The 32 Forms of Ganesha: A Path to Discover the Divine in all its forms

Article of the Month - Dec 2023

This article by Bhavesh

(Viewed 10228 times since Dec 2023)

Ganesha as a form of the central deity in Hinduism known to be the obstacle remover and grants wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune. There are traces of the thirty-two forms of Ganesha that showcase their significance and profound meaning. Lord Ganesha, a central and foremost deity in Hindu rituals and rites, is revered widely in India and across the Continent of Asia!

The inner shrine of Lord Shiva Temple at the Prambanan Temple complex in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, has a 9th-century Ganesha statue. Chachoengsao is known as Thailand's "city of Ganesha," it is home to three gigantic Hindu-Buddhist deity Ganesha sculptures housed in three distinct temples. In Thailand, Ganesha stands 39 meters tall in the "Khlong Khuean Ganesh International Park."

His 32 thirty-two manifestations have been traced in a suggestively thousand-year-old text - Mudgala Purana. Let us know them more closely:

Bala Ganapati:

‘Bala’ means child; this form of Ganapati paints him in the color of gold! He is seen holding a mango, banana, sugarcane, and jackfruit - symbolic of a mother’s presents to the child (Prithvi\Bhudevi being the mother) as his trunk holds his dearest naivedyam - Modak.

Taruna Ganapati:

Taruna Ganapati is an eight-armed youthful form of Ganapati, ‘Taruna’ is youth; hence, this form of Ganapati speaks of his blossoming into youth, noted by rich red. His broken tusk and vibrant red color reflect his blooming youthfulness. Holding his pasa, ankusha, berries, golden apple, paddy, sugarcane, and modak - this is one of his Ashtabhuja avatars!

Bhakti Ganapati:

‘Bhakti’ means devotion. Ganapati, in this avatar, is benevolent to those who seek his blessings. Shining bright like a full moon and decorated well with flower garlands, Bhakti Ganapati is dear to his devotees. Associated with a calm but bright shade of white, this Chaturbhuja form holds a mango, banana, coconut, and kheer/payasam in a vessel.

Veera Ganapati:

Standing tall like a warrior, the Vira Ganapati is posing in a commanding gesture. ‘Veera’is the one with heroic qualities; Ganapati here appears in the stance of a warrior. His sixteen arms are individually holding Vhetala, chakra, bow-arrow, trident, sword, club, hook, elephant goad, mace, hammer, spear, battle ax, shield, and a victory flag - this form of Ganapati is Shodash Bhuja. Each of his weapons signified different meanings and symbolism of mind powers.

Shakti Ganapati:

‘Shakti’ stands for the ‘energy\feminine principle,’ Ganapati here sits with Devi on his lap - he holds Pasa and Ankusha, bestowing his devotees with Abhaya mudra as he embraces Devi. This form of Ganapati is associated with the valorous color of saffron that guards the householder. He holds a noose, goad, bestows, and a garland in his hand blessing the devotees.

Dvija Ganapati:

‘Dvija’ means twice-born; this form of Ganapati is Chaturmukhi (four-headed). Associated with the color of Chandrama - he holds a pustak, rudraksh mala, a staff, and kamandala. This is one of Ganesha’s Chaturbhuja avatars. He teaches the importance of discipline and wisdom to all.

Siddhi Ganapati:

‘Siddhi’ is the Sanskrit word for enlightenment; this form of Ganapati is associated with higher truths. Siddhi Ganapati is a yellow and golden best known as “the Accomplished” deity. Seated in content - he holds a mango, battle axe, flower bouquet, and a sugarcane shoot with leaves and roots. Siddhi Ganapati is worshipped as a form of the famous deity in the Sidhi Vinayak temple of Mumbai.

