Mother Goddess as Kali - The Feminine Force in Indian Art

Article of the Month - Aug 2000

This article by The original version was written by Nitin Kumar on August 15, 2000. It was revised in 14th August 2024 by Prakriti Anand, who is currently pursuing her PhD in Ancient Indian History from the University of Delhi. Prakriti has experience working with organizations in the realms of heritage, art, and history and is committed to advancing contributions to the field of culture.

(Viewed 671020 times since Aug 2000)

The worship of a kali goddess as the source of life and fertility has prehistoric roots, but the transformation of that deity into a Great goddess of cosmic powers was achieved with the composition of the Devi Mahatmya (Glory of the goddess), a text of the fifth to sixth century, when worship of the female principle took on dramatic new dimensions.

The goddess is not only the mysterious source of life, she is the very soil, all-creating and all consuming. Maa Kali makes her 'official' debut in the Devi-Mahatmya, where she is said to have emanated from the brow of Goddess Durga (slayer of demons) during one of the battles between the divine and anti-divine forces.

Goddess Durga and Bhairava Slay the Demon Mahishasur

The Appearance of God Kali

Kali is represented as a Black woman with four arms; in one hand she has a sword, in another the head of the demon she has slain, with the other two she is encouraging her worshippers. For earrings she has two dead bodies and wears a necklace of skulls ; her only clothing is a girdle made of dead men's hands, and her tongue protrudes from her mouth.

Her eyes are red, and her face and chests are besmeared with blood. She stands with one foot on the thigh, and another on the chest of her husband. Goddess Kali's fierce appearances have been the subject of extensive descriptions in several earlier and modern works.

Though her fierce form is filled with awe- inspiring symbols, their real meaning is not what it first appears- they have equivocal significance :

Goddess Kali's blackness symbolizes her all-embracing, comprehensive nature, because black is the color in which all other colors merge; black absorbs and dissolves them. 'Just as all colors disappear in black, so all names and forms disappear in her' (Mahanirvana Tantra). Or black is said to represent the total absence of color, again signifying the nature of Kali as ultimate reality. This in Sanskrit is named as nirguna (beyond all quality and form). Either way, Kali's black color symbolizes her transcendence of all form.

Symbolic references

A devotee poet says:

"Is Kali, my Divine Mother, of a black complexion?

She appears black because She is viewed from a distance;

but when intimately known She is no longer so.

The sky appears blue at a distance, but look at it close by

and you will find that it has no colour.

The water of the ocean looks blue at a distance,

but when you go near and take it in your hand,

you find that it is colourless."

... Ramakrishna Paramhansa (1836-86)

In many instances she is described as garbed in space or sky clad. In her absolute, primordial form she is free from all covering of illusion. She is Nature (Prakriti in Sanskrit). It symbolizes that she is completely beyond name and form, completely beyond the illusory effects of maya (false consciousness). She is said to represent totally illumined consciousness, unaffected by maya. Kali is the bright fire of truth, which cannot be hidden by the clothes of ignorance. Such truth simply burns them away. Kali goddess’s motherhood is a ceaseless creation.

👉 Maa Kali’s Hair : Her disheveled hair forms a curtain of illusion, the fabric of space - time which organizes matter out of the chaotic sea of quantum-foam.

👉 Kali’s Skull Garland (Mundamala) : Her garland of fifty human heads, each representing one of the fifty letters of the Sanskrit alphabet, symbolizes the repository of knowledge and wisdom. She wears a girdle of severed human hands- hands that are the principal instruments of work and so signify the action of karma. Thus the binding effects of this karma have been overcome, severed, as it were, by devotion to Kali. She has blessed the devotee by cutting him free from the cycle of karma.

👉 Maa Kali’s Teeth : Her white teeth are symbolic of purity (Sans. Sattva), and her lolling tongue which is red dramatically depicts the fact that she consumes all things and denotes the act of tasting or enjoying what society regards as forbidden, i.e. her indiscriminate enjoyment of all the world's "flavors".

