Vishnu Puran – Source to Divinity & Essence of Vishnu Purana

Article of the Month - Oct 2022

This article by Natwer Kabra

(Viewed 5867 times since Oct 2022)

विष्णुमहापुराणम्: Vishnu Purana with the Commentary of Shridhara Swami (Set of 2 Volumes)

The Vishnu Purana (Sanskrit: विष्णुपुराण) is one of the eighteen Mahapuranas, an ancient Vaishnavism texts in Hinduism. Sage Parashar, the exponent of Vishnu Purana had narrated this grand treatise to Maitreya. Rishi Parashar has been the grandson of Maharishi Vasishta and the father of Ved Vyasa Ji. 

o Shree VedVyas Ji is the writer of eighteen Puranas during the first phase of Satyug. 

o The number of shlokas in Vishnu Purana is 7,000. 

o However, as per other Puranas, the number of slokas in Vishnu Purana is stated to be not less than 23,000 contained in six parts (ansh).

  • Puranas also describe :

o The geography, astrology, rituals, dynasty, the life, and character of Lord Vishnu, 

o Vishnu Puran glorifies Lord Vishnu as the creator as well as the sustainer of this Brahmand. 

o Water is a tangible form of Lord Vishnu. 

o Even the earth was born out of water. 

o Stars, all three worlds, forests, vegetation, mountains, directions, rivers, sea, and entire nature is the form of Lord Vishnu. 

  • This vivid nature thus shows the omnipresent character of Lord Vishnu.


Scriptures have mentioned that there have been 23 avatars (incarnations) till now, 24th is yet to incarnate (Kalki).

  • Ten (Dash-avtara) incarnations :

They are : 

o Matsya avatar, Kurma avatar, Varaha avatar, Narasimha avatar, 

o Vamana avatar, Parashuram avatar, Rama avatar, 

o Krishna avatar, Buddha avatar and Kalki avatar.

Dashavatara Of Vishnu | Wooden Statue

  • Other Avatars: 

They are :

o Narad , Nar-Narayan, Kapil Muni , Dattatrey ,

o Yagya , Rishabhdev , Aadiraja Prithu, Dhanwantri , Mohini, 

o Haigreev, Shree Hari, Rishi Vedvyas, Hans, and Shri Sankadik Muni   

  • Kalki Avatar

o Lord Vishnu’s last avatar expected is ‘Kalki Avtar’ by the end of Kalyug and the onset of SatyaYuga again. 

o According to holy Puranas, Lord Kalki will be born as a son of a Spartan Brahmin named Vishnuisha in a place called Sambhal in the Moradabad district of Uttar Pradesh.

Kalki Avatara of Lord Vishnu | Traditional Colors with 24 Karat Gold | With Frame

  • Shree Shukradev Ji tells King Parikshit-- ‘The time is very powerful. 

o As Kalyug will approach the progressive religion, truth, Holiness, forgiveness, mercy, age, vigor and memory will be abolished. 

o By the end of Kalyug, the age of people will reduce. 

o Human’s ultimate age will be much reduced. 

o A five-year-old girl child will be able to produce children. 

o The weather condition will be worst. Rains won’t happen. 

o Fierce storms will blow. Earthquakes will be there  and

o many more unpleasant & unfavorable events to happen. 


This Purana has six (6) Parts as follows:

Part 1 :

Describes the creation of the universe: 

o This whole universe originated from Lord Vishnu. 

o It is existing within Him and will extinguish within Him eventually.

o When the universe comes into existence, Lord Vishnu fosters it till the end of Kalpa.

o  At the end of Kalpa, Lord Vishnu Himself consumes the entire physical elements in Rudra's appearance. 

  • Birth of the gods and the demons :

o The first few creations had resulted from the thoughts of the Lord. 

o For the creation of the gods, the demons, Pitraganas, human beings, and water, the Lord decided to use His body. 

o Thus, the demons were the first to emerge from His thighs.

o Then from His mouth, the Lord produced the gods who had Sattvic virtues. 

o Then from more bodies, the Lord produced Pitraganas, thereafter produced human beings.