Ucchishta Ganapati:

Ucchishta Ganapati is referred to as the lord of ‘blessed offerings’ and a guardian of culture. This form of Ganapati is a major Tantric deity linked to deep blue - ‘Ucchishta’ refers to the leftovers. He holds a veena, akshamala, lotus, pomegranate, and a fresh bag of paddy, seated with his consort Shakti, both of them embracing each other sensually. He wears an elaborate Ratna Mukuta (jeweled crown) and a third eye right in the center of his forehead.

Vighna Ganapati:

Popularised and widely worshiped, this manifestation of Ganapati destroys any ‘Vighna’- obstructions that limit his devotees. He has eight arms spread out holding a noose, goad, Modaka (his favorite sweet), conch, bouquet, sugarcane, arrow, and an axe. In this auspicious form, Ganesha showers his blessings to his disciples and takes away all of their miseries, problems, and sadness.

Kshipra Ganapati:

Red in hue this form of Ganesha is known as Krishpra Ganapati. The Sanskrit word Kshipra translates to ‘quick-acting’ along with unique symbolism like a broken tusk, a noose, a goad, and a sprig from the boon-giving tree of Kalpa Vriksha which is a wish-fulfilling tree. Kshipra Ganapati is regarded as the god who answers prayers and rewards true devotion. ‘Kshipra’ hints at ‘fast-paced’; this form of Ganapati is generous and blesses his devotees quickly. This Ganapati is a Chaturbhuja avatar!

Heramba Ganapati:

Heramba Ganapati is a five-faced Ganapati who is referred to as the protector of the weak as he can be spotted riding a big lion. This form of Ganapati appears ferocious and is a central Tantric manifestation of him. His five heads symbolize the Panchabrahmans (five gifts of his father, Lord Shiva), namely - Ishana, Tatpurusha, Aghora, Vamdeva, and Sadyojata. He extends the gestures of blessings and protection along with holding a noose, axe, hammer, tusk, garland, fruit, Modaka, and Japa beads. This Dashabhuja avatar blesses his devotees in Abhaya and Varada mudras - riding a Singha. Heramba Ganapati is known for protecting helpless weak devotees and saving them from harm.

Lakshmi Ganapati:

Associated with the purity of stark white, said to be a success giver sitting on a pedestal of wisdom and achievement. This Ashtabhuja avatar of the lord is sitting with both of his two consorts on both of his thighs with white roses in their hands. Gesturing to Varada Mudra, he holds a green parrot, pomegranate, sword, goad, noose, and a water vessel as well.

Maha Ganapati:

Maha Ganapati is regarded as the 13th form among the rest of the 32 forms of Ganapati, accompanied by one of his shaktis. ‘Maha’ translates to the great in Sanskrit; Ganapati is associated with a red complexion, he is holding a tusk, pomegranate, blue lily, sugarcane, mace, and a pot of gems. Maha Ganapati is a major form of Lord Ganesha's significant power and wisdom. This Virat swaroop of Ganesha is distinguished by his Trinetra and Dashabhuja. He's the embodiment of the highest form of Shakti. It is believed that his worshipping can lead the devotees to immense prosperity.

Vijaya Ganapati:

‘Vijaya’ means victory, Vijaya Ganapati is considered the granter of success. This form of Ganapati is affiliated with the Nakshatra of Ashlesha. He holds a pasa, ankusha, broken tusk, and a ripe mango. This Chaturbhuja avatar of Ganapati rides a Mushaka, his devoted mount. He is the ultimate god of achievement and success hence justifying that praying to him will provide immediate relief from difficulties and further ensure victory.

Nritya Ganapati:

‘Nritya’ is dance; this manifestation of Ganapati is engulfed with Ananda dances for his parents, Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati. While he holds his broken tusk, pasa, and modak in his three hands, his last hand rests in the Dolahasta. Raising a leg in joy to his dancing, this is a Chaturbhuja avatar of Ganapati! His sculptures can be found in the temples of the Mysore region along with the remaining forms of Ganesha, considered the god of achievement and success.