👉 Maa Kali’s Arms : Goddess Kali's four arms represent the complete circle of creation and destruction, which is contained within her. She represents the inherent creative and destructive rhythms of the cosmos. Her right hands, making the mudras of "fear not" and conferring boons, represent the creative aspect of Kali, while the left hands, holding a bloodied sword and a severed head represent her destructive aspect.

👉 Maa Kali’s Sword (Khadaga) : The bloodied sword and severed head symbolize the destruction of ignorance and the dawning of knowledge. The sword is the sword of knowledge, that cuts the knots of ignorance and destroys false consciousness (the severed head). God Kali opens the gates of freedom with this sword, having cut the eight bonds that bind human beings.

👉 Maa Kali’s Eyes : Finally her three eyes represent the sun, moon, and fire, with which she is able to observe the three modes of time: past, present and future.

This attribute is also the origin of the name goddess Kali, which is the feminine form of 'Kala', the Sanskrit term for Time.

Devi Mahakali Wields Multiple Weapons

Goddess Kali and Lord Shiva

The image of a recumbent Shiva lying under the feet of Kali represents Shiva as the passive potential of creation and Kali as his Shakti. The generic term Shakti denotes the Universal feminine creative principle and the energizing force behind all male divinity including Shiva. It is she that powers him. This Shakti is expressed as the i in Shiva's name. Without this i, Shiva becomes Shva, which in Sanskrit means a corpse.

Thus, suggesting that without his Shakti, Shiva is powerless or inert. Kali goddess is a particularly appropriate image for conveying the idea of the world as the play of the godsThe spontaneous, effortless, dizzying creativity of the divine reflex is conveyed in her wild appearance. Insofar as Kali is identified with the phenomenal world, she presents a picture of that world that underlies its ephemeral and unpredictable nature.

In her mad dancing, disheveled hair, and eerie howl there is made present the hint of a world reeling, careening out of control. The world is created and destroyed in Kali god’s wild dancing, and the truth of redemption lies in man's awareness that he is invited to take part in that dance, to yield to the frenzied beat of Mother's dance of life and death.

O Kali, my mother full of Bliss! Enchantress of the almighty Shiva!

In Thy delirious joy Thou dancest, clapping Thy hands together!

Thou art the Mover of all that move, and we are but thy helpless toys

...Ramakrishna Paramhansa

This poignant imagery starkly reveals the nature of Kali as the Divine Mother. Ramaprasad expresses his feelings thus:

Behold my mother playing with Shiva,

lost in an ecstasy of joy!

Drunk with a draught of celestial wine,

She reels and yet does not fall.

Erect She stands on Shiva's bosom,

and the earth Trembles under Her tread;

She and Her Lord are mad with frenzy,

casting aside all fear and shame.

... Ramprasad (1718-75)

The Bloodthirsty Dashabhujadhari Devi Kali

Kali's human and maternal qualities continue to define the goddess for most of her devotees to this day. In human relationships, the love between mother and child is usually considered the purest and strongest. Kali may be frightening, the mad, forgetful mistress of a world spinning out of control, but she is, after all, the mother of all. As such, she must be accepted by her children- accepted in wonder and awe, perhaps, but accepted nevertheless.

The poet in an intimate and lighter tone addresses the mother thus:

O Kali! Why dost Thou roam about without clothes?

Art Thou not ashamed, Mother!

Garb and ornaments Thou hast none;

yet Thou Pride in being King's daughter.

O Mother! Is it a virtue of Thy family that Thou

Placest thy feet on Thy husband?

Thou art without clothes; Thy husband is without clothes; you both roam cremation grounds.

O Mother! We are all ashamed of you; do put on thy garb.

Thou hast cast away Thy necklace of jewels, Mother,

And worn a garland of human heads.

Prasada says, "Mother! Thy fierce beauty has frightened

Thy consort.

... Ramaprasad

Hindu Furious Goddess Kali

What is Kali the goddess of?

