Article of the Month - Feb 2024

(Viewed 4592 times since Feb 2024)

The word marble is derived from the Greek word “Marmaros”, meaning shining stone. It was highly prized by Roman and Greek architects and artists as it was considered a high-status of a cultural symbol of tradition.

What is Marble

☀ Marble, granular limestone, or dolomite (i.e., a rock composed of calcium-magnesium carbonate) that has been recrystallized under the influence of intense heat, pressure, and aqueous solutions.

☀ Pure white marble is the result of the metamorphism of a very pure (silicate-poor) limestone or dolomite protoliths. Both marble and dolomite have a large concentration of calcium carbonate (CaCo3).

☀ Marble formed from the purest limestone is the white characteristic of Carrara or Makrana (India) or Turkish.

☀ Marbles are variable in grain size and colour (due to impurities), are often massive, but can also show banding and foliation.

☀ The marble that contains impurities such as clay minerals, iron oxides, or bituminous material can be bluish, grey, shade of red or pink, yellow, or black.

Symbolism of White Marble

In folklore, white marble is associated with the astrological sign of Gemini.

☀ Pure white marble is a symbol of purity, immortality, virginity, simplicity, and safety.

☀ White color very easily makes people feel sympathetic.

☀ In certain cultures, white is the color of royalty or religious figures, such as gods, and angels are often depicted as wearing white or having a white light.

☀ Sacred places, temples, memorials, and monuments also use stark white marble.

☀ White is a subdued color, it hides in the background to make other things prominent. This color resembles can leave you feeling clean.

☀ White marble can have a powerful effect on your inner being. It is connected with positivity.

☀ White marble is used as a cleansing stone, often used in the fields of naturopathy and homeopathy for its balancing qualities.

☀ White marble that contains light and dark patterns is believed to provide the additional power of connecting with intellectual states of mind and knowledge.

☀ Marble is believed to provide clarity, self-control, and stability both physically and emotionally.

☀ White marble is believed to have strong metaphysical qualities of grounding and calming.

☀ It provides strength for mastery of thought.

☀ It enhances the powers of tranquillity.

☀ It promotes peak states of meditation and support the perfect recall of dreams. Other abilities assigned to marble include the growth of an individual's common sense.

☀ White marble rocks symbolize wisdom, strength, stability, patience, steadiness, durability, and time.

☀ While there are many different ways that marble rocks are used by man and by nature, their essence and symbolism stay the same. Their symbolism comes from the fact they're dense, impenetrable, and ancient.

☀ In feng shui, marble is one of the materials that bring luck and fortune to the homeowner.

Do you ever wonder what stones or rocks mean to your spirit when you meet them every day? Did you know that these things mean a lot about our past, present, and future days?

Here, we’ll talk about the spiritual meaning of marble/stone rocks.

Mostly, these marble /stone rocks say a lot about how solid, stable, or firm we are in life. When these meanings relate to our real life, they will help us grow. Sometimes, we may fail to see the great message of hope that these things bring to us.

Rocks can warn or tell us about our good traits. Let’s find out more about these meanings.

1. We Are Strong

Marble Rocks and stones remind us that we are strong enough. These things show that one has a solid mind and body. So, even when challenges come our way, we can always win over them. We also can provide solutions to tough problems that we face. Well, it’s because of our solid mental health.

2. Longevity

Remember, the best sign to show longevity is good health and success. These things come when having an excellent foundation in life, like that of a marble/stone rock, which has one of the longest histories on earth. We should embrace this trait.

3. Keep Working Hard

Should learn to go hard like a stone, and become creative at the things we do. Our spirit also reminds us that problems will always be there. But be solid like a stone, and don’t give up on your dreams. You should first be firm like a stone with every move you make.

4. You Are Calm

These also say a lot about one’s calmness. He may be a calm or wild person. So, through the spirit, stones will tell you what to do. Big rocks of marble /stone remain still in most events. Only extreme winds and strong water currents can move them.

People will tend to disturb our peace, but we should always remain calm. Also, this spiritual meaning comes to warn us to have a calm heart. Avoid being angry and with a heavy heart towards people for attaining peace within.

5. Wisdom

Like the older men in society, rocks and stones have stayed long enough to carry wisdom. Sometimes, it can also be that you aren’t wise. So, your spirits say that you should learn to look at what you say and do.

Always take your time to make decisions because they’ll affect who you’ll be in the future. You should possess the wisdom of rocks to make better life decisions every time. Remember, as the power of a stone, this wisdom will never expire.

6. Treasure Your Loved Ones

Stones also carry messages about love to your family and those close to you. Mostly, we see glowing or colorful rocks in real life or in dreams. These stones tell your spirit that you care about them because they are essential. Also, don’t ever forget about yourself. These loved ones need you to be there for them.

7. You Are Bold

Marble /Stone rocks also mean that you are a bold person. It comes from the idea that stones and rocks look straight, you’ll see rocks in areas that you won’t even expect. Also, this trait helps you land many opportunities to become great. Many people also love bold people at what they say and do.

What Are the Famous Qualities of White Marble?

When it comes to art, stone has been used widely in sculptures for centuries, especially during the Ancient Roman times. This stone has been a popular aesthetic option for centuries to create strikingly classic beauty products such as flooring, countertops, stairs and wall cladding, etc.

☀ Albeta white Marble is the perfect choice for interior as well as exterior flooring. It is an Indian stone that doesn't require any type of chemical treatment. It has a very smooth and shiny surface which is pleasing. Albeta white Marble is quarried in the marble ranges of Makrana, Rajasthan, India.

☀ Makrana, in Rajasthan, is home to some of the world's most renowned white marble sites, from which the Taj Mahal, Victoria Memorial of Kolkata, Birla Temple of Jaipur, Dilwara Jain Temple, and many more have been built. Currently, the great Ram Mandir at Ayodhya, U.P. is using this white marble from Makrana.

☀ Crystal Thassos is the extra select grade of Vietnamese pure white marble. This elegant marble is entirely pure white.

☀ Apart from Makrana, Greece marble, Carrara of Itali, are also world-renowned for crystal white marble. This marble is distinguished by its almost glowing, sparkling appearance. Thassos marble is excellent for reflecting light and brightening up a space.

☀ Commercially, the term marble inludes all polishable decorative calcium – rich rocks as well as some serpentinites. Marbles are used for buildings and monuments, decoration, statuary, table-tops and novelties. The most expensive variety, so called, statuary marble, is pure white of uniform grain size.

What are the benefits of white marble?

Briefly, these can be summarised as follows:

☀ The marble looks gorgeous.

☀ Marble is a highly durable material.

☀ Marble is hardwearing and resistant to shattering.

☀ Marble is an excellent insulator.

☀ Can be used anywhere.

☀ Marble reflects light.

☀ Marble is affordable.

☀ As the favorite medium for Greek and Roman sculptors and architects, white marble has become a cultural symbol of tradition and refined taste.


☀ White also carries the meaning of reconciliation and neutrality, so when using white marble, it also shows perfection and completeness.

☀ White marble has an amazing quality of absorbing light a few millimeters before being diffused, adding a lustrous texture and sophistication.

☀ White marble is one of the best natural stone which not only enhances beauty but also give luxurious look for a very long time to every home and monument.

The natural occurrence makes marble undoubtedly healthier.

☀ White marble has been used throughout history and around the world to create classic and elegant environment both indoors and outdoors.

Currently, singular projects, both residential and hotel incorporate this timeless natural stone in their avant-garde designs, turning it into a central character.

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