The author devoted six months for this research while discharging his duty as a Judge of Bombay High Court. His discoveries are the subject matter of this book. They are widely acclaimed by the Sariskrit and Vedic scholars.
There are three views or schools of thought about Vedas. One traditional school believes that Vedas contain everything but it is unable to prove, if called upon. Second school of thought is that Vedas are classical poetry or literature or at the most they are prayers offered the Gods and Goddesses, who represent Nature and, the third view is that the Vedas do not contain anything worthy of taking cognizance. The approach of the writer is through intuition and is without belonging to any of the aforesaid three schools. He was wonders struck to find that the Vedas contain everything that the Modem Science has revealed. Out of the 44,000 books written on Vedas all over the world, this research may be something different and outstanding.
It is a moment of great pleasure and pride for me to present my research in Vedas to the intellectual community world over.
My study of Vedas and the research was accidental or you may say that it was destiny. For three months before I opened Atharva Veda I went into deep meditation or Dhyanyoga just to find out what is the correlation between Gayatri Mantra and the Sun. After about three months I accidentally opened the Marathi translation of Atharva-Veda by the great Vedic Scholar, late Siddheshwar Shastri Chitrav of Pune, and found a Vedic hymn - ‘one who contemplates easily on the real, basic and true form of the Sun can grasp and understand the ultimate truth of all deities.’
This gave me further inspiration to study Vedas and very soon I came across certain Vedic hymns or Ruchas which described the entire theory of magnetism.
Six months of my study thereafter was most amazing and astonishing. The very index of this book will show what I discovered and found in Vedas. They include everything from atom to cosmology.
This research was first published in Marathi by Popular Prakashan of Shri Ramdas Bhatkal. For the publication ceremony of this book I invited Hon’ble Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, who was then Chairman of ISRO. I had sent to him translation of seven chapters of my research. He appreciated my work very much and suggested that I should approach Dr. Anil Kakodkar, Chairman of Atomic Energy Commission. The letter of Dr. Kalam appears just before this preface.
The book was then published at the hands of Dr.Kakodkar and Dr.Siddhartha Wakankar of Vadodara, a well known Vedic Scholar.
The book then received an award from the Govt. of Maharashtra and another award from Pane Tilak Vidyalay, Vile Pane, Mumbai. The Marathi book was very much appreciated by readers and scholars and its second edition is now published.
The English translation is the outcome of tremendous interest and enthusiasm shown by Shri. G. N. Kamat, Advocate and one-time public prosecutor in City Civil & Sessions Court, Mumbai. He was amazed by my research and took upon himself the enormous task of translation. Mr. Kamat apart from being a keen student of science, is an original thinker and is deeply rooted in meditation and kundalini yoga. He has, however, not translated the Marathi thesis word by word. That was his style. But I have seen that his style does not affect the flow of logic and thinking adopted by me. However I must clarify that English cannot carry cent percent of what I found in my research. This is not because English does not possess adequate words or vocabulary. But every language carries with it, all its culture, tradition and philosophy. The concept, a language expresses are special to that language and they cannot be properly transliterated. I can give many illustrations here but one is sufficient.
Ayurveda uses three terminology Waat, Pitta and Kapha. These are three types in which all the human beings are classified for the purpose of grouping and diagnosis. Unless one gets some basic knowledge of Ayurveda he cannot understand the significance and meaning of these terms. But not knowing these special characteristics, they are translated in English as Air for Waat, Fire for Pitta and Water for Kapha.
Now, air, fire and water as known to English knowing people are totally different from Waat, Pitta and Kapha. There is not even five percent similarity in these words in English and Avurveda. Therefore those readers who know only English will form totally distorted opinion about these concepts of Ayurveda leading to misunderstanding and misinterpretation of Ayurveda.
Same thing has happened with all the Vedas when English knowing scholars embarked upon the study of the Vedas and this resulted in total misunderstanding of the Vedas.
This misunderstanding is not only among the English knowing scholars but also among the Indian scholars. The reason was that the Vedic Sanskrit is totally and basically different from literary Sanskrit. Vedic grammer is totally and basically different from other grammer. Not considering this basic difference, the scholars and researchers tried to give most common meaning to Vedic terminologies and came to wrong conclusions. For example Dhenu as in literary Sanskrit was regarded as cow, Ashwa as horse, Odan mean cooked rice and Brabmodan means rice cooked for sacrificial fire, all such translations and interpretations of Vedas therefore resulted in misunderstanding and misconceptions.