Kali goddess manifests her name from the Sanskrit term 'Kalika,' which means “she who is black” or “she who is death.” She is an exotic personality, with lustful energy whirling around her, and she annihilates just about anything. In Tantric cults, where she is principally worshipped, eroticism is primarily used to confront one's deepest and darkest desires. In essence, Kali is the goddess who destroys darkness, fear, and the curtain of Moha (attachment), freeing a person in the truest sense so that they rise above worldliness and attain true wisdom.

Mahavidya Kali

The Worship of Kali : Many Forms of the Goddess in India

Kali's forms are as diverse as the human experience itself. Each form represents a specific aspect of her divine power. In Tantra and Shakta traditions, there are many forms of the goddess. She is believed to have 8 or 12 or even more aspects and in different regions across India and beyond, she has a unique form, which is a testament to her popularity among the devotees. Here are a few popularly known and revered forms of the goddess-

👉 Mahakali : This is one of the most popular forms of Kali. She is the supreme cosmic power, responsible for the creation, preservation, and destruction of the universe. As Mahakali, she is often depicted in a calm and serene manner, contrasting her fierce form. This form is represented with 10 hands or Dashabhuja and marks the goddess as the primordial mother.

👉 Shmashan Kali : Associated with cremation grounds (shmashan), this form of Kali is often depicted surrounded by fire. She is believed to assist souls in their journey to liberation. While terrifying in appearance, she is also a source of comfort for those facing death. She resides in these peripheral regions as the goddess of life and death and as the supreme sovereign of everything that lies beyond human conception. Powerful and potent, Shmashan Kali or Kalika is worshiped by her Tantric followers.

👉 Dakshina Kali : Meaning 'southern Kali', this form is particularly revered in Bengal. She is seen as a benevolent mother who protects her devotees from misfortune. Dakshina Kali is often depicted with four hands, symbolizing protection, blessing, and fulfillment of desires. She is a bliss mother, who though adorned with a garland of skulls and standing on Shiva, can be seen smiling pleasantly, and is a guardian mother to her devotees.

👉 Guhyakali : This is a more esoteric form of Kali, primarily worshipped in Tantric traditions. She is associated with secrets and hidden knowledge. Guhyakali is often depicted in a nude form, symbolizing her transcendence of physical limitations. The worship of Guhyakali is learned from the teacher and the practitioner has to follow rituals of Tantra in order to gain her potent blessings.

Regional Cults and Variations

Kali's worship is widespread across India, with each region developing its unique interpretations and rituals.

1. In Tamil Nadu, local temples devoted to Mariamman (the goddess of rain) equate her with Kali. Worshipped as a protector goddess, Mariamman shares iconographical similarities with Kali and can be seen holding a skull, a sword, and with open hair. Many other local cults in southern India, have also been assimilated in the tradition of Kali, and every mother goddess of the people, is also worshipped as a form of Kali. 

2. Himalayan region has revered goddesses such as Ugra Chandi, Guhyeshwari, and Siddhi Lakshmi, who are all worshiped as forms of Kali. With a substantial Tantric tradition, Nepal and Tibet have a rich culture of mother-goddesses, all of whom are evoked as Kali. 

3. Chamunda, the destroyer of the demon Chanda and Munda, is an aspect of the goddess Durga (Adi Shakti). In her temples such as the Chamunda Devi Mandir of Kangra, the warrior goddess is considered to be a form of Kali, who fights battles for the protection of Dharma and her devotees. 

10 of the Most Powerful and Famous Kali Temples in India

Kali, the fierce and compassionate Mother Goddess, is worshipped in numerous temples across India. Each temple holds its unique significance and draws devotees from far and wide. Here are 10 of the most powerful and famous Kali temples:

1. Kalighat Kali Temple, Kolkata, West Bengal

This is one of the most powerful and popular temples of Kali, where according to traditions, Sati’s toe fell after her body was dissected by Vishnu’s Chakra. For the devotees of Kali, this is her home, where the mother resides to protect her children from the troubles of Kaliyuga.

