Why the Buddha Head Statue is Head and Shoulders Above the Rest

Article of the Month - Feb 2022

This article by The original version was written by Anonymous on 4th February 2022, It was revised in 11th March 2025 by Prakriti Anand, who is currently pursuing her PhD in Ancient Indian History from the University of Delhi. Prakriti has experience working with organizations in the realms of heritage, art, and history and is committed to advancing contributions to the field of culture.

(Viewed 7808 times since Feb 2022)


The blog looks at the symbolism, history, and artistry of Buddha head statues, detailing their sacred significance. It discusses Buddha’s features like urna, elongated ears, and serene expression and the meanings they hold. It highlights their role in decor, meditation, and spiritual spaces, offering placement tips per Vastu and Feng Shui, ending with answers to the questions you may have on the stories and importance of Buddha head idols.

Buddha Head Statue: Its Symbolism and Historical Significance

Since time immemorial, statues have been crafted to both capture and preserve the true-to-life likeness of leaders and luminaries in order for them to be honored and adored for all ages. There are few individuals worthier of such reverence than Buddha. The Buddha head statue represents not only his holy figure but his divine spirit as well, depicting Buddha’s calm and composed demeanor.

According to Indian tradition, statues and icons do not only possess aesthetic value, representing the image of an idol. They are also, in fact, a physical vessel that carries with them the intangible qualities of the idol. The Indian ceremony of Pran-pratishtha recognizes the bequeathal of life on the lifeless icon of an idol.

However, long before the ceremony, from the moment the craftsman begins to create the statue, the sacred process of bestowing both the physical and spiritual attributes of an icon begins. The beauty of statues, such as the Buddha head statue, is in both the accurate representation of physical features and in the artistic interpretation of the idol’s spirit.

The Buddha head statue and other Buddha head decor have long been welcomed in the homes of Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. Beyond a sacred piece of religious art, the buddha head statue holds a deeper meaning in both its representation of Buddha and for his devotees. In this article, Exotic India will be introducing you to the Buddha head statue, otherwise known as Tathagata. We’ll be discussing both the physical bust of Buddha and his introspective profile as the Enlightened One.

21" Large Size Buddha Head In Brass | Handmade | Made In India

Buddha: The Conscience

Born Siddharth Gautama, prince of the kingdom Kapilavastu, Buddha had every luxury imaginable available to him. Sheltered from the realities of human life, he was naïve to suffering and pain. However, ignorance is not always a bliss and Buddha’s eyes were soon opened to the lives of those around him. During a royal tour, Prince Siddharth saw what real life was like for ordinary individuals with his very own eyes.

This would prove to be a turning point for him and an event known as the Four Great Sights in Buddhism. Deeply moved by what he saw and had become aware of, he decided to embark on a journey to discover the root of all suffering and the solution to it. From then on, he devoted his life to meditation and austerities, transforming from the royal Prince Siddharth to Buddha, the Enlightened One.

Having attained nirvana, Buddha’s followers had the desire to both worship him and emulate his example. This motivated them to sculpt icons of Buddha in varying forms and sizes. Of all the variations of Buddha statues and icons, the Buddha head statue has become the most popular, especially in modern Indian homes.

Outside of the home, Buddha head décor can be found in many places, including offices, hotels, and countless other public spaces. The Buddha head décor adds both a religious symbol and stylish aesthetic to these spaces. When it comes to its historicity and veracity, the Buddha head statue is equal to any other sculpture or rendering of Buddha.

However, what makes it special over all others is the accurate physiognomy created by artists and the combination of fine details and artistic expression within a highly limited space. Because of this, Buddha head statues are in high demand, preferred by art connoisseurs and novices alike. Regardless of the limited canvas that a Buddha head statue provides, it is sculpted with countless meanings behind every feature.

The Buddha head statue has thirty-two Lakshanas, which are more than simply physical traits that represent Buddha. Thirty-two is a lucky number in Buddhism and thirty-two Lakshanas is said to be the symbol of a maha-purush or great man.

