kinds of plants. He infused these with emotion. He then produced creatures to inhabit the land, including animals and insects.

He created countless fish to swim in the water and birds to fly in the air. He endowed the senses of touch and scent in each of these beings. He granted them the ability to move, hear, and see. The noises of Brahma's creation soon filled the air and the planet began to teem with life. Interestingly enough, the Rig Vedic "hymn of creation" comes to the conclusion that nobody can explain how the universe came to be.

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