  • Birth of Brahma and Salvation of Earth by Varaha; 
  • Birth of Prajapatis and their Progeny ; 
  • Divisions of Earth: 

With the desire of creating the world, Brahma produced different kinds of human beings from his different organs.  

Varnashrama Vyavastha : System of Classes And Stages of Life

o From his mouth, Brahmins appeared. 

o Kshatriyas appeared from his chest, 

o  Vaishyas from his thighs, and 

o Shudras appeared from his feet. 

  • Pralaya: 

The omnipresent God created this world in the form of Manus, protects it, and ultimately destroys it.

There are four kinds of Pralay- 

o Naimittik, 

o Prakritik,

o Aatyantik and

o Nitya.

  • Creation of Rudra;  
  • Churning of the Sea and Omnipresence of Laxmi:

9" White Marble Devi Lakshmi

o It was during the churning of the sea that Lakshmi appeared from the Ksheersagar, holding lotuses in her hands. 

o All the sages prayed for her. 

o Then taking bath in divine water, goddess Lakshmi took her seat in the heart of Lord Vishnu.

Thus, whenever Lord Vishnu takes an incarnation, Lakshmi accompanies Him. 

  • Tales of the devotee Dhruva: 

o Pleases God with his Penance

o The sages advised Dhruva to worship and concentrate on that omnipotent Lord Vishnu

o By reciting the mantra - ‘OM NAMO BHAGWATE VAASUDEVAAY’ 

o Thus receiving a boon from Lord Vishnu, Dhruv occupied a fixed position ‘Dhruva Tara’ in the northern sky.

o That even ‘Saptarishis’ go around him. 

o That pivotal position of Dhruv would continue even in the ages to come.

  • Tale of King Ven and Prithu:

o When the sages were churning the arms of King Ven, it led to the birth of a kid named ‘Prithu’. 

o Seeing the lotus sign in the right hand of Prithu, the sages told that Vishnu has incarnated as Prithu.

o  King Prithu came to be known as the father of earth.

  • killing of Hiranyakashipu--Tale of Prahlad:

Lord Narasimha Killing Hiranyakasyapu Tanjore Painting | Traditional Colors With 24K Gold | Teakwood Frame | Gold & Wood | Handmade | Made In India

Attempts to Kill Prahlad and NARASIMHA Incarnation

o By the boon of Brahma, Hiranyakashipu had acquired tremendous power and came to control all the three worlds. 

o He had driven the gods out of heaven. 

o Because of his fear, all those gods roamed on earth.

o All the creatures began to worship Hiranyakashipu.

  • Prahlad was the youngest son of Hiranyakashipu. 

o Prahlad was all praise for Shri Hari, Lord Vishnu 

o Sho has no beginning, no end, and no mid-part, 

o Who doesn’t take birth and who is free from growth and decay. 

Part 2: 

It contains

  • Priyavrata’s Lineage: 

o Priyavrata was the son of Swayambhu Manu.

  • A geographical description of Jambu and Shatdweep (Seven dweep): 

o The earth has seven great islands- Jambu, Plaksha, Shaalmali, Kusha, Kronch, Shaakh, and Pushkar. 

o Situated at the center of Jambudweep is the golden Sumeru Mountain (Himalayas), 

o Towards the south of Sumeru, are Himavaan, Hemkut, and Nishad Mountains.

o Towards its north is Neel and Shringi Mountains. 

o Because of an abundance of Jambu trees, this island came to be known as Jambudweep.

