4 Powerful Ganesh Mantras for Success and Removal of Obstacles

(Viewed 58712 times since Jan 2022)

☸ Ganesh Mantras for Success

☸ Vakratunda Mahakaya : Ganesh Mantra for Wealth

☸ Gajananam : Ganesh Mantra for Blessings

☸ Mool Mantra : Ganesh Mantra for Energy and Purity

☸ Ganesh Gayatri Mantra : Ganesha Mantra for Righteousness

☸ Ganesh Chanting

☸ A Ganesh Mantra is Your Pathway to Success and Prosperity

Ganesh is one of the most beloved gods in the Hindu pantheon. He is instantly recognizable for his elephant head, with sculptures and artwork of him a common feature of many Hindu households. He is known as the son of none other than Shiva and Parvati, and he is the lord of beginnings as well as wisdom (Buddhi), spirituality (Siddhi), and prosperity (Riddhi). Due to his massive popularity, many people use a Ganesh mantra to help in day-to-day life.

A mantra is a small phrase that can be repeated in a meditative state, bringing the power of a deity to work for you. Exotic India brings you four of the most powerful and popular, presenting each Ganesh mantra with meaning. We also give some advice on how to chant the mantra you choose to work with. The following guide is a great starting off point for those new to worshiping Ganesh, as well as a wonderful way to add to whatever offerings or prayers you are already giving the great Hindu god.

Ganesh Mantras for Success

Each of the following Ganesh mantras has its own specific purpose. When you need to use one, simply memorize it by repetition, then continue to repeat it several times while in a meditative state. You will need to pronounce it in the original Sanskrit (don’t worry, we’ve provided that for you), but you will also need to know the meaning of your words (we provide the meaning for you, too). With a well-chosen mantra, your connection to God will grow, and this can lead to many benefits both in your material and spiritual life.

Vakratunda Mahakaya: Ganesh Mantra for Wealth

This is perhaps the most popular of all the mantras for Ganesh and the Goddesses Riddhi and Siddhi, who are both described as the god’s consorts. This Ganesh mantra benefits you by removing the obstacles to your wealth.

Vastu Pyramid with Syllable Mantra with Ganesha Figure, Shri Vaastu Dosh Nivaaran, Shri Kuber Mantra, Shri Yantra

“Vakratunda Maha-Kaaya Surya-Kotti Samaprabha |
Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvadaa ||”

This mantra describes the trunk and large body of the god, as well as his splendor that burns brighter than a million suns. This is a key Ganesh mantra to remove obstacles that stand between you and financial prosperity, as it calls to god to do just that.

Gajananam: Ganesh Mantra for Blessings

Fundamentally, each of these is a Ganesh mantra to remove obstacles. The question is, however, which obstacles do you want to be lifted out of your way. But the Gajananam mantra is the most general. It simply describes Ganesh and his power, giving the effect many open-ended possibilities. By describing the god’s elephantine face, his servants, and favorite things to eat, we really show Ganesh how well we know and love him. That makes for a great Ganesh mantra for success, as our true devotion is shown by depicting him as he really is.

Gajananam Bhuta Ganadhi Sevitam
Kapittha Jambu Palasara Bhaksitam |
Uma Sutam Shoka Vinasha Karanam
Namami Vignesvara Pada Pankajam ||

Mool Mantra: Ganesh Mantra for Energy and Purity

In the Mool (or Beej) Mantra, the god is described in his true essence. It brings up his divine form, and so it gives us purity and energy when we chant it. By tapping into the seed (beej) of the god and the universe, it goes right to the source. This makes it a great Ganesh mantra to fulfill wishes.

Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Glaum Gam Ganapataye Vara Varad Sarvajan janmay Vashamanaye Swaha ||
Tatpurushaye Vidmahe |
Vakratundaye Dhimahi |
Tanno Danti Prachodyat ||
Om Shantih: Shantih: Shantihi ||

Here, we remind ourselves that the “one tusked” Lord will illuminate our minds with deep and profound wisdom. And so, it makes clear our understanding of how important Ganesh is to us — not only for making our way easier but also for giving us religious insight into existence. Repeating this phrase brings many Ganesh mantra benefits, while also devoting our spiritual energy to this god.

Ganesh Gayatri Mantra: Ganesha Mantra for Righteousness

Ganesh not only removes obstacles and brings us wisdom, he is also a symbol of modesty. In one story, Ganesh is in a fight with Lord Gajanan, who throws an ax that was a gift from his father. Ganesh took the blow, losing one of his mighty tusks, all in the name of humility and modesty. That kind of superhuman righteousness can be granted to us by repeating this mantra.

Aum Ekadantaya Viddhamahe, Vakratundaya Dhimahi,
Tanno Danti Prachodayat॥

Again, we describe how we pray and bow down before the great Lord Ganesh, who is everywhere in the universe all at once. By bringing the modesty of Ganesh into our lives, we stop creating karma and take a meaningful step towards liberation.

Ganesh Chanting

When you chant a Ganesh mantra, you are committing yourself to the devotion of an incredibly powerful god. That means you will bring into your life all the amazing boons that he has to offer. But you need to do it the right way to get the most out of the experience. A few key tips to follow include:

☀ Be clean and wear fresh clothes for chanting

☀ Focus entirely on the mantra — don’t concern yourself with other thoughts

☀ Make an offering (or puja ritual) to Ganesh

With these practices in place, you’ll find the greatest Ganesh mantra benefits. But you will also bring into your life a spiritual practice that can begin to grow beyond any single act.

A Ganesh Mantra is your Pathway to Success and Prosperity

As you recite these beautiful shlokas, you will likely find yourself wanting to fill your home and office with beautiful art depicting Lord Ganesh. At Exotic India, we provide an enormous selection of genuine artwork from India depicting the Hindu pantheon. Visit our online store to see all of the wonderful art, media, clothing, and accessories available.

Key Takeaways
1. Ganesh mantras benefits both in your material and spiritual life.
2. Vakratunda Mahakaya this mantra removes obstacles that stand between you and financial prosperity.
3. Gajananam This mantra describes Ganesh and his power.
4. In the Mool (or Beej) Mantra, the god is described in his true essence, great Ganesh mantra to fulfill wishes.
5. Ganesh Gayatri Mantra describes how we pray and bow down before the great Lord Ganesh.
6. The Bhairava avatar came into existence when Lord Brahma lied with regards to his mission for superiority.
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  • Very nice information
    Biren Shamsunder Naik January 22, 2025
    ASHOK SINGH September 03, 2024
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    DEEPAK SOMABHAI PATEL September 19, 2023