Urdhva Ganapati:

‘Urdhva’ refers to the elevated form of Ganapati, primarily celebrated in the Tantric tradition. Seated with his beloved consort - Shakti. This Shashbhuja avatar of Ganapati holds a padma, a sprig of paddy, a cane bow, an arrow, a broken tusk, and a blue water lily. This form of Ganesha can be found as a form of a painting in Kerala along with some sculptures from temples of Mysore.

Ekakshara Ganapati:

Ekakshara Ganapati where Eka means ‘one’ and Akshara stands for ‘letter’. ‘Ek-akshara’ stands for a single syllable; this Trinetra Ganapati is seated in Padmasana over his mount Mushaka! A crescent moon adorns his crown, and he holds a pasa, ankusha, and a pomegranate - granting the blessings with Varada Mudra. This Chaturbhuja avatar of Ganapati is associated with the phonics of ‘Gam.’

Varada Ganapati:

Granting the boons ‘Varadan,’ this form of Ganapati is a source of motivation and upliftment for his devotees. A crescent moon bejewelling his crown, he embraces his consort - holding a pasa, ankusha, and a honey dish. This is a Chaturbhuja avatar of Ganapati.

Tyrakshara Ganapati:

Trykara Ganapati translates to ‘the lord of three letters’, ‘Tri-akshara’ means three syllables in Sanskrit; this golden form of Ganapati is seen with fly whisks over his ears. Holding his broken tusk, ankusha, pasa, and mango - this Chaturbhuja avatar of Ganapati is associated with the cosmic chant of ‘A-U-M.’ By meditating and praying to him with utter sincerity people can gather spiritual knowledge and self-realisation.

Kshipra Prasada Ganapati:

Bestower of ‘quick rewards,’ affiliated with the rich shade of crimson - Ganapati here is seated comfortably, holding his pasa, ankusha, the broken tusk, padma, a pomegranate and a twig from KalpaVriksha. His round belly symbolizes the universe; this is a Shashbhuja avatar of Ganapati.

Haridra Ganapati:

The one rising from the deep yellow of turmeric, Haridra Ganapati is usually draped in yellow fabrics! Seated firm but in ease - This Chaturbhuja avatar of Ganapati holds a pasa, modak, broken tusk, and ankush.

Ekdanta Ganapati:

‘Ek-danta’ or single tusked is commonly associated with Lord Ganesha. Associated with the color blue, Ganapati assumes dhyana here, holding singed beads, an axe, modak, and his broken tusk birthing his name. Ganesha is known for having a big belly but Ekadanta Ganapati is supposed to hold the universe in his belly making it much larger than regular. This is a Chaturbhuja avatar of Ganapati.

Srishti Ganapati:

‘Srishti’ means creation; here, Ganapati is associated with creative force. Srishti Ganapati is a kind form of Ganesha that appears vibrant red color. Riding his mount, Mushaka - he holds a pasa, ankusha, broken tusk, and mango. This is a Chaturbhuja avatar of Ganapati.

Uddanda Ganapati:

Uddanda Ganapati is considered to be the ‘enforcer of dharma’ depicting the laws for the beings. A righteous and strict manifestation of Ganapati, he holds the Dharma to the utmost, not shying away from practicing ‘Danda’/Punishment for the same. He holds a pot of gems, a blue lily, sugarcane, mace, padma, pomegranate, pasa, a sprig of paddy, garland, and his broken tusk. This is a Dashabhuja avatar of Ganapati.

Rinamochana Ganapati:

Rinamochana Ganapati is regarded as the 25th form among the 32 forms of Ganesha meant to liberate from guilt and bondage. This form of Ganapati denotes being a merciful god that helps in overcoming the sins and regrets of the devotees. ‘Rina’ means debt, and ‘Mochana’ means liberation - worshiping this form of Ganapati gets one rid of their Karmic baggage. His affiliated color is that of the milk, holding a pasa, ankusha, broken tusk, and his favorite fruit - the rose apple; this is a Chaturbhuja avatar of Ganapati.