  • Bharat Varsha and Bharat dynasty: 

o Towards the south of Sumeru Mountain, The landmass that is present between the Himalayas and the ocean is known as Bharat. 

o It has an expansion of 9,000 Yojans. It is populated by the descendants of Bharat. 

o Bharatvarsha has nine divisions, surrounded by the sea.

o In the mid part of Bharat, there live the Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras,

o Who pass their lives engaged in works ascribed to their respective class. 

o Four Yugas namely Satayug, Tretayug, Dwaparyug, and Kaliyug descend on Bharatvarsha. 

o In Jambudweep, Lord Vishnu is worshipped in Yagyas. 

o Bharatvarsha is the land par excellence in Jambudweep. Even the gods envy those people who take birth in Bharatvarsha. They dedicate their whole action to Lord Vishnu and ultimately mingle with Him.

  • Description of Seven Dveepas: 

o All the dweeps are surrounded by seas of ghee, sweet water, milk, wine, whey, grass, and fruits.

o Lord Vishnu is worshipped in different forms – Surya, Varah, turtle, fish, Hayagreev (human figure with a horse head), and boar.

o Thus Lord Vishnu is present everywhere. 

  • Description of the Nether (posterior) Worlds – Pattal, etc:

o In Earth’s depth, are situated seven nether worlds with a depth of 10,000 Yojans each respectively.

o Names of these seven nether worlds are Atal, Vital, Nital, Gamastimaan, Mahaatal, Sutal, and Paatal. 

o These nether worlds have lands that are white, black, red, and yellow with gravel, rocky, and golden soil. 

o Scores of races including Daanav, Daitya, Yaksha, and Naagas live there.

Sheshnaag: Beneath the nether worlds is situated an idolized form of Lord Vishnu. It is known as Shesh. He has thousands of hoods each carrying a bright gemstone. Bearing the flow of the Ganges, He stays like the Kailash Mountain. At the end of the Kalp, poison emanates from His thousands of hoods and destroys all three worlds taking the form of Rudra named Shankar. He is known as Anant.

  • Origin of the Ganges: 

20" Maa Ganga (Rare Goddesses of India) | Madhuchista Vidhana (Lost-Wax) | Panchaloha Bronze from Swamimalai

o The sacred Ganges which is the destroyer of every sin also rises from the abode of Lord Vishnu.

o Dhruv bears the Ganges on his head. 

o Flowing through the sphere of the Moon, the Ganges falls on Mount Meru and flows in every direction to sanctify the entire world. 

  • Description of Hells

o Beneath the earth and water are situated the hells like Raurav and many more, into which, the sinners are thrown. 

o These are all under the domain of Yamaraaj. 

o Thus, the sinners have to suffer scores of tortures in these and many other hells. 

o Hence recitation of Vasudeva’s name is a sure way of attaining salvation. 

o  Thus those who recite and remember Lord Vishnu’s name never fall into any hell because their sins have been destroyed. 

o Anything, where one feels pleasant, is heaven and the opposite of it is hell.

  • Description of Celestial Worlds ( Planets):

Parashar says- 

o At a height of thousands of Yojans above the earth is the sphere of the Sun, 

o Above it, is the sphere of the Moon, 

o Sbove it is the sphere of the stars and 

o Above these are other NavaGrahas-

i. Surya( Aditya) -The Sun, Sunday.

ii. Chandra(Soma)- The Moon, Monday.

iii. Mangala – Mars(Tuesday).

iv. Budha- Mercury(Wednesday).

v. Brahaspati(Guru)- Jupiter(Thursday).

vi. Shukra- Venus(Friday).

vii. Shani- Saturn(Saturday).

viii. Rahu and 

ix. Ketu.

o Saptarishi and the sphere of Dhruv. It appears as the center of a bright ring.

श्री नवग्रह यन्त्र: Sri Navagraha Yantra

  • Order of the Sun, the Stars, and other Constellations:

The Sun determines the night and the day. With the rising and setting of the Sun, one can know the directions.

o Towards the northern side of Mount Sumeru, one part of the land experiences the day while

o Another part experiences the night all the time.  

o Supremely brilliant Dhruv stays in the abode of Vishnu. 

o All the Nakshatras also depend on Dhruv. 

o On Nakshatras depend the clouds and on the clouds depends the rain and

o On the rains depend the nourishment of the entire world.

o Thus, all the other things depend upon Dhruv. 

o Chariots of all nine planets are tied to Dhruv. Thus, all of them traverse the same path again and again. 

