Books authored by Swami Akhandananda Saraswati

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Swami Akhandananda Saraswati

Indian spiritual leader Swami Akhandananda Saraswati was a pupil of Swami Sivananda Saraswati, the creator of the Divine Life Society. He sensed a deep inner yearning, though, to give up the world and devote himself to spiritual work. After meeting Swami Sivananda, he decided to follow him. His name was changed to Akhandananda Saraswati and he was initiated into the monastic order.

Swami Akhandananda Saraswati made extended trips throughout India and other countries to disseminate the Vedanta and yoga teachings. His lectures and speeches on spirituality attracted a large following because of his clear and straightforward teaching approach.

He established the Akhanda Mandir, a spiritual center in Rishikesh, India, where he taught yoga and Vedanta philosophy. He also authored several books on spirituality, including "Yoga Asanas Simplified," "Yoga for Modern Living," and "Spiritual Heritage of India."