Another reason for this confusion was that the Vedas are more than five thousand years old. The material things referred in Vedas or described therein are not available for comparison. In the excavation of Mohenjodaro and Harappa we have come across many articles used by those people but their language is still unknown to us. Therefore, we do not know what was the name for a pot, a cow, and idol, a city or a village in their language. Therefore we have only fifty percent knowledge of those cultures. On the other hand, we have Vedas with us but no means to know which articles, things or objects are referred to as Dhenu, Ashwa and so on.
In fact a word carries with it the simple meaning, the hidden or secret meaning, the meaning with reference to context, the literary meaning, the traditional meaning, the scientific meaning etc. There are about fifteen ways a word can be used and interpreted. But even then, most of the attempts to interpret Vedas were by ascribing the meanings by literary standard. I found that this approach was not correct.
Luckily for me I was not a Vedic scholar and hence not bound by traditions. My mind was totally free, unbiased or without any prejudices or convictions. I delved into Vedas without any preconceived ideas. And this proved to be great asset in itself.
If you look upon Vedas by literary standard then Vedas are, as they are, understood and studied in all the 44000 books published on Vedas all over the world. But if we look at Vedas from my mind of approach then Vedas are nothing but an encyclopedia of all modem sciences.
My approach is not to take the literary meaning of Vedas but try to find out the concepts explained in them. My approach is to find out the hidden meaning, the causes for expressing things in such obscure way or manner.
One illustration in this regard is sufficient. Vratya is a terminology used in Atharva Veda. Literary or traditional meaning of Vratya is a man without any kind of sanskars. If you accept this meaning then the whole chapter does not give you any clear and concrete idea of what a Vratya is. But when I studied this chapter again and again I realized what Vratya actually is.
A hymn or Rucha described Vratya as under: meaning: I salute or do Pranam to Vratya who faces east in the morning and west in the evening.
This hymn or Rucha made me think again and again. I realized that if I can properly decipher this hymn, then the whole concept of Vratya will be unfolded before me.
While concentrating on this hymn I suddenly remembered about comets. I got excited by this intuition and opened encyclopaedia. Britanica about comets and to my astonishment I found the following sentence ‘comets are often seen near the western horizon after sunset and near eastern horizon before sunrise.’
After this revelation the entire chapter on Vratya was found to be devoted to Comets. And from that I learnt that Vedic Rishis were knowing everything about comets what we know in this twenty first century with the help of all the spacecrafts and telescopes.
My research is therefore of such kind. I have ample proof to show that Vedas contain all knowledge of modern sciences including atoms, astronomy, chemistry, physics, cosmology and what not.
My study of Vedas have given me a new insight for looking at Vedas. And that is - do not take the words of Vedas as per their traditional and literary meaning. Do not treat Dhenu as cow, Ashwa as Horse, Udaka or Jala as water which we drink, milk as cow’s milk or she buffalo ‘s milk, Indra as a deity with human like form, Asuras as Demons or Rakshas, rivers as flowing water.
With all the humility I must admit that I do not proclaim that every word of my research is true and correct. Some theories may not be cent percent correct, some may be fifty percent near truth. But there are many theories and interpretations which are cent percent true and scientific. And therefore with pride I can say that change your approach towards Vedas, try to find the hidden meaning and you will be amazed, astonished and surprised to know the depth of knowledge the Vedic Rishis possessed.
How did the Vedic Rishis know about all such things? This will be another aspect requiring deep and sincere research. Let somebody embark upon such study.
In the end I must thank all readers who appreciated my research. I also thank my stenos Mr.Chandan and Ms.Chandka for the valuable help they rendered in typing the English version and preparing the manuscript and also successfully completing the onerous task of proof correction.
My special thanks to Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan for selecting this work for publication. The reputation of Bhavan, I am confident, will take this book all over the world benefiting thereby the study and understanding of Vedas in proper perspective and with a totally new approach. That is the need of this age.
I must also mention the valuable assistance given to me by my daughters, Madhavi, Mrinal and Chetana in taking down the notes of my research. My brother Hrishikesh, who is a good critic with sound background of scientific approach also rendered valuable help in making me understand different branches of science.
Many well wishers who do not want to be acknowledged have not only inspired me but also gave valuable suggestions and assistance in this research. I must sincerely thank them. Last but not the least, the entire credit for this intuitional research goes to my Goddess Bhagawati Durga. She is behind each of my creation. I owe everything to her.
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