Dhundi Ganapati:

Dhundhi Ganapati inherits a deep red complexion, revered in the Shaivite tradition, this Ganapati keeper spiritual truth and shows the path towards Moksha. Linked with the Nakshatra of Uttarashada, he holds an axe, his broken tusk, a pot of gems, Rudraksha beads and a small pot of precious gems to represent his treasure of awakenings. He is said to grant devotees spiritual blessings and revive their lives to make them better. This is a Chaturbhuja avatar of Ganapati.

Dvimukha Ganapati:

Dvimukha Ganapati is best known as the ‘Janus’ by the Romans. ‘Dvi-Mukha’ is the one with two faces; this form of Ganapati is affiliated with Shravana Nakshatra. He wears a bejeweled crown on his head, holding his broken tusk, pasa, ankusha and ratna kumbha - This is a Chaturbhuja avatar of Ganapati.

Trimukha Ganapati:

‘Tri-Mukha’ refers to three faces; this Ganapati is connected to the Nakshatra of Dhanishta - affiliated to red like most forms of him; he holds rudraksha mala, Ankush, pasa, and a vessel of divine elixir. With his front hands in Abhaya and Varada mudras, respectively, this is a Shashbhuja avatar of Ganapati.

Simha Ganapati:

Deriving the name from his mount in this form, ‘Simha’ or the lion symbolizes the strength and fearlessness of the deity - this form of Ganapati exudes courage and grants his devotees might upon his worship. He holds veena, a twig from kalpavriksha, padma, ratna kumbha, chakra, and flowers; this Ashtabhuja avatar of Ganapati’s forward hands are marked in generous mudras of Abhaya and Varada.

Yoga Ganapati: 

Set in the complexion of the rising sun, Ganapati here is consumed in Japa, with intense concentration in a Yogic posture. He holds a japa mala, pasa, yoga staff, and sugar cane stalk. Aligning with the Nakshatra of Purva Bhadrapada - this is a Chaturbhuja avatar of Ganapati.

Durga Ganapati:

Revered for his ‘invincibility,’ this form of Ganapati exudes a golden aura. Associated with Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra - he holds a bow and arrow, pasa, ankusha, japa mala, broken tusk, and rose apple. This is an Ashtabhuja avatar of Ganapati.

Sankathara Ganapati:

Sankatahara Ganapati is best known as ‘the dispeller of sorrow’ quite literally the one who takes away the sorrow and grief of the people. ‘Sankat-hara’or the dispeller of adversities, is the final manifestation of Ganapati. Seated with his consort Shakti, he glows like the sun. Holding a vessel of kheer/payasam, pasa, and ankusha, his last hand is carved in varada mudra. This is a Chaturbhuja avatar of Ganpati.


The mighty god Ganesha along with all of his 32 forms brings blessings and positivity to the disciples as it rejuvenates the spirituality, peace, and immense harmony by removing all the obstacles from the disciple’s life. The many faces of Lord Ganesha, as found in the Mudgala Purana, reveal the diverse expressions of the human spirit. Each form reflects the life aspect, providing comfort, instructions, and blessings to worshipers.

Whether the playful Bala Ganapati form or the Sankathara Ganapati, each form brings out a different devotion in the believer's heart. These manifestations are represented by lively colors and intricate details as a fabric for devotion, symbolism, and spirituality. When it comes to Lord Ganesha, it is a timeless source of inspiration, wisdom, and invitation for all to join in the dance of life.

The individual spiritual rituals that are performed to seek blessings from the forms of Ganesha bring ultimate aura and pragmatic energies. Each form of Ganesha leaves us with vital teachings and ultimate life lessons that motivate us to be more mindful of our lives. By grasping knowledge and teachings from these 32 forms of Ganesha we can be more closer to the divine wisdom of the Vighnaharta.

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  • Superb information too good
    Atmaram N S Nadkarni February 01, 2025
  • A great list of Sri Ganesha.Makes me want to start collecting!
    Sheila Jacklin September 11, 2024