  • Description of Surya Shakti and Vaishnava Shakti:

o Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh also represent the three Vedas. 

o At the beginning of creation, Brahma was in the form of Rigveda

o During the sustenance, Lord Vishnu stays in Yajurveda form 

o Whereas at the end of the creation when Pralay occurs, Rudra takes Samaveda form. 

Energies of the trinity stay within the Sun in synergetic form. Hence the Sun glows brilliantly and destroys the darkness.

The water that the Sun draws from the earth is returned to the earth in the form of rain. This rainfall produces cereals, which nourish the entire population on earth.

  • Bharat Dynasty:

o Described in part 5 also.

Part 3 :

 Description of Manvataras;

o Birth of Savarni Manu and Description of the future Manvataras:

o In Satayug, Lord Vishnu preaches about the theoretical knowledge in Kapil’s incarnation. 

o In Tretayug, He destroys the evil doers and protects the world. 

o In Dwaparyug, He divides the Vedas into four divisions. 

o At the end of Kaliyug, Lord will take Kali's incarnation and inspires corrupt people to a religious path. 

o Thus, Lord Vishnu maintains order in all four Yugas and causes the creation, sustenance, and ultimately destruction of the universe.

 Description of Veda Vyasa and the Significance of BrahmaGyana:

Parashar says- During each Dwaparyug, in every Kalpa, Lord Vishnu takes incarnation as Vedavyasa and effects the division of Vedas for the benefit of human beings.

द्वापारयुग - Dwapara Yuga (Marathi)

o During the first Dwapar, Brahma himself had divided the Vedas

o During the second Dwapar, Prajapati was Vedavyasa. 

o During the third Dwapar, Shukracharya was Vedavyasa. 

o During the fourth Dwapar, Brihaspati acted as Vedavyasa.

  • Expansion and description of the Branches of the Vedas:

Vyasa also established the Karmas of Adhvarayu by Yajurveda, Hota by Rigveda, Udgaata by Samaveda, and Brahma by Atharvaveda.

  • The Branches of the Sama Veda and the 18 Puranas:

o Still unsatisfied by his achievement, sage Vedavyasa created Puraan Samhita and taught them to his famous disciple Suta. 

o There are in all eighteen Puranas. In chronological order, these are as follows-

o  Brahma Puraan, Padma Puraan, Vaishnav Puraan, Shaiv Puraan and Bhagwat Puraan;

o  Naarad Puraan, Markandeya Puraan, Agneya Puraan, Bhavishya Puraan ;

o  Brahmavaivart Puraan, Linga Puraan, Varaha Puraan, Skand Puraan ; 

o  Vaaman Puraan, Kaurma Puraan, Matsya Puraan, Garud Puraan and Brahmaand Puraan.

The Complete 18 Puranas in Set of 40 Books (Sanskrit Text With Hindi Translation)

Yama Gita:

o At the end of a life span, all the people come to be controlled by Yamaraaj.  

o Yamaraaj is the lord of all human beings except Vaishnavas. 

o Only Lord Vishnu can control Yamaraaj. 

o Thus those who always contemplate Lord Vishnu don’t even fear death. 

o Yama, Yamadoot, Yamapaash, Yamagana, and even the tortures of Yama are unable to hurt them.

  • Duties of Four Classes of Society:

o A Brahmin should carry out Yagyas, study scriptures, and should not ever try to hurt anybody. 

o A Kshatriya must organize Yagyas, make donations and study scriptures and take weapons to protect the earth. 

o A Vaishya must earn his livelihood through cattle rearing, commerce, and agriculture. Besides he should also organize Yagyas, make donations and study scriptures.

o A Shudra is expected to earn his livelihood through handicrafts and serving others. 

o A Shudra may also make donations and oblations to appease his dead ancestors.

o In the time of emergency, a Brahmin may shift to the occupations meant for Kshatriya and Vaishya. 

o A Kshatriya may take the occupation of a Vaishya during an emergency but none of them should ever take to the occupation of Shudra.