2. Dakshineswar Kali Temple, Kolkata, West Bengal

Another prominent temple of the great goddess, the shrine was built by Rani Rashmoni in the 19th century, and is popular for its unique architecture. The great Ramakrishna Paramahansa lived and served in this temple, making it a center of devotion for generations of Kali devotees.

3. Kamakhya Temple, Guwahati, Assam

This is one of the most powerful Shakti Peethas, where the yoni or genitalia of goddess Sati fell. Due to the esoteric practices and Tantric traditions around the temple, many worship the goddess here as an aspect of Kali.

4. Tarapith Temple, West Bengal

Tara is one of the Mahavidyas, separate from Kali. However, her similarity with the goddess is such that she is also worshipped as one of the more fierce aspects of Kali. A powerful center of Tantric worship, Tarapith is a historical temple that makes it popular for Shakta worshippers all over the world.

5. Baitala Deula Temple, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Since the ancient period, the royal families of Odisha worshipped Chamunda, Durga, and her local aspects as their family deities. This led to the popularity of Shakta traditions in the region, the center of which is the Baitala Deula Temple. The central goddess of the temple is Chamunda, adorned with garlands of skulls and other attributes associated with Kali. from religious as well as archeological perspectives, this temple is a heritage for Odisha and India. 

6. Kalkaji Temple, Delhi

In the heart of the bustling city of Delhi resides Kalkaji, a powerful goddess who is visited by devotees from all over the world. For the followers, this temple is a “Siddha Peetha”- a place where all their wishes come true. The goddess here resides in a “self-manifested” form and is revered as Devi Kali.

7. Gadhkalika Temple, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh

Located in the sacred city of Ujjain, Gadhakalika (Kali of the fort of Gadha) is a powerful manifestation of the goddess. According to traditions, she is the tutelary goddess of Kalidasa, the great poet and writer who penned the “Shyamla Dandaka Stotram” for Gadhakalika. Due to the Kumbh Mela and the proximity with Harasiddhi Shaktipeetha, the temple of Gadhakalika has a huge followership. 

8. Chamunda Devi Temple, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh

In the lap of nature, the goddess Chamunda worshipped as a fierce form of Kali is the central deity. For the people of Kangra, she is the protector against natural and man-made troubles and as the mother of all beings, guards life in the troublesome, mountainous region of Himanchal.

9. Kripamayee Kali Temple, Kolkata, West Bengal

On the banks of Hugli in Baranagar, Kolkata, goddess Kali resides as “Kripamoyi” (she who is benevolence incarnate). In the tradition of West Bengal, where Kali is the mother, the temple of Kripamayee Kali is a popular shrine for the devotees, which was built by a local Zamindar and has a prominent following of locals who regularly visit their Maa Kali. 

10. Sree Bhadrakali Devaswom Temple, Thrissur, Kerala

A temple that grew from the local cults of the region, the Bhadrakali temple at Thrissur has a unique twin goddess as the sanctum deity. Known as Bhadra (peaceful) and Rudra (fierce), the goddesses here are collectively worshipped, and seen as an aspect of the great mother Kali. This list is not exhaustive, and there are countless other powerful Kali temples across India. Each temple has its own unique history, architecture, and rituals, making them significant centers of devotion and spiritual seekers.

Conclusion : Kali is the Supreme Mother

Wearing skulls, smeared with blood and ash of cremation grounds, with jackals howling around her and ghosts and Pretas as companions, Kali appears to be the most fearsome deity, very far from the popular understanding of “divine”. However, she is one of the most popular and beloved goddesses of all time. From the early sanctums to the modern era, from the home of commoners to the palaces of kings, Kali is the protector, the tutelary goddess, and the supreme deity.

Understanding her, and knowing her true nature is beyond Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva, and yet to her children, she is simply “Maa”, “Amman” or mother. Her anger is the result of listening to the cries for help from her children and her dynamism is the sign of her power and willingness to come running whenever she is called. Her ethereal form is the curtain that hides the truth of the universe. Only those who are not sacred, deterred or charmed by what Kali looks like, does she reveal the answer to- “Who is Kali?”