The Buddha Bust

The bust of Buddha is created to be symmetrical on both sides, representing his perfection and purity. The Buddha head statue, in particular, symbolizes Buddha’s knowledge, divine wisdom, and the path to enlightenment. Sculpted as a young idol with a calm, composed, and pleased expression, this conveys Buddha’s eternal happiness and how he transcends worldly sufferings.

The Hair

As a young prince, Siddharth had a top knot, which he shaved after achieving enlightenment. The Buddha head statue portrays Buddha with curly hair that has been cut off yet not shaved, representing the balance or middle path between austerity and indulgence. According to mythical stories, Buddha’s curls are actually snails covering his shaved head.

The Eyes

Buddha’s eyes are neither fully opened nor completely closed. They are half-open, showing him to be in deep meditation. They also symbolize Buddha with his eyes simultaneously trained on both the inner and outer world.

The eyes are considered to be among the most majestic features of the Buddha head statue. Between Buddha’s symmetric eyes and evenly shaped eyebrows is the Urna or his third eye. The third eye, which is sometimes depicted by a lone tuft of hair, represents spiritual awakening and the vision beyond the physical realm.

The Ears

In nearly every depiction of Buddha, including Buddha head statues, his ears have an elongated shape. This silhouette reflects Buddha's early life as Prince Siddharth when his ears would have been weighed down by the adornment of heavy jewels. Aside from this, the long ears represent Buddha’s divine ability to listen to his followers.

The Lips

Buddha is eternally depicted with serene, smiling lips. This is because, despite all suffering and pain, Buddha’s wisdom transcends the physical realm, possessing a greater understanding of the universe at large. He recognizes true happiness amidst transient troubles.

The Jewellery

Buddha head statues typically represent Buddha unadorned with any lavish jewelry. Despite being born a Prince and having physical attributes that speak of his royal life, he has achieved enlightenment and has no desire for any earthly riches.

The Expression

Buddha’s expression as represented in Buddha head statues is one of peace, serenity, self-possession, and composure. One could describe it as a countenance of poised divinity and tranquil meditation, which physically represents Buddha’s spiritual enlightenment. For followers gazing upon a Buddha head statue, beyond décor, it is a visual representation of enlightenment and an impetus for meditation.

How to Place Buddha Head Statues in Your Space?

The use of Buddha heads as a decorative piece greatly gained attention when the first sets of Buddha heads were excavated from Eastern countries. Placing a piece in your house will not only enhance its beauty, but will also make the atmosphere peaceful, irrespective of whether you follow Buddhism or love its teachings. We have curated some tips to ensure you don’t interfere with the spiritual aspects of the sacred piece while placing it in your house.

1. Find Ideal Locations

The positioning of your Buddha head statue will affect its efficacy in the space. Ideally, it should be placed in quiet areas such as a meditation nook, a study room or a living room. Staying away from cluttered rooms and high traffic areas will help ensure that the peaceful energy emitted is not disrupted.

2. Position It at Eye Level or Above

As is customary in Buddhism, the worshipping of statues and idols demands that they are elevated higher, ideally at eye level or above. Treat the Buddha head décor with the necessary reverence it demands by placing it on a shelf, altar, or pedestal, stand, not on the ground where its sacredness can be disrespected.

3. Incorporate Soft Lighting with Fresh Natural Elements

Adding soft light near the Buddha head statue further enhances its already peaceful appearance. The right kind of lighting using candles, Himalayan salt lamps, or even LED lights can help set a calming tone. The soothing vibe of the statue can be elevated by incorporating nature using fresh flowers, indoor plants, or peaceful water features nearby.

4. Follow Vastu or Feng Shui Principles

The modern use of Buddhism has a lot to do with placing Buddha statues in different positions and directions in the house to get positive results. For instance, if the statue is placed towards the Northeast direction, it will bless the house with wisdom and enlightenment. A Buddha head statue for home decor can also be positioned near doors so as to usher in positive aura while keeping negativity at bay.