  • Description of Different Ashrams:

o From birth to death, human life passes through different stages.

o For simplicity in following these stages, our sages have made provisions for four stages or Ashrams in life namely:

o Brahmacharya, 

o Grihastha,

o Vanaprastha and 

o Sanyaas.

  • Description of Righteousness; 
  • Sanctification after Birth and Death; 
  • Method for Oblations
  • The Battle of Gods and Demons;
  • The origin of Buddhism;

Part 4: 

It contains : 

  • The lineage of Kusha ;
  • Tale of Nimi Lineage; 
  • Description of Somavansh; 
  • Birth of Jamadagni and Vishwamitra; 
  • Description of Kashyavansh;
  • Vaivasvat Manu’s Lineage:

o The lineage of Vaivasvat Manu finds its origin at Brahma. 

o From the right-hand thumb of Brahma, Daksha Prajapati appeared. 

o Daksha produced Aditi and Aditi produced Vivasvaan. 

o Manu was the son of Vivasvaan. 

  • Birth of Pururava; 
  • Marriage of Balarama with Revati: 

o Balram pressed Revati slightly with the anterior part of his plough and she assumed a stature equal to normal women. 

  • Birth of Ikshavaku; 
  • Kukutstha dynasty; 
  • A Narayana dynasty;
  • Description of Ikshvaku’s Lineage;
  • Ascend of Trishanku to Heaven; 
  • Description of Suryavansh: 
  • Birth of Sagar - Ashwamedha by Sagar:  

o By the instigation of sage Kapil, King Sagar who had sixty thousand sons, organized an Ashwamedha Yagya.

o  Blessed by the sage Kapil, Anshuman returned to the capital with the horse to help his grandfather finish the Yagya. 

o Anshuman had a son Dileep. 

  • Descendence of the Ganges through the penance of Bhagirath: 

o Dileep’s son was Bhagirath who observed severe penance and pleased Ganga to descend on the earth. 

o Since the Ganges had descended on earth because of Bhagirath’s penance, she also got the name Bhagirathi.

  • The lineage of Khatwang;
  • Birth of Lord Rama:
  • King Dasharath had three queens who gave birth to four sons-Rama, Lakshmana, Bharat, and Shatrughan.
  • Rama was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

Rama,Lakshmana,Bharat and Shatrughna Playing in The Courtyard of The Castle

  • Yagya of Vishwamitra: 

o sage Vishwamitra guarding his Yagyas against the demons.

  • Description of Sita: 

o Birth In Mithila, 

o Lord Rama broke the bow of Lord Shiva and 

o Succeeded Sita as His wife. 

Sita: Daughter of The Earth (Comic)

  • Ravana killing: 

o Exile of Rama for fourteen years,

o  Demon king Ravan deceitfully abducted Sita. 

o Rama meets with Hanumana and Sugreev, 

o locating Sita by Hanumana in Lanka,

o bridging of the sea over Lanka,

o fierce battle- killing of Ravan by Lord Rama. 

o completion of exile- Lord Rama returned to Ayodhya and ruled there for many years.

Lord Rama Killing Ravana

  • Tales of the Chandra dynasty; 
  • The birth of Dhanvantri and his clan; 
  • The clan of Nahush; 
  • Tale of Yayati:

o Yayati requested his sons to exchange their youth with his old age;

o All except PURU refused. 

o Puru gladly accepted his request and gave him his youth. 

o Yayati returned to Puru his youth afterward and acquired his old age once again. 

o Crowned Puru as the king, he took exile to the forest.

