The Tradition of Puja in Hinduism – Important Religious Practices in Hinduism

Article of the Month - Sep 2023

This article by Taniya Mittal

(Viewed 1846 times since Sep 2023)

Puja is mostly performed to honor and worship the various gods and goddesses. It is an integral part of various events and celebrations in almost every religion in India. It enables the devotees to connect with the divine and receive their blessings.

Hence, it is not surprising that in most households, the day begins with this ritual. Moreover, any and every auspicious event is considered incomplete without performing puja.

The Essence of Pooja in Indian Culture

The origins of puja in its current form are not known. However, many scholars believe that it evolved from practices of domestic worship of Indian gods followed in ancient India.

Over the years the methods and rituals associated with puja changed according to the cultural beliefs and traditions of the devotees. In most cultures, puja is a way of connecting spiritually with the divine.

It enables devotees to enhance their sense of self through prayer. Puja is also used by individuals to show their love and respect towards a deity. It helps them feel one with the universe and paves the way for their spiritual enlightenment.

Puja is one of the most prominent Hinduism symbols that has withstood the test of time. In fact, performing puja is an integral part of various rituals and ceremonies performed throughout the life of the followers of Hinduism.

Be it the birth of a child, naming him/her, or getting married, and even at the time of death, there is a specific puja for every occasion.

Pooja Items : An Array of Symbolism and Functionality

Performing puja involves the use of specific items that are relevant to the occasion. Also known as puja samagri, these items are used to perform the various rituals during the puja.

These items are often placed in a silver or bronze thali to maintain their piousness. The thali is also covered with a red, orange, or golden cloth as per the occasion. The puja thali decoration themes vary according to the occasion and individual customs.

Some common puja items include the following.

👉 Sacred Water : The sacred water is generally used for purifying the place of puja and its surroundings. The sacred water is obtained from one of the seven holy rivers that hold great religious significance in Hinduism.

These rivers include Ganga, Yamuna, Narmada, Godavari, Krishna, Kauveri, and Brahmaputra.

👉 Camphor : Camphor is an essential puja item as it helps to keep away evil and create a positive energy. It is also considered to be the symbol of the divine and has cleansing properties. The fragrance produced when camphor is burned is believed to inspire spiritual thinking.

👉 Incense : Burning of incense during puja is a way of showing respect to the deities being worshipped. It fills the environment with pleasant fragrances to create a positive vibe.

It has a transformative effect on the minds of the devotees and helps to engage their five senses in worship. People can buy a wide variety of incense sticks along with other pooja items online.

👉 Bell and Shankh : Bell and Shankh are among the most important items used in any puja. The sound produced by them are believed to be auspicious that create the perfect atmosphere for puja.

In most cases the blowing of the Shankh and the ringing of the bell symbolizes the commencement of the puja.

👉 Flowers & Leaves : Different types of flowers and leaves are used to worship the gods and goddesses during the puja. Offering flowers and leaves is way of showing love and respect to the deities.

They also help to enhance the mood of the worshipers and improve their concentration. The flowers and leaves may also be used for thali decoration during puja.

👉 Idol of The Deities : Idols of deities are a physical representation of the gods and goddesses being worshiped. They help to improve the concentration and focus of the worshippers during puja.

They are the most prominent bronze or silver pooja items available in the market. However, people can also use idols made from wood, marble, stone, and even clay.

The Sacred Art of Pooja: Crafting Meaningful Rituals

Since the aim of performing puja is to connect with the divine, there is no one way of performing it. Different individuals use different rituals and practices to achieve this objective.

However, in most households, people follow similar traditions of puja. This often results in puja being viewed as an art that involves the fulfillment of various meaningful rituals.

From choosing the right pooja room decoration theme to setting up the appropriate idols, the puja rituals are vast and varied across India.

Be it the method of pooja thali decoration or the items used for worshipping the deities, every ritual and practice has a unique meaning and significance.

These different methods and rituals reflect the cultural and traditional beliefs of different communities and religions across India.


For most devotees, Puja is not just a ritual. Rather it is a way of elevating their spiritual and mental state.

Further Reading↓

1. Hindu Vrats and katha – The Key to Embracing Devotion and Nurturing the Soul

2. Hindu God Statues as Modern Home Decor: Exploring the Beauty of Art

3. Hinduism And Yoga : A Deep Connection

4. Ten Books You Should Read To Understand Hindu Religion

5. 3 Common Myths about Hinduism 

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