Key Takeaways

  • Kali is one of the most well-known goddesses in Hinduism and is associated with both creation and destruction.

  • She is often depicted with a fierce and terrifying appearance, adorned with skulls and other symbols of death.

  • Kali is considered to be a protector of the universe and is worshipped by many Hindus for her ability to vanquish evil forces and protect the righteous.

  • She is often associated with time and is said to be the ultimate destroyer of all things, including time itself.

  • Kali is also associated with the power of feminine energy, and is seen as a symbol of female strength and power.

  • In Hindu mythology, Kali is believed to have been created from the third eye of Lord Shiva, and is often depicted alongside him in artwork and sculpture.

  • Kali is worshipped during the festival of Kali Puja, which typically takes place in October or November and is celebrated with offerings of flowers, incense, and other items.

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  • Beautifully written article on Goddess Kali.
    Nilanjan August 30, 2024
  • Why are we talking about Jesus? The subject was Kali. She is simply time, the destroyer of all of us. No one escapes her and without herd nothing. She is time personified.
    Bruce Louis Dodson July 29, 2017
  • I'm so proud and good to see some script speak good words toward the eliohim of YHWH-Yah of whom is the same as the attribute of Abraham/Brahman/Brahmsa: The FATHER of all fathers'(THE CREATOR!)
    Nabi Amman Kali YisRaEL August 09, 2016
  • I'm proud to be named after a goddess like kali
    Kali April 08, 2014
  • I have a major hearing lost on both my ears. Please help me mother Kali to my left ear. I promise to buy a red sari and red garlands with a full tray to your lotus feet. Please help god.
    Maggie moodley December 22, 2013
  • i like to be like one of you.
    baurice junior forgoh August 17, 2013
  • PRAISE BE TO KALI, my Mother, my Goddess!! JOHN---->GO SUCK A BIG FAT NUT! Don't even get me started here on the 3 words associated with SOME Christians: command, conquer, and criticize. Those are the unfortunate ideals brought about by patriarchal societies/religions. Pray for forgiveness when Kali wipes the demons out of YOU!! All I can say is, to those enlightened...keep walking with Kali!! To all you who have no clue about Kali...find some good books and read them. She is a destroyer of DEMONS and was brought into existence when the gods couldn't even win against them. She frees people from negative influences, obstacles, and anything holding you back from becoming who you are truly meant to be. TO THE MAN FROM MODESTO------>So you received visions in a dream?? Isn't that a form then of witchcraft or divination or being a seer? Guess you better go find a priest to confess to. I'm not trying to be rude but I'm a Spiritual Eclecticist and never had such problems (curses, hexes, victim of bad luck, etc.). World wake up, no single religion is better than the other, they are all paths to YOUR spiritual enlightenment. Stop making demons out of something you cannot understand and don't wish to open your mind too...there is more in the world than just your view!! Namaste!
    Gina March 30, 2012
  • John is correct about not seeking after Kali because it is idol worship. More than this, "Kali" is a true spiritual, sentient being. One that is properly called a demon or a fallen angel. I found this today because I saw in a dream that one of my sisters in law had been cursed by a Kali curse. Someone invoked Kali against her to kill her. After a long conversation with her this morning, we have learned it is true. Someone gave her a gift on her birthday which was actually a cursed item. She even wanted to give it back to him, but he refused (no decent spell caster receives the sent curse/cursed item willingly!) Kali is a demonic force, a force of death. Figure it out, people.
    Man from Modesto March 13, 2012
  • Kali is the goddess whom I worship the most
    Zachary Prentice June 20, 2011
  • "A BEING AS WICKED AND UGLY AS THIS CANNOT BE GOOD" By that logic, any being that is beautiful must be good. Now let me think, who was the most beautiful of the christian god\'s creations? Oh, that\'s right, Lucifer! Based on your own words, John, either Lucifer must be good or you must be mistaken; logically you can\'t have it both ways.
    A Believer February 09, 2011