  • Yadu dynasty; 

Tales of Krishna’s birth:

भगवान् श्री कृष्ण की जन्मलीला - Birth of Lord Shri Krishna

o The marriage of Krishna with Jambvanti and Satyabhama, 

o The Salvation of Shishupaal, 

o The Birth of Karna and finding him by Adhirath, 

o Janamejaya dynasty and the origin of Bharat.

o Clans of Jahnu and Pandu. 

o Clan of Parikshit and royal dynasties of the future. 

o Future generation of the Ikshvaku dynasty. 

o Future generation of Brihad dynasty. Future generations of the Pradyot dynasty. 

o The Kingdom of Nand. The advent of Kali Yuga and description of royal dynasties of Kali Yuga.

Part 5: 

  • Puruvansh:
  • The lineage of Puru grew as Puru- 

o Dushyant and Bharat. 

o King Dushyant’s love marriage with Shakuntala, the daughter of sage Vishwamitra 

o King Dushyant gives Sakuntala his ring as a memento

o The ring is swallowed by a fish

o Dushyant refused to identify Shakuntala

o Shakuntala returned to the hermitage of sage Vishwamitra and gave birth to a child - Bharat.

 o King Dushyant – saw Bharat counting the teeth of a lion

o Sage Vishwamitra narrated the story

o A fisherman handed over the ring to the king

o Recalled the whole story. 

o Dushyant candidly accepted Shakuntala and his son Bharat.

  • Description of Kuruvansh: 

o king Kuru established the sacred region of Kurukshetra.

  • lineage of Kuru;
  • All about Krishna :

Historical Krishna (Set of 3 Volumes)

o Maharishi Narad preached to Vasudev about Bhagwat Dharma - Marriage of Vasudev and Devaki. 

o carrying of Krishna to Gokul - Dialogue of Mahamaya with Kansa - Releasing of Vasudeva and Devaki, 

o The killing of Putana and the Salvation of other Demons - the Childhood Of Lord Krishna

o Stealing Of Cattle And Cowherds, 

o Grace On Kaliya Naga - Drinking Of Davanal (Forest Fire), 

o Chira –Haran(dresses stealing) Of Gopies, 

o Lifting Of Govardhan and worship Of Govardhan and Indignation Of Indra, 

o Pitiable Condition Of Gopis In God's Absence -- Maha- Raas Lila 

o Grace On Kubja- Killing of Keshi - Arrival of Lord Krishna in amphi-theatre and

o Kansa  Killing -  Coronation of Ugrasena, 

o killing of Jarasandha, Kalayavan, and Shishupal;

o Abduction of Rukmani- abduction of Pradyumna -  killing of Shambar by Pradyumna - killing of Rukmi by Balarama, 

o Getting of sixteen thousand queens by Lord Krishna - Marriage Of Satyabhama And Krishna, 

Fight with Indra- Begging for pardon by Indra

o  Migration to Dwarka, bow battle - abduction of Aniruddha, 

o Fight with Lord Shiva,

o Amputation of Bana by Lord Krishna -  killing of Kashiraj Paundraka. Abduction of Lakshmana; 

o Presentation of Samb before the sages as an expecting mother. 

o Testing Of Trinity -  Revival Of Brahmn's Dead Children, 

o Preaching of Arjun by Vyasa - Coronation of Parikshit,

o Sudama: The Lord's Friend, 

o Organisation Of Yagya By Vasudev -  Revisiting Of Devaki's Six Sons, 

o Marriage Of Subhadra And Arjun,

 The Sages Curse Yaduvanshis, 

• Ascendence of Lord Krishna to heaven, 

• beginning of Kali Yuga.

Part 6: 

  • Description of religion and Importance of Kali Yuga:

View of Human Life (The Wheel of Time and Kali Yug)

o No knowledge of religious scriptures. 

o Talkativeness means knowledge.

o Clever are those who could pick others' pockets.

o No regard or due respect to the parents. 

o Children’s relations with parents till their marriage only. Respect to their in-laws only.

o Nothing like holiness .

o Cows would grow thin. 

o People would not marry, as per their castes.

o Greed, selfishness, and sex would be the base of marriage life. 

o In adverse conditions, spouses would desert each other. 

o There would be nothing like duty, responsibility, and conduct. 