5. Avoid Untidiness and Maintain the Sacredness of the Space

An idol depicting the Buddha should be treated with respect befitting a sacred image. You must ensure that the surrounding area is always clean and free of dirt or dust. Furthermore, avoid placing it in the kitchen or bathroom, or the line of sight of the bed as these locations are deemed unfavourable from a spiritual standpoint.

6. Match With Minimalist or Zen

Buddha head statue decor will complement modern minimalistic, bohemian or zen themed homes beautifully. It brings forth the spiritual aspect of a Buddha, without being overbearing. It is preferable to use statues made of brass, stone, or wood to comply with nature. While a marble or stone statue can be placed in meditation areas, large open space Buddha head statues can provide functional aesthetics in an open flow of energy.

Here are some frequently asked questions about Buddha head statues

1. Why is Buddha’s head covered with snails?

The snails on Buddha’s head are a visual reminder of a Buddhist legend, where during a deep meditation session, Buddha remained unmoved for so long, that a group of snails covered his head to protect him from scorching heat. In art, the snails represent the patience of the Buddha on the path to enlightenment, and it also symbolizes the steadfastness of his mind, which helps him stay resilient. It also gives a nod to nature and its residents, snails in this instance, who helped Buddha complete his journey, highlighting Buddha’s compassion and how the natural world reciprocated.

2. Does Buddha wear a crown?

While the most popular depictions of Buddha do not wear a crown, a number of crowned Buddha statues have been traditionally made in Mahayana Buddhism to symbolise his sovereignty over the spiritual and metaphysical world.

3. Why does Buddha have a bump on his head?

The bump on Buddha’s head is called an ushnisha and is one of the most consistently used characteristics in Buddhist iconography to depict the enlightened one. It is one of the 32 (thriy two) Lakshanas or auspicious markers of a great man according to Buddhist philosophy and symbolizes wisdom and awakening, an upward rise of the inner knowledge that becomes visible as a physical feature in art.

4. Why are Buddha’s ears so long?

Buddha’s long earlobes, one of the popular features of his iconography, carry a deep meaning. Before he became the Enlightened One, Prince Siddharth lived a luxurious life and wore heavy gold and gem-studded earrings, which gradually stretched his earlobes. Later, when he renounced his royal life and gave up material wealth, he removed the jewelry, but the elongated earlobes remained. They became a constant reminder and a symbol of his past and his conscious choice to detach from worldly possessions.

5. Are Buddha heads lucky?

Yes, Buddha head statues are considered lucky and are associated with peace, wisdom, and positive energy. In Vastu and Feng Shui, placing a Buddha head for home décor in the right direction can attract good fortune and spiritual harmony.

6. Can we keep the Buddha head at home?

Yes. Keeping a Buddha head statue at home is a great way to create a serene and positive environment. It serves as a reminder of inner peace, mindfulness, and enlightenment. A Buddha head can be especially auspicious when placed in study or meditation spaces, where it acts as a magnifier for the optimistic energies that are required to make the most of these areas in any home.

7. Is gifting a Buddha statue good or bad?

Gifting a Buddha statue is a good deed, one that expresses your love and care for the person receiving the present. As the symbols of peace, wisdom and enlightenment, Buddha head statues are an auspicious choice as a gift. Make sure that the recipient is aware of the cultural value and power of the Buddha head, and they take good care of the idol in their home.

    15" Large Size Lord Buddha Head In Brass | Handmade | Made In India

Want to Know more about Buddha head statues?

The choice of Buddha head decor as religious art for homes and other living spaces is not only aesthetically pleasing but meaningful as well. One can discover a variety of Buddha head statues online. Exotic India takes pride in its collection of some of the very best Buddha head statues. You’ll find Buddha head decor for your home, which is made from high-quality metal, stone, and ceramics.

They’re meticulously designed and crafted for modern homes and contemporary offices, showcasing artistry, while always respecting and remaining faithful to the traditional renditions of Buddha. Whether you’re looking for a statement piece for your office or a traditional Buddha head statue for your home, view our wide collection of Buddha head decor to find one that’s perfect for your needs.

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