Article of the Month - Feb 2024

This article by Anviti Sohla

(Viewed 1848 times since Feb 2024)

When we think about religious teachings all religions in the world largely talk about topics like the purpose of life, the nature of existence, and the difference between the right and the wrong paths of life.

These teachings are important because they help us live a meaningful life and often guide us when we need it the most. Most of these teachings are compiled in the sacred texts of the various religions like the Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism and the Guru Granth Sahib of Sikhism among many other holy texts.

It is from these religious lessons that we can take out the most important teachings that can be followed in life. Be it Christian beliefs or the teachings of Hinduism and Sikhism. There are some lessons that we learn from all religions in the world.

You Should Treat Others How You Wish For Yourself to Be Treated -

All religions in the world teach us that we should behave with others how we wish for their behavior to be with us. They encourage us to have empathy for others and to understand what they could be going through.

From Hinduism to Islam and Buddhism to Zoroastrianism, every religion of the world advocates giving others the same courtesies you want to be given to yourself.

By taking this lesson and adding it to our daily lives we can learn how to treat people with kindness and make the world a much better place to live.

Helping the Ones Who Are Not As Privileged As You - 

According to the teachings of every religion, the way to live a fulfilled life is by helping those who are in need. One should never stop helping those who are struggling and should do everything in their power to ease the suffering of others.

It is believed that those who help the needy gain the mercy of God. For instance, as per Sikhism beliefs, the act of service is the way to serve God. That is why in Gurdwaras around the world you can find people performing seva.

Even in Hinduism the act of serving those who are needy and even to animals is encouraged. Many Hindus volunteer their services in gaushalas to serve the holy cow.

The Law of Karma - 

One of the most widely known Hinduism beliefs is about Karma which states that we all have to eventually bear the fruits of our actions. This has been preached in the Bhagavad Gita which is the most sacred text of Hinduism.

According to Christianity beliefs as well a person has to reap what they sow. If you perform a bad action eventually you will have to bear the consequences of it. In simple words, it can be expressed as, “What goes around comes around”.

This lesson teaches us how to take accountability for our actions so that we are mindful before we do anything.

Community Living -

All religions around the world encourage us to take care of those who are around us. They encourage us to meet the people of the community we live in and wish good things for them.

Be it kirtans in Hinduism or the Sunday Mass in Christianity, we see that all religions bring people together through various religious practices. This encourages people to take care of those around them and helps them feel like they are not alone.

In times that are trying it is this sense of belonging to a community that gives us strength and we are able to find support from those around us.

Value Non-Material Things - 

From Christian beliefs to Buddhist teachings and those of Hinduism and various other religions, we can see that followers and devotees are encouraged to not run after material things like money.

All religions teach us to seek a deeper meaning in life. Many ardent devotees follow these teachings by taking up asceticism. For instance, the monks in Buddhism and the sadhus in Hinduism live simple and saintly lives.

However, that is not the only way to follow these ideas. One can also not renounce worldly possessions and still not let their material desires consume them. Focus on nonmaterial things is the idea behind all religions of the world.

The basic idea behind this is that the desire for material things is always never-ending and it brings only suffering. This has been advocated in Buddhism and Hinduism specifically.

Live In the Present Moment - 

Religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity teach about focusing on the moment that is in front of us and not worrying about the future. A great example of these can be seen in the mindful practices that are advocated in Buddhism.

It is taught in the religion that one should not let the mind think about what is in the future. The mind is trained to focus on the present through various meditation techniques.

As per Hinduism beliefs, everyone has different roles to perform in different moments and if we focus on the present and just do what we are supposed to do then we are contributing to the universe.

Even the practice of performing Yoga which is taught in Hinduism is based on the idea of training the mind to focus on the present.

Introspection - 

It is pretty obvious from the teachings of various texts of different religions that it is important for a person to know themselves. When you consider Hinduism beliefs you realize that the religion advocates that the only way to know God completely is by knowing oneself.

Even according to Christian beliefs, it is very important to look within oneself and know one's innate nature completely.

Many religions in the world put forward the idea that the human soul is not different from God and that is why if one understands themselves and the nature of their soul then they can understand and be closer to God.

Wrapping Up - 

Spirituality has always been at the core of human existence providing meaning to life and support in trying times. Whenever we are faced with moral dilemmas in life it is the teachings of these religions that come to the rescue helping us differentiate between what is right and what is wrong.

While teachings from all religious texts might not be the same exactly there are some that are common. For instance, the law of Karma and the importance of helping the needy is given importance not just in Christian beliefs but also in the teachings of Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, and other religions in the world.

By following the teachings of religions we can live a life that is not only peaceful for us but also adds value to the lives of others and that is what should be the purpose of human existence.

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