Classification of Nyingma Lineage Through Refugee Tree

Article of the Month - Mar 2024

This article by Dixsona Chakma

(Viewed 1563 times since Mar 2024)

The word Nyingma means ‘Ancient’, It holds the oldest and perhaps the most mystical tradition among all the Tibetan Buddhist Traditions. Nyingma Lineage is one of the four Tantric Buddhist lineages and Nyingma lineage was started by Padmasambhava in the 8th century when he introduced Buddhism in Tibet.

The Nyingma Lineage emphasizes the importance of direct realization and the transmission of teachings from master to disciple, embodying the essence of Tantric Buddhism.

Rooted in the most profound teachings of Padmasambhava, also known as Goru Rinpche, the Nyingma tradition has been preserved and transmitted through generations.

Nyingma Lineage Refugee Tree

A refuge tree is a classified chart that is used as a mnemonic device (memory device), which is why it not only holds aesthetic visuals but also a way to depict important figures in particular traditions.

Those who visit Tibetan monasteries might know that some thangkas of the Refugee tree carry the names along with the portrayal of individuals on the tree but not the thangkas that are sold.

That is also because monasteries' thangkas are mostly used for teaching purposes but the ones that can be brought are mostly for imagery purposes.

The Nyingma Lineage refugee tree is characterized by its transmission lineages, through which teachings and empowerments are passed down from master to disciple.

The details explained on this Nyingma Lineage tree thangka are based on the Lonchen Nyingtik Lineage tree which was described by Gonpo Tseten Rinpoche.

Thangka depicts all the past gurus and lineage holders, particular meditation deities, the Dakinis or the protectors of the lineage and more. Each figure in the lineage represents a link in the chain of transmission, carrying forward the blessings of the teachings.

For better understanding, the thangka below has been numbered on each individual enlightened being to have a better understanding of the thangka:


👉 Lineage Gurus- 1. Samantabhadra 2. Vajrasattva 3. Garab Dorje 4. Sri Singha 5. Jampal Shenyen 6. Guru Rinpoche 7. Vimalamitra 8. Jnanasutra 9. Yeshe Tsogyal 10. Vairocana  11. King Trisong Detsen 12. Longchenpa 13. Jigme Lingpa 14. Zongsar Chentse 15. Jigme Gyalwe Nyuku 16. Adzom Drukpa 17. Mipham Rinpoche 18. Mingyur Namkha Dorje 19. Khenpo Shenga 20. Tenpai Nyima 21. Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje 22. Kunsang Shenpen 23. Patrul Rinpoche 24. Thubten Chokyi Dorje 25. Dilgo Khyentse 26. Nyoshul Lungtok Tenpé Nyima 27. Gyalsé Shenpen Tayé.

They are the masters who have passed down the teachings, practices, and blessings of the tradition from one generation to the next. Some prominent lineage gurus are Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava) who is the main founder of the Nyingma tradition,

Yeshe Tsogyal his consort and foremost disciple, Longchenpa, a great scholar and master of Dzogchen teachings, Jigme Lingpa, renowned for his revelations of hidden treasures (terma), and Patrul Rinpoche a key figure in the 19th century who emphasized simplicity and non-sectarianism.

28. Shravakas and Pratyekabuddhas- Shariputra, Maudgalyayana, Ānanda, Rāhula, Aniruddha, Kāśyapa, Subhuti, Kātyāyana.

The majestic eight Arhats and original followers of Gautama Buddha on lotus carrying a pinda-patra (vessel with mortal remains)individually and the Khakkara (staff topped with metal rings). They are the followers of eightfold noble truth and attained four stages of enlightenment, dressed in saffron-colored monastic robes.

29. Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche) and his consort, Yeshe Tsogyal

Padmasambhava and his consort Yeshe Tsogyal in the depiction of Yab-Yum symbolize their spiritual partnership and the union of wisdom and compassion. Padmasambhava embodies the masculine aspect, representing skillful means and enlightenment, while Yeshe Tsogyal embodies the feminine aspect, representing wisdom and insight.

Their union signifies the integration of these qualities on the path to enlightenment and is a profound symbol of harmony and completeness in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.

30. Bodhisattvas

☀ Manjushri - Manjushri is an embodiment of transcendent wisdom, he is often represented holding a fiery sword that cuts through ignorance and delusion. 

☀ Avalokiteshvara - also known as Chenrezig in Tibetan Buddhism, is known for his compassion towards his devotees. Often depicted with multiple arms, faces, and eyes symbolizing his ability to reach out and aid countless sentient beings.

☀ Vajrapani - Vajrapani is associated with power and the ability to overcome obstacles. He is usually portrayed with a Vajra (Thunderbolt)symbolizing his unshakeable resolve and strength.

☀ Maitreya - The Boddhisatva of loving-kindness and is believed to be the future Buddha who will appear in the world when the teachings of Gautama Buddha have been forgotten.

☀ Kshitigarbha - Kshitigarbha also known as Jizo in Japanese Buddhism, is revered as the Boddhisattva of the earth. He is often depicted with a staff and wish-fulfilling jewel, symbolizing his vow to alleviate suffering in hell and the earth.

☀ Akashagarbha - He is associated with the wisdom of space and is believed to grant wisdom and insight into nature's reality.

☀ Sarvanivaranavishkambhin - This Bodhisattva is known for dispelling all obstacles and freeing beings from all bonds. His name means “The Bodhisattva who Removes all Coverings”.

☀ Samantabhadra - Samantabhadra represents great activity and virtuous conduct. He is often depicted riding a white elephant, symbolizing purity and strength.

☀ Mediational Deities - 31. Dechen Gyalmo 32. Chenrezik

33. Buddhas of the Three Times

☀ Dipankara (Past) - Dipankara Buddha is a Buddha of the past era who is a Buddha of the past era who is said to have lived countless eons ago. He is considered the Buddha who predicted the future enlightenment of Siddhartha Gautama and paved the way for his eventual enlightenment. 

☀ Shakyamuni Buddha (Present) - The historical Buddha who lived in ancient India and attained enlightenment over 500 years ago. Shakyamuni Buddha is considered the teacher of the historical period.

☀ Maitreya (Future) - According to Buddhist teachings Maitreya Buddha is believed to be the future Buddha who will appear in the world after the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha have been forgotten. Maitreya is often depicted as a Bodhisattva who resides in the Tushita Heaven, awaiting the right time to descend to earth and teach the Dharma.

☀ Mediational Deities - 34. Lion-Faced Dakini 35. Hayagriva 36. Dorje Phurba 37. Palchen Düpa 38. Yangdak Heruka 39. Yama 40. Tachong

☀ Dharma Protectors - 41. Dorje Edolma 42. Manima 43. Dorje Lekpa 44. Ekajati 45. Rahula 46. Maning Nakpo 47. Tsering Ma

48. Offering goddesses 

Wrapping up

While studying the Refugee tree specifically the Nyingma lineage, some might wonder if Guru Padmasambhava is greater than the Buddhas that are portrayed in smaller sizes.

But one needs to understand refugee tree's purpose is to help you memorize the lineage easily and more importantly "symbolize the embodiment of Enlightened awareness in which one goes to refuge externally before realizing the true nature internally."

A refugee tree doesn’t mean to show any enlightened being superior or inferior, in the eyes of devotees all enlightened beings that are portrayed on it are equally respected and beloved by every devotee. 

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