  • Descriptions of Dynasties in Kali-Yuga:

o The kings of the Nand dynasty.

o A diplomat Brahmin, Chanakya, would liquidate this dynasty and crown Chandragupta Maurya. 

o In the Maurya dynasty, the emergence of a great king Ashokvardhan. 

o Yavans( Muslims) would rule for six hundred and forty years. 

o Governance of the fair-complexioned foreigners to rule for one hundred and sixty years. 

o Thereafter, there would be no king and no subjects. 

o Ruler by the majority votes.

  • Virtues of Lord Vishnu’s names:

The Thousand Names of Vishnu: With Roman and Meaning of Each Name

Parashar says: although Kaliyug is the quarry of faults and blemishes, even then it also has one great virtue:

o That the people will acquire a divine position simply by reciting Lord's name.

o But still, in Kaliyug people would have no faith in Lord's name. 

o It is their misfortune.

  • Shudra and women folk by Vyasa; 
  • Description of Kalpa; Description of a day of Brahma;
  • Position of Brahma in Pralaya; 
  • Natural disasters; Different kinds of sorrows; 
  • Torturing in hell; Preaching and Querries of Yoga; 
  • Tale of Keshidhwaja -  Holding of counsel by Khandikya- Salvation of Khandikya and Keshidhwaja.
  • Killing of the religion and the cow; 
  • Mockeries of body-spiritualism; 
  • Brahmagyana (Vedas); 
  • The excellence of Vishnu Purana. 

The sixth section of Vishnu Purana contains the description of Kaliyug, Mahapralay, and the sermon of Divine Knowledge (Brahmagyan) by Keshidhwaj to Khandikya.


o Whenever a guest comes to our house, never ask them about their education qualification and Income. They may feel uncomfortable.

o Never marry a woman who is in the company of any erroneous men.

o Women should always speak sweetly because Saraswati always resides in her words. A woman who speaks bitterly spreads unrest in the house.

o One should not marry a girl of the same Gotra. Doing so increases the chances of genetic diseases.

o A person who thinks about others’ welfare and is devoid of selfishness achieve success in Kali-yuga.

o It mentions some commodities that should not be sold under any circumstances, even if you are struggling with chronic poverty.

o It is forbidden to charge the prices of essential commodities like fruits and vegetables from the poor and needy.

o Charging money while selling salt to a poor person is a crime while donating it, is a good deed.

o Selling drugs to a needy or helpless person for earning money is a crime. However, getting its cost is not a crime.

o According to Vishnu Purana, jaggery should never be sold in the lure of money.

o According to the Hindu religion, selling white sesame is also not right.

o One should take daily bathe for a healthy and beautiful body.

o Bathing before sunrise invites many auspicious charms like Lakshmi’s grace, sharp intellect, and glowing skin.

o Taking a bath for a long time causes damage to health.

o A seven to nine hours’ sleep should be taken daily.

o Should wake up early in the morning and sleep early at night.

o Only sick people should rest or sleep during the day, for others, it is forbidden in the scriptures.

o Must wake up before sunrise. Sleeping till late in the morning causes diseases in the body.


Rishi Parashar says: "The trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh is also known as the creator, the preserver, and the destroyer. All of them soothe the devotees. All of them have equal importance. Still, the preserver, who fosters and protects all living beings is far more significant. 

It is also mentioned in Vishnu Puran that those who attain human life, are more blessed and fortunate than Deities since salvation and attainment of God is possible only in human birth . Even the gods envy those people who take birth in Bharatvarsha. 

Vishnu Purana occupies a very prominent place in the scriptures of Hinduism. It tells us about Lord Vishnu, a deity around whom (along with his two incarnations Rama and Krishna) much of the Bhakti cult is centered. Indeed, Vishnu Purana forms the hearts of the two major pillars of Hinduism - Vaishnavism and Shaivism.

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